I Can Feel Again de Capitan Kidd
Letra de I Can Feel Again
Music is heard, gay and bright. The curtain rises as the music fades away. WILLY, in shirt sleeves, is sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee, his hat in his lap. LINDA is filling his cup when she can.
WILLY: Wonderful coffee. Meal in itself. LINDA:Can I make you some eggs? WILLY: No. Take a breath.
LINDA: You look so rested, dear.
WILLY: I slept like a dead one. First time in months. Imagine, sleeping till ten on a Tuesday morning. Boys left nice and early, heh?
LINDA: They were out of here by eight o’clock.
WILLY: Good work!
LINDA: It was so thrilling to see them leaving together. I can’t get over the shaving
LINDA: Biff was very changed this morning. His whole attitude seemed to be
hopeful. He couldn’t wait to get downtown to see Oliver.
WILLY: He’s heading for a change. There’s no question, there simply are certain
LINDA: His blue suit. He’s so handsome in that suit. He could be a—anything in
that suit!
WILLY: There’s no question, no question at all. Gee, on the way home tonight I’d like to buy some seeds.
LINDA: That’d be wonderful. But not enough sun gets back there. Nothing’ll grow any more.
WILLY: You wait, kid, before it’s all over we’re gonna get a little place out in the country, and I’ll raise some vegetables, a couple of chickens . . .
LINDA: You’ll do it yet, dear.
WILLY: And they’ll get married, and come for a weekend. I’d build a little guest house. ’Cause I got so many fine tools, all I’d need would be a little lumber and some peace of mind.
LINDA: I sewed the lining . . .
WILLY: I could build two guest houses, so they’d both come. Did he decide how
much he’s going to ask Oliver for?
LINDA: He didn’t mention it, but I imagine ten or
fifteen thousand. You going to talk to Howard today?
ARTHUR MILLER Death of a Salesman, Act II 1587
WILLY: Yeah. I’ll put it to him straight and simple. He’ll just have to take me off the road.
LINDA: And Willy, don’t forget to ask for a little advance, because we’ve got the insurance premium. It’s the grace period now.
WILLY: That’s a hundred . . . ?
LINDA: A hundred and eight, sixty-eight. Because we’re a little short again. WILLY: Why are we short?
WILLY: That goddam Studebaker!
LINDA: And you got one more payment on the refrigerator . . .
WILLY: But it just broke again!
LINDA: Well, it’s old, dear.
WILLY NILLY: I told you we should’ve bought a well-advertised machine. Charley bought
a General Electric and it’s twenty years old and it’s still good, that son-of-a-
LINDA: But, Willy—
WILLY: Whoever heard of a Hastings refrigerator? Once in my life I would like to
own something outright before it’s broken! I’m always in a race with the junkyard! I just finished paying for the car and it’s on its last legs. The refrig- erator consumes belts like a goddam maniac. They time those things. They timethemsowhenyoufinallypaidforthem,they’reusedup.
LINDA: All told, about two hundred dollars would carry us, dear. But that includes the last payment on the mort- gage. After this payment, Willy, the house belongs to us.
WILLY: It’s twenty-five years!
LINDA: Biff was nine years old when we bought it.
WILLY: Well, that’s a great thing. To weather a twenty-five year mortgage is— LINDA:It’sanaccomplishment.
WILLY: All the cement, the lumber, the reconstruction I put in this house! There
ain’t a crack to be found in it anymore.
LINDA: Well, it served its purpose.
WILLY: What purpose? Some stranger’ll come along, move in, and that’s that. If
only Biff would take this house, and raise a family . . . Good-
bye, I’m late.
LINDA: Oh, I forgot! You’re supposed to meet them for
dinner. WILLY: Me?
LINDA: At Frank’s Chop House on Forty-eighth near Sixth Avenue. WILLY: Is that so! How about you?
LINDA: No, just the three of you. They’re gonna blow you to a big meal! WILLY: Don’t say! Who thought of that?
LINDA: Biff came to me this morning, Willy, and he said, “Tell Dad, we want to blow him to a big meal.” Be there six o’clock. You and your two boys are going to have dinner.
WILLY: Gee whiz! That’s really somethin’. I’m gonna knock Howard for a loop, kid. I’ll get an advance, and I’ll come home with a New York job. Goddammit, now I’m gonna do it!
LINDA: Oh, that’s the spirit, Willy!
WILLY: I will never get behind a wheel the rest of my life!
LINDA: It’s changing, Willy, I can feel it changing!
WILLY: Beyond a question. G’bye, I’m late.
LINDA: You got
your glasses?
WILLY: Yeah, yeah, got my glasses. LINDA: And a handkerchief.
WILLY: Yeah, handkerchief.
LINDA: And your saccharine?7
WILLY: Yeah, my saccharine. LINDA:Becarefulonthesubwaystairs.
WILLY: Will you stop mending stockings? At least while I’m in the house. It gets me nervous. I can’t tell you. Please.
LINDA: Remember, Frank’s Chop House.
WILLY: Maybe beets would grow out there.
LINDA: But you tried so many times.
WILLY: Yeah. Well, don’t work hard today.
LINDA: Be careful! Hello? Oh, Biff! I’m so glad you called, I just . . . Yes, sure, I just told him. Yes, he’ll be there for dinner at six o’clock, I didn’t forget. Listen, I was just dying to tell you. You know that little rubber pipe I told you about? That he connected to the gas heater? I finally decided to go down the cellar this morning and take it away and destroy it. But it’s gone! Imagine? He took it away himself, it isn’t there! When? Oh, then you took it. Oh—nothing, it’s just that I’d hoped he’d taken it away himself. Oh, I’m not worried, darling, because this morning he left in such high spirits, it was like the old days! I’m not afraid anymore. Did Mr. Oliver see you? . . . Well, you wait there then. And make a nice impression on him, darling. Just don’t perspire too much before you see him. And have a nice time with Dad. He may have big news too! . . . That’s right, a New York job. And be sweet to him tonight, dear. Be loving to him. Because he’s only a little boat looking for a harbor. Oh, that’s wonderful, Biff, you’ll save his life. Thanks, darling. Just put your arm around him when he comes into the restaurant. Give him a smile. That’s the boy . . . Good-bye, dear . . . You got your comb? . . . That’s fine. Good-bye, Biff dear.
7. Artificial sweetener once recommended as a healthy alternative to sugar.
WILLY: Pst! Pst!
HOWARD: Hello, Willy, come in.
WILLY: Like to have a little talk with you, Howard.
HOWARD: Sorry to keep you waiting. I’ll be with you in a minute.
WILLY: What’s that, Howard?
HOWARD: Didn’t you ever see one of these? Wire recorder. WILLY:Oh.Canwetalkaminute?
HOWARD: Records things. Just got delivery yesterday. Been driving me crazy, the
most terrific machine I ever saw in my life. I was up all night with it.
WILLY: What do you do with it?
HOWARD: I bought it for dictation, but you can do anything with it. Listen to
this. I had it home last night. Listen to what I picked up. The first one is my daughter. Get this. Listentothatkidwhistle.
WILLY: That is lifelike, isn’t it? HOWARD:Sevenyearsold.Getthattone. WILLY: Ts, ts. Like to ask a little favor if you . . .
HIS DAUGHTER: “Now you, Daddy.”
HOWARD: She’s crazy for me! That’s me! Ha!
WILLY: You’re very good!
HOWARD: Sh! Get this now, this is my son.
HIS SON: “The capital of Alabama is Montgomery; the capital of Arizona is Phoe-
nix; the capital of Arkansas is Little Rock; the capital of California is Sacra-
mento . . .”
HOWARD: Five years old, Willy!
WILLY: He’ll make an announcer some day!
HIS SON: “The capital . . .”
HOWARD: Get that—alphabetical order! Wait a
minute. The maid kicked the plug out.
WILLY: It certainly is a—
HOWARD: Sh, for God’s sake!
HIS SON: “It’s nine o’clock, Bulova watch time.8 So I have to go to sleep.” WILLY: That really is—
HOWARD: Wait a minute! The next is my wife.
HOWARD’S VOICE: “Go on, say something.” “Well, you gonna talk?”
HIS WIFE: “I can’t think of anything.”
HOWARD’S VOICE: “Well, talk—it’s turning.”
HIS WIFE: “Hello.” “Oh, Howard, I can’t talk into this . . .” HOWARD: That was my wife.
WILLY: That is a wonderful machine. Can we—
8. Phrase commonly heard on radio programs sponsored by the Bulova Watch Company.
HOWARD: I tell you, Willy, I’m gonna take my camera, and my bandsaw, and all my hobbies, and out they go. This is the most fascinating relaxation I ever found.
WILLY: I think I’ll get one myself.
HOWARD: Sure, they’re only a hundred and a half. You can’t do without it. Sup-
posing you wanna hear Jack Benny,9 see? But you can’t be at home at that hour.SoyoutellthemaidtoturntheradioonwhenJackBennycomeson, and this automatically goes on with the radio . . .
WILLY: And when you come home you . . .
HOWARD: You can come home twelve o’clock, one o’clock, any time you like, and
you get yourself a Coke and sit yourself down, throw the switch, and there’s
Jack Benny’s program in the middle of the night!
WILLY: I’m definitely going to get one. Because lots of time I’m on the road, and
I think to myself, what I must be missing on the radio!
HOWARD: Don’t you have a radio in the car?
WILLY: Well, yeah, but who ever thinks of turning it on?
HOWARD: Say, aren’t you supposed to be in Boston?
WILLY: That’s what I want to talk to you about, Howard. You got a minute?
HOWARD: What happened? What’re you doing here?
WILLY: Well . . .
HOWARD: You didn’t crack up again, did you?
WILLY: Oh, no. No . . .
HOWARD: Geez, you had me worried there for a minute. What’s the trouble? WILLY: Well, tell you the truth, Howard. I’ve come to the decision that I’d rather
not travel anymore.
HOWARD: Not travel! Well, what’ll you do? WILLY:Remember,Christmastime,whenyouhadthepartyhere?Yousaidyou’d
try to think of some spot for me here in town.
HOWARD: With us?
WILLY: Well, sure.
HOWARD: Oh, yeah, yeah. I remember. Well, I couldn’t think of anything for you,
WILLY: I tell ya, Howard. The kids are all grown up, y’know. I don’t need much
anymore. If I could take home—well, sixty-five dollars a week, I could swing
HOWARD: Yeah, but Willy, see I—
WILLY: I tell ya why, Howard. Speaking frankly and between the two of us,
y’know—I’m just a little tired.
HOWARD: Oh, I could understand that, Willy. But you’re a road man, Willy, and
we do a road business. We’ve only got a half-dozen salesmen on the floor here. WILLY: God knows, Howard, I never asked a favor of any man. But I was with
HOWARD: I know that, Willy, but— WILLY:YourfathercametomethedayyouwerebornandaskedmewhatI
thought of the name of Howard, may he rest in peace.
HOWARD: I appreciate that, Willy, but there just is no spot here for you. If I had a spot I’d slam you right in, but I just don’t have a single solitary spot.
WILLY: Howard, all I need to set my table is fifty dollars a week.
HOWARD: But where am I going to put you, kid?
WILLY: Look, it isn’t a question of whether I can sell merchandise, is it? HOWARD: No, but it’s a business, kid, and everybody’s gotta pull his own weight. WILLY: Just let me tell you a story, Howard—
HOWARD: ’Cause you gotta admit, business is business.
WILLY: Business is definitely business, but just listen for a minute. You
don’t understand this. When I was a boy—eighteen, nineteen—I was already on the road. And there was a question in my mind as to whether selling had a future for me. Because in those days I had a yearning to go to Alaska. See, there were three gold strikes in one month in Alaska, and I felt like going out. Just for the ride, you might say.
HOWARD: Don’t say. WILLY:Oh,yeah,myfatherlivedmanyyearsinAlaska.Hewasanadventurous
man. We’ve got quite a little streak of self-reliance in our family. I thought I’d go out with my older brother and try to locate him, and maybe settle in the North with the old man. And I was almost decided to go, when I met a salesman in the Parker House. His name was Dave Singleman. And he was eighty-four years old, and he’d drummed merchandise in thirty-one states. And old Dave, he’d go up to his room, y’understand, put on his green velvet slippers—I’ll never forget—and pick up his phone and call the buyers, and without ever leaving his room, at the age of eighty-four, he made a living. And whenIsawthat,Irealizedthatsellingwasthegreatestcareeramancould want. ’Cause what could be more satisfying than to be able to go, at the age of eighty-four, into twenty or thirty different cities, and pick up his phone and be remembered and loved and helped by so many different people? Do you know? when he died—and by the way he died the death of a salesman, in hisgreenvelvetslippersinthesmokeroftheNewYork,NewHavenand Hartford, going into Boston—when he died, hundreds of salesmen and buyers were at his funeral. Things were sad on a lotta trains for months after that. Inthosedaystherewaspersonality in it, Howard. There was respect, and comradeship, and gratitude in it. Today, it’s all cut and dried, and there’s no chance for bringing friendship to bear— or personality. You see what I mean? They don’t know me anymore.
HOWARD: That’s just the thing, Willy.
WILLY: If I had forty dollars a week—that’s all I’d need. Forty dollars, Howard. HOWARD: Kid, I can’t take blood from a stone, I—
WILLY: Howard, the year Al Smith1 was nominated,
your father came to me and—
HOWARD: I’ve got to see some people, kid.
WILLY: I’m talking about your father! There were promises made
across this desk! You mustn’t tell me you’ve got people to see—I put thirty-four years into this firm, Howard, and now I can’t pay my insurance! You can’t eat the orange and throw the peel away—a man is not a piece of fruit! Now pay attention. Your father—in 1928 I had a big year. I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a week in commissions.
HOWARD: Now, Willy, you never averaged—
WILLY: I averaged a hundred and seventy dollars a
office here—it was right over this desk—and he put his hand on my shoulder— HOWARD: You’ll have to excuse me, Willy, I gotta see some people.
WILLY: Pull myself together! What the hell did I say to him? My God, I was yelling at him! How could I! Frank, Frank, don’t you remember what you told me that time? How you put your hand onmyshoulder,andFrank...
HOWARD’S SON: “. . . of New York is Albany. The capital of Ohio is Cincinnati, the capital of Rhode Island is . . .”
WILLY: Ha! Howard! Howard! Howard! HOWARD: What happened?
Shut it off! Shut it off!
HOWARD: Look, Willy . . .
WILLY: I gotta get myself some coffee. I’ll get some
coffee . . .
HOWARD: Willy, look . . . WILLY: I’ll go to Boston.
HOWARD: Willy, you can’t go to Boston for us. WILLY: Why can’t I go?
HOWARD: I don’t want you to represent us. I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now.
WILLY: Howard, are you firing me?
HOWARD: I think you need a good long rest, Willy.
WILLY: Howard—
HOWARD: And when you feel better, come back, and we’ll see if we can work
something out.
WILLY: But I gotta earn money, Howard. I’m in no position to—
HOWARD: Where are your sons? Why don’t your sons give you a hand?
WILLY: They’re working on a very big deal.
HOWARD: This is no time for false pride, Willy. You go to your sons and you tell
them that you’re tired. You’ve got two great boys, haven’t you? WILLY: Oh, no question, no question, but in the meantime . . . HOWARD:Thenthat’sthat,heh? WILLY:Allright,I’llgotoBostontomorrow.
HOWARD: No, no.
WILLY: I can’t throw myself on my sons. I’m not a cripple!
HOWARD: Look, kid, I’m busy, I’m busy this morning.
WILLY: Howard, you’ve got to let me go to Boston! HOWARD: I’ve got a line of people to see this
morning. Sit down, take five minutes, and pull yourself together, and then go home, will ya? I need the office, Willy. Oh, yeah. Whenever you canthisweek,stopbyanddropoffthesamples.You’llfeelbetter,Willy, and then come back and we’ll talk. Pull yourself together, kid, there’s people outside.
WILLY: Oh, Ben, how did you do it? What is the answer? Did you wind up the Alaska deal already?
BEN: Doesn’t take much time if you know what you’re doing. Just a short busi- ness trip. Boarding ship in an hour. Wanted to say good-by.
WILLY: Ben, I’ve got to talk to you.
BEN: Haven’t the time, William.
WILLY: Ben, nothing’s working out. I don’t know what
to do.
BEN: Now, look here, William. I’ve bought timberland in Alaska and I need a
WILLY: God, timberland! Me and my boys in those grand outdoors!
BEN: You’ve a new continent at your doorstep, William. Get out of these cities,
they’re full of talk and time payments and courts of law. Screw on your fists
and you can fight for a fortune up there. WILLY: Yes, yes! Linda, Linda!
LINDA: Oh, you’re back?
BEN: I haven’t much time.
WILLY: No, wait! Linda, he’s got a proposition for me in Alaska.
LINDA: But you’ve got— He’s got a beautiful job here. WILLY:ButinAlaska,kid,Icould—
LINDA: You’re doing well enough, Willy!
BEN: Enough for what, my dear?
LINDA: Don’t say those things to him! Enough
to be happy right here, right now. Why must everybody conquer the world? You’re well liked, and the boys love you, and someday——why,oldmanWagnertoldhimjusttheotherdaythat if he keeps it up he’ll be a member of the firm, didn’t he, Willy?
WILLY: Sure, sure. I am building something with this firm, Ben, and if a man is building something he must be on the right track, mustn’t he?
BEN: What are you building? Lay your hand on it. Where is it?
WILLY: That’s true, Linda, there’s nothing. LINDA:Why?There’samaneighty-fouryearsold—
WILLY: That’s right, Ben, that’s right. When I look at that man I say, what is there
to worry about? BEN: Bah!
WILLY: It’s true, Ben. All he has to do is go into any city, pick up the phone, and he’s making his living and you know why?
BEN: I’ve got to go.
WILLY: Look at this boy! Without a penny to his name, three great universities are begging for him, and from there the sky’s the limit, because it’s not what you do, Ben. It’s who you know and the smile on your face! It’s contacts, Ben, contacts! The whole wealth of Alaska passes over the lunch table at the Commodore Hotel, and that’s the wonder, the wonder of this country, that a man can end with dia- monds here on the basis of being liked! And that’s why when you get out on that field today it’s important. Because thousands of people will be rooting for you and loving you. And Ben! when he walks into a business office his name will sound out like a bell and all the doors will open to him! I’ve seen it, Ben, I’ve seen it a thousand times! You can’t feel it with your hand like timber, but it’s there!
BEN: Good-by, William.
WILLY: Ben, am I right? Don’t you think I’m right? I value your advice.
BEN: There’s a new continent at your doorstep, William. You could walk out rich.
WILLY: We’ll do it here, Ben! You hear me? We’re gonna do it here!
BERNARD: Oh, gee, I was afraid you left already!
WILLY: Why? What time is it?
BERNARD: It’s half-past one!
WILLY: Well, come on, everybody! Ebbets Field next stop! Where’s the pennants?
LINDA: Did you pack fresh underwear?
BIFF: I want to go!
BERNARD: Biff, I’m carrying your helmet, ain’t I?
HAPPY: No, I’m carrying the helmet.
BERNARD: Oh, Biff, you promised me.
HAPPY: I’m carrying the helmet.
BERNARD: How am I going to get in the locker room?
LINDA: Let him carry the shoulder guards. BERNARD:CanI,Biff?’CauseItoldeverybodyI’mgoingtobeinthelockerroom. HAPPY:InEbbetsFieldit’stheclubhouse.
BERNARD: I meant the clubhouse, Biff!
HAPPY: Biff!
BIFF: Let him carry the shoulder guards.
HAPPY: Stay close to us now.
You set now, boy?
BIFF: Ready to go, Pop. Every muscle is ready.
WILLY: You realize what this means?
BIFF: That’s right, Pop.
WILLY: You’re comin’ home this afternoon captain of the
All-Scholastic Championship Team of the City of New York.
BIFF: I got it, Pop. And remember, pal, when I take off my helmet, that touchdown
is for you.
WILLY: Let’s go! I got no room for you, Charley.
CHARLEY: Room? For what?
CHARLEY: You goin’ for a ride? I wanted to shoot some casino.
WILLY: Casino! Don’t you realize what today is? LINDA: Oh, he knows, Willy. He’s just kidding you.
WILLY: That’s nothing to kid about!
CHARLEY: No, Linda, what’s goin’ on?
LINDA: He’s playing in Ebbets Field. CHARLEY:Baseballinthisweather?
WILLY: Don’t talk to him. Come on, come on! CHARLEY: Wait a minute, didn’t you hear the news?
WILLY: What?
CHARLEY: Don’t you listen to the radio? Ebbets Field just blew up.
WILLY: You go to hell! Come on, come on!
We’re late.
CHARLEY: Knock a homer, Biff, knock a homer!
WILLY: I don’t think that was funny, Charley.
This is the greatest day of my life. CHARLEY:Willy,whenareyougoingtogrowup? WILLY:Yeah,heh?Whenthisgameisover,Charley,you’llbelaughingoutofthe
other side of your face. They’ll be calling him another Red Grange.2 Twenty-
five thousand a year.
CHARLEY: Is that so?
WILLY: Yeah, that’s so.
CHARLEY: Well, then, I’m sorry, Willy. But tell me something.
WILLY: What?
CHARLEY: Who is Red Grange?
WILLY: Put up your hands. Goddam you, put up your hands! Who the hell do you think you are, better than everybody else? You don’t know everything, you big, ignorant, stupid . . . Put up your hands!
2. Harold Edward Grange (1903–1991), All-American halfback at the University of Illinois from 1923 to 1925; he played professionally for the Chicago Bears.
WILLY: What are you walking away for? Don’t walk away! If you’re going to say something say it to my face! I know you laugh at me behind my back. You’ll laugh out of the other side of your goddam face after this game. Touchdown! Touchdown! Eighty thousand people! Touchdown! Right betweenthegoalposts.
JENNY: Say, Bernard, will you go out in the hall? BERNARD: What is that noise? Who is it?
JENNY: Mr. Loman. He just got off the elevator.
BERNARD: Who’s he arguing with?
JENNY: Nobody. There’s nobody with him. I can’t deal with him anymore, and your father gets all upset everytime he comes. I’ve got a lot of typing to do, and your father’s waiting to sign it. Will you see him?
WILLY: Touchdown! Touch— Jenny, Jenny, good to see you. How’re ya? Workin’? Or still honest?
JENNY: Fine. How’ve you been feeling?
WILLY: Not much anymore, Jenny. Ha, ha! BERNARD: Hello, Uncle Willy.
WILLY: Bernard! Well, look who’s here!
BERNARD: How are you? Good to see you.
WILLY: What are you doing here? BERNARD:Oh,juststoppedbytoseePop.Getoffmyfeettillmytrainleaves.
I’m going to Washington in a few minutes.
WILLY: Is he in?
BERNARD: Yes, he’s in his office with the accountant. Sit down.
WILLY: What’re you going to do in Washington?
BERNARD: Oh, just a case I’ve got there, Willy.
WILLY: That so? You going to play tennis there? BERNARD: I’m staying with a friend who’s got a court.
WILLY: Don’t say. His own tennis court. Must be fine people, I bet.
BERNARD: They are, very nice. Dad tells me Biff ’s in town.
WILLY: Yeah, Biff ’s in. Working on a very big deal, Bernard. BERNARD: What’s Biff doing?
WILLY: Well, he’s been doing very big things in the West. But he decided to
establish himself here. Very big. We’re having dinner. Did I hear your wife had
a boy?
BERNARD: That’s right. Our second.
WILLY: Two boys! What do you know!
BERNARD: What kind of a deal has Biff got?
WILLY: Well, Bill Oliver—very big sporting-goods man—he wants Biff very badly.
Called him in from the West. Long distance, carte blanche, special deliveries.
Your friends have their own private tennis court?
BERNARD: You still with the old firm, Willy?
WILLY: I’m—I’m overjoyed to see how you made the grade, Bernard,
overjoyed. It’s an encouraging thing to see a young man really—really—Looks very good for Biff—very— Bernard—
BERNARD: What is it, Willy?
WILLY: What—what’s the secret?
BERNARD: What secret?
WILLY: How—how did you? Why didn’t he ever catch on?
BERNARD: I wouldn’t know that, Willy.
WILLY: You were his friend, his boyhood friend.
There’s something I don’t understand about it. His life ended after that Ebbets Field game. From the age of seventeen nothing good ever happened to him.
BERNARD: He never trained himself for anything.
WILLY: But he did, he did. After high school he took so many correspondence
courses. Radio mechanics; television; God knows what, and never made the
slightest mark.
BERNARD: Willy, do you want to talk candidly?
WILLY: I regard you as a very brilliant man, Bernard. I
value your advice.
BERNARD: Oh, the hell with the advice, Willy. I couldn’t advise you. There’s just
one thing I’ve always wanted to ask you. When he was supposed to graduate,
and the math teacher flunked him—
WILLY: Oh, that son-of-a-bitch ruined his life.
BERNARD: Yeah, but, Willy, all he had to do was go to summer school and make
up that subject.
WILLY: That’s right, that’s right.
BERNARD: Did you tell him not to go to summer school?
WILLY: Me? I begged him to go. I ordered him to go! BERNARD:Thenwhywouldn’thego?
WILLY: Why? Why! Bernard, that question has been trailing me like a ghost for
the last fifteen years. He flunked the subject, and laid down and died like a
hammer hit him!
BERNARD: Take it easy, kid.
WILLY: Let me talk to you—I got nobody to talk to. Bernard, Bernard, was it my
fault? Y’see? It keeps going around in my mind, maybe I did something to
him. I got nothing to give him.
BERNARD: Don’t take it so hard.
WILLY: Why did he lay down? What is the story there? You were his friend! BERNARD: Willy, I remember, it was June, and our grades came out. And he’d
flunked math.
WILLY: That son-of-a-bitch!
BERNARD: No, it wasn’t right then. Biff just got very angry, I remember, and he
was ready to enroll in summer school.
WILLY: He was?
BERNARD: He wasn’t beaten by it at all. But then, Willy, he disappeared from the
block for almost a month. And I got the idea that he’d gone up to New England to see you. Did he have a talk with you then? Willy?
WILLY: Yeah, he came to Boston. What about it?
BERNARD:Well,justthatwhenhecameback—I’llneverforgetthis,italways mystifiesme.BecauseI’dthoughtsowellofBiff,eventhoughhe’dalways taken advantage of me. I loved him, Willy, y’know? And he came back after that month and took his sneakers—remember those sneakers with “University of Virginia” printed on them? He was so proud of those, wore them every day. And he took them down in the cellar, and burned them up in the furnace. We had a fist fight. It lasted at least half an hour. Just the two of us, punching each other down the cellar, and crying right through it. I’ve often thought of how strange it was that I knew he’d given up his life. What happened in Boston, Willy? I just bring it up because you asked me.
WILLY: Nothing. What do you mean, “What happened?” What’s that got to do with anything?
BERNARD: Well, don’t get sore.
WILLY: What are you trying to do, blame it on me? If a boy lays down is that my
BERNARD: Now, Willy, don’t get—
WILLY: Well, don’t—don’t talk to me that way! What does that mean, “What
CHARLEY: Hey, you’re going to miss that train.
BERNARD: Yeah, I’m going. Thanks, Pop. Good-bye, Willy, and don’t worry about it. You know, “If at first you
don’t succeed . . .”
WILLY:Yes,Ibelieveinthat. BERNARD:Butsometimes,Willy,it’sbetterforamanjusttowalkaway.
WILLY: Walk away?
BERNARD: That’s right.
WILLY: But if you can’t walk away? BERNARD:Iguessthat’swhenit’stough.
Good-bye, Willy.
WILLY: Good-bye, boy.
CHARLEY: How do you like this kid? Gonna argue
WILLY: No! The Supreme Court! BERNARD: I gotta run. ’Bye, Dad!
CHARLEY: Knock ’em dead, Bernard!
WILLY: The Supreme Court! And he didn’t even mention it!
CHARLEY: He don’t have to—he’s gonna do it. WILLY: And you never told him what to do, did you? You never took any interest
CHARLEY: My salvation is that I never took any interest in anything. There’s some
money—fifty dollars. I got an accountant inside.
WILLY: Charley, look . . . I got my insurance to pay. If you can manage it—I need a hundred and ten dollars. I’d draw it from my bank but Linda would know, and I...
CHARLEY: Sit down, Willy.
WILLY: I’m keeping an account of everything, remember.
I’ll pay every penny back.
WILLY: I want you to know I appreciate . . .
CHARLEY: Willy, what’re you doin’? What the hell is
WILLY: Why? I’m simply . . .
CHARLEY: I offered you a job. You can make fifty dollars a week. And I won’t
send you on the road.
WILLY: I’ve got a job.
CHARLEY: Without pay? What kind of job is a job without pay? Now,
look kid, enough is enough. I’m no genius but I know when I’m being
WILLY: Insulted!
CHARLEY: Why don’t you want to work for me?
WILLY: What’s the matter with you? I’ve got a job. CHARLEY:Thenwhat’reyouwalkin’inhereeveryweekfor?
WILLY: Well, if you don’t want me to walk in here—
CHARLEY: I am offering you a job!
WILLY: I don’t want your goddam job! CHARLEY:Whenthehellareyougoingtogrowup?
WILLY: You big ignoramus, if you say that to me again I’ll rap you
one! I don’t care how big you are!
CHARLEY: How much do you need, Willy?
WILLY: Charley, I’m strapped, I’m strapped. I don’t know what to do. I was just
CHARLEY: Howard fired you?
WILLY: That snotnose. Imagine that? I named him. I named him Howard. CHARLEY: Willy, when’re you gonna realize that them things don’t mean any-
thing? You named him Howard, but you can’t sell that. The only thing you got in this world is what you can sell. And the funny thing is that you’re a salesman, and you don’t know that.
WILLY: I’ve always tried to think otherwise, I guess. I always felt that if a man was impressive, and well liked, that nothing—
CHARLEY: Why must everybody like you? Who liked J. P. Morgan?3 Was he impres- sive?InaTurkishbathhe’dlooklikeabutcher.Butwithhispocketsonhe was very well liked. Now listen, Willy, I know you don’t like me, and nobody cansayI’minlovewithyou,butI’llgiveyouajobbecause—justforthehell of it, put it that way. Now what do you say?
WILLY: I—I just can’t work for you, Charley.
CHARLEY: What’re you, jealous of me?
WILLY: I can’t work for you, that’s all, don’t ask me why. CHARLEY:Youbeenjealousofmeallyourlife,
3. American financier (1837–1890), widely criticized for his business dealings with the U.S. government.
you damned fool! Here, pay your insurance.
WILLY: I’m keeping strict accounts.
CHARLEY: I’ve got some work to do. Take care of yourself. And pay your insurance. WILLY: Funny, y’know? After all the highways and the trains,
and the appointments, and the years, you end up worth more dead than alive. CHARLEY: Willy, nobody’s worth nothin’ dead. Did you hear
what I said? Willy!
WILLY: Apologize to Bernard for me when you see him. I didn’t mean to argue
with him. He’s a fine boy. They’re all fine boys, and they’ll end up big—all of them. Someday they’ll all play tennis together. Wish me luck, Charley. He saw Bill Oliver today.
CHARLEY: Good luck.
WILLY: Charley, you’re the only friend I got. Isn’t that a
remarkable thing? CHARLEY: Jesus!
STANLEY: That’s all right, Mr. Loman, I can handle it myself.
HAPPY: Oh, this is better.
STANLEY: Sure, in the front there you’re in the middle of all kinds a noise. When-
ever you got a party. Mr. Loman, you just tell me and I’ll put you back here. Y’know, there’s a lotta people they don’t like it private, because when they go out they like to see a lotta action around them because they’re sick and tired to stay in the house by theirself. But I know you, you ain’t from Hackensack. You know what I mean?
HAPPY: So how’s it coming, Stanley?
STANLEY: Ah, it’s a dog life. I only wish during the war they’d a took me in the
HAPPY: My brother’s back, Stanley.
STANLEY: Oh, he come back, heh? From the Far West.
HAPPY: Yeah, big cattle man, my brother, so treat him right. And my father’s
coming too.
STANLEY: Oh, your father too!
HAPPY: You got a couple of nice lobsters?
STANLEY: Hundred per cent, big.
HAPPY: I want them with the claws.
STANLEY: Don’t worry, I don’t give you no mice. How about some
wine? It’ll put a head on the meal.
HAPPY: No. You remember, Stanley, that recipe I brought you from overseas?
With the champagne in it? STANLEY:Oh,yeah,sure.Istillgotittackedupyetinthekitchen.Butthat’ll
have to cost a buck apiece anyways.
HAPPY: That’s all right.
STANLEY: What’d you, hit a number or somethin’?
HAPPY: No, it’s a little celebration. My brother is—I think he pulled off a big deal today. I think we’re going into business together.
STANLEY: Great! That’s the best for you. Because a family business, you know what I mean?—that’s the best.
HAPPY: That’s what I think.
STANLEY: ’Cause what’s the difference? Somebody steals? It’s in the family. Know
what I mean? Like this bartender here. The boss is goin’ crazy what kinda leak he’s got in the cash register. You put it in but it don’t come out.
HAPPY: You notice I wasn’t lookin’ right or left, was I?
HAPPY: And my eyes are closed.
STANLEY: So what’s the—?
HAPPY: Strudel’s comin’.
STANLEY: Ah, no, there’s no—
Geez, how’d ya know?
HAPPY: I got radar or something. Oooooooo . . .
STANLEY: I think, that’s for you, Mr. Loman.
HAPPY: Look at that mouth. Oh, God. And the binoculars.
STANLEY: Geez, you got a life, Mr. Loman.
STANLEY: Would you like a menu, ma’am?
GIRL: I’m expecting someone, but I’d like a—
HAPPY: Why don’t you bring her—excuse me, miss, do you mind? I sell cham-
pagne, and I’d like you to try my brand. Bring her a champagne, Stanley. GIRL: That’s awfully nice of you.
HAPPY: Don’t mention it. It’s all company money.
GIRL: That’s a charming product to be selling, isn’t it?
HAPPY: Oh, gets to be like everything else. Selling is selling, y’know. GIRL: I suppose.
HAPPY: You don’t happen to sell, do you?
GIRL: No, I don’t sell.
HAPPY: Would you object to a compliment from a stranger? You ought to be on a magazine cover.
GIRL: I have been.
HAPPY: What’d I say before, Stanley? You see? She’s a cover girl. STANLEY: Oh, I could see, I could see.
HAPPY: What magazine?
GIRL: Oh, a lot of them. Thank you.
HAPPY: You know what they say in France, don’t you? “Champagne is the drink of the complexion”—Hya, Biff!
BIFF: Hello, kid. Sorry I’m late.
HAPPY: I just got here. Uh, Miss—?
GIRL: Forsythe.
HAPPY: Miss Forsythe, this is my brother.
BIFF: Is Dad here?
HAPPY: His name is Biff. You might’ve heard of him. Great football player. GIRL: Really? What team?
HAPPY: Are you familiar with football?
GIRL: No, I’m afraid I’m not.
HAPPY: Biff is quarterback with the New York Giants.
GIRL: Well, that’s nice, isn’t it?
HAPPY: Good health.
GIRL: I’m happy to meet you.
HAPPY: That’s my name, Hap. It’s really Harold, but at West Point they called me
GIRL: Oh, I see. How do you do? BIFF: Isn’t Dad coming?
HAPPY: You want her?
BIFF: Oh, I could never make that.
HAPPY: I remember the time that idea would never come into your head. Where’s
the old confidence, Biff?
BIFF: I just saw Oliver—
HAPPY: Wait a minute. I’ve got to see that old confidence again. Do you want
BIFF: Oh, no.
HAPPY: I’m telling you. Watch this. Honey? Are you busy?
GIRL: Well, I am . . . but I could make a phone call.
HAPPY: Do that, will you, honey? And see if you can get a friend. We’ll be here
for a while. Biff is one of the greatest football players in the country. GIRL: Well, I’m certainly happy to meet you.
HAPPY: Come back soon.
GIRL: I’ll try.
HAPPY: Don’t try, honey, try hard. Isn’t that a shame now? A beautiful girl like that? That’s why I can’t get married. There’s not a good woman in a thousand. New York is loaded with them, kid!
BIFF: Hap, look—
BIFF: Cut it out, will ya? I want to say something to you. HAPPY: Did you see Oliver?
BIFF: I saw him all right. Now look, I want to tell Dad a couple of things and I
want you to help me.
HAPPY: What? Is he going to back you?
BIFF: Are you crazy? You’re out of your goddam head, you know that?
HAPPY: Why? What happened?
BIFF: I did a terrible thing today, Hap. It’s been the strangest day I
ever went through. I’m all numb, I swear. HAPPY:Youmeanhewouldn’tseeyou?
BIFF: Well, I waited six hours for him, see? All day. Kept sending my name in. Eventriedtodatehissecretarysoshe’dgetmetohim,butnosoap.
HAPPY: Because you’re not showin’ the old confidence, Biff. He remembered you, didn’t he?
BIFF: Finally, about five o’clock, he comes out. Didn’t remember who I was or anything. I felt like such an idiot, Hap.
HAPPY: Did you tell him my Florida idea?
BIFF: He walked away. I saw him for one minute. I got so mad I could’ve torn
the walls down! How the hell did I ever get the idea I was a salesman there? IevenbelievedmyselfthatI’dbeenasalesmanforhim!Andthenhegaveme one look and—I realized what a ridiculous lie my whole life has been! We’ve beentalkinginadreamforfifteenyears.Iwasashippingclerk.
HAPPY: What’d you do?
BIFF: Well, he left, see. And the secretary went out.
I was all alone in the waiting-room. I don’t know what came over me, Hap. The next thing I know I’m in his office—paneled walls, everything. I can’t explain it. I—Hap, I took his fountain pen.
HAPPY: Geez, did he catch you? BIFF:Iranout.Irandownallelevenflights.Iranandranandran. HAPPY:Thatwasanawfuldumb—what’dyoudothatfor?
BIFF: I don’t know, I just—wanted to take something, I don’t know.
You gotta help me, Hap, I’m gonna tell Pop.
HAPPY: You crazy? What for?
BIFF: Hap, he’s got to understand that I’m not the man somebody lends that
kind of money to. He thinks I’ve been spiting him all these years and it’s
eating him up.
HAPPY: That’s just it. You tell him something nice.
BIFF: I can’t.
HAPPY: Say you got a lunch date with Oliver tomorrow.
BIFF: So what do I do tomorrow?
HAPPY: You leave the house tomorrow and come back at night and say Oliver is
thinking it over. And he thinks it over for a couple of weeks, and gradually it
fades away and nobody’s the worse.
HAPPY: Dad is never so happy as when he’s looking forward to something! Hello, scout!
WILLY: Gee, I haven’t been here in years!
HAPPY: Stanley!
BIFF: Sit down, Pop. You want a drink? WILLY: Sure, I don’t mind.
BIFF: Let’s get a load on.
WILLY: You look worried.
BIFF: N-no. Scotch all around. Make it doubles. STANLEY: Doubles, right.
WILLY: You had a couple already, didn’t you?
BIFF: Just a couple, yeah.
WILLY: Well, what happened, boy? Everything
go all right?
BIFF: Pal . . . Ihadanexperiencetoday.
HAPPY: Terrific, Pop.
WILLY: That so? What happened?
BIFF: I’m going to tell you everything from
firsttolast.It’sbeenastrangeday. I had to wait quite a while for him, and—
WILLY: Oliver?
BIFF: Yeah, Oliver. All day, as a matter of cold fact. And a lot of—instances—facts,
Pop, facts about my life came back to me. Who was it, Pop? Who ever said I
WILLY: Well, you were.
BIFF: No, Dad, I was shipping clerk.
WILLY: But you were practically—
BIFF: Dad, I don’t know who said it first, but I was never a
WILLY: What’re you talking about?
BIFF: Let’s hold on to the facts tonight, Pop. We’re not going to get anywhere
bullin’ around. I was a shipping clerk.
WILLY: All right, now listen to me—
BIFF: Why don’t you let me finish?
WILLY: I’m not interested in stories about the past or any crap of that kind
because the woods are burning, boys, you understand? There’s a big blaze
going on all around. I was fired today.
BIFF: How could you be?
WILLY: I was fired, and I’m looking for a little good news to tell your mother,
becausethewomanhaswaitedandthewomanhassuffered.Thegistofitis that I haven’t got a story left in my head, Biff. So don’t give me a lecture about facts and aspects. I am not interested. Now what’ve you got to say to me? Did you see Oliver?
BIFF: Jesus, Dad!
HAPPY: Sure he went up there.
BIFF: I did. I—saw him. How could they fire you?
WILLY: What kind of a welcome did he give you?
BIFF: He won’t even let you work on commission?
WILLY: I’m out. So tell me, he gave you a warm welcome?
HAPPY: Sure, Pop, sure!
BIFF: Well, it was kind of—
WILLY: I was wondering if he’d remember you. Imagine, man doesn’t
see him for ten, twelve years and gives him that kind of a welcome! HAPPY:Damnright!
BIFF: Pop, look—
WILLY: You know why he remembered you, don’t you? Because you impressed himinthosedays.
BIFF: Let’s talk quietly and get this down to the facts, huh?
WILLY: Well, what happened? It’s great news,
Biff. Did he take you into his office or’d you talk in the waiting-room? BIFF: Well, he came in, see and—
WILLY: What’d he say? Betcha he threw his arm around you. BIFF: Well, he kinda—
WILLY: He’s a fine man. Very hard man to see, y’know. HAPPY: Oh, I know.
WILLY: Is that where you had the drinks?
BIFF: Yeah, he gave me a couple of—no, no!
HAPPY: He told him my Florida idea.
WILLY: Don’t interrupt. How’d he react to the Florida idea?
BIFF: Dad, will you give me a minute to explain?
WILLY: I’ve been waiting for you to explain since I sat down here! What happened?
He took you into his office and what?
BIFF: Well—I talked. And—he listened, see.
WILLY: Famous for the way he listens, y’know. What was his answer?
BIFF: His answer was— Dad, you’re not letting me
tell you what I want to tell you!
WILLY: You didn’t see him, did you?
BIFF: I did see him!
WILLY: What’d you insult him or something? You insulted him, didn’t you? BIFF: Listen, will you let me out of it, will you just let me out of it!
HAPPY: What the hell!
WILLY: Tell me what happened!
BIFF: I can’t talk to him!
YOUNG BERNARD: Mrs. Loman, Mrs. Loman! HAPPY: Tell him what happened!
BIFF: Shut up and leave me alone!
WILLY: No, no. You had to go and flunk math!
BIFF: What math? What’re you talking about? YOUNG BERNARD: Mrs. Loman, Mrs. Loman!
WILLY: Math, math, math!
BIFF: Take it easy, Pop!
WILLY: If you hadn’t flunked you’d’ve been set by now!
BIFF: Now, look, I’m gonna tell you what happened, and you’re going to listen
to me.
BIFF: I waited six hours—
HAPPY: What the hell are you saying?
BIFF: I kept sending in my name but he wouldn’t see me. So finally he . . .
YOUNG BERNARD: Biff flunked math!
YOUNG BERNARD: Birnbaum flunked him! They won’t graduate him!
LINDA: But they have to. He’s gotta go to the university. Where is he? Biff! Biff! YOUNG BERNARD: No, he left. He went to Grand Central.
LINDA: Grand—You mean he went to Boston!
YOUNG BERNARD: Is Uncle Willy in Boston? LINDA:Oh,maybeWillycantalktotheteacher.Oh,thepoor,poorboy!
BIFF: . . . so I’m washed up with Oliver, you understand? Are you listening to me?
WILLY: Yeah, sure. If you hadn’t flunked—
BIFF: Flunked what? What’re you talking about?
WILLY: Don’t blame everything on me! I didn’t flunk math—you did! What pen? HAPPY:Thatwasawfuldumb,Biff,apenlikethatisworth—
WILLY: You took Oliver’s pen?
BIFF: Dad, I just explained it to you.
WILLY: You stole Bill Oliver’s fountain pen!
BIFF: I didn’t exactly steal it! That’s just what I’ve been explaining to you! HAPPY: He had it in his hand and just then Oliver walked in, so he got nervous
and stuck it in his pocket!
WILLY: My God, Biff!
BIFF: I never intended to do it, Dad!
OPERATOR’S VOICE: Standish Arms, good evening!
WILLY: I’m not in my room!
BIFF: Dad, what’s the matter?
OPERATOR: Ringing Mr. Loman for you!
BIFF: Dad, I’ll make good, I’ll make
WILLY: No, you’re no good, you’re no good for anything.
BIFF: I am, Dad, I’ll find something else, you understand? Now don’t worry about
anything. Talk to me, Dad.
OPERATOR: Mr. Loman does not answer. Shall I page him?
WILLY: No, no, no! HAPPY: He’ll strike something, Pop.
WILLY: No, no . . .
BIFF: Pop, listen! Listen to me! I’m telling you
something good. Oliver talked to his partner about the Florida idea. You listening? He—he talked to his partner, and he came to me . . . I’m going to beallright,youhear?Dad,listentome,hesaiditwasjustaquestionofthe amount!
HAPPY: He’s gonna be terrific, Pop! WILLY:Thenyougotit,haven’tyou?Yougotit!Yougotit! BIFF: No, no. Look, Pop. I’m supposed to have lunch
with them tomorrow. I’m just telling you this so you’ll know that I can still make an impression, Pop. And I’ll make good somewhere, but I can’t go
tomorrow, see?
WILLY: Why not? You simply—
BIFF: But the pen, Pop!
WILLY: You give it to him and tell him it was an oversight!
HAPPY: Sure, have lunch tomorrow!
BIFF: I can’t say that—
WILLY: You were doing a crossword puzzle and accidentally used his pen!
BIFF: Listen, kid, I took those balls years ago, now I walk in with his fountain
pen? That clinches it, don’t you see? I can’t face him like that! I’ll try elsewhere. PAGE’S VOICE: Paging Mr. Loman!
WILLY: Don’t you want to be anything?
WILLY: You don’t want to be anything, is that what’s behind it?
BIFF: Don’t take it that way! You think it was easy walking into that office after what I’d done to him? A
team of horses couldn’t have dragged me back to Bill Oliver! WILLY:Thenwhy’dyougo?
BIFF: Why did I go? Why did I go! Look at you! Look at what’s become of you!
WILLY: Biff, you’re going to go to that lunch tomorrow, or— BIFF: I can’t go. I’ve got an appointment!
HAPPY: Biff, for . . . !
WILLY: Are you spiting me?
BIFF: Don’t take it that way! Goddammit! WILLY:Yourottenlittlelouse!Areyou
spiting me?
THE WOMAN: Someone’s at the door, Willy!
BIFF: I’m no good, can’t you see what I am? HAPPY:Hey,you’reinarestaurant!Nowcutitout,bothofyou!
Hello, girls, sit down.
MISS FORSYTHE: I guess we might as well. This is Letta.
THE WOMAN: Willy, are you going to wake up?
BIFF: How’re ya, miss, sit down. What do you drink?
MISS FORSYTHE: Letta might not be able to stay long.
LETTA: I gotta get up early tomorrow. I got jury duty. I’m so excited! Were you
fellowseveronajury? BIFF:No,butIbeeninfrontofthem!Thisismyfather. LETTA: Isn’t he cute? Sit down with us, Pop.
HAPPY: Sit him down, Biff!
BIFF: Come on, slugger, drink us under the table. To hell with it!
Come on, sit down, pal.
THE WOMAN: Willy, are you going to answer the door!
BIFF: Hey, where are you going?
BIFF: The door?
WILLY: The washroom . . . the door . . . where’s the door? BIFF: Just go straight down.
THE WOMAN: Willy, Willy, are you going to get up, get up, get up, get up?
LETTA: I think it’s sweet you bring your daddy along.
MISS FORSYTHE: Oh, he isn’t really your father! BIFF:MissForsythe,you’vejustseenaprince
walk by. A fine, troubled prince. A hardworking, unappreciated prince. A pal,
you understand? A good companion. Always for his boys.
LETTA: That’s so sweet.
HAPPY: Well, girls, what’s the program? We’re wasting time. Come on, Biff. Gather
round. Where would you like to go?
BIFF: Why don’t you do something for him?
BIFF: Don’t you give a damn for him, Hap?
HAPPY: What’re you talking about? I’m the one who—
BIFF: I sense it, you don’t give a good goddam about him. Look what I found
HAPPY: Me? Who goes away? Who runs off and—
BIFF: Yeah, but he doesn’t mean anything to you. You could help him—I can’t!
Don’t you understand what I’m talking about? He’s going to kill himself,
don’t you know that?
HAPPY: Don’t I know it! Me!
BIFF: Hap, help him! Jesus . . . help him . . . Help me, help me, I can’t bear to look
at his face!
HAPPY: Where are you going?
MISS FORSYTHE: What’s he so mad about?
HAPPY: Come on, girls, we’ll catch up with him.
MISS FORSYTHE: Say, I don’t like that temper of his! HAPPY: He’s just a little overstrung, he’ll be all right!
WILLY: Don’t answer! Don’t answer!
LETTA: Don’t you want to tell your father—
HAPPY: No, that’s not my father. He’s just a guy. Come on, we’ll catch Biff, and,
honey, we’re going to paint this town! Stanley, where’s the check! Hey, Stanley!
STANLEY: Mr. Loman! Mr. Loman!
WILLY: Will you stop laughing? Will you stop?
THE WOMAN: Aren’t you going to answer the door? He’ll wake the whole hotel. WILLY: I’m not expecting anybody.
THE WOMAN: Whyn’t you have another drink, honey, and stop being so damn
WILLY: I’m so lonely.
THE WOMAN: You know you ruined me, Willy? From now on, whenever you come
to the office, I’ll see that you go right through to the buyers. No waiting at
my desk anymore, Willy. You ruined me.
WILLY: That’s nice of you to say that.
THE WOMAN: Gee, you are self-centered! Why so sad? You are the saddest, self-
centeredestsoulIeverdidsee-saw.Comeoninside, drummer boy. It’s silly to be dressing in the middle of the night. Aren’t you going to answer the door?
WILLY: They’re knocking on the wrong door.
THE WOMAN: But I felt the knocking. And he heard us talking in here. Maybe
WILLY: It’s a mistake. THEWOMAN:Thentellthemtogoaway!
WILLY: There’s nobody there.
THE WOMAN: It’s getting on my nerves, Willy. There’s somebody standing out
there and it’s getting on my nerves!
WILLY: All right, stay in the bathroom here, and don’t
come out. I think there’s a law in Massachusetts about it, so don’t come out. It may be that new room clerk. He looked very mean. So don’t come out. It’s a mistake, there’s no fire.
BIFF: Why didn’t you answer?
WILLY: Biff! What are you doing in Boston?
BIFF: Why didn’t you answer? I’ve been knocking for five minutes, I called you
WILLY: I just heard you. I was in the bathroom and had the door shut. Did
anything happen home?
BIFF: Dad—I let you down.
WILLY: What do you mean?
BIFF: Dad . . .
WILLY: Biffo, what’s this about? Come on, let’s go
downstairs and get you a malted.
BIFF: Dad, I flunked math.
WILLY: Not for the term?
BIFF: The term. I haven’t got enough credits to graduate.
WILLY: You mean to say Bernard wouldn’t give you the answers? BIFF: He did, he tried, but I only got a sixty-one.
WILLY: And they wouldn’t give you four points?
BIFF: Birnbaum refused absolutely. I begged him, Pop, but he won’t give me those
points. You gotta talk to him before they close the school. Because if he saw the kind of man you are, and you just talked to him in your way, I’m sure he’d come through for me. The class came right before practice, see, and I didn’t go enough. Would you talk to him? He’d like you, Pop. You know the way you could talk.
WILLY: You’re on. We’ll drive right back.
BIFF: Oh, Dad, good work! I’m sure he’ll change for you!
WILLY: Go downstairs and tell the clerk I’m checkin’ out. Go right down. BIFF:Yes,sir!See,thereasonhehatesme,Pop—onedayhewaslateforclassso
I got up at the blackboard and imitated him. I crossed my eyes and talked
with a lithp.
WILLY: You did? The kids like it?
BIFF: They nearly died laughing!
WILLY: Yeah? What’d you do?
BIFF: The thquare root of thixthy twee is . . . And in the middle of it he walked in!
WILLY: Hurry downstairs and— BIFF:Somebodyinthere?
WILLY: No, that was next door.
WILLY: No, it’s the next room, there’s a party—
THE WOMAN: Can I come in? There’s something in
the bathtub, Willy, and it’s moving!
WILLY: Ah—you better go back to your room. They must be finished painting by now. They’re painting her room so I let her take a shower here. Go back, go back . . .
THE WOMAN: But I’ve got to get dressed, Willy, I can’t—
WILLY: Get out of here! Go back, go back . . . This is Miss Francis, Biff, she’s a buyer. They’re painting her room. Go back,
Miss Francis, go back . . .
THE WOMAN: But my clothes, I can’t go out naked in the hall! WILLY: Get outa here! Go back, go back!
THE WOMAN: Where’s my stockings? You promised me stockings, Willy!
WILLY: I have no stockings here!
THE WOMAN: You had two boxes of size nine sheers for me, and I want them! WILLY: Here, for God’s sake, will you get outa here!
THE WOMAN: I just hope there’s nobody in the
hall. That’s all I hope. Are you football or baseball?
BIFF: Football.
THE WOMAN: That’s me too. G’night.
WILLY: Well, better get going. I want to get to the school first thing in the morning. Get my suits out of the closet. I’ll get my valise. What’s the matter? BIFF remains motionless, tears falling.] She’s a buyer. Buys for J. H. Simmons. She lives down the hall—they’re painting. You don’t imagine— Now listen, pal, she’s just a buyer. She sees merchandise in her room and they have to keep it looking just so . . . All right, get my suits. Now stop crying and do as I say. I gave you an order. Biff, I gave you an order! Is that what you do when I give you an order? How dare you cry! Now look, Biff, when you grow up you’ll understand about these things. You mustn’t—you mustn’t overemphasize a thing like this. I’ll see Birnbaum first thing in the morning.
BIFF: Never mind.
WILLY: Never mind! He’s going to give you those points.
I’ll see to it.
BIFF: He wouldn’t listen to you.
WILLY: He certainly will listen to me. You need those points for the U. of Virginia. BIFF: I’m not going there.
WILLY: Heh? If I can’t get him to change that mark you’ll make it up in summer
school. You’ve got all summer to—
BIFF: Dad . . .
WILLY: Oh, my boy . . .
BIFF: Dad . . .
WILLY: She’s nothing to me, Biff. I was lonely, I was terribly lonely.
BIFF: You—you gave her Mama’s stockings!
WILLY: I gave you an order! BIFF: Don’t touch me, you—liar!
WILLY: Apologize for that!
BIFF: You fake! You phony little fake! You fake!
WILLY: I gave you an order! Biff, come back here or I’ll beat you! Come back here! I’ll whip you! I gave you an order . . .
STANLEY: Hey, let’s pick it up, pick it up, Mr. Loman. Your boys left with the chippies. They said they’ll see you home.
WILLY: But we were supposed to have dinner together.
STANLEY:Canyoumakeit? WILLY:I’ll—sure,Icanmakeit.DoI—Ilook
all right?
STANLEY: Sure, you look all right. WILLY: Here—here’s a dollar. STANLEY:Oh,yoursonpaidme.It’sallright.
WILLY: No, take it. You’re a good boy.
STANLEY: Oh, no, you don’t have to . . .
WILLY: Here—here’s some more, I don’t need it anymore. Tell
me—is there a seed store in the neighborhood? STANLEY:Seeds?Youmeanliketoplant?
WILLY: Yes. Carrots, peas . . .
STANLEY: Well, there’s hardware stores on Sixth Avenue, but it may be too late
WILLY: Oh, I’d better hurry. I’ve got to get some seeds. I’ve got to get some seeds, right away. Nothing’s planted. I don’t have a thing in the ground.
STANLEY: Well, whatta you looking at?
HAPPY: Hey, what’re you doing up? Where’s Pop? Is he sleeping?
LINDA: Where were you?
HAPPY: We met two girls, Mom, very fine types. Here, we
broughtyousomeflowers.Puttheminyourroom,Ma. Now what’d you do that for? Mom, I want you to have some flowers—
LINDA: Don’t you care whether he lives or dies?
HAPPY: Come upstairs, Biff.
BIFF: Go away from me! What do
you mean, lives or dies? Nobody’s dying around here, pal. LINDA: Get out of my sight! Get out of here!
BIFF: I wanna see the boss.
LINDA: You’re not going near him!
BIFF: Where is he?
LINDA: You invite him for dinner. He looks forward to it all day——and then you
desert him there. There’s no stranger you’d do that to!
HAPPY: Why? He had a swell time with us. Listen, when I——desert him I hope I don’t outlive the day!
LINDA: Get out of here!
HAPPY: Now look, Mom . . .
LINDA: Did you have to go to women tonight? You and your lousy rotten whores!
HAPPY: Mom, all we did was follow Biff around trying to cheer him up! Boy, what a night you gave me!
LINDA: Get out of here, both of you, and don’t come back! I don’t want you tormenting him anymore. Go on now, get your things together! You cansleepinhisapartment.Pick up this stuff, I’m not your maid anymore. Pick it up, you bum, you! You’re a pair of animals! Not one, not another living soulwouldhavehadthecrueltytowalkoutonthatmaninarestaurant!
BIFF: Is that what he said?
LINDA: He didn’t have to say anything. He was so humiliated he nearly limped
HAPPY: But, Mom, he had a great time with us— BIFF: Shut up!
LINDA: You! You didn’t even go in to see if he was all right!
BIFF: No. Didn’t. Didn’t do a damned thing. How do you like that, heh? Left him
babbling in a toilet.
LINDA: You louse. You . . . BIFF:Nowyouhititonthenose!
The scum of the earth, and you’re looking at him!
LINDA: Get out of here!
BIFF: I gotta talk to the boss, Mom. Where is he?
LINDA: You’re not going near him. Get out of this house!
BIFF: No. We’re gonna have an abrupt con-
versation, him and me.
LINDA: You’re not talking to him! Will you please leave him
BIFF: What’s he doing out there? LINDA: He’s planting the garden! BIFF: Now? Oh, my God!
WILLY: Carrots . . . quarter-inch apart. Rows . . . one-foot rows. One foot. Beets. Lettuce. One foot— What a proposition, ts, ts. Terrific, terrific. ’Cause she’s suffered, Ben, the woman has suffered. You understand me? A man can’t go out the way he came in, Ben, a man has got to add up to something. You can’t, you can’t— You gotta consider, now. Don’t answer so quick. Remember, it’s a guaranteed twenty-thousand-dollar prop- osition. Now look, Ben, I want you to go through the ins and outs of this thing with me. I’ve got nobody to talk to, Ben, and the woman has suffered, you hear me?
BEN: What’s the proposition?
WILLY: It’s twenty thousand dollars on the barrelhead. Guaranteed, gilt-edged,
you understand?
BEN: You don’t want to make a fool of yourself. They might not honor the policy. WILLY:Howcantheydarerefuse?Didn’tIworklikeacoolietomeeteverypre-
mium on the nose? And now they don’t pay off! Impossible!
BEN: It’s called a cowardly thing, William.
WILLY: Why? Does it take more guts to stand here the rest of my life ringing up
a zero?
BEN: That’s a point, William. And twenty
thousand—that is something one can feel with the hand, it is there.
WILLY: Oh, Ben, that’s the whole beauty of it! I see it like a diamond, shining in the dark, hard and rough, that I can pick up and touch in my hand. Not like—like an appointment! This would not be another damned-fool appointment, Ben, and it changes all the aspects. Because he thinks I’m nothing, see, and so he spites me. But the funeral— Ben, that funeral will be massive! They’ll come from Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire! All the old-timers with the strange license plates—that boy will be thunder-struck, Ben, because he never real- ized—I am known! Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey—I am known, Ben, and he’ll see it with his eyes once and for all. He’ll see what I am, Ben! He’s
BEN: He’ll call you a coward. WILLY: No, that would be terrible.
BEN: Yes. And a damned fool.
WILLY: No, no, he mustn’t, I won’t have that! BEN: He’ll hate you, William.
WILLY: Oh, Ben, how do we get back to all the great times? Used to be so full of light, and comradeship, the sleigh-riding in winter, and the ruddiness on his cheeks. And always some kind of good news coming up, always something nice coming up ahead. And never even let me carry the valises in the house, and simonizing, simonizing that little red car! Why, why can’t I give him something and not have him hate me?
BEN: Let me think about it. I still have a little time. Remarkable proposition, but you’ve got to be sure you’re not making a fool of yourself.
WILLY: Where the hell is that seed? You can’t see nothing out here! They boxed in the whole goddam neighborhood!
BIFF: There are people all around here. Don’t you realize that?
WILLY: I’m busy. Don’t bother me.
BIFF: I’m saying good-bye to you, Pop. I’m not coming back anymore.
WILLY: You’re not going to see Oliver tomorrow?
BIFF: I’ve got no appointment, Dad.
WILLY: He put his arm around you, and you’ve got no appointment?
BIFF: Pop, get this now, will you? Everytime I’ve left it’s been a fight that sent me
out of here. Today I realized something about myself and I tried to explain it to you and I—I think I’m just not smart enough to make any sense out of it for you. To hell with whose fault it is or anything like that. Let’sjustwrapitup,heh?Comeonin,we’lltellMom.
WILLY: No, I don’t want to see her.
BIFF: Come on!
WILLY: No, no, I don’t want to see her.
BIFF: Why don’t you
want to see her?
WILLY: Don’t bother me, will you?
BIFF: What do you mean, you don’t want to see her? You don’t want them calling
you yellow, do you? This isn’t your fault; it’s me, I’m a bum. Now come inside! Did you hear what I said to you?
LINDA: Did you plant, dear?
BIFF: All right, we had it out. I’m going and I’m not writing
LINDA: I think that’s the best way, dear. ’Cause
there’s no use drawing it out, you’ll just never get along.
BIFF: People ask where I am and what I’m doing, you don’t know, and you don’t care. That way it’ll be off your mind and you can start brightening up again. All right? That clears it, doesn’t it? You gonna wish me luck, scout? What do you say?
LINDA: Shake his hand, Willy.
WILLY: There’s no necessity to mention the pen
at all, y’know.
BIFF: I’ve got no appointment, Dad.
WILLY: He put his arm around . . . ?
BIFF: Dad, you’re never going to see what I am, so what’s the use of arguing? If
I strike oil I’ll send you a check. Meantime forget I’m alive. WILLY: Spite, see?
BIFF: Shake hands, Dad.
WILLY: Not my hand.
BIFF: I was hoping not to go this way.
WILLY: Well, this is the way you’re going. Good-bye. Mayyourotinhell if you leave this house!
BIFF: Exactly what is it that you want from me?
WILLY: I want you to know, on the train, in the mountains, in the valleys, wherever
BIFF: No, no.
WILLY: Spite, spite, is the word of your undoing! And when you’re down and out,
tracks, remember, and don’t you dare blame it on me! BIFF: I’m not blaming it on you!
WILLY: I won’t take the rap for this, you hear?
BIFF: That’s just what I’m telling you!
WILLY: You’re trying to put a
knife in me—don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing!
BIFF: All right, phony! Then let’s lay it on the line. HAPPY: You crazy—
LINDA: Biff!
BIFF: Leave it there! Don’t move it!
WILLY: What is that?
BIFF: You know goddam well what that is.
WILLY: I never saw that.
BIFF: You saw it. The mice didn’t bring it into the cellar! What is this supposed
to do, make a hero out of you? This supposed to make me sorry for you? WILLY: Never heard of it.
BIFF: There’ll be no pity for you, you hear it? No pity!
WILLY: You hear the spite!
BIFF: No, you’re going to hear the truth—what you are and what I am! LINDA: Stop it!
WILLY: Spite!
HAPPY: You cut it now!
BIFF: The man don’t know who we are! The man is gonna know! We never told the truth for ten minutes in this house!
HAPPY: We always told the truth!
BIFF: You big blow, are you the assistant buyer? You’re one of
the two assistants to the assistant, aren’t you?
HAPPY: Well, I’m practically—
BIFF: You’re practically full of it! We all are! And I’m through with it.
Now hear this, Willy, this is me.
WILLY: I know you!
BIFF: You know why I had no address for three months? I stole a suit in Kansas
City and I was in jail. Stop crying. I’m through with it.
WILLY: I suppose that’s my fault!
BIFF: I stole myself out of every good job since high school!
WILLY: And whose fault is that?
BIFF: And I never got anywhere because you blew me so full of hot air I could
never stand taking orders from anybody! That’s whose fault it is!
WILLY: I hear that!
LINDA: Don’t, Biff!
BIFF: It’s goddam time you heard that! I had to be boss big shot in two weeks,
and I’m through with it!
WILLY: Then hang yourself! For spite, hang yourself!
BIFF: No! Nobody’s hanging himself, Willy! I ran down eleven flights with a pen
in my hand today. And suddenly I stopped, you hear me? And in the middle of that office building, do you hear this? I stopped in the middle of that building and I saw—the sky. I saw the things that I love in this world. The work and the food and time to sit and smoke. And I looked at the pen and said to myself, what the hell am I grabbing this for? Why am I trying to become what I don’t want to be? What am I doing in an office, making a contemp- tuous, begging fool of myself, when all I want is out there, waiting for me the minute I say I know who I am! Why can’t I say that, Willy?
WILLY: The door of your life is wide open!
BIFF: Pop! I’m a dime a dozen, and so are you!
WILLY: I am not a dime a dozen!
I am Willy Loman, and you are Biff Loman!
BIFF: I am not a leader of men, Willy, and neither are you. You were never any- thing but a hard-working drummer who landed in the ash can like all the rest of them! I’m one dollar an hour, Willy! I tried seven states and couldn’t raise it. A buck an hour! Do you gather my meaning? I’m not bringing home any prizes anymore, and you’re going to stop waiting for me to bring them home!
WILLY: You vengeful, spiteful mut!
BIFF: Pop, I’m nothing! I’m nothing, Pop. Can’t you understand that? There’s no spite in it anymore. I’m just what I am, that’s all.
WILLY: What’re you doing? What’re you doing? Why is he crying?
BIFF: Will you let me go, for Christ’s sake? Will you take that phony dream and burn it before something happens? I’ll go in the morning. Put him— put him to bed.
WILLY: Isn’t that—isn’t that remarkable? Biff—he likes me!
LINDA: He loves you, Willy!
HAPPY: Always did, Pop.
WILLY: Oh, Biff! He cried! Cried to me. That boy—that boy is going to be magnificent!
BEN: Yes, outstanding, with twenty thousand behind him.
LINDA: Now come to bed, Willy.
It’s all settled now.
WILLY: Yes, we’ll sleep. Come on. Go
to sleep, Hap.
BEN: And it does take a great kind of man to crack the jungle.
HAPPY: I’m getting married, Pop, don’t forget it. I’m changing everything. I’m gonna run that department before the year is up. You’ll see, Mom.
BEN: The jungle is dark but full of diamonds, Willy.
LINDA: Be good. You’re both good boys, just act that way, that’s all.
HAPPY: ’Night, Pop.
LINDA: Come, dear.
BEN: One must go in to fetch a diamond out.
just want to get settled down, Linda. Let me sit alone for a little.
LINDA: I want you upstairs.
WILLY: In a few minutes, Linda. I couldn’t sleep right now.
Go on, you look awful tired.
BEN: Not like an appointment at all. A diamond is rough and hard to the touch. WILLY:Goonnow.I’llberightup.
LINDA: I think this is the only way, Willy.
WILLY: Sure, it’s the best thing.
BEN: Best thing!
WILLY: The only way. Everything is gonna be—go on, kid, get to bed. You look
so tired.
LINDA: Come right up.
WILLY: Two minutes. Loves me. Always loved
me. Isn’t that a remarkable thing? Ben, he’ll worship me for it!
BEN: It’s dark there, but full of diamonds.
WILLY: Can you imagine that magnificence with twenty thousand dollars in his
LINDA: Willy! Come up!
WILLY: Yes! Yes. Coming! It’s very smart, you realize that,
don’tyou,sweetheart?EvenBenseesit.Igottago,baby.’Bye!’Bye! Imagine? When the mail comes he’ll be ahead of Bernard again!
WILLY: Did you see how he cried to me? Oh, if I could kiss him, Ben!
BEN: Time, William, time!
WILLY: Oh, Ben, I always knew one way or another we were gonna make it, Biff
and I!
BEN: The boat. We’ll be late. WILLY:Nowwhenyoukickoff,boy,Iwanta
seventy-yard boot, and get right down the field under the ball, and when you hit, hit low and hit hard, because it’s important, boy. There’s all kinds of important people in the stands, and the first thing you know . . . Ben! Ben, where do I...? Ben, how do I...?
LINDA: Willy, you coming up?
WILLY: Sh! Sh! Sh! Shhh!
LINDA: Willy? Willy, answer me! Willy! No!
BIFF: Pop!
CHARLEY: It’s getting dark, Linda.
BIFF: How about it, Mom? Better get some rest, heh? They’ll be closing the gate soon.
HAPPY: He had no right to do that. There was no necessity for it. We would’ve helped him.
BIFF: Come along, Mom.
LINDA: Why didn’t anybody come?
CHARLEY: It was a very nice funeral.
LINDA: But where are all the people he knew? Maybe they blame him.
CHARLEY: Naa. It’s a rough world, Linda. They wouldn’t blame him.
LINDA: I can’t understand it. At this time especially. First time in thirty-five years
we were just about free and clear. He only needed a little salary. He was even
finished with the dentist.
CHARLEY: No man only needs a little salary.
LINDA: I can’t understand it.
BIFF: There were a lot of nice days. When he’d come home from a trip; or on
Sundays, making the stoop; finishing the cellar; putting on the new porch; when he built the extra bathroom; and put up the garage. You know some- thing, Charley, there’s more of him in that front stoop than in all the sales he ever made.
CHARLEY:Yeah.Hewasahappymanwithabatchofcement. LINDA: He was so wonderful with his hands.
BIFF: He had the wrong dreams. All, all, wrong.
HAPPY: Don’t say that!
BIFF: He never knew who he was.
CHARLEY: Nobody dast blame this
man. You don’t understand: Willy was a salesman. And for a salesman, there is no rock bottom to the life. He don’t put a bolt to a nut, he don’t tell you the law or give you medicine. He’s a man way out there in the blue, riding on a smile and a shoeshine. And when they start not smiling back—that’s an earthquake. And then you get yourself a couple of spots on your hat, and you’re finished. Nobody dast blame this man. A salesman is got to dream, boy. It comes with the territory.
BIFF: Charley, the man didn’t know who he was.
HAPPY: Don’t say that!
BIFF: Why don’t you come with me, Happy?
HAPPY: I’m not licked that easily. I’m staying right in this city, and I’m gonna
BIFF: I know who I am, kid.
HAPPY: All right, boy. I’m gonna show you and everybody else that Willy Loman
did not die in vain. He had a good dream. It’s the only dream you can have—to come out number-one-man. He fought it out here, and this is where I’m gonna winitforhim.
BIFF: Let’s go, Mom. LINDA: I’ll be with you in a minute. Go on, Charley. I want to, just for a minute. I never had a chance to say good-bye. Forgive me, dear. I can’t cry. I don’t know what it is, but I can’t cry. I don’t understand it. Why did you ever do that? Help me, Willy, I can’t cry. It seems to me that you’re just on another trip. I keep expecting you. Willy, dear, I can’t cry. Why did you do it? I search and search and I search, and I can’t understand it, Willy. I made the last payment on the house today. Today, dear. And there’ll be nobody home. We’re free and clear. We’re free. We’re free . . . We’re
free . . .
Traducción de I Can Feel Again
Letra traducida a Español
Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.0
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