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Dibalas dengan dusta de Audy



15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dibalas dengan dusta

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me comprende
you are the one who is dear to me
even in this darkness, I remember you, darling

Meaning Analysis: The lyrics of the song "Dibalas dengan dusta" by Audy reflect a deep emotional journey through love and forgiveness. The singer expresses feelings of hurt and betrayal as their partner continuously repeats the same mistakes, yet easily utters apologies that may not hold true sincerity. The questioning of where the partner's emotions lie when repeating those same wrongs highlights a sense of confusion and disappointment in the relationship. The mention of how easy it is for the partner to apologize after causing pain again emphasizes a lack of genuine remorse or understanding of the impact their actions have on the singer.

The repetition of "bila cinta ku dibalas dengan dusta" (if my love is answered with lies) conveys a sense of vulnerability and fear that despite giving sincere love, it may only be met with deceitful responses. This vulnerability is further underscored by the juxtaposition between genuine love (tulus cinta) given by the singer and potentially fake responses (dusta) from their partner. The internal struggle portrayed captures the complexity of relationships where trust is fragile, and forgiveness is an ongoing battle.

Additional Information: The song "Dibalas dengan dusta" was included in Audy's album titled "20-02." Audy, known for her soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics, often explores themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery in her music. Through her music, Audy connects with listeners on an emotional level, drawing them into introspective reflections on relationships and personal experiences.

Comparing this song to Audy's other works reveals a consistent theme of emotional depth and vulnerability in her music. Songs like "Sahabat" and "Untuk Sahabat" also delve into themes of friendship, loyalty, and trust, showcasing Audy's ability to capture human emotions in her songs. In "Dibalas dengan dusta," she delves into the complexities of romantic relationships, highlighting the struggle between love and betrayal.

Inspirational sources behind Audy's music may stem from personal experiences or observations in relationships. Her authenticity as an artist shines through in her heartfelt performances and heartfelt lyrics. Through her music, she invites listeners to contemplate their own emotions and experiences within relationships.

The song "Dibalas dengan dusta" serves as a poignant reminder of the nuances within love relationships—balancing forgiveness with self-respect while navigating through moments of hurt and healing. Its raw portrayal of emotional turmoil resonates with many who have experienced similar struggles in their own lives.

Overall, Audy's "Dibalas dengan dusta" captures a profound exploration of love, forgiveness, and vulnerability within relationships—an emotional rollercoaster that many can relate to on a personal level.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Semudah itu kau ucapkan
kata maaf kekasihku
setelah kau lakukan lagi
kesalahan yang sama
Dimana perasaanmu
saat kau melakukan
salah yang sama
Inikah cara dirimu
membalas tulus cinta
yang telah ku beri

bila cinta (ku) ...
dibalas dengan
takkan ku
karena aku yang

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.