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As far as they know de Before Dark



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de As far as they know

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La canción "As far as they know" interpretada por Before Dark y perteneciente al álbum "Daydreamin'", nos sumerge en una historia de amor secreto y complicidad entre dos personas que intentan mantener su relación fuera del escrutinio público. La letra describe la lucha de la pareja por ocultar sus sentimientos y acciones ante los demás, creando una atmósfera de clandestinidad y misterio en torno a su romance.

El mensaje principal de la canción gira en torno a la necesidad de mantener en secreto un amor prohibido o poco convencional, enfrentándose a juicios sociales y presiones externas que podrían poner en peligro la relación. A través de versos como "Let's keep this thing between me and you, they don't have to know", se subraya la importancia de preservar la intimidad y privacidad del vínculo amoroso, aun cuando esto signifique ocultar la verdad a los demás.

La letra revela la dualidad de emociones que experimentan los protagonistas, combinando momentos de emoción y excitación ante lo prohibido con el temor y la precaución propios de una relación clandestina. Se nota un sentido de complicidad entre los amantes, quienes disfrutan de su romance sin revelarlo abiertamente a terceros.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción en 2011, podemos notar cómo aborda temas universales como el amor, la pasión y las relaciones humanas desde una perspectiva contemporánea. El género musical asociado al tema es catalogado como female vocalists, destacando las voces femeninas que narran esta historia íntima con sensibilidad y expresividad.

En cuanto a la estructura musical de la canción, destaca el uso de ritmos cautivadores y melodías envolventes que complementan la profundidad emocional de la letra. La voz emotiva de las cantantes añade una capa adicional de intensidad al relato, transmitiendo con claridad los deseos reprimidos y las ansias por mantener viva una llama oculta.

En conclusión, "As far as they know" es una canción que nos sumerge en un mundo lleno de secretos compartidos, amor clandestino y complicidades silenciadas. Con su cautivadora melodía e inspiradoras letras, Before Dark logra capturar la esencia del amor oculto en un relato emocionante que invita a reflexionar sobre las complejidades del corazón humano.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Things are getting harder
for me and my step partner
to keep this thing we got
on the low unless we stop
They're trying to be in our business
but still they haven't witnessed
the type of love that we share
cause we won't show it while they're there
Let's keep this thing between me and you
they don't have to know
what you and i decide to do
keep it on the low, and
every night you come on through
no one seems to have a clue
about the things that we do
As far as they know
you and i we just be
always hanging out so frequently
as far as they know
you my play bro
and being good friends is all that they know
as far as they know
me and you we just fool
they don't even know that you really are my boo
as far as they know
as far as they know
you and i we just real tight, aiight
Me and my step partner
have kept it on the down low so far
so many times i've slipped up
almost let my girls know what's up
so i gotta make sure no one else around
so we can get down when you come around
don't want them around our way
keep this thing between you and me
Let's keep this thing between me and you
they don't have to know
what you and i decide to do
keep it on the low, and
every night you come on through
no one seems to have a clue
about the things that we do
As far as they know
you and i we just be
always hanging out so frequently
as far as they know
you my play bro
and being good friends is all that they know
as far as they know
me and you we just fool
they don't even know that you really are my boo
as far as they know
as far as they know
you and i we just real tight, aiight
We have a secret love affair
and no one even knows
that the feeling's there
this is so exciting
that it's our thing
and no one can hate or take
what we got away, oh, oh, oh
Ooh, ooh, duta-duta-duta-duta, ooh, ooh
ooh, ooh, duta-duta-duta-duta, ooh, ooh
As far as they know
you and i we just be
always hanging out so frequently
as far as they know
you my play bro
and being good friends is all that they know
as far as they know
me and you we just fool
they don't even know that you really are my boo
as far as they know
as far as they know
you and i we just real tight, aiight

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.