Dice la canción

Book of life de Common Sense



14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Book of life

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La canción "Book of Life" del artista Common Sense es una pieza de hip-hop que forma parte de su álbum "Resurrection". En esta letra, el narrador expresa las dificultades y problemas que enfrenta en la vida diaria. Se sumerge en sus pensamientos al tomarse un momento para rezar, buscando paz y dirección en medio de un mundo frío y desafiante.

El tono introspectivo de la canción permite al oyente adentrarse en la mente del protagonista, quien reflexiona sobre su edad, su entorno familiar y sus luchas internas. A lo largo de la letra, se hace evidente el sentimiento de desesperanza y frustración que experimenta frente a su realidad.

Las referencias religiosas presentes en la canción agregan un toque de espiritualidad a la temática, aludiendo a la búsqueda de redención y consuelo en momentos oscuros. La metáfora del "nuevo negro espiritual" resalta la conexión entre el sufrimiento y la búsqueda de significado dentro de un contexto personal complejo.

El narrador también aborda temas como la falta de empleo, el abuso del alcohol y las decisiones erráticas que parecen complicar aún más su situación. La sensación de estar atrapado en un ciclo destructivo se manifiesta a lo largo de la canción, con referencias al consumo excesivo de comida chatarra y alcohol como formas temporales de escape.

A medida que avanza la letra, el protagonista parece encontrar una especie de consuelo o epifanía al afirmar: "Thank god i found you" (Gracias a Dios te encontré). Esta frase puede interpretarse como un guiño a una presencia divina o simplemente como una expresión simbólica para reconocer algún tipo de salvación personal.

La música hip-hop ha sido históricamente un vehículo para contar historias personales y sociales desde una perspectiva realista y cruda. En este sentido, "Book of Life" destaca por capturar las complejidades emocionales y existenciales que muchos pueden enfrentar en su día a día.

En conclusión, la canción "Book of Life" brinda un vistazo profundo a los conflictos internos y externos del personaje principal. A través de su sinceridad lírica y emotiva interpretación, Common Sense logra transmitir una historia universalmente relevante sobre lucha, aceptación e introspección.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I got so much trouble on my mind
So i take time
Out my day
To pray and i say
Now i lay me down to sleep
Hopin' that i keep
My soul
Peep i'm gettin' old
And it's a cold cold world
And i ain't even got a bomber
Livin' with my momma
It's the same routine
Keep my room clean
I'm lookin' to do some new things but ain't shit to do
I'm twenty two catch
In the prime of my life
I have no time for a wife
I funnel through the tunnel
Disgruntled, tryin' to find me some light
In the rim of darkness
Aiight you sing, i may not be the darkest
But i was always told to act my age and not my color
Knowin' that my color was that of the original
So now i sing the new negro spiritual
It goes get up stand
It's like how can you understand the pain
When you never had to stand under the rain
When it rains it pours, and it's about to come down hard
Thank god i found you
As i walk down the road of existence
I get resistance
From all angles
I tangle
For cash
Hopin' it'll last
'til the end of the week
But all i eat is fast food
And you know how junk food goes right through ya
So i return to the arab
And on the way back
I stop and the liquor store
Grab me a six pack
Knowin' that once i'm done with that i'll be back
To get some more
Once i get started i don't wanna stop
And i can't turn around
Brew - i can't turn it down
Ironically i turn it up
My liver i burn it up (fat line)
It's my life i live it up
The cup i gotta give it up
One day
I'm cruisin' down a one way street and i done passed fun day
Three blocks ago
It itself life is an obstacle
As i maneuver through the manure i try to be responsible
I want a job but i ain't lookin - how come
I ain't tryin' to degrade myself bein' nobody's calvin
But i'm a couch bum what makes it bad i had incentive
But i disintegrated
To a state that's stagnated
I procrastinated
I can't recall a day without bein' intoxicated
Or blowed
Ain't dealin' with a full deck and any day i could fold
What makes it bad, i wasn't dealt that bad a hand
And i had a plan
But things didn't go through
The way they were supposed to
Thank god i found you
It's like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder
How i keep from goin' under, i ponder
And try to keep my concentration
In this idiotic nation
They say become i doctor, but i don't have the patients/patience
To that situation
I want an occupation
That i'm into
'cause yet if i begin to
Live to my potential
I went to
School for fourteen years and my best teacher was experience
I reminisce and wish
I could go back in time to eighty-nine
When there was just sunshine
But now it's like i'm gettin' older to so much strain and stress
I don't think i'll ever be happpy until i rest
In peace
Of mind
And find
Who i am

But thank god i found you

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.