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Free or dead de Atmosphere


Lucy ford

16 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Free or Dead" del artista Atmosphere, perteneciente al álbum "Lucy Ford", se adentra en temas profundos y oscuros a través de su lírica. En la canción, el protagonista narra sus pensamientos y acciones mientras reflexiona sobre su existencia y trayectoria en la vida.

La letra de la canción revela una introspección inquietante sobre la vida y la muerte, con referencias a situaciones complicadas en las que el personaje se encuentra. A lo largo de la canción, se exploran emociones complejas como la soledad, el desapego y la incertidumbre acerca del futuro. El uso de metáforas visuales evoca un sentido de desorientación y lucha interna.

En cuanto al significado más profundo de la letra, se puede interpretar que el personaje enfrenta un dilema entre seguir viviendo una vida sin rumbo fijo o sucumbir a las presiones y dificultades que lo rodean. La constante referencia al automóvil como metáfora de su propio universo personal sugiere una sensación de escapismo y autodestrucción.

A nivel emocional e intelectual, la canción invita a reflexionar sobre las decisiones tomadas en momentos clave de nuestra existencia, así como sobre los caminos que elegimos seguir. La dualidad entre sentirse libre o estar atrapado en un destino predestinado resuena a lo largo de la narrativa lírica.

En cuanto al contexto musical y artístico, Atmosphere es conocido por sus letras introspectivas y profundas que abordan temas cotidianos desde una perspectiva única. En comparación con otras obras del mismo artista, "Free or Dead" destaca por su atmósfera melancólica y cruda, reflejando un estilo poético único dentro del género hip-hop underground.

En resumen, "Free or Dead" es una poderosa reflexión existencial encapsulada en versos poéticos e íntimos. A través de su letra emotiva y evocadora, Atmosphere logra transmitir un mensaje universal sobre las luchas internas del ser humano y las decisiones que moldean nuestro destino.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

So here i am, trying to be the man, right
using my gun to see at night, sleeping with my flash light
in the afterlife i hope the ac works
so while i wait well i'ma pass out and taste this curb
and she attacked with flirts, smacked my nerves
there in that black skirt
got my nature so hard it made my back hurt
i cracked a smirk cuz i was dumb and drunk
she gave wink and a smile and dropped a quarter in my cup
man, people are kind of odd so i keep my eyebrow raised
i only hear the words for what they mean, know what i mean?
and i do believe in god cuz i keep comin across all these fine woman
With low self esteem, you know what i mean?
i got attention deficet, i've got the bedroom eyes
i've the storms in my head, i've got my telephone voice
i've got to make a decision of whether i live or die
i'd rather just run cuz either way it's one hell of a choice

my car is like my own personal universe
she's my drug and it only takes twelve bucks to fill 'er up
but in my galaxy there ain't no room for earth
so i'm leavin it cuz i can feel the oil pressure building up
turning over the ignition of my solar system
check the gauges, push in the tape, put my foot on the break
shift existance light my cigarette
and take it state to state until i crash into my fate
Now i'm giving back everything they gave me, not a damn thing
it'll take me more than a good dj to save me, and i'm not dancing
i can't seem to make up my bed, much less my mind
so i'm a take another puff to my head, and press rewind
i wish this car had cruise control, so i could rest my legs
i've got this itch to prove my soul, and test my fate
doing hunny(hundred) in a sixty five, got stopped by a copper
caught, spotted, and radared by a chopper
wisconsin-style, over the limit by forty miles
why'd she smile?, cuz i ain't been around here for a long while
grabbed my paper, gave her thanks?, have a nice day
yo, word of advice, trade the doughnuts in and gets some rice cakes
back to my travels, running from my shadows
some hitchhikers and bikers honkin the horn harrasin the cattle
airbags/hair back sticking to the seat, sweat drippin from the heat
diggin through of gruel?, i'm looking for something to eat
yo, there's a hardee's at the next stop
don't wanna, but i need ta'
cuz i'm craving something to chase the taste of this tequila
(uhh, yeah, you guys got value meals? can you put some barbecue
i wanna honey bun. change that shit. i want chicken pebbles.
no, onion bun, onion bun. onion rings. extra pork. word up. can you
supersize that? yo girl, you got kind of a pretty voice. yo girl, what
time yu get off work?)
90 east towards chicago, on my way to cincinnati
i won't ever let em catch me, and i won't ever make em happy
watch your wives and your daughters when i'm passin through the
Hometown, castin lines into the water, catchin goldfish out your bowl
and i'm as cool as the cat that came to school just for lunch
i'm the rebel pissin in the public pool, just for fun
i speed in the sun, everyone in speakin in tounges
find the talk radio station, yo, turn it up so it bumps
don't cry, girl, i'm out and i'm a make my way east
cuz everyone in my world is takin my peace
i need release, and i don't think i'm a find it in between your legs
yo, i'm just jokin, only going to the corner to get some eggs
so when she starts makin the coffee i toss my bags in the back seat
and i can remember it all like it must have happened last week
sometimes i stop to think, for all the money i've spent
how i'd rather live in a tent than bust my ass and pay the rent
but i'm eager to pay my dues, and i'd be glad to pay the tollbooth
and i've agreed to sing the blues ever since the day i broke loose
just like a blindfolded child walking through the toy store
voice?, not even aware that the world is my oyster

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.