They walk with strangers de Automatic Buffalo
Letra de They walk with strangers
Postman's heart has been broken too soon
Machines with brains took over his boredom
In my spare time I pray for all lost souls
This young man should not be grieving
All young hearts should be taught to be gay
To love their own kind and stay in bed all day
When our old songs come back they walk with strangers
Their tears fell so far away from here
They laughed at sorrow and craved for lovers
With shiny boots and pills to share
All young hearts should be taught to be gay
To love their own kind and stay in bed all day
We now know that the poor people are evil and scheming
To take from the righteous and give generously to charity
They have got hampers up for grabs
They have got hygiene and welfare
Blessed are the cool for they shall prosper and be joyful
When our old songs come back they walk with strangers
Their tears fell so far away from here
We prayed for stewed beans and for private stimulation
(In those days) to come our way (for free)
All young hearts should be taught to be gay
To love their own kind and stay in bed all day
Traducción de They walk with strangers
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