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Craving de Charon



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Craving

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devotion, the lyrics of the song "Craving" by Charon delve into themes of obsession, longing, and devotion. The singer expresses a deep admiration for their love interest, portraying them as a beacon of salvation in a dark world. The repeated mention of craving and haunting reflects a sense of desperation and yearning that consumes the speaker.

The lyrics paint a picture of a profound connection between two individuals, with the singer declaring their partner as the reason to keep going, as the one who can wipe away their past and give meaning to their existence. The imagery of feeding the flame inside our hearts conveys a sense of passion and intensity in the relationship.

There is an underlying sense of darkness and melancholy present in the song, with references to night falling and sighing, creating a somber atmosphere that enhances the emotional depth of the lyrics. The repetition of phrases like "You're all desire" emphasizes the all-encompassing nature of the speaker's feelings towards their beloved.

In comparing "Craving" to other songs by Charon, we can see a recurring theme of love tinged with darkness and longing in their music. The use of gothic metal elements adds to the overall moodiness and intensity of their sound, creating a unique sonic landscape that complements the lyrical content.

Charon's ability to evoke complex emotions through their music is highlighted in "Craving," where themes of devotion and obsession are explored with raw honesty. The song captures a moment of intense emotion and vulnerability, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in its haunting melodies and poignant lyrics.

Overall, "Craving" stands out as a powerful expression of unbridled passion and desire, showcasing Charon's talent for crafting emotionally resonant music that leaves a lasting impact on its audience.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

You are the savior without a savior´s night is falling it brings you down to sigh
i adore your blessing there is not much to say
i´ll become your reason to feed the flame inside our hearts
You´re all desire,you´re all desire i haunt.
beat my heart,beat my heart to dry.
Craving,haunting the ceased devotion.
she´s the one for me,the cross i beg to see the path
when i don´t want to stay.
You are the reason to wipe my past away.
till night is falling i need no longer to brathe.
I don´t need to care,i don´t feel like cared.
i don´t need to breathe cause i know what is best for me
Craving,haunting the ceased

Letra traducida a Español

Eres el salvador, sin un salvador. La noche cae y te hace suspirar.
Adoro tu bendición, no hay mucho más que decir.
Me convertiré en tu razón para avivar la llama dentro de nuestros corazones.
Eres todo deseo, eres todo deseo que persigo.
Late mi corazón, late mi corazón hasta secarse.
Ansiando, atormentando la devoción cesada.
Ella es la única para mí, la cruz que ruego ver en el camino
cuando no quiero quedarme.
Eres la razón para borrar mi pasado.
Hasta que caiga la noche, ya no necesito respirar.
No necesito preocuparme, no siento que me cuiden.
No necesito respirar porque sé lo que es mejor para mí.
Ansiando, atormentando lo cesado.

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.