Dice la canción

Bridgette de The


Bridgette (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Bridgette" es una composición del grupo musical The. A través de sus letras, se narra la historia de un encuentro sexual con una chica llamada Bridgette, con matices de humor y crudos detalles que podrían incomodar a algunos oyentes. La canción refleja una actitud desenfadada y desinhibida hacia las relaciones íntimas, sin mostrar respeto por la mujer mencionada.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, se puede interpretar como un relato vulgar y ofensivo que reduce a la mujer a un simple objeto sexual, sin tener en cuenta sus sentimientos o dignidad. Las referencias a acciones violentas o degradantes hacia Bridgette reflejan una falta total de empatía y respeto por su integridad.

Es importante señalar que las expresiones utilizadas en la canción son misóginas y denigrantes hacia las mujeres, lo cual no solo resulta inapropiado, sino que promueve una visión negativa de las relaciones humanas y fomenta estereotipos perjudiciales.

Desde el punto de vista cultural y social, este tipo de letras contribuyen a perpetuar la cosificación de la mujer y refuerzan patrones machistas que deben ser rechazados en cualquier sociedad avanzada. Es fundamental sensibilizar sobre la importancia del respeto mutuo en todas las interacciones personales, incluyendo las relaciones íntimas.

En cuanto a la estructura musical y los instrumentos utilizados en la canción, es probable que se trate de un tema rap o hip-hop debido al contenido lírico explícito y a la naturaleza agresiva de los versos. Probablemente se acompañe de ritmos rápidos y bases pesadas para enfatizar el tono desafiante del mensaje transmitido.

Dentro del panorama musical actual, esta canción podría considerarse polémica por su tratamiento irrespetuoso hacia las mujeres y su lenguaje soez. Es importante reflexionar sobre el impacto que este tipo de contenidos puede tener en nuestra percepción colectiva sobre el género femenino y trabajar para promover valores más positivos e inclusivos en la industria musical.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

( talking about brigette)
There once was a girl i knew named bridgette
She asked me was my dick a grown man or a midgette
Of course i had to show her all my balls, ring ding-aling
I whipped out my whopper but we wasn't at burger king
Nuthin' more said, she grabbed it like a vice grip
And as the do you mind if i nibble this? no.
I took her to the back of the studio
And, she ate up on the doc like a cheerio
I told the bitch yo please don't bite me
Then she made me scream when she grabbed the balls tightly
So i slapped the bitch for goin' out like a sucka
My dick was in her mouth so she bit the motherfucka
To make her stop i pulled up on her extensions
And left jimmy standin' at attention
The look in my eyes said "bitch you are gonner"
Now i think back to the day i should a peed on her
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i knew, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i screwed, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
So ya know bridgette called me the next day
Just to apologize so i said ok
She claims she wants to make it up to the
And ya know i'm still out to get the pussy
Tried to be nice cause i didn't want to dis her
Passed mickey d's and went to the sizzler
Ordered the food she started rubbin' on my knees
Then i could tell that she wanted to fuck me
She said lets get dinner and i had a fit

At ten dollars a plate i said fuck that shit
Yo, that's the main reason our relationship was for me
Why, cause bridgette was too fuckin' horny
She said please excuse me for a minute
To powder my nose i said yeah i'm with it
She took a long time the food came and i'm chewin'
Thinkin' to my self what the fuck is she doin'
Went to look for her and i heard screamin'
Looked in the room and the waiters were teamin'
Up on a bitch like it ain't no thang
But then i flipped cause it was bridgette gettin gang banged
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i knew, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i screwed, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, yo dre, that nigga screwed the bitch too, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, i'd wear a rubber if i were you, yo,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
So you know bridgette called me the next day
Just to apologize so i said ok
She claims she wants to come over and see me
And do anything to fuck the
She said she loves me but i didn't say loved her
Went to the store and got me some rubbers
Then i made a phone call up to the guys
Boy this bitch is in for big suprise
When she came in put on a slow record
Said a few lines and the bitch got naked
Laid her on the bed and told her suck my dick
Then ran eazy, cube, and dre out the closet
Turned her ass over, laid the ho on her back
Then we rode the bitch like a mutherfuckin' amtrack
Dre had the back and eazy had the front
(i'm behind ice cube cause that's where the line started)
Bitch gettin' dogged by the doc and
Dogged the bitch out in each and every way
That's what i thought but with a girl bridgette
The dumb ass ho, she liked this shit
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i knew, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, was a girl that i screwed, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, yo dre, that nigga screwed the bitch too, but,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
Bridgette, bridgette, i'd wear a rubber if i were you, yo,
Bridgette was a dumb ho, bridgette was a dumb ho
( talking about brigette)