Blood Under the Skin (Script) de Adventure Time
Letra de Blood Under the Skin (Script)
Cut to an establishing shot of the treehouse.
FINN: Get it, get it!
Cut inside the treehouse to a close-up of a ladybug. Finn leaps up with a sword and Jake leaps up with a shield, both of them shouting. Finn strikes the ground next to the ladybug and allows the bug to crawl on his sword before lifting it up into the air..
JAKE: Get him out!
Finn takes the bug outside.
FINN: Don't you ever let me catch you here again!
Finn puts the ladybug on a blade of grass and goes back inside.
FINN: Whoo-hoo! Yeah-haha!
Finn closes the door.
FINN: Ah! Ow!
Zoom in on a close-up of a splinter in Finn’s finger. He touches it and begins yelling in pain.
JAKE: Did he get you with his poison stingers?
FINN: No. I got a splinter from the door.
JAKE: Let me see. Wow, that's a tiny splinter.
FINN: But it hurts! I'm gonna need some-
Cut to a close-up shot of Finn’s finger with a thimble on it.
FINN: -finger protection! Thanks, Choose Goose.
CHOOSE GOOSE: I am Choose Goose. Come back for some juice!
Choose Goose laughs. Finn and Jake walk away from his shop.
FINN: Man, I am so protected right now!
KNIGHT 1: That is mighty thick.
Finn and Jake see some knights in the market standing together.
KNIGHT 1: Go on, hit me!
Another knight swings their sword at the first knight. Their sword breaks in half. The knights all applaud. The second knight makes an okay-sign and clicks.
FINN: Hey guys, check this out! (He turns to Jake.) Dude, hit me!
Jake punches Finn’s arm.
FINN: Ow! On my armor!
Jake punches Finn’s thimble. Finn makes an okay-sign and clicks. The knights all began to laugh.
KNIGHT 1: That is but a thimble! (He taps on his armor.) This is real armor.
The knights all laugh. Finn looks angry. A loud sound plays. Cut to a flock of black birds squawking and flying through the frame to reveal Sir Slicer on horseback. Leaves swirl behind him.
KNIGHTS: Sir Slicer!
The knights all bow.
SIR SLICER: Who is the one that bears the thimble?
JAKE: This dude.
Jake points at Finn. Sir Slicer laughs.
SIR SLICER: Oh, you foolish boy. Without full body armor, you're weak! You do not look-
Sir Slicer makes an okay-sign and clicks. He laughs before riding off on his horse. Finn and Jake run back to Choose Goose’s stall.
FINN: Choose Goose, I need more armor.
CHOOSE GOOSE: I've got something for you. A metal shoe! Don't ya’ know you might stub your toe?
The knights all laugh.
FINN: No, Choose Goose. I need-
CHOOSE GOOSE: Look here, hon. Choose this one to protect your buns!
Choose Goose holds up butt armor. The knights all laugh again.
KNIGHT 1: Protect his butt! Protect his butt!
FINN: No, Choose Goose. I want-
CHOOSE GOOSE: Don't be meek. What if you fall down and scrape your cheek?
The knights continue to laugh.
KNIGHT 3: Look at his butt! Look at his butt!
Choose Goose giggles. Finn slaps him.
FINN: Choose Goose, I want the most- (He makes an okay-sign and clicks) -armor you have!
CHOOSE GOOSE: Ooh, have a look!
He gestures towards some armor on an armor stand behind his stall.
FINN: I'll take that one.
Choose Goose pokes his head through the armor.
CHOOSE GOOSE: Wonderful. I'll need a trade of equal value. I'll take the head of your dog friend.
JAKE: Say what?
FINN: No way. Choose Goose, this stuff is overpriced!
CHOOSE GOOSE: No money for me? How about a poem for free?
He unfurls a scroll. The knights laugh.
FINN: A poem?
CHOOSE GOOSE: If you can decipher the poem and complete the trials, you will receive the magical Armor of Zeldron. It is foretold to be totally- (He makes an okay-sign and clicks)
Choose Goose hands the poem to Finn.
CHOOSE GOOSE: Your quest begins in the marsh over the hill.
FINN: Aw, yes. I'm gonna get that armor.
Finn and Jake begin to leave.
JAKE: Yeah, man, you're gonna do it.
A loud sound plays. Cut to a flock of black birds squawking and flying through the frame to reveal Sir Slicer on horseback. Leaves swirl behind him.
SIR SLICER: Good luck exposing your soft, vanilla-strawberry skin to the elements, dork! Ha! Later, losers!
Sir Slicer rides away. Finn shakes and exclaims in frustration.
Cut to Finn and Jake walking through a forest.
FINN: He's just jealous that I'm gonna have cooler armor than him.
JAKE: Yeah, what a bumbleberry.
The duo comes to the edge of a swamp.
Cut to a wide shot of the swamp, which is obscured by large red curtains hanging from tree branches.
JAKE: What's the poem say?
Finn unfurls the poem.
FINN: "The sun nibbles on the clouds, and gum drop tears rain down." I don't get it.
Jake takes the poem, rolling it back up and stroking it.
JAKE: Hmm... It means that we have to cross that swamp.
FINN: How'd you understand that?
JAKE: You don't just read the poetry to understand it. You gotta feel it. Trust me, dude, I'm smarter than everyone. Now get in there!
FINN: You're not coming?
JAKE: No way, man. This armor thing is your deal! (Jake stretches over the swamp.) I'll wait for you on the other side.
Finn walks towards the curtains.
FINN: This place will be a piece of-
He pulls back the curtains to reveal an old lady showering. He and the old lady both yell.
FINN: Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry!
He covers his eyes and puts the curtain back in place. He runs over to another curtain but finds another old lady showering. He yells. A man walks into the shower and notices Finn.
MAN 1: My most private parts, peeped by a boy!
Finn gasps and shuts the curtains. He runs over to another set and opens them to find a parent and child showering.
PARENT: Ah, pervert!
FINN: I'm not a pervert!
PARENT: You should be ashamed of yourself!
Finn’s face becomes completely red with embarrassment.
FINN: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Finn shrieks. He shuts the curtains and runs to another set. Cut to a wider shot which pans over dozens of curtains in the swamp.
MAN 2: My privates!
FINN: I'm sorry!
MAN 3: My privates!
FINN: I'm sorry!
Finn finally emerges on the other side of the swamp, face completely red. Jake approaches him.
JAKE: You okay, man?
A loud sound plays. Cut to a flock of black birds squawking and flying through the frame to reveal Sir Slicer on horseback, laughing. Leaves swirl behind him.
SIR SLICER: What's the matter, crimson cheeks? Feeling a little embarrassed in the swamp of embarrassment? You're so red, you look like a tomato.
Sir Slicer laughs and rides off. Finn grunts angrily.
FINN: We'll see who's embarrassed when I get that armor! What does the poem say?
JAKE: Hmm... Ooh! "The meadow weeps as morning sings of milk and honey and things to come."
FINN: What does that even mean?
JAKE: It means we have to silence the echoing in the woods.
Jake gestures in the direction of a sound off in the woods. The duo emerge from a bush into a clearing where a large red-faced monster is crying.
FINN: Aw, man! I don't know how to silence that.
JAKE: All right, I'll handle this one, dude.
FINN: No. This is my burden.
JAKE: Then just make her think it's her idea. That's how you make the ladies do what you want.
Finn approaches the monster.
FINN: Hey, Monster Lady! Hey! Stop crying!
FINN: Stop crying because that's what you want to do!
The monster grunts and looks at Finn before picking him up. Finn screams. Cut to a shot from the monster’s perspective. It imagines Finn looking like its baby and begins cradling him. Jake laughs and walks closer.
JAKE: She thinks you're her red-faced baby or something. I think she wants you to nurse, dude!
A loud sound plays. Cut to a flock of black birds squawking and flying through the frame to reveal Sir Slicer on horseback.
JAKE: Huh?
SIR SLICER: Minstrel?
A minstrel walks out from behind Sir Slicer and begins playing a lute.
MINSTREL: (Singing) He's Finn the blushing baby / His cheeks are bright and red / Be sure to make fun of him before you go to bed
SIR SLICER: Grandfathers will sing that to their grandchildren for generations to come.
FINN: Grandfathers will not sing that to their children!
The monster lashes out at Sir Slicer, but he stops the blow with one hand.
He makes an okay-sign and clicks. He picks up the minstrel and gallops off.
FINN: Just wait ‘til I have the Armor of Zeldron!
JAKE: Yeah! Just you wait, weirdo
The monster’s shadow engulfs Jake.
JAKE: Uh, Finn? Uh-oh.
The monster falls asleep on top of Jake.
FINN: Jake? You okay? Huh?
Jake grabs Finn from inside the monster’s fur. They both emerge out of its back and run away.
FINN: Awesome!
The duo arrives at a mountaintop. Built into the side is a door that says "Home of Zeldron's Armor.”
FINN: Finally.
Cut inside to a room with several statues. Finn kicks the doors open. A ghost holding a red ball appears in front of another door at the end of the room.
GHOST: Hello.
FINN: Begone, ghost! I'm here for the armor.
GHOST: First, you have to beat my high score in a game of Drop Ball.
GHOST: Drop Ball is an extremely addictive, high-intensity game designed for people everywhere. Here, let me show ya.
The ghost drops his ball on the ground. He squats over it and lifts it off the ground between his butt cheeks.
GHOST: One point.
He releases the ball back to the ground. Finn looks embarrassed.
GHOST: Two points. Three points.
FINN: This game looks awful.
GHOST: Oh, no. I absolutely disagree.
FINN: Dude, let's just kill him and get the armor.
JAKE: How? He's already dead.
The ghost floats over and holds the ball out towards Finn.
GHOST: Here, it's your turn. Now, I don't want you to be intimidated, but my high score is six.
FINN: Just, just toss it on the ground.
The ghost tosses the ball under Finn. Finn struggles to squat over it.
GHOST: No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong! Let me show you how the pros do it.
The ghost floats over and picks the ball up with his butt again.
GHOST: See? It's all in the technique.
Finn and Jake exchange a glance before slowly backing away from the ghost and towards the next door.
GHOST: Now, I'm gonna put a little finesse into it, just to shake things up.
The duo opens the door into the next room.
A large glowing shape hovers in the air before them.
JAKE: Finn, it’s so beautiful!
FINN: Yeah. Guess all the embarrassment was worth it.
Several orbs come out of the glowing shape and approach the duo. The shape begins talking.
SHAPE: Greetings, young traveler. We know what you seek, and you shall receive it.
The shape shoots out a beam of light and lifts Finn into the air.
SHAPE: Behold: The Armor of Zeldron! It will protect you from evil, even ghosts.
The light blinds the whole shot. Cut to a close-up of Finn’s smiling face. His smile drops.
FINN: Huh?
Cut to a shot of Finn in the Armor of Zeldron.
FINN: Ah! No! Dude, this is lady armor!
Jake and the shape both make okay-signs and click.
FINN: No! Not- (He clicks). No more embarrassment. I don't need armor!
He throws the armor off. Cut to the door. The ghost bursts in.
GHOST: You did not watch my Drop-Ball technique!
GHOST: I give you firsthand tips that no one else knows, and this is how you thank me? I absolutely disagree with that!
The ghost transforms into a more monstrous form.
FINN: Now what?
JAKE: Put on the armor! It'll protect you from evil, even ghosts!
FINN: Never!
Finn yells and rushes the ghost but is unable to touch him and instead passes right through him. The ghost picks Finn up and begins to suck out his soul.
JAKE: Hey!
The shot pans up Jake’s body to reveal he’s wearing the Armor of Zeldron.
GHOST: Mama?
JAKE: Uh... Yeah! (High-pitched) Listen when your mother is speaking to you.
GHOST: Yes, Mama.
JAKE: (High-pitched) You should be ashamed of yourself; a boy your age sitting in this cave alone for thousands of years. You need to go outside and get some sunlight!
JAKE: (High-pitched) No back talk! Outside, now!
The ghost drops Finn and goes outside. He yells as the sun hits him.
FINN: Whoa.
The ghost comes back inside, now no longer ghost-like.
PERSON: Oh, thank you, Finn and Jake. You've freed me from the addiction of Drop Ball!
JAKE: No problem, dude. I couldn't have done it without the power of embarrassment!
FINN: And I learned I don't need armor to be-
A loud sound plays. Cut to a flock of black birds squawking and flying through the frame to reveal Sir Slicer on horseback in the doorway. Leaves swirl behind him. He laughs.
SIR SLICER: Look at you losers. Finn, you don't have any armor, and your friend is dressed like a lady! Ha ha! So not- (He clicks.)
FINN: Well, at least I don't spend my day following a kid around! Get a life, dude!
Jake and the person both laugh.
JAKE: Good one, Finn.
SIR SLICER: Well, I've... just been in the same areas today.
Jake and the person continue laughing.
PERSON: Yeah, right.
JAKE: Whatever.
SIR SLICER: Be quiet! I, I am more (He clicks) than all of you!
FINN: Come over here and say that to my fist!
SIR SLICER: Okay, I will.
Sir Slicer attempts to get off his horse and falls to the ground.
SIR SLICER: Ugh, this armor's too heavy! Ah, no problem. I'll just prop myself up on this stick.
He reaches for a nearby stick but pulls his hand away.
SIR SLICER: Ah, splinter!
FINN: Hey, Sir Slicer, maybe you can use this!
Finn holds up his thimble armor.
FINN: Here you go!
He throws the thimble at Sir Slicer’s face.
FINN: Free of charge.
Sir Slicer’s horse leaves. Jake picks Finn up with his butt and tosses him on his back.
JAKE: Come on, dude, let's get out of here.
Finn laughs awkwardly.
FINN: Okay, buddy.
Jake, using the Armor of Zeldron to fly, carries Finn and the drop-ball man away, crashing through several mountains.
JAKE: Wa-hoo! Dude, this armor is totally- (He clicks.)
Traducción de Blood Under the Skin (Script)
Letra traducida a Español
Corte a una toma de establecimiento de la casa del árbol.
FINN: ¡Atrápalo, atrápalo!
Corte dentro de la casa del árbol a un primer plano de una mariquita. Finn salta con una espada y Jake salta con un escudo, ambos gritando. Finn golpea el suelo al lado de la mariquita y deja que el insecto se arrastre sobre su espada antes de levantarla en el aire.
JAKE: ¡Sáquela!
Finn lleva el insecto fuera.
FINN: ¡No vuelvas a dejarme pillarte aquí!
Finn coloca la mariquita sobre una brizna de hierba y regresa adentro.
FINN: ¡Uy-uy! ¡Sí-aja!
Finn cierra la puerta.
FINN: ¡Ah! ¡Ay!
Acercamiento a un primer plano de una astilla en el dedo de Finn. Él la toca y comienza a gritar de dolor.
JAKE: Te picó con sus aguijones venenosas?
FINN: No, me he hecho una astilla con la puerta.
JAKE: Déjame ver. Vaya, es una astilla pequeña.
FINN: Pero duele. Necesito algo-
Corte a un plano cercano del dedo de Finn con un dedal encima.
FINN: -¡protección para mis dedos! Gracias, Choose Goose.
CHOOSE GOOSE: Soy Choose Goose. ¡Vuelve por más zumo!
Choose Goose ríe. Finn y Jake se alejan de su puesto.
FINN: En serio, estoy súper protegido ahora mismo.
CABALLERO 1: Eso está gruesísimo.
Finn y Jake ven a unos caballeros en el mercado reunidos.
CABALLERO 1: Vamos, pégame!
Otro caballero golpea su espada contra el primero, rompiéndose por la mitad los dos espadas. Todos los caballeros aplauden. El segundo caballero hace una señal con los dedos como diciendo “está bien” y chasquea los dedos.
FINN: Oye chicos, mirad esto (Se vuelve hacia Jake). ¡Tío, pégame!
Jake le da un puñetazo en el brazo a Finn.
FINN: ¡Ay! ¡En mi armadura!
Jake le da un puñetazo al dedal de Finn. Finn hace señas como diciendo “está bien” y chasquea los dedos. Los caballeros empiezan a reírse todos juntos.
CABALLERO 1: Eso no es más que un dedal (Toca su armadura). Esta es realmente armadura.
Los caballeros se ríen todos juntos nuevamente. Finn parece enfadarse. Un sonido fuerte se escucha. Corte a un grupo de pájaros negros graznando mientras vuelan por el encuadre para revelar al Caballero Slicer montado a caballo; hojas giran detrás de él.
CABALLEROS: ¡Caballero Slicer!
Todos los caballeros hacen una reverencia.
CABALLERO SLICER: Quién es el que lleva el dedal?
JAKE: Este tío.
Jake apunta hacia Finn; El Caballero Slicer ríe.
CABALLERO SLICER: Oh, chico necio, sin armadura corporal completa eres débil; no pareces-
El Caballero Slicer hace señal como diciendo “está bien” y chasquea los dedos; se ríe antes de partir galopando en su caballo; Finn y Jake corren hacia el puesto Choose Goose.
FINN: Choose Goose, necesito más armadura.
CHOOSE GOOSE : Tengo algo para ti; zapatos metálicos No sabes que podrías darte un golpe en el pie?
Los caballeros se ríen todos juntos.
FINN : No, Choose Goose; necesito-
CHOOSE GOOSE : Mira esto cariño , escoge este para proteger tus partes traseras!
Choose Goose levanta unas piezas para cubrir las nalgas; Los caballeros vuelven a reírse otra vez.
CABALLERO 1 : ¡Protege su trasero! Protege su trasero!
FINN : Nooo Choose Goose , quiero-
CHOOSE GOOSE : No seas tímido . Y si te caes y raspas tu mejilla?
Los caballeros siguen riéndose .
CABALLERO 3 : ! Míralo ! !Su trasero!
Choose Goose se ríe . Finn lo abofetea .
FINN : Choose
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