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NYNEX ft. Quelle Chris, Denmark Vessey & E L U C I D de ​billy Woods



27 de septiembre de 2024

Significado de NYNEX ft. Quelle Chris, Denmark Vessey & E L U C I D

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La canción "NYNEX", interpretada por billy Woods en colaboración con Quelle Chris, Denmark Vessey y E L U C I D, forma parte del álbum "Aethiopes", lanzado el 8 de abril de 2022. Englobada dentro del hip hop alternativo, esta pieza musical destaca por su lirismo denso y cargado de referencias culturales, políticas y sociales.

Desde los primeros versos, billy Woods establece un ambiente crudo y realista que invita a la reflexión. Habla de elementos como la “quina” y el alcohol, que simbolizan no solo un intento de evasión, sino también una crítica al futuro que se nos presenta. Cuando menciona a Rachel Dolezal en este contexto, se está refiriendo a un fenómeno social sobre apropiación cultural y las complejidades de la identidad racial en Estados Unidos. Esta línea es elocuente en cuanto a cómo los sistemas establecidos pueden distorsionar la percepción del futuro y lo que realmente significa ser auténtico.

El uso recurrente de imágenes perturbadoras –como la comparación entre los hijos del "amo" y sus padres– pone de manifiesto una ironía substancial sobre cómo determinados patrones sociales tienden a repetirse cíclicamente. En este sentido, el protagonista parece contemplar cómo las generaciones que vienen están atrapadas en un destino oscuro bajo la sombra del pasado colonial. La frase "verdad, el futuro son niños" resuena aquí como una declaración pesimista sobre el desarrollo social: aunque hay esperanza para las futuras generaciones, actualmente el camino hacia adelante parece sombrío.

A medida que avanza la letra, encontramos términos como "prisión", que aparecen constantemente aludiendo a limitaciones impuestas tanto físicas como mentales. El estribillo reitera esta noción con fuerza: “Said we in a prison”, conectando definitivamente los sentimientos de claustrofobia e insatisfacción con algo más profundo y estructural. La repetición actúa casi como una llamada a despertar ante una realidad difícil de ignorar.

El tono emocional oscila entre una melancolía reflexiva y un sarcasmo mordaz; billy Woods incorpora elementos autobiográficos junto a críticas sociales bien afiladas. Las líneas donde menciona movimientos culturales o referencias pop como “Jeremy Scotts on my ankle” colocan al oyente en un lugar donde lo evidente choca con lo revolucionario: mientras algunos buscan autenticidad o relevancia cultural por medio del consumo superficial, otros reflexionan sobre sus raíces desde una postura crítica.

Entre las capas del mensaje subyace también una exploración intensa acerca del dolor inherente al progreso humano; además señala cómo "el sufrimiento ajeno también contribuye al avance económico”. Esta observación podría parecer brusca, pero refleja las dinámicas presentes en nuestras economías contemporáneas donde algunas desgracias son monetizadas.

La estructura musical se acompaña de ritmos innovadores propios del trap alternativo editable dentro del hip hop contemporáneo. A través de cambios abruptos o pausas estratégicas genera tensión rítmica que complementa perfectamente las emociones transmitidas por las letras memorables.

En conclusión, "NYNEX" no solo desafía al oyente mediante composiciones complejas reevaluando no solo el presente sino también ofreciendo críticas potentes hacia narrativas históricas persistentes. Con su estilo distintivo y letras provocativas billy Woods logra posicionar esta obra mucho más allá de simples rimas; es un manifiesto artístico lleno de denuncia e introspección sobre nuestra época actual e involucra radicalmente al oyente invitándolo a cuestionar lo cotidiano.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Quinine powder and alcohol, stir until dissolved
The future isn't flying cars, it's Rachel Dolezal absolved
It's autonomous computers sendin' shooters back in time at the behest of defunct message boards
Translucent man-of-war, the tentacles caress my paramour
Implored the bitch to be sensible
The slave master's children all looked identical
True, the future is children, but whatever future you buildin' already look misеrable
Natural beauty, Savage Fеnty, we strip mined the minerals
The trailer is the movie, Bobby Digital

Said he had a vision, said he had a system
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a mission
Said we in a prison
Said he had a vision, said he had a system
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a mission
Said we in a prison

I do a dance from '86, I'm a simple machine
Hammering the myth, pullin' it from the extreme
The only answer sits, sits right in between
She been playin' in my scalp 'bout an hour it seem
In a place called now buyin' flowers and leaves
Black soap, crack, choke under masonic sword
From where they tax hold two thousand dollar reward
Found on the road, dead, pulling cotton from thorns
Scary hour, heretic, kicks canary
Travel Fox, wouldn't step in blood, wouldn't
Bend the bitch one-eighty, what she asked for
I been playin' in her ass more
Hand of God, slept walked from Land of Nod
Heavy lidded, past door front, tabernacle door, seeing everything
Unknown pleasure from the belly sing
My name already ring
My neighbor never a word but always listening
Thin walls, scream a full word
No convincin' 'em

Akh said he had a vision, said he had a system
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a mission
Said we in a prison
Said he had a vision, said he had a system
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a mission
Said we in a prison
Said he had a vision, say he had a system
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a mission
Said we in a prison

Medu Neter in a love letter
Dove tears in the inkwell for a dove feather
I make a dovetail when I spread the bills, blood money
Heard blood sells, said it was a gimmick
Sex sells, the Lord said I must replenish
Get out my light, you already in my image
My eyes can meet your twinkle and glisten
Jeremy Scotts on my ankle, in prison
This the flow that got Ponzi scheme written all over it
Seen the ball of black slime, I pump fake a whole piston
Got infrared Jesus posted jumpin' out the prism
Primary colors for prescription
I prefer my bluntin' smothered in addiction (Yeah)
Subjugation is the mother of invention
Someone's pain is some other motherfucker's pension
Your daddy was a rich man, stole an invention

Said he had a vision, said he had a mission (Said he had a)
Said he was the one true and living, said he had a system (Said he had a system)
Said he had a mission (Said he had a mission)
(Said he had a mission)
Said he had a (Said he had a)
Said he had a

Said he had a mission
Some niggas run when they see niggas runnin'
Some niggas run and see
I be the latter
Four thousand years after King James claimed God's great (Who, me?)
I said I'm flattered, time hoppin' like Peabody and Sherm
Eyes bleedin' like Giuliani, peaking, felt little concern
My imperfection's impressive, take L's to the chest like Laverne
Used to rock a tar baby perm, Brer Rabbit habit
Moves documented by the coons
And all the gatekeepers walk pageant
Ooh, delicioso, fresh madness, steamin'
Right up out the pot, no seasonin'
E'rybody wanna be the next big thing to pop out Mother Nature's gato breathin'
Spells, chants, incantations, readings
Yeah, nigga, it's all that
Niggas thought we was writin' raps and we manipulate seasons
That's no cap and all caps at the same time
Maasai walks the same line
Canonically and sonically, I was in the same mind
Don't need four or five g's to call shots like a land line
Straight from the spine, handle mine
Sidesteppin' like it's hammer time
Deep cut so fire that it cauterizes

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.