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Atoms all stars de Atoms Family


The prequel

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Atoms all stars

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"Atoms all stars" es una canción interpretada por Atoms Family, un grupo que ha dejado una huella en el hip-hop underground con su estilo único y letras profundas. En esta canción, exploran temas de conciencia social, desafío a las normas establecidas y expresión artística en un entorno musical alternativo.

La letra detalla un viaje por la mente del artista, quien reflexiona sobre su papel como músico y portavoz de la realidad que lo rodea. Desde el inicio, se sumerge en conceptos abstractos como la sangre lírica que fluye con versatilidad poética. La canción invita al oyente a cuestionar su percepción de la realidad y a explorar nuevas dimensiones del pensamiento.

La metáfora de beber agua sin caer refleja la resistencia ante las adversidades mientras se busca unidad y conocimiento. El uso de términos religiosos como "infieles" y "hechizo" sugiere una búsqueda espiritual dentro del caos del mundo moderno. Se destaca también la lucha interna del artista por mantenerse fiel a sus principios en un entorno hostil.

Los versos críticos hacia otros artistas resaltan la importancia de la integridad artística y el rechazo a seguir corrientes comerciales. La referencia al hip-hop como evangelización muestra cómo los integrantes de Atoms Family ven su música como una herramienta para difundir verdades subyacentes y desafiar dogmas culturales.

En cuanto al contexto musical, la instrumentalización combina elementos clásicos del hip-hop underground con influencias experimentales, creando un sonido distintivo que complementa las letras complejas y reflexivas. La voz firme y enérgica de los raperos añade intensidad a cada verso, transmitiendo pasión e inquietud por un mundo en constante cambio.

Es importante destacar que Atoms Family se ha destacado por su compromiso con la autenticidad creativa y su rechazo a la superficialidad de la industria musical convencional. Su influencia ha trascendido fronteras culturales e inspirado a una generación de artistas independientes a seguir sus pasos en la búsqueda incansable de verdad artística.

En resumen, "Atoms all stars" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una declaración de principios, un himno contra el conformismo y una invitación a explorar las capas más profundas del pensamiento humano. Atoms Family demuestra con esta obra su capacidad para trascender fronteras musicales y llevar al hip-hop underground hacia territorios inexplorados llenos de significado y relevancia emocional.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

"atoms all stars" - atoms family
Time will tell
let my rhymes swell
the citadel
with cannibal ox 12
hung off a cliff
drink the water but never fell
now i speak to infidels
about the integrity of cells
search for unity
what seems to be a bottomless well
to open people's minds
feel like casting a spell
thinking i'm powerless
in this world all by myself
a musician
what's called magician

always want to move forward
the last thing we want his hell
my man say, “hell, where we at right now?”
with a voice like a death knell
propositions, predictions
we won't be living well
until we grow,
we'd kill
that's ill
how far away that is

where abstract knows no property
could have you locked up in a cell
oh, hell
apocalypse that could all
nuclear weather that we fear
could have our children workin' together
Shit, i'm looking down my nose at y'all
hopin' y'all don't think you're dope at all
don't be conceited, then i'll be that
i've been nice too long
now it's time for me to beat ass
total domination
i'm impatient with the conversation
lacing most tapes,
they should be in the budget
be given out for free
of an example of how not to emcee
in the superstar seminar (background: “don't – even – fuck with me”)
d “don't fuck with me”
luckily, got a sunny disposition

but try dissin', you'll be posthumous
you spittin' in garbage
let's bury the hatchet
in the back of half of faggots
parasitic maggots
alaska automatics
from 3-point land with the l in my hand
and i don't think you understand
my brain goes deep like janet jackson
porno action, so you can get my vibe like toni braxton
with the ass on the cover
you rockin'
your inadequacies
alaska sees through that shit
most crews are backwards
couldn't fill my shoes
if you my exact words
got some whack that
don't deserve to touch mics
don't know what emcees look like
i think my shit's the best
and most time it proves right
This graffiti
vandalous, scandalous
hip hop's evangelist
spreadin' my gospel through the use unheard languages
see, my third vision, yo, it's used efficiently
while you swim in the sea of artistic insufficiency
yo, lyrically, you , be tryin' to dance
first, learn to crawl, then walk, slowly advance
cuz only the enhanced mind of a few individuals
can proceed directly to the use of complex lyricals
and, of course, you're forced to digest the pitifuls
served on silver platters, compact and digital
while we work miracles for hip hop's survival
my culinary arts based on plates and vinyls
and currently, you're currency seeking
like gary oldman, feeding
and romeo's bleeding
and that's the sole reason
that i'm forging destiny
another victim's drinkin'
by the atoms family
You will ensure, receive a execution
for not following the atoms
law constitution, these
poems are living documents, so when i die
my ionic generation collects the pie
let's question the “dead end” sign on the road to prosperity
offend , offend god, that is double jeopardy
after i devour your planet through vanity
a cold asteroid will become your “manifest destiny”
and de facto segregation is applied
when one must be separated from the mic until the day of independence
and your representative of barely got his feet wet
and tested, while blood flowin', heart muscle arrested
due process, whatcha mean i can't knock it?
if you sell false realities to put money in your pocket
this is not reasonable
“try to limit this elastic clause”
without probable cause
postcards from the edge
from the tips of icebergs
usin' higher imagination
like a nation of steven spielbergs
and if, your had any thought in it
you'd plead the fifth
or remain guilty until proven innocent
Yo, people like the essence of puss
messing the flux up
lessen the clutch
separate messenger sepulcher epitaph
you suffer from lack of laugh bliss
god aftermath
you have to graph the turbulence
of your subservient
purple pin dinosaur
final pause dying to sign up on your
security blanket
minus stuffy sinus
mindless timeless flows
your whoobies gone
you find what?
your so called purities
sank the ship you be floating on
the line is drawn
you mollusks get pelted from selling the soul of a swan
enveloped in total equations beyond
the behavior of wands broken, no psalms spoken
soak in the moat or the pond poking
pads of lily sass oh really?
you don't have to fascinate the past debate
to fasten the snake skin belt
its smoother to grasp the grape skin welch
purer than puritan ways peeps are on some knit
serving the light
pendulum spinning ‘em until
women in prison hit menopause
cats scratch with metal paws
tentatively swimming in rainbow flesh
the same ole guests
the men'll pause
you need iron gauze
you're crying for more gauze pads
i saw sad faces
leaving sad traces
disappear like casper when the cats purr
deep crescendo
windnbreeze, atoms fam, body catch blur, see pen glow poly (polyconcepteroid)
Trapped in cold days
my rap flows insane
new york to
got nothin' but fiends and broke names
stay frozen in the apple
we chosin' to blow brains
you niggas is no-name
whack, tryin' to flow in the rap game, i flow pain
that kills the
the fine line design, that's rap
swallowing cat pills
i shine for long, with mad skills
hold , my nigga rides, still live, peace
i know it's hard trapped inside, and can't watch the stars
you made it this far, and still here
live niggas pushin' through cold fear
365in' it, the whole year
stress on my brain, i blow tears
you know life, we flow spears, livin'
niggas drink the liquid
and paint rap visuals tight vivid
it's like critics wanna bite the “dittick”
i still , and swing hooks like i'm
boa constrict ya whole rhythm
niggas is trapped in prison
relax the system
i act with vision
fly in the sky, live pigeon

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.