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Despicable heros de Arch Enemy


Despicable heros (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Despicable heros

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I spit in your face, preacers and leaders
spewing false dogma to their believers
a nation of wolves haunting the sheep
their fangs in your flesh
so painful and deep
Despise your heroes
living a lie
despicable heroes
fooling the blind
(open your mind)
Puppets on strings, face on the ground
nothing more than a shallow farce
consume the young, thoughtless ones
eat their brain, leave them blind
and then destroy
I spit in the face of your preachers and leaders
spewing false dogma to their believers
a nation of fools, nothing but sheep
their fangs in your flesh, so painful and deep.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.