Ulala de Envy
Letra de Ulala
RUMOR-LOVIN' BARTENDER:Welcome. Would you like to tell me your mood? I
will make something to match your heart.
The lady bartender at Ebony, the sky lounge in Hotel Pleiades. Her job
requires her to be familiar with rumors.
RUMOR-LOVIN' BARTENDER: What will you have today?
SALEEM LADEEN: Miss, you are very pretty!...Are you busy?...Do you want
to come to my room? Do you want to see my collection? I have lots of
money. Don't worry, I am a shrewd businessman. I won't do anything
ELLEN: How is Mark doing...? (giggle) Every time I come here, it reminds
me of the time we did the Persona ritual.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIZUNO: Amano...You were in front of Parabellum, right?
*MAYA: No...What are you talking about?*
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MIZUNO: You wouldn't be lying, are you?...I'll be upset
if you're lying, and were out flirting with some guy! Look, a woman is a
flower when she's bound to her work! Don't shake your petals just
because of some cute guy! Men are monsters...They approach you with a
sweet face, but then take you money and stuff! Now get back to work!
NATE: This sewage treatment plant is solely dedicated to the laboratory,
but the security is light. A distinctive feature is the maze setting.
On top of that, at each block, a flood of water comes through at regular
intervals. There are 2 routes connecting the blocks...if we don't take
the shorter way, we have a higher chance of getting washed away. We
must control the locks forthe 2 paths by the 1st and 2nd Control Rooms
respectively. Thus, 2 people must stay...
KATSUYA: You really did your homework..
NATE: It's OUR technology...My father financially supports Tatsuzou. We
sponsored the construction of this treatment plant/lab, no questions
BAOFU: Sometimes adults don't make sense...Are you cool with that?
NATE: A world of facades and concessions is a cold one indeed...I just
walk the path I believe in.
BAOFU: Perfect...So, who's staying?
CHRIS : Leave it to me...
(Chris and Mary show up.)
A Persona user who fought alongside Nate. Known as "The Legendary Six-
Pack Leader". He is the step-brother of Kandori.
MARY: Yoohoo <3 I'm here too.
NATE: Why are you guys...!?
MARY: Ellen asked me to..."Help out Nate because he's troubled", she
CHRIS: Talk later...Get going.
MARY: If he is still alive...Nate, save him...We may be the only people
who can understand his pain...
NATE: All right...I'll try.
(A moment later.)
NATE: I leave the releasing of the locks to them...We can contact them
with that walkie-talkie. When you decide between routes A and B, give
them a call. But I wasn't able to get the information on which is the
shortest route. I'm relying on you intuition...
(Talk to party members)
ULALA: Another good-looking man?...He looks good, all wild and stuff...I
want to take him down...I mean out!
BAOFU: I can't play along with this freinds crap. Let's get going.
KATSUYA: You have good freinds, Mr. Nanjo..If only Tatsuya was like
NATE: The red doors is Mary in the 1st room, and the blue door is Chris
in the 2nd...Call them on the walkie-talkie. We can't turn back once we
head in. Are you ready?
VOICE OF CHIRS: Oh, it's you...Are you sure you want this side? Call
Mary for the other side.
*MAYA: Let me think, over.*
VOICE OF CHRIS: I see...Give me a call when you've decided...
VOICE OF MARY: Miss Amano? Are you sure about opening this door? If it's
the other one, ask Chris, over.
*MAYA: This side's fine, over.*
VOICE OF MARY: Roger...<3 I'm opening it, so good luck, over!
(Trail thought Route A1 and get to the Relay Point in 10 minutes.)
(Talk to members)
NATE: But Ellen did something she didn't need to. I didn't contact them
since they have a close connection with Guido..
NATE: They understand that, and they are probably enduring their will to
go...They are the ones that I acknowledge...
KATSUYA: A friendship that doesn't need words...I envy Mr. Nanjo...
ULALA: We've known each other for awhile, too. Well, relationships
shouldn't be judged by a length of time.
BAOFU: I'm not so sure about that...In the end, humans are alone...
VOICE OF MARY: What dost thou want?...Just kidding! You want this door?
*MAYA: Halt on yonder thought. j/k <3*
VOICE OF MARY: (giggle) I like this city..We seem to get along...Call me
again when you decide.
VOICE OF CHIRS: How are you doing...? I'm going to open it?
*MAYA: Let's go, over!*
CHRIS: Alright, hold on...Doryaaaaaaa---!!
VOICE OF CHIRS ( with Maya's "shocked" portrait): Gwa...! It shocked
me...Not bad.
(Trail through Route B2 and get to Relay Point 2 in 10 minutes.)
VOICE OF MARY: This is the last door...Should I open it?
*MAYA: Wait...*
VOICE OF MARY: I understand...Call me when you decide.
VOICE OF CHRIS: Looks like the last door...Wanna open it?
*MAYA: Yes...Open it.*
VOICE OF CHRIS: I got it...You know...I have no right to ask this of you
but...Take care of Nate...He's smart, but short-tempered. Make sure he
doesn't do anything rash...
(Trail through Route B3 and get to the Parking Lot in 10 minutes.)
(There is a security guard in front of the door to the science lab.)
NATE: That's the lab's security room. That's where the security cameras
and sensors are monitored. If we don't render that inoperable, I can't
ensure you our freedom to move.
(The security guard pulls out a gun.)
KATSUYA: Hey, they've got guns...Does your company supply the guards
with firearms?
NATE: That is absurd...Even my group's scientists aren't allowed entry
in here. Those aren't our security officers, either.
BAOFU: Then we don't need to hold back...
NATE: We shouldn't make any sounds...
ULALA: Alright, I'll just use my sexy looks and...
(Ulala goes out in the open, the party gets nervous and Baofu jumps in
front of her and Baofu fires his coins at the security guard, knocking
him unconscious.)
BAOFU: See...I made it easier for you by putting them to sleep.
ULALA: Whaddya mean by that!?
KATSUYA: Here we go, Ms. Serizawa. You can use your sexiness next time.
ULALA: Mmmm...
(The party heads inside and Maya is the last one to close the door.)
VOICE OF EIKICHI: Like I said! Don't make me repeat it! I simply got
lost...Give me a break.
(The camera pans over to Eikichi being surrounded by two armed security
YOUNG GUARD: Can't you lie any better than that?!
SCOWLING GUARD: Forget it...He's probaly a freind of one of the guinea
pigs. We can't let him go home...Take him to the scientist.
EIKICHI: Hey, hey, hey! So the rumor that this place is using humans for
experimentsis true!? Dammit! Release Sugimoto, NOW!!!...If you don't,
I'm gonna beat your ass!!!
YOUNG GUARD: What can YOU do to me? Go ahead and try...
(Boss Battle Music Starts.)
NATE: Understood.
(Maya and co. fight the two guards.)
(After Battle)
(Nate is busy disabling security)
ULALA: So you jumped the fence to find your kidnapped friend who was
using the Joker? But that's pretty hasty...Weren't YOU the target of the
Joker Curse in the first place?
EIKICHI: Well I did get into a heap of trouble because of him, but I
can't just leave him like that. I AM the leader after all...
NATE: I neutralized security...We should be able to bypass the security
devices for awhile.
KATSUYA: Eikichi, leave your friend to us and go home...This is no place
for kids.
EIKICHI: Don't kid me! I'm not gonna just pull back! Take me too! If ya
don't, I'll make a ruckus!?...SOMEBODY----!!!
(Maya and co. start to get nervous.)
NATE: Very well...let's take him with us. I can understand his position.
But in return... Refrain from getting in our way. When we say come back,
come back.
EIKICHI: Hellz yeah!
(Talk to Party Members)
EIKICHI: I won't get in the way. So lead the way, Boss!
BAOFU: (sigh) What a load we gotta carry. I'm not responsible for
anything that happens...
KATSUYA: Human experiments, huh...Abduction, confinement, mistreatment,
and homicide...Grave crimes indeed...But then again, we are violating
the law by intruding on private property...
NATE: I admire his feelings to save a friend...You should always care
for a friend.
ULALA: You're a softy, you know, but this guy's one, too...Alright, let
the Big Sisters save his dumb friend.
EIKICHI: Have I been here before...? I don't think so...But that
nose...It seems very familiar...
EIKICHI: Why...I feel I've seen her somewhere...I feel as if I've had a
rough time because of her...
NATE: So this is...where the kidnapped Jokers are taken...
EIKICHI: So Sugimoto's in here, somewhere!?
EIKICHI: Sugimoto!!!...Where are you?...Answer me!!
(Eikichi, Nate, and Ulala enter a cell a find a demonized man.)
DEMONIZED MAN: Ah---Uhhhh.....
ULALA: Uh...!? What..what happened to this person!?
NATE: I've seen this before...It's a person taken "over" by a Persona, a
"demonized" human. But...this is...
(In the other cell.)
CAPTIVE WOMAN: Ahhhhh...Uhhhhh...
BAOFU: There's another one over here..On their necks...looks like an
KATSUYA: Human experiments...How horrific and deplorable...!
EIKICHI: Sugimoto!!! Sugimoto---!!
(Eikichi looks in every cell and can't find him.)
EIKICHI: It's no use...He's not here...!
NATE: Calm down, young man. We will locate your friend. You escort these
people here to the trailer in the parking facility.
KATSUYA: What do you plan to do, Mr. Nanjo?
NATE: Treat them at our hospital...I figured out...what they do here. I
can't turn the other way.
ULALA: Can you bring them back?
NATE: We won't know if we don't try...It's still a hundred times better
than doing nothing...
EIKICHI: Got it...I leave Sugimoto to you.
SCIENTIST: I can't stand it anymore...I didn't become a scientist to
help with experiments like that...
NATE: An employee...Hey, we came to find out what's going on in this
laboratory. Can you give us the details?
SCIENTIST: R...Really? T...then, please take this Lv. 1 Card. With this,
you can unlock all doors on this floor.
SCIENTIST: You must see it for yourself...That...isn't something humans
should do...I've had enough...
NATE: Understood. Leave the rest to us.
SCIENTIST: I see...I heard about you from my coworker. I understand the
situation. Let me help you. With this Lv. 2 Card, you can enter the lab
in the back. Take it.
SCIENTIST: We can only do this much...But, please! Please stop this
experiment before the number of victims increases.
NATE: The laboratory...If we can see their data, we can understand what
they are researching.
BAOFU: Give me 3 minutes...I'll pull out the treasure.
(Moments Later)
KATSUYA: This is...!?
BAOFU: "Experiments on separating the Joker from its user"..."Theory on
spinal nerve transplants for two-legged organisms"...
ULALA: "Separating" the Jokers...? For what reason!?
NATE: Just one moment...It says the research it's based on exists.
BAOFU: "Research and theory on artificially creating Persona users"-
Guido Kandori
NATE: Guido...! The rumors...were true...!?
BAOFU: ...We can't read it all now. I'm gonna save the entire thing on
hard drive. I'm crashing the backup
ULALA: Hey...What's that big thing over there...?
(The party takes a look through a window and Nate enters inside the
(FMV of machines with the name Joker 01 and Joker 02 on it. And in the
tubes is the kegare. This is identical to one of the movies in the
Opening FMV.)
ROOM (with Joker machines)
VOICE OF MAN: Playing the spy as usual, Nate...?
(Maya and co. are surrounded by armed security guards on the high
plattforms. Guido and a guard have taken Eikichi hostage.)
NATE: Y, You're...Guido!?
GUIDO: It's cliche, but give back the data...If you want the kid to
live, that is.
Once planned to destroy the world. He is a Persona user killed by Nate 4
years ago...He was known then as "Guido Sardenia"...
(More guards come in below where Maya and co. are standing at.)
NATE: Guido...! How is it that you are alive!?
GUIDO: Kotodama...As you see, they have a great interest in my
research... They summoned me back from Hades...
BAOFU: .......
NATE: Why do you continue your wicked ways...? That time you were...!
GUIDO: Hmph..."The fate of those who are enchanted by the
shadows"...I'll leave it at that...I'm not as young as you. I can't
change my ways now...So...what are you going to do?
NATE: Fine...I'll give it back..
BAOFU: Ch...That's why I said no "tag-alongs".
(Baofu gives up the data.)
EIKICHI: No, don't do it for the likes of me...!!
GUIDO: You're still a kid...I'm disappointed. You can't handle a company
if you lose sight of your goals so easily... (Pulls a gun on Eikichi)
Let me show you the way to relinquish.
NATE: Stop it, Guido!!!
(The door busts open and Tatsuya appears. He pushes Eikichi into the
door and kills the nearby guard.)
KATSUYA: Tatsuya!?
TATSUYA: Get out of here now...!
(Ulala and Nate run away and shots are fired at the party. Maya,
Katsuya, and Baofu fire back. Then they manage to escape.)
GUIDO: Hmph...
GUIDO: Regardless, neither you, nor they, can escape from fate...Paradox
TATSUYA: I see...You, too, were enchanted...by him...(Summons Persona)
Then tell him...That I'll protect...Maya and everyone else...!
(Guido also summons his Persona.)
(Eikichi manages to get everyone safely into the truck.)
EIKICHI: Daaaah!!!...Hurry!!!...Hurry!!! Everyone's already in the car!?
BAOFU: Hurry up and get your ass in, boy!
(A monster and two guards come out)
ULALA: Ugyaaaa! They've caught up!!!
(Enter Battle)
DEMONIZED SUGIMOTO: Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! Ei----kichi-----!!
EIKICHI: S, Sugimoto!? Is that you...?
NATE: Forgive me...young lad...
EIKICHI: S, Stop it-------!
(After Battle)
(Sugimoto lies on the ground.)
EIKICHI: Sugimotoooooo!!!
EIKICHI: You didn't...you didn't have to kill him! You're all murderers,
just like them!!!
ULALA: Look carefully...Nate didn't kill him.
SUGIMOTO: Gah......
NATE: "Don't forsake the lesser for the greater". I learned that some
time ago...
KATSUYA: Did Machiavelli say such a thing?...Can you stand?
NATE: I'm greedy...I take everything that I can get a hold of...
EIKICHI: I, I'm sorry! I said some horrible things...You are a true man!
Make me your apprentice!
BAOFU: Enough with the warm fuzziness...We're gonna beat it outta
ULALA: Hey wait! What about Tatsuya?...And the stolen data...
BAOFU: Don't worry...I took the hard drive. I'm not THAT stupid...
BAOFU: And...Just forget about that guy. He has way more experience than
you guys, and some guts...Heck, we'd be in his way.
VOICE OF GUARDS: There they are! Don't let them get away!
(Nate summons his Persona)
KATSUYA: Tatsuya...be okay...!
(Katsuya fires shots.)
(Later, the parking lot is empty and the truck drives away and the
guards fire after them.)
NATE: This is...!?
(The two private investigators are lying dead in a pool of blood.)
ELLEN: Nate...
NATE: Mishima...! Yamai...!!
MATSUOKA: Stop it...By the time I got back, it was too late...Hurry and
give me an order to handle it. It will become a nuisance if it doesn't
get swept under the rug.
NATE: Wh..why are you the only one still alive!?...You're the traitor,
aren't you?...
MATSUOKA:...You're the one who ignored the warning and went off to play
with fire. If you plan to kill your own men, make it worthwhile.
NATE:......I apologize. Please...take care of it.
(Matsuoka leaves.)
ULALA: Hey...Couldn't this be the work of that "Sneak" guy?
KATSUYA: Impossible...We were never followed...!
BAOFU: Not this time...But there were plenty of chances before...We
can't stay here...Let's go back to my place, we'll be safe there...
(Baofu is typing on the computer.)
NEWS: Continuing news in the numerous homicides plaguing Sumaru City..It
was though to be the work of one suspect, however...The investigation
department has uncovered that these gruesome serial killings cannot be
the work of a single suspect...The department has continued
investigation believing that there is only one suspect, however it has
been uncertain...
NATE / KATSUYA / MAYA: .........
BAOFU: ...I see. Now they've really done it...
KATSUYA: Have you found something?
BAOFU: Some of the files still have some sort of protection on
them...That big thing seems to be called "JSM". I don't know the logic
behind it, but it's basically a machine that "separates" the Joker from
the possessed people...The "separated Joker" goes in a tank. It's known
as "Kegare" ("Kay-GA-ray"). Kegare consists of things like hatred and
NATE: "Kegare"...? What are they going to use that for?
BAOFU: I don't know that far...
KATSUYA: Wait...these are phone records! The sending-end and the
receiving-end are the same...? It's a list of Joker calls!
BAOFU: A "delivery list"...They knew who was going to be the next Joker.
I can't even make a phone call in peace...
KATSUYA: He's even got records of 911 reports and police radio
dispatch...That damn Shimazu!!!
BAOFU: There's more...Is it a robot? A two-legged tank with human nerve
transplants... Co-developed by the Defense Agency...
NATE: And the one who managed the initiative was Guido...
(Ulala and Ellen enter inside.)
KATSUYA: Ms. Serizawa...How was it?
ULALA: Just like Ellen said. Because of Wang Long Chizuru's fortunes,
the city is in a panic. I actually believed that bitch!
BAOFU: Let's begin our information exchange...What happened over there,
ELLEN: Wang Long Chizuru IS connected with the New World Order. She read
that all of the Guardian Dragons showed signs of "Joka". Many people
believe in her readings. It's already spreading, and those not
using the Joker curse are turning into Joker also...
KATSUYA: What else?
ELLEN: She escaped in the end...She said people like us make fortune
telling necessary, and she was able to collect numerous Kegare...
NATE: "Kegare" again...
KATSUYA: Hmmm...It's all so clear now...The fortune teller increased the
amount of Jokers and the Mafia hunts them down...The captured people get
"Joker-separated" by Kandori, and the police cover it up...We got to
find out what Shimazu is up to...
BAOFU: Hold on...That's not enough to prove the connection between
Tatsuzou...Going public with this won't solve anything...We gotta get
more evidence...
NEWS: ...In other news...In Sumaru city, several seminars were sponsored
by international celebrities, gathering huge crowds...The seminar is to
purify those affected as a result of the Joker curse. It recieved a warm
welcome by the citizens. At Smile Mall in Hirasaka, Ginji Sasaki, the
famous producer of the group Muses, met with Wang Long Chizuru...
BAOFU: Looks like our next place to go is set...Let's go to this seminar
thing to find out why they're collecting all this kegare.
LISA: Araya Shrine...A...raya...I wonder why...I've never been here
LISA: Huh?
LISA (shocked):.....
LISA: S-Sorry ya...I thought you looked like someone I know...I was kind
surprised...Hahaha...I-I'm Lisa Silverman. Nice to meet you.
A student at Seven Sisters High School who is a member of the group,
Muses. A caucasian born and raised in Japan.
LISA: Eh? You're Ms. Amano? I've heard about you. You know Ellen,
right? I was at Sumaru TV at the time and Ellen saved me when that
incident happened. If you'd like, I can help too. I might not look it,
but I'm pretty good at Kung Fu! Achooo!!
(A man in a hat is seen talking to Yuki and Fujii. Maya and co. arrive
and the man turns around.)
BRAD: Yo! What took you so long, Ellen?
A multi-talented entertainer and a St. Hermelin High alum, like Yuki and
Ellen. He is also a Persona user.
ELLEN: Hi Brad...How're you doing, Yuki?
YUKI: I heard about what's happening Maya...I came with Shunsuke to take
some pictures of Brad, but I'll help too!
ELLEN: Brad...Have you seen her yet?
(A black cat walks up towards the party and it watches them.)
BRAD: Yeah, Wang Long Chizuru is up in the dressing room. And about the
other thing...It seems that the fortune telling show, which started the
boom, was a set-up...
YUKI: That was about the time when a bunch of magazines did articles on
Wang Long. That's obvious manipulation.
KATSUYA: The question is wether that woman is in New World Order or not.
There is the possibility of her just being a pawn.
(Ulala takes notice of the black cat.)
ULALA: Hey...That cat...it's been looking this way the entire time...
KATSUYA: What a cute cat...It's probably a star's pet or something...
BRAD: Now that you mention it, Wang Long Chizuru had a cat like that...
(The cat meows and walks away.)
BAOFU: Forget the stupid cat. Let's go.
(Talk to people in the room.)
ULALA: That cat looks suspicious...
BRAD: I can't go 'cuz I got an interview, but as a friend, best
regards!...Da ha ha ha ha!
YUKI: I'll be doing a photo shoot at this guy's dressing room, so ask me
if there's anything you need, Maya.
FUJII: The short-haired gal is Ellen Kirishima, huh...Hey Mackey...Can
you casually ask her if something's bothering her, when you get the
chance? She has the look of a model, but she is not too popular with the
camera crew because they say her smile is "stiff"...She seems to smile
warmly with you guys, so I was wondering if she maybe bothered by
something else...
KATSUYA: That whim cats have and the way they check things out is just
so...Ahh...CHOO...Just thinking about it gives me allergies.
ELLEN: The dressing room is on the 2nd floor. Let's head to Wang Long
Chizuru's dressing room...
RECEPTIONIST: You're friends of Brad, right?...Please use the elevator
to go upstairs.
BAOFU: So, let's go unmask a witch...
ULALA: Wow, it's Ginji Sasaki and the Muses! Ma-ya, get an autograph! If
we sell them, we can make some spending money!
BAOFU: This isn't the one...
ELLEN: "Muses"...The Greek goddess of music...They're all cute, they
should ne a hit.
KATSUYA: She likes Tatsuya and is worried for him...? What a sweet
girl...But if they were to marry, there would be a big commotion, with
her being a star...No matter how you look at it...She's a foreign
girl...Can they communicate well? ...What about engagement presents...?
I should go check.........
MAMI: Lisa's worried about Suou, who's been missing...She's depressed.
She never spoke with him, but has always liked him...
Lisa's friend who goes by "Asacchi". She also goes to Seventh.
MIHO: Lisa, cheer up! ...We've finally become idols after having our
fortunes come true...I'll ask Ms. Chizuru about Suou, okay?
Lisa's friend who goes by "Mi-po". She also goes to Seventh.
LISA: Ha...Hu...Ho...
Part of the high school group, Muses, produced by Sasaki. I feel like I
know her too...
GINJI: What do you girls wants? Even if you are heart-throbbing fans,
you shouldn't follow me to my dressing room.
Young producer of the group, Muses. His fortune of success came true...I
feel I've met him before and detest him...
ULALA: Oh my god! It's Junko Kurosu! Ma-ya, autograph, autograph! We can
sell this to old men for a bundle!
KATSUYA: Hmm...That is the mother of Jun?...I see...He looks like his
ELLEN: That is the dignity of an actress...Let's leave before we cause
any trouble.
BAOFU: Junko...Kurosu...Mature women are nice...They got a sex appeal
that Ulala doesn't have.
JUNKO KUROSU: Oh my, this is my dressing room, young lady. If you are
lost, shall I call someone in to assist you?
Her real name is "Junko Kashihara". She's a huge star and mother of Jun
Kashihara. I feel I know her..
(The dressing room is empty except the black cat from the lobby is
there. Ellen knocks on the door.)
VOICE OF ELLEN: Miss Wang Long Chizuru...Excuse us...We would like to
ask you something.
(The party comes inside and look around.)
KATSUYA: She's not here...
ULALA: Hey, it's that same cat from the lobby...
(The cat lets out a loud, echoing meow.)
BLACK CAT: Purrrrrrrr...
(In a flash of light, everything around is black and gray, except the
ULALA: W, What the!? What happened!?
BLACK CAT: Purrrrrrrrrrr. (The cat vanishes.)
ELLEN: Wang Long Chizuru...She is definitely an enemy...We've been
trapped in a Kimon Tonkou formation.
ULALA: Kimon Tonkou?
ELLEN: It's an illusion spell that branches from Feng Shui. If you don't
pass through 8 gates with talismans in order, you can't escape.
Fantastic! This is my first time too!
ULALA: Uh..Hel-LO...?
ELLEN: Looking at the magic's system, the cat was a Shiki! We see in
black and white because this is the reverse side of reality! Great!
BAOFU: So what you're trying to say is that we're trapped...Oh happy
KATSUYA: So if we go through those "8 gates", then we can escape?
ELLEN: That's right! The numbers 1-8 are written on the Tonkou talismans
in Ba Gua letters.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Ba Gua symbols underneath numbers.)
ELLEN: That's how I read it. Ha! Little did they know that I'm an expert
on the occult...
KATSUYA: Miss Kirishima, you have no reflection...
ELLEN: In ancient sorcery, a mirror projects another world. I think
this a spectacle from reality.
KATSUYA: Then, can we contact Brad and the others on the other side!?
ELLEN: Has anyone told you that you worry too much? I'm up for this, if
you are...
(Talk to Party Members)
BAOFU: You gotta be shittin' me...First this, then that...To top it off,
I'm missing the big game...Let's get
outta here before something else happens!
KATSUYA: We were taken for a ride...By a cat of all thing...What should
we do...(sniffle)...
ELLEN: First (Ba Gua Symbol)...let's look for the 1st gate. Let's go!
ULALA: I never knew Ellen was a fan of the occult...You can't tell much
about people by their looks...
TALISMAN: (A talisman of Kimon Tonkou is posted. She was planning to
trap us right from the beginning...)
ELLEN: The Tonkou talisman's Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua Symbol)...Which
means "1". This is definitely the first gate!
(The cat is sitting on a table.)
ELLEN: Hi little kitty...We all know about you and this world. Nice try,
but we'll get out of here...
BLACK CAT: I didn't think there was anyone who could figure out the
spell. We overlooked your existence...
BLACK CAT: But the true terror of the Kimon Tonkou begins now. Can you
really escape...? (snicker)
(The Black Cat vanishes.)
ULALA: What did it mean by "True Terror"? There's something worse than
ELLEN: I don't know...? But with me, it's no problem <3
ELLEN: Next is (Ba Gua symbol)...the second gate. Let's go!
ELLEN: The Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua Symbol)...So, it's "2". This is
definitely the second gate! Second gate at Studio 2...How simple.
(Try to enter, but you're back outside Studio 2.)
ELLEN: What!? Why...? Why is this wrong!? This Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua
Symbol)...It's "2". Then why isn't this the second gate...? I don't get
it...We'll have to rely on Brad...Ms. Amano...I'm very sorry, but let's
look for his dressing room.
(The scene cuts to Brad, Yuki, and Fujii in the real world at Brad's
dressing room.)
BRAD: Hmmm---What kind of pose looks best? Hey, how's this, boss!?
YUKI: Ah---! This is annoying! Just hurry up and decide!!
FUJII: Hey Yukki-It's the duty of a cameraman to see which pose looks
best on a model.
YUKI: Y, You're right---! You look great...So, let's hurry it up
BRAD: (sigh) This why--- (Ellen appears in the mirror.) Wha-------------
-!? E, E, E, Ellen!?
ELLEN: I'm sorry to bother you in the middle of this...But...I would
like to ask you for a favor...
(Ellen explains the situation.)
YUKI: So you want us to find that talisman here, and tell you the symbol
written on it!?
BRAD: It's as good as done, but...I saw a talisman that had (Ba Gua
Symbol) written on it on the door of Studio 5.
ELLEN: Really? Then that's the 2nd gate...That's strange...Can you check
and see what's going on with the other talismans?
ELLEN: 5 is 2... (Ba Gua Symbol) is (Ba Gua Symbol)...
KATSUYA: Here, Studio 2's talismans letter is (Ba Gua Symbol) ...In
other words "5"... And in the real world, Studio 5 is (Ba Gua
Symbol)...In other words "2"...Studio 2 being wrong means...That the
real world is correct?
ELLEN: There could be a secret rule...If we could figure out, there
wouldn't be a need to involve Brad and the others...
ULALA: But if reality is correct, then why don't we just have Brad tell
us each time?
BAOFU: Damn, that's going to take forever...There has to be a better
(Talk to your members. Also, talk to the mirror to get hints from Brad
and Yuki.)
BRAD: I saw a talisman with (Ba Gua Symbol) (2) written on it at Studio
5...Off 2 the next gate!
KATSUYA: Think or come back here again...Would you think about it too,
Miss Amano?
ULALA: Ugh...With the numbers and symbols scattered, it's making my body
all itchy!!
BAOFU: This is a bunch of bull...Everything is all ass backwards...
ELLEN: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(Bau Gua Symbols underneath the numbers.)
ELLEN: That's how the order should be...Normally we should just go in
this order, and be able to escape the Kimon Tonkou formation, but...
ELLEN: Hmm..No matter how you look at it, it's (Ba Gua Symbol), so it's
"5". But according to Brad, it's (Ba Gua Symbol)... That makes the
second gate...
(Talk to members.)
ULALA: I don't know...I've never been good at math...
ELLEN: Hmmm..This seems to be the second gate. But why...? (Ba Gua
Symbol) (5) is written on there.
BAOFU: Ch...This is pissing me off...It would be faster if we found that
damn cat and make him cough it up.
KATSUYA: I'm opposed to harming the cat. How could you abuse such a cute
animal!? Well, that Black Cat might be a monster but...
YUKI: I saw (Ba Gua Symbol) (3) written on a talisman at the door of
studio 3!...You're going through some try-ing times...
ELLEN: This Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua Symbol) ... It's "3". This must be
the third gate, but...
ULALA: Heeere kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty-kitty- If you're not there, please
say so...
(camera shots are heard)
CREEPY MAN: Heheheheh...I finally found you, my beloved Ellen <3
ELLEN: As if...!?
BAOFU: Who the f##k are you?
ELLEN: That's the guy who's been stalking me! I thought I got rid of him
with my Persona.
ULALA: Wha, wha, what!? Stalker, you say!?
STALKER: Is that your way of showing your love? You love me so much it
hurts. Deheheheh...
A stalker of Ellen...He has a criminal history, including breaking into
her house.
STALKER: I thought that today I'd return the favor, so I brought this <3
(Stalker takes out a chain saw.)
(Enter Battle)
ELLEN: No way! Don't get near me!!
ULALA: You pathetic weasel!! I'm gonna (beep)ing (beep) your (beep)!!
Come on!
STALKER: I lo--ve you-----!!
(After Battle)
ELLEN: Serves you right...
ULALA: That'll teach ya not to mess with us girls!
BAOFU: But he does have some "cajones", coming all this way...
KATSUYA: We'll just get him out later. We have to hurry. Let's get
BRAD: Found it!...(Ba Gua Symbol) (4) is on the door of Studio 7! Call 4
me again!
ELLEN: This talisman is (Ba Gua Symbol)...It's "7". This has to be the
seventh gate, but...
ULALA: (sigh)...Looks like this one was the right one.
(Enter Battle)
KATSUYA: Look out, Miss Kirishima!!!
(Katsuya pushes Ellen out the way of a falling light)
ELLEN: Kyaaa!?
(Stalker comes down the steps.)
STALKER: Guheeeeeee<3...You're not supposed to dodge it!
(After Battle)
BAOFU: This guy has got it bad for you...
(Katsuya handcuffs the Stalker to a pole.)
KATSUYA: How persistent...
KATSUYA: Hopefully, this will hold him until we get out...
(Ellen falls to the ground.)
ELLEN: Why...must I have to go through this...?
ULALA: Cheer up, Ellen...! It's okay now, so let's get out of here
YUKI: (Ba Gua Symbol) (5) is at Studio 2! Gimmie a "high-five"! Let's
ELLEN: This is...(Ba Gua Symbol)...It's "2", isn't it...? There's no
mistake in my knowledge...Why isn't this
the second gate...?
(Talk to Party Members)
ELLEN: Is he not around...? I wonder if it really is okay...
ULALA: Don't worry Ellen. If he comes out again, I'll pull down his
pants and hang him upside down.
KATSUYA: I'm sure he won't be able to do anything in handcuffs even if
he does wake up.
BAOFU: What a vulgar girl...She's on the same level as that shit head.
Oh well, at least it's entertaining...
BRAD: (Ba Gua Symbol) is at studio 6! This is not a six-sessful day. Da
ha ha ha ha!
ELLEN: This is (Ba Gua Symbol)...It's "6". This should be the sixth
ULALA: It's alright! See, there's nobody there...
(Stalker comes out from the behind the wall.)
ULALA: What the hell!? Not him again....
STALKER: Uhee, uhee, uhee, uheeeeee!
ELLEN: No...No...no-No-NO!!! I'm fed up!!! Your obsession disturbs me!!!
STALKER: Even though I love you sooo much...?
ELLEN: Yes! Yes!! Yes!!!
STALKER: You like him THAaaaT MUCH!? You think I'm a nuisance!? You're
no different than MEEEEEEE!!
(Enter Battle)
ELLEN: I'm...the same...?
STALKER: You're no different than me! I'm gonna (beep) your (beep) and
(beep) it!!!
ULALA: Shut up! You (beep) (beep)!!! I'm gonna (beep)ing kick your
scrawny (beep)! You piece of sh(beep)!!
(After Battle)
BAOFU: His neck is broken.. It would be impossible for him to move...
ELLEN: I'm...the same...
KATSUYA: Ms. Amano...doesn't it seem strange? Though we had no idea
where to go, why did HE always show up before we did, before us? This
could be what that cat meant by the terror of the Kimon Tonkou...
YUKI: (Ba Gua Symbol) (7) is at studio 4! "You fall 7 times, you get up
ELLEN: Hmmmm...This Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua Symbol)... "4", right? Then
why isn't this the fourth gate...?
(Katsuya checks things out with his gun.)
KATSUYA: It's alright...The cat and the maniac aren't here...
ULALA: Hey, Ellen...Who was that guy that the stalker was talking about?
If there's anything you're worried about, go ahead and tell me. I'll
ELLEN: I'm sorry to have worried you...That man must have been referring
to "him"... A high school classmate...I made a promise with "him"...
When we achieved our dreams, that we would meet again...
ULALA: I see... that "him"...
ELLEN: But, how did that man know about "him"...? It's driving me
(Talk to members)
BAOFU: I see...I see, more or less...
ULALA: How admirable...I will support Ellen in all aspects...Falling in
love is a woman's life!
ELLEN: "He" is a comrade I fought together with 4 years ago...I became a
model just as we promised...
KATSUYA: The time to strike is the next time that black cat shows
up...I'm not so thrilled about attacking a cat though...
BRAD: (Ba Gua Symbol) (8) is at 8! I guess this is the last g-eight!
How's my gags?...Da ha ha ha ha!
ELLEN: This Ba Gua Letter is (Ba Gua Symbol)... It's "8". This should be
the last gate...
BOY WITH EARRING: Long time...
ELLEN: What...Why are you here...?
BOY WITH EARRING: I came to see if you kept your promise or not...
ULALA: So...this is Ellen's...Such a touching moment...
ELLEN: O, Of course...! I, I became...
BAOFU: Hold on girlie...I don't like this...
KATSUYA: I agree...
BOY WITH EARRING: You don't believe me?
ELLEN: Th, that's not true...!
BOY WITH EARRING: What kind of face is that...It's like a mask. You call
that a smile?
ELLEN: Eh...?
BOY WITH EARRING: There's something bothering you, right? That's why you
can only make that face. Go ahead and say it...I'll listen.
ELLEN: .........I...I...
BOY WITH EARRING: Come on, speak up...Then I'll go ahead and say what
Ellen wants to know the most. "Your obsession disturbs me". "Don't
bother me anymore". ...Are you satisfied?
(Ellen falls to the ground.)
(Katsuya fires a shot and the boy vanishes and the cat pops out.
BLACK CAT: Raaaaaaaaoooowww!!!
(Enter Battle)
BAOFU: That's what I thought...Fool.
KATSUYA: That stalker and that young boy were projections of Miss
Kirishima's fears...That about sums it up. Unfortunate for you, science
has progressed. We have immunity from curses and illusions...You're
100 years too late.
BLACK CAT: D, Damn you----------!
ELLEN: How dare you...how dare you...with his face...! That is
(After Battle)
ELLEN: I'm sorry everyone...I caused so much trouble...because of my
ULALA: There's nothing to worry about. Besides, I can relate to how you
feel..."Let's Be Postive!" Right, Ma-ya?
(Maya nods her head.)
BAOFU: Compared to "you-know-who", who became a Joker herself, that
ain't nothing...
ULALA: Why'd you have to bring that up again!? I said I was sorry...
KATSUYA: I think the spell is breaking down. Let's get out of here.
(Maya and co. leave)
Traducción de Ulala
Letra traducida a Español
Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.0
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