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Dope dayton ave de Dayton Family


Dope dayton ave (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Dope dayton ave

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La canción "Dope dayton ave" interpretada por Dayton Family es una pieza musical que adentra al oyente en un mundo lleno de narrativas violentas y crudas, reflejando la realidad del entorno en el que se desenvuelven los artistas. Las letras están cargadas de referencias a la vida en las calles, con descripciones detalladas de situaciones peligrosas y conflictivas.

Desde el primer verso, la canción establece un tono agresivo y desafiante, presentando a los personajes como individuos involucrados en actividades ilegales y confrontaciones violentas. Las referencias a la venta de drogas, robos y tiroteos son recurrentes a lo largo de las estrofas, creando una atmósfera turbulenta e inmersiva.

La letra también hace alusión a conflictos interpersonales, traiciones y lealtades cuestionadas dentro de un entorno donde la violencia parece ser la única respuesta a los problemas. Los artistas describen no solo su participación en actos delictivos, sino también su resiliencia y determinación para mantenerse firmes en un ambiente hostil.

A través de metáforas intensas y lenguaje crudo, la canción ofrece una visión descarnada de una realidad marcada por la violencia urbana y la lucha por sobrevivir en un contexto adverso. Las referencias a nombres específicos de personas y lugares añaden autenticidad a la narrativa, sumergiendo al oyente en un mundo donde las reglas son dictadas por el caos y la brutalidad.

En cuanto a su contexto cultural, "Dope dayton ave" se inscribe dentro del género del rap hardcore, conocido por sus temáticas realistas y explícitas que abordan problemáticas sociales desde una perspectiva cruda y directa. La canción fue publicada en 2011, época en la que el rap underground ganaba popularidad por su autenticidad y conexión con realidades marginales.

En términos musicales, la estructura rítmica y los instrumentos utilizados resaltan el carácter agresivo y contundente de la letra. El ritmo frenético acompañado de beats pesados refuerza el mensaje confrontacional de la canción, creando una atmósfera intensa que complementa las narrativas descritas en las letras.

En conclusión, "Dope dayton ave" es una canción que trasciende los límites convencionales del rap al ofrecer una visión cruda y sin filtro de realidades urbanas marcadas por la violencia y el conflicto. A través de letras directas e impactantes, Dayton Family logra transmitir emociones intensas e inquietantes, invitando al oyente a reflexionar sobre las complejidades de entornos caracterizados por la adversidad y el peligro constante.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

What's up?
back down on dayton bitch in '93 hoes
backstabba first name coke last name cane
ira dorsey's hoes
back in this bitch after ootin up a key
shoestring the fuckin prostitute killa
hey what's up hoes?
we fin to do this shit again
you can't fuck with us
as a child my motha told me that my body would grow
into a perm bootin sperm shootin mc pro
my momma told on thoes been captured on how to make dough
i stuck up a-rod for his money took his gold and mo'
i took his money went to hinkle down on dope dayton ave.
bought a hundred worth of oot and a o and a half
why toot it up, no place to go, so i reach for the phone
called three hoes all with my babies but nobody's at home
reach for my bat pulled out the gat put in the clip now its smooth
chew on my ginger up at the porch now i'm on a jack move
my posse's thick don't take no shit but i still move along
if i was livin in those days i would have stuck up capone
back to my story now i'm lookin for somebody to take
went to the club and saw rudy so i went for the gate
walked up to g said "introduce me" and he told her my name
even said my last name dorsey there's no hoe in my game
i said "yo dude i need 9 ounces" and he told me the spot
i said "oh no come down on dayton, club ramone is too hot"
we met on dayton things were straight but you just couldn't relate
he said "no scale oh what the hell, i'm not concerned with the wait"
from rags to riches all the bitches and that's all that we said
before i go i'll let you know he caught two to the head
i'm a talk a little bit about the set that i'm from
all you local neighborhoods no you don't want none
all of you other weed clicks in the county of gennesee (ask amber
don't you fuck with d-a-y-t-o-n a-v-e.
cause its the ave
(dope dope dope dope dope dayton ave)
nobody fucks with me especially on dayton avenue
(dope diggety dope diggety dayton ave)
don't you fuck with d-a-y-t-o-n a-v-e. (3 times)
nobody fucks me, especially on dayton avenue
cause all i do is sell crack smoke cornbrew
you can't hang nigga maybe you should gang bang
you wanna get wit us but you can't hit us cause its a dayton thang
he cuts some booties but his boys are steady rollin hard
the chase is on they got us runnin through the back door
my dick is peppin see i'm steppin to the concrete
i'm rude he pops and i pop back and now he's late i sleep
i jumped a fence my pants are rippin see my legs tore
they got me mad and see i'm watching all my blood pour
now i'm bloody and i'm weak and i can't make it far
pulled out my gauge and i'm aimin at them bitches core
he aimed back, i said, "fuck it nigga, kill me"
it wasn't loaded and i exploded them hoes a dead g
you're fuckin with a lunatic a psycho in a war zone
nobody's boostin me i'm tootin cane on my own
i killed them booties now i'm sittin here countin my cash
i'm all alone, bleedin in this tall grass
nobody sees me nobody knows where i'm at
but that's okay i got my boy and thats my fuckin gat
nobody scares me not even in a dream son
i'm tootin the cane from the nose of my shotgun
i turn around and start poppin, what's up homey?
just like the geto boyz my mind is playin tricks on me
i squeeze the trigga, your dead, just see
i'm from the dayton dayton avenue avenue g
(dope dope dope dope dope dayton ave)
nobody fucks with me especially on dayton avenue
(dope diggety dope diggety dayton ave)
don't you fuck with d-a-y-t-o-n a-v-e. (3 times)
now i'm a tell you some names that you all should know
but i'm a say em anyway so that you know em fo sho
you got my boy matt hink
you got my road dog dirt
you got eric and then kermit and i can't forget bert
you got tony, big todd and yo that ain't it
on the other end of dayton is my main man nick
you got some shorties drinkin forties
i'm a give em some fame
part ii of introductory the shorty first name
you got johnny, little bone, ronnie johns and ty
wee wee and freaky munchy if you want to get fly
my brother eric, baby o, tyrese and raysho too
little rob big chris just to name a few
so beware of when we creep or you will suffer the wrath
of the ruthless executioners the men from the ave.
it's dayton ave
(dope dope dope dope dope dayton ave)
nobody fucks with me especially on dayton avenue
(dope diggety dope diggety dayton ave)
don't you fuck with d-a-y-t-o-n a-v-e. (3 times)
(dope dope dope dope dope dayton ave)
nobody fucks with me especially on dayton avenue
(dope diggety dope diggety dayton ave)
don't you fuck with d-a-y-t-o-n a-v-e. (3 times)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Dayton family

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