Dice la canción

By my side de Deestylistic


By my side (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de By my side

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La canción "By my side" interpretada por Deestylistic es una pieza musical encantadora que destaca por su emotividad y romanticismo. A través de sus letras, la canción explora el poder del amor y la relación especial entre dos personas.

En las primeras estrofas, se puede apreciar cómo el narrador expresa su profundo afecto hacia su pareja, enfatizando la importancia de mantenerse unidos a pesar de los desafíos. Se destaca el apoyo mutuo y la sensación de seguridad que ambos encuentran en la presencia del otro. La canción transmite un mensaje de lealtad y compromiso, donde el protagonista afirma que hará todo lo posible para mantener a su amada a su lado.

A medida que avanza la letra, se revela una escena romántica donde el narrador visita a su pareja llevando flores y admirando su belleza. Se describen momentos cotidianos llenos de ternura y delicadeza, resaltando la felicidad que ambos experimentan al estar juntos. La conexión emocional entre los personajes se refleja en versos emotivos y detallados, creando una atmósfera íntima y cálida.

La canción transmite una sensación de gratitud y admiración hacia la persona amada, reconociendo su importancia en la vida del narrador. Se destacan metáforas poéticas que resaltan la belleza y pureza del amor compartido, así como la felicidad que brinda esa conexión especial. El tono melódico y melancólico de la música complementa perfectamente las letras apasionadas y románticas.

En términos de contexto cultural, es importante mencionar que esta canción pertenece al género R&B, conocido por sus letras emotivas y melodías soulful. La fecha de publicación en diciembre de 2011 sugiere que esta pieza podría haber resonado con audiencias en ese momento, ofreciendo un escape emocional a través de su contenido lírico evocador.

En resumen, "By my side" es una canción enamorada que celebra el poder del amor verdadero y la conexión profunda entre dos personas. A través de sus letras sinceras y emotivas, Deestylistic logra transmitir un mensaje atemporal sobre el valor del compromiso mutuo y la alegría encontrada en el compañerismo romántico.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Little girl:i like this song right here
Baby you know i love you
just say i wanna hug you
kiss you bcuz i miss you
but i never mean to dis you
but chick you know im loving this to
bcuz you'll always be my
you hold my hand and keep me safe
never let our lives go to waste
when i look into your face
loving the way your lips taste
and i like do a 360 bcuz i think of you missy
yea sometimes i know you leave me but we always end up kissing
tell me can this really be a girl
all and fro or to
caught up meshing in the streets
all our acting makes us cheap
its funny my hunny
our 3 worst changes has met
until we mashing with my boys
has earned my place to be a man
how you like my head up
and put a smile up on my face
keep me coming right back with your warm embrace
ive been safe baby girl when you touch me like that
you lay your head up on my chest and you bring it right back
Im your ladie and your my man
i'll do everything i can
just to keep you in my arms all nite
boy i need you by my side
coz i ever since we first locked eyes (locked eyes)
visioning all the dreams inside makes me sit around and realise boy your love is just so rite
I be your ladie and you be my man
holding hands uder the stars at nite
your arms fold around my waist so tight it feels so rite
when you look into my eyes sparkles like the stars in the sky you'll always be mine
coz i love like this is all a girl could wish for
filled with million of kisses that only one that adore
to heaven to hold to life goes grew and old
and as your wife i'll be by your side for the rest of your life
Im your ladie and your my man
i'll do everything i can
just to keep you in my arms all nite
boy i need you by my side
coz i ever since we first locked eyes (locked eyes)
visioning all the dreams inside makes me sit around and realise boy your love is just so rite
So i'm walking to my girls house
just as im chillin
i copped a couple flowers
that was sitting on the hill
i checked out my breathe hoping that it minty fresh
so she opened up the door she was wearing a fly dress
so i said to her girl you was lookin so fine
i couldn't even believe that she was mine
my girl to start with and hopefully end with
she got that walk like she was sliding so swift
then that day i thought to myself
what if i made a fool of myself
but i said oh well coz she's my girl and she's in my world
she more prettier than diamonds and pearls
you know when i'm with you i'm the happiest can be
coz im so loved whenever your around me
between you and me our love so true
you aint never leaving me because i cant breathe without you
im thankin the lord for the blessin he gave me
he created the eyes for me to stare at deeply her hair so soft flowing so freely
the siloutte of her body moving so beautifully
its like that and i don't want her to go away
im loving the way she moves and the way she sweats
im showing her my love she's my blessing from above
Im your ladie and your my man
i'll do everything i can
just to keep you in my arms all nite
boy i need you by my side
coz i ever since we first locked eyes (locked eyes)
visioning all the dreams inside makes me sit around and realise boy your love is just so rite
Little girl: its over now

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.