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At the stake de Melvins


Stoner witch

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de At the stake

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La canción "At the Stake" es obra de la banda Melvins, incluida en su álbum "Stoner Witch", caracterizado por su estilo sludge, doom metal y stoner rock. La letra cuenta con distintas secciones a cargo de diferentes vocalistas como Skweetis, Queen, Sweet Willy Rollbar, Revolve, Goose Freight Train y Roadbull.

El significado detrás de la canción gira en torno a un ambiente oscuro y misterioso. Se mencionan elementos como la traición, la desolación y la pérdida. La repetición de frases como "maybe once and maybe came away" sugiere una sensación de desconexión o alejamiento. También se habla de deseos dejados de lado ("i took a quarter of your wishes / fed them all aside") y un misterio que permanece sin resolverse ("the weaker of the fortune's mystery / hasn't yet all appeared to me").

Las metáforas utilizadas en la canción pueden interpretarse como representaciones simbólicas de conflictos internos o emocionales. Se alude a sombras, culpas (blame's), abandonos y sorpresas inesperadas ("her allergy's been forsaken maybe / stir it all on at me"). Esto genera un clima denso e inquietante que invita a reflexionar sobre las consecuencias de nuestras acciones y las relaciones interpersonales marcadas por la desconfianza y el dolor.

En comparación con otras canciones de Melvins, "At the Stake" destaca por su ambigüedad emocional y sus imágenes crípticas. El tono melancólico y pesado se alinea con el sonido característico del álbum "Stoner Witch", creando una atmósfera única que sumerge al oyente en un viaje introspectivo.

Datos curiosos sobre la canción revelan que fue escrita en una época tumultuosa para la banda Melvins, marcada por cambios internos y tensiones creativas. Esta situación puede haber influido en la profundidad emocional plasmada en las letras y en la instrumentación oscura que acompaña el mensaje melancólico.

En conclusión, "At the Stake" es una pieza musical que invita a explorar los rincones más sombríos del ser humano. Con su poesía críptica e inquietante, logra transmitir una sensación de desazón y búsqueda constante de significado en medio del caos emocional. La complejidad lírica se entrelaza con el denso entramado sonoro creado por Melvins, ofreciendo una experiencia musical intensa e inmersiva para aquellos dispuestos a adentrarse en las profundidades del alma humana.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

when i sold you for you now
caught in a holder, yeah
mixed and rolled and scold you go
caught in a hollow yellow you.
Submitted by rene
as a measure of a soul
like a dumb run: bring your fear
you and me, we got the same air going
breathing here
you got sent the cold water you're in
like someone left to could half breathing
maybe me and the queen could take another order
lock it away
Oh little wish it away
i got time to wish away
little wish it away
Head look about for freedom
like a do-mo bring on feel
i might take the t-mind looker
love and see
high tongue hit the cold wide looker
aw damien has the free minds mover
maybe me and the queen could give a side order
love it away, yeah
Oh little wish it away
i got time to wish away
little wish it away
she don't hang
Submitted by rene
Sweet willy rollbar:
seeing ready chee like i sold your way
you make a mold of me shake it, like it yesterday
life without your smile i can free your tail right ?
I got a motor ready so ready i
i got a motive so that i don't.
Submitted by rene
Sweet willy rollbar:
a city baggage he, like a soul away
key-clapeora-plee shakin' like in yesterday
life without your smile, ringing through your
you gotta motor and it's on really high,
i gotta motor, surely i don't
Submitted by | µ¶·º¤«×__ k¥£ë m¢©@®th¥ __×»¤º·¶µ| (mccarthy)
freedom or lies step from, walk away
you gotta hold your time you gotta hit it with the right of way
maybe if you like to fight for any like of what's seen
either way it's sane either way it's gotta mean
red sister might be chokin' but i ain't about that kind
it'a a beat with the rythm of a body that was born to lose two times
Hey big body he said that i'm a true fortune lie
held my shoulder big pointy looks, big broken knives
They might try to hide they have to answer both dead sense
you might be right i could afford either way in
poison dandilion forms cross
big spoke down cross stick your head on the line
the flavor might be missin' he's last to cross that anyway
you can bet he can fiddle with the brothers to the power of another day
Hey big body he said that i'm a true fortune lie
held my shoulder big pointy looks, big broken knives
Two of them stole my might one of them stole my time didn't you say what you wanted denied
Submitted by jason penner
freedom's all lies, different walk-away
you gotta hold your tongue
you gotta hit 'em with the right of way.
maybe i blocked you from your intellectual scene,
in a way insane,
in a way it's gotta be.
red sister might be chokin',
but i ain't about that kind
answer me with the rhythm of a body that was born to lose two times.
Hey big motor
he says that i"m a true fortune lie
hang my shoulder
big broken love
big broken knives.
They might try to hide,
they have to answer mordant sins
you might be right, like a hole in the wind.
poison dandelion forms cross.
mix broke down cross,
takes your head off the line.
the flavor might be missing,
he has to cross that anyway.
you can bet you can riddle with the brothers to the power of another day.
Hey big motor
he says that i'm a true fortune lie.
hang my shoulder,
big broken love big broken knives.
Doin' it says i'm meat.
which one stole my time?
didn't you say you'd watch it?
didn't i?
evil stripped in me.
three more stripped in time.
didn't you say you've got it?
watch me, i. . .
Submitted by rene
Goose freight train:
oh die they gone and left me for her
on the way
each every time a think the wheel around
and it's gone
i got a reason for heading home
it's not serene
it don't make sense to me
i got the four eyes blooming under half of my bed
seems to jingle as the razor comes with color and claw
i see it shine i see it stare
holding hearts in my hand
take the master morgue and make her have it sitting on side
let the glory boy of mr. henry have it alright.
while it's in front of me
keeps me insane.
disguised to take away the feeling the house survives
but all on demand
disguise thrown over me
teenage hand
oh die you should have known you could have rested on me
each every time i kept the reel alive
you took me for the drive
to feel the fear and it's hard. . .
Submitted by rene
bull / you square
is it all on your demand?
seems as to
where i see, yeah
i'm for the gingeree
miss it all miss it all
Get loud make war make freedom
get loud make war make freedom
get loud make war make freedom
in the path of gingeree
i'll warm and hold the key
been warned in time
i let the war man die.
Submitted by rene
At the stake:
maybe once and maybe came away
i took a quarter of your wishes
fed them all aside
the weaker of the fortune's mystery
hasn't yet all appeared to me
but then i never wanted more than 3
Shade's know any reason
blame's are all i see
her allergy's been forsaken maybe
stir it all on at me
So it seems and so it's came away
might be the voicings frighten
and so it's gotten me
the weaker of the fortune's mystery
has finally pissed indee
indeed, made it for the ee
Shade's know any reason
flames are all i see
hala-tease been forsaken maybe
stirin all on a lee
now they're gonna burn me
make all my flesh away'd
real green turnin half ball shakin
leave me, horror day.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.