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Feel the vibe de Diamond


Feel the vibe (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Feel the vibe

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'Feel the vibe' de Diamond es una canción que se sumerge en el mundo del hip hop, abordando temas de autenticidad, lealtad a las raíces y resistencia a la comercialización del arte. La letra refleja la lucha por mantener la esencia del hip hop, alejándose de la presión por alcanzar el éxito comercial a cualquier precio.

El protagonista de la canción destaca la importancia de volver a los fundamentos del hip hop, manteniendo la conexión con la comunidad y las raíces del género. Expresa su compromiso con su arte, rechazando cualquier intento de falsificación o manipulación de su estilo para encajar en moldes comerciales preestablecidos.

A lo largo de la letra, se critica fuertemente a los artistas que sacrifican su integridad creativa por fama y fortuna rápidas. Se menciona cómo algunos artistas venden su idealismo por contratos millonarios, perdiendo así el control sobre su propia música y despojándola de autenticidad.

Showbiz colabora en la canción para agregar un testimonio personal sobre las luchas internas que enfrentan los artistas cuando se ven obligados a comprometer sus principios artísticos en aras del éxito superficial. Él enfatiza la importancia de mantenerse fiel a uno mismo y al verdadero espíritu del hip hop, incluso cuando eso signifique renunciar a oportunidades tentadoras pero vacías.

La canción 'Feel the vibe' transmite un mensaje poderoso sobre mantenerse firme en las convicciones artísticas y cultivar un sentido profundo de identidad en medio de una industria musical cada vez más impulsada por intereses comerciales. Es un llamado a resistir las presiones externas y abrazar la autenticidad como un valor central en el proceso creativo.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, es importante considerar que el hip hop siempre ha sido un género musical ligado a resistir sistemáticamente los intentos de cooptación comercial. 'Feel the vibe' sigue esta tradición al ofrecer una crítica clara hacia aquellos que buscan corromper el arte por lucro personal.

En términos musicales, la canción presenta una estructura potente con ritmos intensos e influencias retro que recuerdan los inicios del hip hop. Los instrumentos elegidos reflejan tanto esa nostalgia por las raíces como una vanguardia sonora que desafía las normas actuales del panorama musical mainstream.

En resumen, 'Feel the vibe' es mucho más que una simple canción; es un manifiesto sobre los principios no negociables dentro del mundo artístico del hip hop. A través de letras conscientes y una producción musical impactante, Diamond y Showbiz proclaman un mensaje claro: nunca pierdas tu vibra auténtica incluso cuando el mundo te presione para hacerlo.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Featuring showbiz

Feel the vibe (repeat 7x)

Feel the vibe everybody gather round
I pull the plug still my sound's profound
I had to take hip hop back to the essence
Try to go commercial gotta learn a lesson
You gotta get your fingers dusty (word)
And keep your ear to the street so you won't get rusty
Concentrate on the funk vibe (funk vibe)
Learn your roots put on your timberland boots
I'm true to my art, i never fake a move
I keep your head bobbing to the psychotic groove
I vibe is erotic, contagious, and sporotic

I love beats so much i'm damn near neurotic
I shoot the gift like a mack 10
And sample beats we used to cut way back then
But now the game has changed
Artist selling out just to make a name
The underground hip-hop fans can't stand it
So play like chuck connors, because now you're branded a sellout
So yo, get the hell out
We took a dive because you couldn't feel the vibe

Is this the vibe you desire? (diamond running down the line)
Is this the vibe you desire? (you know you're on time)
Well let me continue with what's on the menu
I dug in the crate (now it's time to get the papes) (repeat 2x)

You know i feel the vibe, my name is show b-i-z
I used to cut at jams when i was 4 foot 3
Early in the morning listen to beats
And back then i was the shorty (with the nikes on his feet)
Back to a brother who sold out (did he?)
He aimed for a name and some fame without any doubt
He was my man so he let me hear a taste
But he dissed his face because the shit ain't have no bass
His beats was clogged, he needed liquid plumber
Damn i wonder why he sound like donna summers?
Or nat king cole, that style is old
100 g's up front you've just been sold
They kidnap your creative control
No chance of going platinum or even gold
It wouldn't happen to me (why not?)
I got the skills that's ill and i'm real cause i feel the beat

Is this the vibe you desire? (show running down the line)
Is this the vibe you desire? (you know you're on time)
Well let me continue with what's on the menu
I dug in the crate (now it's time to get the papes) (repeat 2x)

Yeah, i knew a kid who was nice on the mic
Had a record deal but the deal wasn't real
Cause the record label wouldn't spend any loot
But he had a deal and my man got souped
He knew a lot of old beats but it didn't matter
The label had other ideas for the platter
I heard the song and i had to scream
The had him rhyming over hype drum machines
He didn't like it but he had no say
And now he's out of here today
Try to fake the funk, it couldn't shake a rump
But the radio played the junk anyway
But the song wouldn't budge
Now against the ex-label he holds a grudge
Looking for a deal because the song took a dive
Cause he couldn't feel the vibe
But who's to blame in the world of the rap game
Stick to your roots like a troop and let me know

Is this the vibe you desire? (diamond running down the line)
Is this the vibe you desire? (you know you're on time)
Well let me continue with what's on the menu
I dug in the crate (now it's time to get the papes) (repeat 2x)

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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