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Light Em Up (RIP Doe B) de T.i.



14 de octubre de 2014

Significado de Light Em Up (RIP Doe B)

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La canción "Light Em Up (RIP Doe B)" interpretada por T.I. es una poderosa expresión que aborda la tragedia de perder a un ser querido y la frustración ante la injusticia y la violencia en el mundo. A través de sus letras, el artista reflexiona sobre las expectativas truncadas y el potencial perdido de alguien cercano que lamentablemente no logró alcanzar sus sueños.

El tema comienza cuestionando por qué vivimos solo para el momento presente, mientras observa cómo muchos se sumergen en la oscuridad y siguen un camino maligno. T.I. expone la realidad de estar rodeado de odio, violencia y traición, donde las personas pueden llegar al extremo de atacar a aquellos que tienen más éxito o talento.

La canción hace referencia a las luchas internas y externas que enfrentan aquellos que buscan triunfar en un entorno hostil, señalando la presencia del mal acechando para robar los destinos brillantes en ciernes. Se destaca la importancia de proteger lo valioso que hemos construido y no permitir que fuerzas destructivas nos lo arrebaten.

En el verso dedicado a Doe B, T.I. recuerda con melancolía su encuentro y su ascenso en la industria musical. Describe su talento innato y su personalidad única, marcando cómo tristemente fue víctima del odio y la envidia de otros. El artista relata conversaciones pasadas con Doe B, revelando sus últimas interacciones antes de enterarse dolorosamente de su trágica muerte.

El estribillo "Get your lighters up" invita a honrar la memoria del fallecido encendiendo una llama simbólica en su honor, destacando el deseo compartido de justicia y reconocimiento hacia aquellos que se fueron demasiado pronto.

En el contexto cultural del lanzamiento de esta canción en 2014, T.I. aprovecha su plataforma para abordar problemas sociales relevantes como la violencia armada, los celos entre pares e incluso los persistentes retos dentro de la industria musical. La colaboración con Pharrell Williams añade una capa adicional al mensaje transmitido, fusionando diferentes estilos musicales para crear una experiencia auditiva única.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, "Light Em Up" incorpora elementos característicos del hip-hop y rap contemporáneo con una producción cuidadosa que combina ritmos contundentes con melodías emotivas. Los instrumentos utilizados contribuyen a enfatizar las emociones presentes en la letra, creando así una conexión profunda entre los oyentes y la narrativa expuesta.

En resumen, esta canción representa un tributo sentido hacia aquellos cuyas vidas fueron truncadas prematuramente debido a circunstancias desafortunadas o acciones maliciosas. A través de sus letras sinceras y emotivas, T.I. canaliza sentimientos de nostalgia, pérdida e indignación, recordándonos la fragilidad de nuestra existencia y la importancia de valorar cada momento vivido junto a quienes amamos.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it

Tell me why it is now that we live only for the moment?
Erybody going deeper to the dark
Point of no return, following the evil
Running from the Lord, hatred in the heart
Off a nigga, poison a nigga
Used to play and trade toys with a nigga
Now you gotta go to war with a nigga
Just because you got more than a nigga
Motherfuckers kamikaze you
They rather die then see you live fly
Crabs in a barrel, in ghetto America
Man, we just lucky that we make it out
See so much potential, lost some reputation
You would think eventually we will get it
They say you got it, they don't even want it
It just hurt so much for them to see you with it
What I know 'bout Satan, he patiently wait
To rob and steal and kill off greatness in the making
What we put together never let 'em take it
Goddamn shawty you were 'pose to make it

You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it, huh

Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up

You know when I met you, sitting in the car
Buckhead in the mall, you was something special
He was just a young nigga, still he never got excited
It was hard to overwhelm a fat nigga
With a eye patch, swingin' hard
Reppin' role tide Alabama
You can tell he was kickin' too much flavor
On a country nigga, made 'em wanna kill him
Still to see him smiling shawty, he be chillin'
Nigga wish him dead, he ain't even feel it
At your video, I could feel the then
We was at the club, nigga couldn't get it in
They was stuck outside, start to look at you
And as you should, you looked like "fuck I 'posed to do?"
Asked you 'bout it then, said "ay brah you cool?"
You said "I ain't worry 'bout the lil dude"
Get they feelings hurt, got a attitude
They'll come around in a year or two"
Made you Hustle Gang, let you in the family
Said "I get you rich" you said "you won a Grammy"
Showed you how to mix the Actavis with candy
Doin' 160 with me, he ain't panic
Called me yesterday, I say "lil bro what's happening?
Working with Pharell, chillin' in Miami"
All you said was "Run it, book the flight I'm coming
'Fore I leave though, I gotta handle something""
I just said "okay", I hung up the phone
Couple hours later, damn my nigga gone

You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it, huh

Devil's business, my brother gone
Supposed to be a living legend, hating nigga sent you home
But when we see that guy, we gon' treat him like the sky
On the 4th of July, and light him up

Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up
You was supposed to make it
You was supposed to make it
Get your lighters up, lighters up
Get your lighters up, lighters up]

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.