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Do you feel at home? de Commander Venus


Do you feel at home? (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Do you feel at home?

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La canción "Do you feel at home?" interpretada por Commander venus, nos sumerge en un ambiente melancólico y reflexivo a través de sus letras profundas y emotivas. La canción parece narrar la sensación de abandono y pérdida que experimenta el cantante, donde se menciona la ausencia de personas a su alrededor y el sentimiento de soledad.

A lo largo de la letra, se percibe un anhelo por encontrar un lugar al que llamar hogar, una sensación de pertenencia que parece esquiva o inalcanzable para el protagonista. Se destacan versos como "And where do you feel at home? that's for you to decide", que invitan a la reflexión sobre el concepto de hogar y cómo cada persona puede interpretarlo de manera única.

El tono melancólico y la atmósfera introspectiva se combinan con referencias a la inevitabilidad del cambio y las despedidas. Se menciona el paso del tiempo, simbolizado por el envejecimiento de los amigos, así como la resignación ante situaciones dolorosas e incontrolables.

En cuanto a la estructura musical de la canción, se destaca el estilo indie rock con tintes lo-fi y alternativos característicos del sello discográfico Saddle Creek. La instrumentación sutil acompaña las letras emotivas, creando una armonía entre la música y las emociones transmitidas en la letra.

La pieza musical publicada originalmente en 2011, muestra una calidad artística excepcional que ha cautivado a los seguidores del género indie. Combinando poesía lírica con elementos musicales evocadores, Commander venus logra transmitir una narrativa íntima y universal sobre la búsqueda de significado y pertenencia en un mundo cambiante.

En resumen, "Do you feel at home?" es mucho más que una simple canción indie rock; es un relato emocionalmente profundo sobre las luchas internas y las incertidumbres existenciales que todos enfrentamos en algún momento de nuestras vidas. Commander venus logra capturar con maestría estos sentimientos universales a través de su arte musical, dejando una huella duradera en quienes se adentran en su atmósfera melancólica y reflexiva.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Nobody's around
except the basement and the trap sets
and the feeling that you're leaving
that's not much worth believing
Nobody is here
so i guessed it that you left me
and to stay here just gets harder
and the pain makes you drive farther
There's nothing left of what was sacred
if there was, i'm sure we'd break it
cause that's just the way we are, man
and it's far too late to change it
And the places and the vases
and the flowers cut to fit them
hey, i'm sorry i didn't notice
tried to tell you i wouldn't notice
And on and on
with the ones left behind
and where do you feel at home?
that's for you to decide
Everything i said at once (you're all the same)
that i never thought i would (you're all the same)
it's all this time it's all there was (you're all the same)
for it for it for it (you're all the same)
Everything i tried to take (you're all the same)
i know it wouldn't go away (you're all the same)
that's all here. and you're not home (you're all the same)
forget, forget, forget, forget (you're all the same)
Nobody is home
so i guess i-i'll stop pretending
and the air keeps getting colder
and my friends keep getting older
And i know you knew the answer
it grew inside you like a cancer
try to stop it, make it leave you
but it won't, and that scares you
And i know it's-it's not forever
tryin' so hard to be clever
i never wanted this to happen
why the hell'd this have to happen?
And you left me like you always said you wouldn't
but you did it, and i knew it
it'd have to happen
it all seems to turn back
And on and on
with the ones left behind
and where do you feel at home?
that's for you to decide
Everything i said at once (you lost your shame)
i never shoulda thought it up (you lost your shame)
and i can't deal with this right now (you lost your shame)
it's all the same, guess who's sorry (you lost your shame)
Everything you said you'd do (you lost your shame)
it hasn't meant a thing to you (you lost your shame)
now you're gone (you lost your shame)
i never did (you lost your shame)
forget, forget, forget, forget you (yeeeeeeeeahhh)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Commander venus

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