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Un angel llora (Inglés sub) de Annette Moreno


Un angel llora (Inglés sub) (Single)

22 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Un angel llora (Inglés sub)

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The flowers are no longer arriving
the poem is finished
what one day was love
in bitterness became
she wants to return the time passed
to be able to relive the pleasures of yesterday
can no longer see things alike
because in a sea of forgiveness everything has remained
the ocean has lost his blue color

the stars are watching
the moon hug her
and an angel cries ...

the years passed
he already forgot that
He promised to love her
when he first met her
enters the room and saw her in the bed
touches his body cold, sadness killed her

Flowers already arrived
The poem began
on a cold grave
the cries his pain

He only wants back the time passed
to be able to get lost in the sweetness of her voice
He can no longer see things alike
because in the sea of forgiveness everything has remained
The ocean has lost his blue color

The stars are watching
the Moon hug hjm
and an angel cries ..
The stars are watching
the Moon hug him
and an angel cries ...

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Annette moreno

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