Dice la canción

Bypassed de Cadaver


...in pains

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Bypassed

collapse icon

lack of care
No one to trust, no one to turn to
you were left alone, feeling so blue
Thoughts of despair consuming your mind
no glimmer of hope, no light could you find
But deep inside you held on tight
to a tiny spark, a flicker of light
A will to survive and conquer the night
to rise from the ashes, shining so bright

The lyrics of the song "Bypassed" by Cadaver delve into themes of abandonment, solitude, and resilience in the face of adversity. The verses paint a picture of a lonely and neglected individual, abandoned by those around him and left to navigate through life's challenges alone. The imagery created is bleak, highlighting a world devoid of love, care, and support.

The protagonist in the song is described as a "helpless little boy" who is searching for help but constantly feels bypassed and overlooked. Despite facing constant rejection and isolation, there is a glimmer of hope portrayed in the lyrics. The mention of holding on to a "tiny spark" amidst darkness symbolizes inner strength and determination to overcome obstacles.

The overall tone of the song conveys feelings of sadness and despair, but also hints at a sense of resilience and perseverance. Through hardship and loneliness, there is a message of inner strength and courage shining through. The music genre being death metal adds intensity to these emotions, enhancing the rawness and vulnerability portrayed in the lyrics.

In terms of comparison with other works by Cadaver or similar artists within the death metal genre, themes of darkness, suffering, and introspection are common motifs. However, "Bypassed" stands out for its focus on emotional vulnerability and resilience in times of isolation. The juxtaposition between brutal musical elements and introspective lyrical content creates a unique listening experience that resonates with audiences seeking depth within heavy music.

Overall, "Bypassed" by Cadaver presents a poignant exploration of loneliness, abandonment, and inner strength amid adversity. The lyrics offer insight into the human experience of facing challenges alone while striving to find hope within darkness. This song serves as a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is always potential for resilience and growth.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Nothing inside
nowhere to hide
they acted blind
leaving you behind
No hands to hold
no fairy-tales told
no safety belts
no one to help
No space for you in this dreadful world
a distance away from laughter and joy
no love and care or encouraging words
that's no way to live for a helpless little boy
You thought you find help at last
it didn't work out being bypassed
You lived your live in solitude
no values to bear, just lonely and nude
chasing after a piece of care
it's hard to find in the floods of

Letra traducida a Español

Nada dentro
ningún lugar para esconderse
actuaron como ciegos
dejándote atrás
Sin manos para sostener
ningún cuento de hadas contado
sin cinturones de seguridad
nadie para ayudar
No hay lugar para ti en este mundo terrible
a una distancia lejos de la risa y la alegría
sin amor ni cuidado ni palabras de aliento
no es forma de vivir para un niño indefenso
Pensaste que encontrarías ayuda al fin
no funcionó al ser ignorado
Viviste tu vida en soledad
sin valores que soportar, solo solitario y desnudo
persiguiendo un poco de cuidado
es difícil encontrarlo en las inundaciones.

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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