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Aids is gold hiv is platinum de Canibus


Aids is gold hiv is platinum (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Aids is gold hiv is platinum

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La canción "Aids is gold hiv is platinum" del artista Canibus es una pieza musical que aborda de manera cruda y directa la epidemia del VIH y el SIDA, enmarcándola en un contexto único al personificar a estas enfermedades como entidades poderosas y peligrosas. El protagonista de la canción narra su origen en 1980 como un arma biológica de guerra, resaltando cómo inicialmente no recibió atención ni preocupación por parte de las personas. A través de metáforas y personificaciones, se presenta a enfermedades como el sarampión, la hepatitis o el cáncer, cada una con su propia personalidad y nivel de amenaza.

El tono emocional que transmite la canción es de alerta y concientización sobre los peligros del VIH y del SIDA. Se destaca la importancia del uso del preservativo para prevenir la transmisión, así como se expone crudamente el proceso por el cual el VIH progresa al SIDA, debilitando el sistema inmunológico y llevando a consecuencias devastadoras. La canción enfatiza que estas enfermedades no discriminan a nadie y afectan a personas de diferentes edades y grupos étnicos.

En cuanto a su impacto cultural, "Aids is gold hiv is platinum" fue lanzada en 2011 en un momento donde la concientización sobre enfermedades de transmisión sexual era crucial. La letra fuerte y directa busca generar reflexión e informar al público sobre la importancia de protegerse durante las relaciones sexuales para evitar la propagación del VIH.

Por otro lado, es interesante observar cómo Canibus utiliza la música como medio para transmitir un mensaje serio y urgente de salud pública. Con referencias a datos estadísticos sobre la población afroamericana afectada por el VIH/SIDA, se resalta la necesidad de reconocer la magnitud del problema y tomar medidas preventivas.

En resumen, "Aids is gold hiv is platinum" es una canción que aborda un tema delicado con franqueza y contundencia. A través de letras impactantes, metáforas vívidas y mensajes claros, Canibus insta a su audiencia a tomar conciencia sobre los riesgos asociados al VIH/SIDA y promueve prácticas seguras para protegerse contra esta grave enfermedad.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Yo yo
I just appeared outta no where
1980 was the year engineered as a biological weapon of warfare
Now with this i generate with more fear
Even though back then nobody cared and people wasn't a scared
I never use to get so much attention
Most of the top contenders at the time i was good friends with
For instance my man small pox was hot
He you to soundscan ten thousand a week and that was alot
That nigga hepititase,he was hyper then me
He use to get between twelve and twenty thousand a week
Alcohol was the neighborhood star
Bubbiling,drugs had niggaz juggling
All kinds of controlled substances
My man cancer was like charles manson

Cigarettes almost made the surgeon general ban them
Homicide was buggin cause he had guns to amp them
And i was on the low amp cause i had a plant kid
(lisa stone and canibus)
Aids is gold and hiv was platinum
Sit down and ask them where you get your facts from
Five hundred thousand niggas in the hood with it
And a million more niggaz is getting ready to get it
Now that millions is dead im considered wide spread
Number one on the top ten
And considered a world wide threat
To all the kids,thirteen to twenty three tryin
Safe sex,unsafe sex, you niggaz need to use latex
H-i-v will progress to a-i-d-s
And transform your warm blooded bones to dry flesh
By stressing the immune system
Permiscuase men and women trying to avoid,
Getting the micro organism in them
>from running up in they bra
Ready and willing, a couple of minutes of a good feeling
Is what'll kill them
Break ya body down in steps
Breathe for breathe and the hospital wit less then a dozen
C-cells left
Chorus (repeat 2x)
Verse 3:
I went from killing them softly to killing them harshly
Minorities from twenty to forty cant afford to ignore me
They do my dirty work for me
Going to raunchy ass partys where they be having
Orgies to transport me
Threw the seaman and blood, needles and drugs
Choose which one of the demons in evil you trust
Cause the only way i could be detected
Is by getting tested and most people
Dont question the person they having sex with
Is to whether or not they infected
Even the people you already slept wit
Wouldn't suspect that they can catch it
Forty percent of the aids patients is afro americans
And we only twelve percent of the population
That statement is a fact ,latinos and blacks face it
It came straight from the world health organization
Its the iron fist,scientist, last rhyme kyatrist
Here to diagnose that we dying quick
Chorus: (repeat 5x)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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