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Like a dum de Cherish


Like a dum (Single)

11 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Like a dum

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La canción "Like a Drum" interpretada por Cherish es una oda al amor y la lucha internal que se experimenta cuando una relación llega a su fin de forma inesperada y dolorosa. La letra describe el momento en el que el protagonista ve llegar a su pareja, y sabe que algo malo está por suceder. A medida que la conversación avanza, el narrador siente cómo su corazón late con fuerza, expresando claramente la angustia emocional del momento.

La repetición de "Thump, thump, thump" refuerza la intensidad de las emociones implicadas, mostrando un corazón acelerado y una mente turbia ante la situación. El protagonista se encuentra confundido y devastado por la repentina ruptura, cuestionando cómo seguir adelante sin esa persona amada. Se revela en las letras el deseo frustrado de construir una vida juntos, contrastado con la realidad desgarradora de la separación.

La comparación del latir del corazón con un tambor resalta la importancia del amor en la vida del narrador, así como también evidencia el impacto profundo que tiene la pérdida de ese amor. La ambigüedad sobre quién toma la decisión crucial añade un nivel adicional de complejidad emocional a la canción, haciendo eco a situaciones reales en las que las relaciones terminan inesperadamente.

El tema principal de "Like a Drum" gira en torno a los sentimientos encontrados de dolor, arrepentimiento y nostalgia ante una ruptura amorosa. La letra transmite claramente la lucha interna del protagonista por aceptar lo inevitable mientras mantiene viva la esperanza de reconciliación.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción en diciembre de 2011, Cherish pudo haber capturado perfectamente las emociones universales relacionadas con el amor y las rupturas sentimentales. El impacto emocional causado por temas como el desamor suele resonar con audiencias diversas y ha sido parte fundamental en los repertorios musicales a lo largo del tiempo.

En cuanto a estructura musical, "Like a Drum" presenta un ritmo pegajoso y envolvente, combinado con voces melódicas que guían a través del relato emotivo impartido por las letras. Los sonidos contemporáneos complementan el tema romántico de manera efectiva, creando una atmósfera emotiva que conecta con los oyentes instantáneamente.

En resumen, "Like a Drum" es una canción profundamente emotiva que explora los altibajos del amor y las dificultades asociadas con las relaciones personales. A través de sus letras poéticas y melodías cautivadoras, Cherish logra capturar la complejidad emocional detrás de una ruptura amorosa inesperada e invita al oyente a sumergirse en ese mar de sentimientos encontrados.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Lights dimmed.
Candles lit.
Your car pulls up.
And then you walk in.
I can see the look on your face.
I know you 'bout to ruin my day.
Then you get to spittin' lines.
Something like this comes a time.
Blood rush to my head.
I start shaking.
Right now my heart is aching.

(Thump, thump, thump)
That's when you said and my heart thumped to a thousand beats a second.
(Thump, thump, thump)
Gotta catch my breath.
(Ha, ha)
Cause there's nothing left.
(Thump, thump, thump)
All these years that I've been down.
How you gonna leave me now?
All that's left is regret.
Wish I never met you.
Can't believe I was a fool.

You got my heart beating like a drum.
Tell me where did this come from?
Thinking that I'm a have your baby.
Now you're telling me something crazy.
What am I suppose to do?
How do I live without you?
Can't believe you're saying that we're done.
You got my heart beating like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Oh, oh, oh.

Now I'm sitting here so confused.
Thinking 'bout what the hell I'm gone do.
How can I live without your love?
My body's yearning for you touch.
Thought you said I would be your wife.
Ride or die.
Me and you for life.
Forever you and I.
I was thinking, now our ship is sinking.

(Thump, thump, thump)
That's when you said and my heart thumped
to a thousand beats a second.
(Thump, thump, thump)
Let mecatch my breath.
(Ha, ha)
Because you up and left.
(Thump, thump, thump)
All these years that I've been down.
How you gonna leave me now?
All that's left is regret.
Wish I never met you.
Can't believe I was a fool.

You got my heart beating like a drum.
Tell me where did this come from?
Thinking that I'm a have your baby.
Now you're telling me something crazy.
What am I suppose to do?
How do I live without you?
Can't believe you're saying that we're done.
You got my heart beating like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Oh, oh, oh.

I still can't see how, how I couldn't see the signs.
And how I wasn't warned.
Why the only man I ever loved would break my heart?
Tell me where do I go from here?
And how do I move on?
You're the only thing I've known.
Baby, your house is my home.
How could I lose you?
I won't go.
I refuse to.
Cause I can't stop thinking 'bout you.
Dreaming 'bout you.
See, how could I ever live without you?
Seems like the right words are hard to find.
To help you change your mind.
For you baby, I'll fight.
Cause I need you in my life.

You got my heart beating like a drum.
Tell me where did this come from?
Thinking that I'm a have your baby.
Now you're telling me something crazy.
What am I suppose to do?
How do I live without you?
Can't believe you're saying that we're done.
You got my heart beating like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Like a drum.
(Bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump, bump)
Oh, oh, oh.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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