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Want U Back ft. Snoop Dogg de Cher Lloyd


Sticks & Stones

4 de agosto de 2012

Significado de Want U Back ft. Snoop Dogg

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La canción "Want U Back" de Cher Lloyd en colaboración con Snoop Dogg es una pieza musical que aborda el tema de un amor perdido y el deseo de recuperarlo. La letra narra la historia de una persona que rompió con su pareja pensando que esta sufriría por la separación, pero se sorprende al ver que su ex ha seguido adelante con otra persona. La protagonista expresa su arrepentimiento y deseo de volver con su antiguo amor, evidenciando celos y resentimiento hacia la nueva pareja.

En la canción, Cher Lloyd destaca los recuerdos compartidos con su expareja, resaltando lo especial de sus experiencias juntos y lamentando ver a esa persona disfrutar ahora esas mismas actividades con otra. La artista expresa sentimientos encontrados entre la frustración por haber roto la relación y el anhelo de tener al ser amado de vuelta en su vida. El tono de la canción alterna entre rabia, tristeza y determinación para tratar de recuperar lo que se perdió.

Por otro lado, la presencia de Snoop Dogg en la canción agrega una perspectiva distinta al relato, ofreciendo un contrapunto masculino a las emociones femeninas expresadas por Cher Lloyd. El rapero aporta versos en los que resalta su deseo por volver con esa persona especial e incluso menciona haber viajado al Reino Unido para intentar reconquistarla.

El contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción también es relevante, ya que pertenece al álbum "Sticks & Stones" de Cher Lloyd, donde se fusionan elementos pop, hip hop y rap. La colaboración con Snoop Dogg añade un toque distintivo a la canción, combinando estilos musicales diversos para crear una melodía pegajosa y llena de energía.

En cuanto a la estructura musical, "Want U Back" presenta un ritmo animado y pegadizo, característico del pop contemporáneo. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyen sintetizadores, batería electrónica y diferentes capas vocales que complementan el estilo vocal distintivo de Cher Lloyd.

En resumen, "Want U Back" es una canción emotiva que explora los temas del arrepentimiento, los celos y el deseo de reconectar con un antiguo amor. A través de letras sinceras y una mezcla musical cautivadora, Cher Lloyd y Snoop Dogg logran transmitir las complejidades del corazón humano en medio de relaciones tumultuosas e incertidumbres emocionales.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Hey, boy you never had much game
Thought I needed to upgrade
So I went and walked away way way
Now, I see you've been hanging out
With that other girl in town
Looking like a pair of clowns clowns clowns

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Please, this ain't even jealousy
She ain't got a thing on me
Tryin' to rock them ugly jeans jeans jeans
You clearly didn't think this through
If what I've been told is true
You'll be crawling back like boo hoo hoo

Remember all the things that you and I did first?
And now you're doing them with her
Remember all the things that you and I did first?
You got me, got me like this
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
And everywhere we went, come on!
And now you're taking her to every restaurant
You got me, got me like this

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Ohhh, I thought you'd still be mine
When I kissed you goodbye uh oh uh oh
Ohhh, and you might be with her
But I still had you first uh oh uh oh

I was trying to do with you so I flew to the UK
But you said my game was fake like a toothpaste
So I had to make some changes, rearranges
I was loving so wild and dangerous
Staying on a goal, ... house from a stranger
I need to get you back 'cause you know how my thing is
You know you had me first so for better or worse
... trouble
I know that this is the truth
But you'll never find another like Snoop
... you need me, I want you now
Being real ... to me

Boy you can say anything you want
I don't give a shh, no one else can have ya
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back
I broke it off thinking you'd be cryin'
Now I feel like shh looking at you flyin'
I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back (Let me know)

Oh, I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Oh, I want you back
I want you back
Wa-want you, want you back

Does it sound like a helicopter? prrr

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.