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Cell block tango de Chicago Soundtrack


Cell block tango (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Cell block tango

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La canción "Cell Block Tango" pertenece a la banda sonora de la película Chicago y es interpretada por varios personajes femeninos en la historia. La letra de la canción narra varias historias de mujeres que han cometido crímenes pasionales o violentos contra hombres, justificando sus acciones como una respuesta a las acciones provocadoras o abusivas de sus parejas.

Cada mujer relata su experiencia y explica cómo el hombre al que mataron "se lo buscaba" con su comportamiento. Desde asesinatos por infidelidades hasta enojos extremos por comportamientos irritantes como masticar chicle, las protagonistas justifican sus crímenes como actos de autodefensa o venganza. La repetición de la frase "he had it coming" refuerza esta idea de que los hombres provocaron su propia muerte con su comportamiento imprudente o abusivo.

El tono emocional de la canción es oscuro y sardónico, con un elemento humorístico y teatral dado el contexto musical de Chicago. Las voces femeninas entonan sus historias con un aire desafiante y seguro, creando un efecto impactante en la audiencia. El uso de coros repetitivos refuerza el mensaje central y enfatiza la inevitabilidad del destino trágico para estos hombres.

A través de las letras, se exploran temas como la justicia emocional, los límites personales y morales, así como la violencia en las relaciones. Cada historia presenta una perspectiva única sobre las dinámicas interpersonales complicadas que pueden llevar a situaciones extremas. La ironía presente radica en cómo las mujeres retratan sus crímenes como actos justificados ante provocaciones reales o percibidas por parte de los hombres.

La canción tuvo un impacto significativo en el contexto cultural en el que se lanzó debido a su temática controvertida y su representación audaz de figuras femeninas fuertes y decididas. Se ha convertido en una obra emblemática dentro del musical Chicago, ganando reconocimiento tanto por su composición musical como por su interpretación dramática.

En resumen, "Cell Block Tango" es una pieza musical intensa que explora temas profundos relacionados con el amor, la violencia, el poder y la percepción de la justicia desde una perspectiva feminista. Su narrativa intrigante y letras provocadoras invitan a reflexionar sobre los límites del comportamiento humano en situaciones extremas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.




uh uh






uh uh






uh uh



he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself to blame
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it

i betcha you would have done the same




uh uh



you know how people
have these little habits
that get you down. like bernie.
bernie like to chew gum.
no, not chew. pop.
well, i came home this one day
and i am really irritated, and
looking for a little sympathy
and there'e bernie layin'
on the couch, drinkin' a beer
and chewin'. no, not chewin'.
poppin'. so, i said to him,
i said, "bernie, you pop that
gum one more ;
and he did.
so i took the shotgun off the wall
and i fired two warning
...into his head.

he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself to blame
If you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha you would
have done the same
he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself to blame
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha you would
have done the same

he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself to blame
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha you would
have dome the same

i met ezekiel young from
salt lake city about two years ago
and he told me he was single
and we hit it off right away.
so, we started living together.
he'd go to work, he'd come home, i'd
mix him a drink, we'd have dinner.
well, it was like heaven in
two and a half rooms.
and then i found out,
"single" he told me?
single, my ass. not only
was he married
...oh, no, he had six wives.
one of those mormons, you know. so that
night, when he came home, i mixed him
his drink as usual.
you know, some guys just can't hold
their arsenic.

he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself
to blame
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha you would
have done the same
he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had himself
to blame
if you'd have been there
if yo'd have seen it
i betcha you would
have done the same

hah he had it coming
he had it coming
he took a flower
in its prime
and then he used it
and he abused it
it was a murder
but not a crime

pop, six, squish, uh-uh
cicero, lipschitz

now, i'm standing in the kitchen
carvin' up the chicken for dinner,
minding my own business,
and in storms my husband wilbur,
in a jealous rage.
"you been screwin' the milkman,"
he says. he was crazy
and he kept screamin',
"you been screwin the ;
and then he ran into my knife.
he ran into my knife ten times

pop, six,

if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha you would have done the same

mit keresek, ã©n itt? azt mondjãk,
hogy a hã­res lakem lefogta a fã©rjemet ã©n meg
lecsaptam a fejã©t. de nem igaz, ã©n ãrtatlan
vagyok. nem tudom miã©rt mondja
uncle sam, hogy ã©n tettem. probãltam
a rendå‘rsã©gen megmagyarãzni de nem ã©rtettã©k
in Inglés-English:
what i am doing here? they say,
that the famous lakem kept down my husband and i stoke off his head. but this is not true, i am guiltless. i
dont know why uncle sam says that i did it. i tried to explain at the police station but they didn't understand


yeah, but di you do it?

uh uh, not guilty

my sister, veronica and
i did this double act
and my husband, charlie,
used to travel round with us.
now, for the last number in
our act, we did these 20 acrobatic
four,, spread eagles,
back flips,flip flops,
one right after the other.
well, this one night we were in cicero,
the three of us, sittin' up
in a hotel room, boozin' and
havin' a few laughs and
we ran out of ice.
so i went out to get some.
i come back, open the door
and there's veronica and
charlie doing number seventeen-
the spread eagle.

he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had
himself to blame.
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it tricks in a row,
i betcha
you would
have done
the same
he had
it coming
he had it
Well, i was in such a state of shock,
i completely blacked can't remember a thing.
it wasn't until later,
when i was washing the blood off my hands
i even knew they were dead.
They had it coming
they had it coming
they had it coming all along
i didn't do it
but if i'd done it
how could you tell me that i was wrong?

they had it coming

they had it coming

they had it coming

they had it coming

they had it coming

they took a flower

all along

in its prime

i didn't do it

and then they used it

but if i'd done it

and they abused it

how could you tell me

it was a murder

that i was wrong?

but not a crime

i loved alvin lipschitz
more than i can possibly say.
he was a real artistic
a painter.
but he was troubled.
he was always trying
to find himself.
he'd go out every night
looking for himself
and on the way
he found ruth,
rosemary and irving.
i guess you can say we broke
up because or artistic differences.
he saw himself as alive
and i saw him dead.

he had it coming
he had it coming
he only had
himself to blame
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha
you would
have done
the same

the dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
the dirty bum, bum, bum, bum, bum
R />
they had it comin'

they had it comin'

they had it comin'

they had it comin'

they had it comin'

they had it comin'

all along

all along
'cause if they used us
'cause if they used us and they abused us
and they abused us

how could you tell us

how could you tell us that we were wrong?
that we were wrong?
He had it coming
he had it coming
he only had
to blame.
if you'd have been there
if you'd have seen it
i betcha
you would
have done
the same

you pop that gum one more time

single my ass.

ten times

miert csukott uncle same bortonbe.

number seventeen-the spread eagle.

artistic differences.

i betcha you would have done the same

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.