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Debris: the magenta harvest: liquid flesh de ...and Oceans


Cypher (insect angels & devil worms)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Debris: the magenta harvest: liquid flesh

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There lies a body: cold, bloated and empty
like all the other: victims together
the happiness in silence: good without pretence
and the last day: with a smile on the face
There lies a body: pretty soak in ebony
like all the worms: in their corridors
liquid flesh endowed: to impure the ground
and the fallen souls: make the flowers grow

we float, drift and pass away
for ever and a day
The debris of time falls into oblivion
as heavens open its gates of lies
gone is the light of the sun
and nigh is the final harvest of life

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.