Dice la canción

Definitive de Company Flow


Funcrusher plus

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Definitive

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La canción "Definitive" de Company Flow es un himno al hip hop subterráneo y experimental que floreció en Nueva York en la década de los 90. Las letras, cargadas de metáforas y referencias culturales, reflejan la visión única y desafiante de la banda sobre el mundo del rap y la música en general.

La canción comienza con versos llenos de agresividad y desafío, con referencias a armas y batallas líricas que dan una sensación de confrontación. La letra aborda temas como la autenticidad artística, el rechazo a las estructuras comerciales del hip hop y la necesidad de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo en un mundo competitivo.

A lo largo de la canción, se pueden identificar múltiples capas de significado y mensajes ocultos. La crítica hacia el sistema musical dominante, representado por las discográficas y las presiones para comercializar el arte, resuena a lo largo de la letra. La referencia al virus informático como una metáfora para el impacto potencialmente destructivo de la música también es una forma astuta de cuestionar el poder del arte en la sociedad.

La colaboración entre los miembros del grupo, representados por Mr. Len y Bigg Jus, añade complejidad a la narrativa de la canción. Cada voz aporta una perspectiva única y juntos crean un flujo cohesivo que desafía las convenciones del género.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante tener en cuenta que Company Flow era parte del movimiento underground hip-hop que surgía como respuesta al dominio comercial del rap mainstream. Este movimiento buscaba preservar la autenticidad y originalidad del arte frente a las presiones comerciales.

Musicalmente, "Definitive" se destaca por su producción innovadora y su uso creativo de samples e instrumentos poco convencionales. La estructura musical es compleja y diversa, con cambios abruptos en el ritmo y en los patrones vocales que mantienen al escucha interesado y expectante.

En resumen, "Definitive" es mucho más que una simple canción; es una declaración audaz sobre la naturaleza cambiante y desafiante del arte en un mundo cada vez más comercializado. Company Flow logra transmitir su mensaje sin comprometer su integridad artística, creando un himno provocativo e inspirador para aquellos que buscan expresarse fuera de los límites establecidos por la industria musical tradicional.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Ok ease back before i make position to squeeze
The head burner cookin eminate thought and grab my phallus
Please i pump kinetics with unintentional malice
Wanna battle one of us is endin up in god's palace
Doubt my shit's official the megatron missile
Bio computer virus with flesh eating potential
(i'm convinced) future mc's are sending robots back in time
As we speak to kill my mother before i'm born be warned
You catch a high place cinchin, lucky you just the engine
On a vision quest but my breathe is on
Bad intentions to herd the lyrical peak, at my inventions
Coflow providing dj's with turntable weapons
Snatch that, disco daddy, father pops grand shh
Eliminate pretense, turn rocks to sand
You're rockin low budget doctor who special effects
And that's half-baked, you never get a buck when you act
E-l dash, p is servin ----- we smash
Be a bootleg, and buildin up a fat nest egg
I say fuck you, it's easy, say it again fuck you
Love love to rock bottom beats for the flicks
To hibernate and syncopate but i'm still in the mix
One of the many young policin breathers knockin out sequence
Life's a l-o-t-t-o, carry a switch for self-defense
Rappers try to front, but when i rhyme, where that beef went?
If i'm just a reflection then i'm takin over mirrors
?woo lock to mack cornum status?, maybe that's clearer
mr. len cuts krs-one saying 'live and direct'
See what i'm saying? see what i'm saying?
It's just the chorus, it's just the chorus
It's till infinity, coflow shit, and that's it
I rock prisms in different downtowns
Tainted blood donor, bustin melodies around sound
Left-wing extremist, hip-hop militia
Bitches suck the penis competition call me mister
When i collude, with mr. len it's brainfood, strictly
Never again i let a record label trap me
Try to clap me, with paperwork that leaves me empty
Gas me to diss me, i swear to god you'd have to kill me
Turpentine fda approved tactics
Styles invade for thin skinned rappers i bust scholastics
Sixteen-oh-four mackie plus
Leave you in the dust, bustin them ?try move for jus?
Ninety degrees is coflow, runnin interference
Mc's they bite my shit, but i don't give em sample clearance
Hell, i put my shit out even if i have to sell
Like a bucket of herbs before a pressing, oppressing
But somewhat excessive, sexually suggestive
I can suck a cookie out of pussy, no question
Back off, deadly like cigarettes and black coffee
Long as i got lungs and a knot you can't stop me
mr. len scratches again
It's till infinity
Coflow shit
Knowhati'msayin, check it out, check it out
Mc's is like livin in breakbeat hell
You try to knock me off the ladder kid the fatter i swell
It don't matter turnin liquid into wine by design
Not sayin i'm je-sus, the holy buck, with a halo
Just an urbanite riding the train till i hit paydirt
Smoke bones that's in a coflow tracks and like max
That's my flavor, experimental behavior ?by scientist?
Got props from brooklyn hasidic jews to queens zionists
The manhattan/new jersualem type connection
Mork in erection, fiendin out for female affection
My style is one whole piece, your shit is just the cliff notes
Eminent plays chronic, mc's pneumonic
You're buggin now fuck that, radio wack reconvene
I sign for my condition, company flow vaccine
Indelible mc's, choice top status
Krazy kings, from juvenile techniques to manhood
I make my own grain and go against it
Pissin on authority, dropped out of school, for seniority
To do this hip-hop shit, but resonate classic
Pops wasn't around so i'm a secondhand bastard
Hypothesis simple, the earth is my pimple
Pocket the extra cash then coflow multplying like triplets
It's senseless, leaving rapeprs elderly and defenseless
Going into details is worthless, fuck it
I got your surplus, as long as there'll be peons on the surface
I claim my outpost and boast, cause i deserve to
Swerve to, miss the link, colder than a fetus on a hockey rink
You think not what? best be he not
For ? and not givin up a little somethin at the weed spot
Bigg jus what's the verdict on this beat (that shit is mad hot)
Give a whistle if you hear this, can't best me
Try to keep my lyrics short and fat like joe pesci
God bless me
mr. len
Know what i'm saying, till infinity
Still working out the bugs
It's gonna be on though
Mc's can't fuck with me, coflow shit
Forgot to tell you that
Mr. len, bigg jus, bms, and then you have me, elijah
The one and only diamond speechless starving artist
Goin on from nine to five
Coflow shit, mr.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Company flow

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