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A Tribe Called Red de Angel Haze


A Tribe Called Red - Single

14 de diciembre de 2013

Significado de A Tribe Called Red

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La canción "A Tribe Called Red" interpretada por Angel Haze es una poderosa declaración de determinación y perseverancia. Las letras reflejan la lucha interna y externa que el artista ha enfrentado en su camino hacia el éxito. Desde el comienzo, se establece un tono desafiante hacia los detractores y haters que intentan socavar su progreso. Angel Haze habla de superar la adversidad, desde los momentos en que fue subestimada hasta alcanzar las nubes de éxito a pesar de las dificultades.

La letra explora temas de empoderamiento personal, autoconfianza y resistencia contra aquellos que intentan detener su ascenso. La artista desafía a quienes dudan de ella, proclamando su determinación para demostrarles equivocados. En medio de versos contundentes, se destaca la importancia de asumir el control y tomar decisiones cruciales para cambiar el curso de la vida.

Angel Haze utiliza metáforas vívidas para transmitir la fuerza interior necesaria para alcanzar metas aparentemente inalcanzables. El mensaje principal es claro: no importa cuántas veces te derriben, siempre hay una oportunidad para levantarte con más fuerza y ​​alcanzar tus sueños.

Además, a lo largo de la canción se refleja un cambio interno en la artista, un proceso de transformación que le permite superar sus miedos y limitaciones pasadas. Se hace hincapié en la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo incluso cuando otros intentan desviarte del camino correcto.

En cuanto al género musical, "A Tribe Called Red" fusiona elementos del R&B, hip hop y rap para crear una atmósfera intensa y emocionante que complementa perfectamente las letras cargadas de significado. La instrumentación utilizada resalta el ritmo vigoroso y acompaña magistralmente las vocales poderosas de Angel Haze.

En términos históricos y culturales, esta canción destaca dentro del panorama musical contemporáneo por su mensaje motivador e inspirador. El contexto social actual impulsa a muchos artistas a abordar temas relacionados con la superación personal y la resiliencia, buscando llegar a un público amplio que encuentra consuelo o motivación en sus letras.

En resumen, "A Tribe Called Red" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un himno dedicado a aquellos que se niegan a rendirse ante los obstáculos y luchan por alcanzar sus sueños más allá de cualquier adversidad. La historia detrás de esta letra revela la fortaleza interior necesaria para enfrentar desafíos tanto externos como internos, resonando con cualquiera que busque inspiración en tiempos difíciles.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Back in the booth where the tragedy ends
Switch up the team, let the magic begin
Fuck all you haters, I'm in it to win
Way back when them losers were letting me in
All of these bitches is mad at me, so?
Money unpinned how they magically fold
Honestly really can't pay it no mind
Because spending that time means I'd rather be broke
I'm out here living my passions and more
Witnessing pieces that patch to my soul
Nothing can irritate mattes,
they literally showing them standards can turn into growth
Haters gonna hate when you winning and shit
Go for these bitches, they tend to forget
I'm out here yelling 'bitch, look at me now!'
I was once on the ground, now I'm stuck in the clouds
14 whole hours, a trip out to Spain
High in the clouds, but go jump in the rain
Just ten years later still fucking these haters
While facing my fears, no more running from pain
Haters gonna chase so I'm gunning with aim
No more fucking with bitches who stunting for fame
You can catch me out and something deranged
Ain't it funny how suddenly something can change?

You gotta make a decision to be the one difference
in your life and turn it around
Turn it around, turn it around
Even when you feel you dumming it down

Death with no pitching then tangle the cop
All nonbelievers better be silent
Not talking Jesus but honest to God
I reach my partner for
Switching those bitches, adjusting my flow
Go against me and get right from the go
All of you bitches keep taking your shot
But if won't come at me, then it's straight for your flow
Hotter than niggas and bitches around
Deities bragging, our neighbors is down
Don't fuck with my bread, & don't fuck with my head
Cause to get to that point I'm seriously vile
Promise you people that evil's alive
Wish you can see what I see with my eyes
All of the demons that be in mind
So I burned out my bridges and cut all my ties
Said I would do this back when I was 9
Said I would do this before I got signed
Said I would give all these and doubters
A reason and purpose to question their lives
Look where I am and then look where I've been
Tell me that I ain't destined to win
Never get power to none of you cowards
Then tell me what you think my destiny is

You gotta make a decision to be the one difference
in your life and turn it around
Turn it around, turn it around
Even when you feel you dumming it down

Gone for a minute but back on my grind
Promise to you and no messing my mind
Took all my job into submission
And force my ambition to step in the line
I know that they did not want me to shine
I know that they did not want me to climb
I know my side that being a boss,
me making these bitches get back on their jobs
Can anyone fuck with me now? No
How do these bitches respond? No
Looking behind and seeing me now
What, do they think I'm beyond? No
I'm just be taking my time, slow
Being alone in my mind, flow
Putting the concepts of all that's inside me into
this shit I'm designed for
Cross over the pit but I'm back in the game
That's right bitches, I'm tracking my lane
Focused on bridging the gap
And showing that you found a way to accomplish that dream
Know how it feels when they kicking you down
And it's getting you down
You gotta make the decision to be the one difference
in your life and turn it around

Turn it around, turn it around
Even when you feel you dumbing it down
I know it's hard to be adamant, too
When you stand out like a sore thumb in the crowd
No niggas and bitches and quitters aloud
Ball inside you until the survival of your dreams
Until you are living them out
Turn it around, turn it around
Even when you feel you dumming it down
You gotta make a decision to be the one difference
in your life and turn it around
Turn it around, turn it around
Even when you feel you dumming it down
You gotta make a decision to be the one difference
in your life and turn it around

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Angel Haze

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