Dice la canción

Ditty de Paperboy


The nine yards

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Ditty

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La canción "Ditty" interpretada por Paperboy nos transporta a la era de los noventa con un ritmo contagioso y letras llenas de actitud. Desde el principio, el artista establece su presencia con versos que hablan sobre su seguridad personal y su éxito con las mujeres. Nos introduce en su mundo donde la música y la diversión se mezclan en una atmósfera de despreocupación.

La letra de la canción nos revela la mentalidad del artista como un seductor, hábil en el arte de la conquista. A través de metáforas y rimas ingeniosas, Paperboy se presenta como un hombre seguro de sí mismo, rodeado de mujeres atraídas por su estilo único. Expresa sus experiencias con humor y confianza, creando una narrativa que refleja su vida llena de fiestas, dinero y éxito.

En medio de versos pegajosos y un ritmo vibrante, encontramos mensajes profundos sobre la vida nocturna, las relaciones fugaces y el deseo desenfrenado. Paperboy juega con las palabras para construir una imagen cautivadora de sí mismo como un líder carismático en un mundo lleno de oportunidades.

A través de "Ditty", podemos vislumbrar la creatividad del artista al combinar elementos del rap y hip-hop con tonalidades armoniosas que añaden capas adicionales a la canción. La estructura musical refleja su habilidad para crear melodías pegajosas que invitan al oyente a dejarse llevar por el ritmo.

La canción ofrece un vistazo a la cultura urbana de los años noventa, donde el estilo y la actitud eran fundamentales para destacar entre la multitud. Paperboy se presenta como un personaje carismático que disfruta del éxito sin disculpas, encapsulando el espíritu optimista y despreocupado de esa época.

En resumen, "Ditty" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una ventana al pasado que nos invita a disfrutar del momento presente con su energía contagiosa. A través de sus letras ingeniosas y su ritmo envolvente, Paperboy logra capturar la esencia misma del hip-hop de los años noventa, manteniendo viva su música en nuestra memoria colectiva.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yo, this is somethin' comin' from the nine deuce
another fat, fat track so rhythm d, pour the orange juice
and let's relax while sippin' on yak because it's like that
i'm causious of ho's, so paperboy wears prophilatic
i wear a jimmy for the skins cuz it's a long trip
front row seats, aiyo i know she's on the nine inch
just to get a peice of the green but she's an undertaker
now you know the paper is an around the world heart-breaker
if you think i fell for yo, had to have a breakdown
playin' you fools, so now you know why my belly's round
takin' the rap back up and scoopin' up crowds just like a steel shovel
not from the ghetto, but yo, takin' it to another level
let the beat ride, but hold on to your women, g
cuz now that i'm rich so many women wanna do me
it make a man say "damn"
i'm finally taxin' more play than homey sam
but let me speak to the weak, i mean the rookies
my time is help up, extremely for cookies
just let me clock this groove in ninety two
hey, you don't bother me and i sure 'nuff won't bother you
and ah, you just watch a brother flowin' like niagra
think before you step, because these lyrics just might stag ya
although i'm labeled with the black fade
it's gold d's on my foreign gold lex, cuz i got it made
i broke the beat once again because i had to
and just like jody watley, baby girl, i can have you
just let me work this track, and yo, any way is ok
your place or mine, all night until the next day
Do the ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you
just do the ditty-ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you
Now here we go from the top
second verse of the same song
with the conclusion, i should be out before the ding-dong.
it's just a mad park a grip, g
it's like every nickel and dime nigga be like
"see, don't you remember me?"
a hustler, and it's on with more hoes to play low
keep 'em chunky like prego, so they can leggo with my eggo
i have a tendancy to flow, start off with my own groove
pick up the mic, and all of a sudden, i see high movin'
guess it's like magic, and paperboy is the magician
if i was a vaccum i'd be suckin' up competition
let it ride again, and yo, belive i got my own thing
straight bahama hoes so miss me with the chick from soul train
and i'm a break my note, just to show up token
tote on his ass when i scoop him, cuz we bud smokin'
a black man tryin' to make it and that ain't no fair
but just like bebe and cece, i'll take you there
Do the ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you
just do the ditty-ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you
Now here we go
uh, let's take a trip to another land
park a grip, come back and watch the hoes tan
jump in the lex-o, and roll out to my cabin
believe me, my brother, more hoes than you can imagine
all on the ding-a-ling, just because the gold rings
but i'm like a supah choke, you ain't heard a damn thing
make sure you got the jim hats, strapped for protection
because to me, my life is more than my erection
and give me a hand,`if you a fan, it ain't over yet
cuz doin' the ditty with paperboy makes the ocean sweat
leave you kinda startled like the funk off of fritos
make you man jealous, while hoes cheese like doritos
it ain't my fault, i lay the piper with concern
and i ain't from mount vernon, but a brother's money-earnin'
and for those disagree, and then jack, that's a pitty
just bob your head for paperboy and the ditty
Do the ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you
just do the ditty-ditty if you want to
because then i can see if i want you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.