Dice la canción

Hello de Frank Diago



13 de mayo de 2016

Significado de Hello

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La canción "Hello" interpretada por Frank Diago es una emotiva balada pop que resuena con los corazones de quienes la escuchan. En esta melodía, el protagonista expresa sus emociones más profundas a través de letras cargadas de nostalgia y anhelo. La canción, que forma parte del álbum "Quisiera", lanzado en 2016, destaca por su capacidad de conectar con la audiencia a través de su poesía musical.

En el análisis del significado, podemos observar cómo las letras de "Hello" abordan temas universales como la soledad, la pérdida y la esperanza. El protagonista parece estar hablando directamente a alguien ausente en su vida, utilizando la palabra "hello" como un llamado desesperado para reconectar con esa persona especial. A medida que avanza la canción, se revela un sentido de anhelo y arrepentimiento por lo que pudo haber sido y no fue.

Detrás de esta letra aparentemente sencilla se esconde toda una gama de emociones complejas y contradicciones humanas. La ironía presente radica en el contraste entre la simpleza de la palabra "hello" y la profundidad del significado emocional que encierra. Esta dualidad entre lo cotidiano y lo trascendental añade capas de significado a la canción, elevándola a un nivel más allá de lo superficial.

A nivel personal, puedo identificarme con la sensación de nostalgia que transmite "Hello". Las palabras cuidadosamente seleccionadas por Frank Diago logran evocar recuerdos y sentimientos latentes en cada uno de nosotros. La capacidad de una canción para resonar en lo más profundo del alma es verdaderamente excepcional, y es aquí donde radica el poder de "Hello".

En cuanto a información adicional, se sabe que esta canción fue inspirada en una experiencia personal del artista, lo cual le confiere una autenticidad única. Comparada con otras obras del mismo género o incluso del mismo cantante, "Hello" destaca por su emotividad cruda y su capacidad para tocar fibras sensibles en el público oyente.

En términos musicales, la estructura melódica de "Hello" está acompañada por instrumentos clásicos como el piano y cuerdas suaves, creando una atmósfera envolvente que realza el mensaje emocional transmitido por la letra. La producción impecable contribuye a darle a la canción un aire íntimo y reflexivo.

En conclusión, "Hello" es mucho más que una simple balada pop; es un viaje emocional hacia los rincones más profundos del corazón humano. A través de letras sinceras y música evocadora, Frank Diago logra conectar con sus oyentes en un nivel emocional único. Cada nota resuena con sinceridad y cada palabra lleva consigo un peso emotivo indiscutible. La universalidad de las emociones expresadas en esta canción asegura su lugar entre las favoritas del público amante de las baladas pop.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Joe Keller (Keller)
Kate Keller (Mother)
Chris Keller
Ann Deever
George Deever
Dr. Jim Bayliss (Jim)
Sue Bayliss
Frank Lubey
Lydia Lubey

Act One

The back yard of the Keller home in the outskirts of an American town.  August of our era.
The stage is hedged on right and left by tall, closely planted poplars which lend the yard a secluded
atmosphere.  Upstage is filled with the back of the house and its open, unroofed porch which extends
into the yard some six feet.  The house is two stories high and has seven rooms.  It would have cost
perhaps fifteen thousand in the early twenties when it was built.  Now it is nicely painted, looks tight
and comfortable, and the yard is green with sod, here and there plants whose season is gone.  At the
right, beside the house, the entrance of the driveway can be seen, but the poplars cut off view of its
continuation downstage.  In the left corner, downstage, stands the four‐foot‐high stump of a slender
apple tree whose upper trunk and branches lie toppled beside it, fruit still clinging to its branches.
Downstage right is a small, trellised arbor, shaped like a sea shell, with a decorative bulb hanging from
its forward‐curving roof.  Carden chairs and a table are scattered about.  A garbage pail on the ground
next to the porch steps, a wire leaf‐burner near it.
On the rise:  It is early Sunday morning.  Joe Keller is sitting in the sun reading the want ads of the
Sunday paper, the other sections of which lie neatly on the ground beside him.  Behind his back, inside
the arbor, Doctor Jim Bayliss is reading part of the paper at the table.
Keller is nearing sixty.  A heavy man of stolid mind and build, a business man these many years, but with
the imprint of the machine‐shop worker and boss still upon him.  When he reads, when he speaks, when
he listens, it is with the terrible concentration of the uneducated man for whom there is still wonder in
many commonly known things, a man whose judgements must be dredged out of experience and a
peasant‐like common sense.  A man among men.   
Doctor Bayliss is nearly forty.  A wry self‐controlled man, an easy talker, but with a wisp of sadness that
clings even to his self‐effacing humor.
At curtain, Jim is standing at left, staring at the broken tree.  He taps a pipe on it, blows through the
pipe, feels in his pockets for tobacco, then speaks.
Jim:  Where's your tobacco?
Keller: I think I left it on the table.
Jim goes slowly to table on the arbor, fings a pouch, and sits there on the bench, filling his pipe.
Keller: Gonna rain tonight.
Jim: Paper says so?
Keller: Yeah, right here.
Jim: Then it can't rain.
Frank Lubey enters, through a small space between the poplars.  Frank is thirty two but balding.  A
pleasant, opinionated man, uncertain of himself, with a tendency toward peevishness when crossed, but
always wanting it pleasantly and neighborly.  He rather saunters in, leisurely, nothing to do.  He does not
notice Jim in the arbor.  On his greeting, Jim does not bother looking up.
Frank: Hya.
Keller: Hello, Frank.  What's doin'?
Frank: Nothin'.  Walking off my breakfast. {looks up at the sky} That beautiful?  Not a cloud in the sky.
Keller: {looking up} Yeah, nice.
Frank: Every Sunday ought to be like this.
Keller: {indicating the sections beside him} Want the paper?
Frank: What's the difference, it's all bad news.  What's today's calamity?
Keller: I don't know, I don't read the news part anymore.  It's more interesting in the want ads.
Frank: Why, you trying to buy something?
Keller: No, I'm just interested.  To see what people want, y'know?  For instance here's a guy is lookin' for
two Newfoundland dogs.  Now what's he want with two Newfoundland dogs?
Frank: That is funny.
Keller: Here's another one.  Wanted, old dictionaries.  High prices paid.  Now what's a man going to do
with an old dictionary?
Frank: Why not?  Probably a book collector.
Keller: You mean he'll make a living out of that?
Frank: Sure, there's a lot of them.
Keller: {shaking his head} All the kind of business goin' on.  In my day, either you were a lawyer, or a
doctor, or you worked in a shop. Now...
Frank: Well, I was going to be a forester once.
Keller: Well, that shows you.  In my day, there was no such think.  {Scanning the page, sweeping it with
his hand} You look at a page like this you realize how ignorant you are.  {softly, with wonder, as he scans
page} Psss!
Frank: {noticing tree} Hey, what happened to your tree?
Keller:  Ain't that aweful?  The wind must've got it last night.  You heard the wind didn't you?
Frank: Yeah, I got a mess in my yard, too.  {goes to tree}  What a pity.  {turning to Keller} What did Kate
Keller: They're all asleep yet.  I'm just waiting for her to see it.
Frank: {struck} You know?  Its funny.
Keller: What?
Frank: Larry was born in August.  He'd be twenty‐seven this month.  And his tree blows down.
Keller: {touched}  I'm surprised you remember his birthday, Frank.  That's nice.
Frank: Well, I'm working on his horoscope.
Keller: How can you make him a horoscope?  That's for the future, ain't it?
Frank: Well, what I'm doing is this, see.  Larry was reported missing on November twenty‐fifth, right?
Keller: Yeah?
Frank: Well, then, we assume that if he was killed it was on November twenty‐fifth.  Now, what Kate
Keller: Oh, Kate asked you to amke a horoscope?
Frank: Yeah, what she wants to find out is whther November twenty‐fifth was a favorable day for Larry.
Keller: What is that, favorable day?
Frank: Well, a favorable day for a person is a fortunate day, according to the stars.  In other words it
would be practically impossible for him to have died on his favorable day.
Keller: Well, was that his favorable day? November twenty‐fifth?
Frank: That's what I'm working on to find out.  It takes time!  See, the point is, if November twenty‐fifth
was his favorable day, then it's completely possible he's alive somewhere, because, I mean, it's possible.
{he notices Jim now.  Jim is looking at him as though at an idiot. To Jim, with an uncertain laugh:} I didn't
even see you.
Keller: {to Jim} Is he talkin' sense?
Jim: He's alright.  He's just completely out of his mind, that's all.
Frank: {peeved} The trouble with you is, you don't believe in anything.
Jim: And your trouble is that you believe in anything.  You didn't see my kid this morning, did you?
Frank: No.
Keller: Imagine?  He walked off with his thermometer.  Right out of his bag.
Jim: {getting up} What a problem.  One look at a girl and he takes her temperature. {goes to the
driveway, looks upstage toward street}
Frank: That boy's going to be a real doctor. He's smart.
Jim: Over my dead body he'll be a doctor.  A good beginning, too.
Frank: Why? It's an honorable profession.
Jim: {looking at him tiredly} Frank, will you stop talking like a civics book?  
Keller laughs
Frank: Why, I saw a movie a couple of weeks ago, reminded me of you.  Here was a doctor in that
Keller: Don Ameche!
Frank: I think it was, yeah. And he worked in his basement discovering things.  That's what you ought to
do.  You could help humanity instead of ...
Jim: I would love to help humanity on a Warner Brothers salary.
Keller: {pointing at him, laughing} That's very good, Jim.
Jim: {looking toward house} Well, where's the beautiful girl that was supposed to be here?
Frank: {excited} Annie came?
Keller: Sure, sleepin' upstairs.  We picked her up on the one o'clock train last night.  Wonderful thing.  
Girl leaves here, a scrawny kid.  Couple of years go by, she's a regular woman.  Hardly recognized her,
and she was running in and out of this yard all her life.  That was a very happy family used to live in your
house, Jim.
Jim:  Like to meet her.  The block can use a pretty girl.  In the whole neighborhood there's not a damned
thing to look at. {Sue, Jim's wife, enters.  She is rounding forty, an overweight woman who fears it.  On
seeing her, Jim wryly adds:} except my wife, of course.
Sue: {in same spirit} Mrs. Adams is on the phone, you dog.
Jim: {to Keller} Such is the condition which prevails.  {going to his wife} My love, my light.
Sue: Don't sniff around me. {pointing to their house:} And give her a nasty answer.  I can smell the
perfume over the phone.
Jim: What's the matter with her now?
Sue: I don't know dear.  She sounds like she's in terrible pain.  Unless her mouth is full of candy.
Jim: Why don't you just tell her to lay down?
Sue: She enjoys it more when you tell her to lay down.  And when are you going to see Mr. Hubbard?
Jim: My dear, Mr. Hubbard is not sick, and I have better things to do than to sit there and hold his hand.
Sue: It seems to me that for ten dollars you could hold his hand.
Jim: {to Keller} If you son wants to play golf tell him I'm ready.  Or if he'd like to take a trip around the
world for about thirty years. {he exits}
Keller: Why do you needle him?  He's a doctor, women are supposed to call him up.
Sue: All I said was Mrs. Adams is on the phone.  Can I have some of your parsley?
Keller: Yeah, sure. {Sue goes to parsley box and pulls some parsley} You were a nurse too long, Susie.  
You're too ... too ... realistic.
Sue: {laughing, pointing at him} Now you said it!
Lydia Lubey enters.  She is a robust, laughing girl of twenty‐seven.
Lydia: Frank, the toaster ... {sees the others} Hya.
Keller: Hello!
Lydia: {to Frank} The toaster is off again.
Frank: Well, plug it in, I just fixed it.
Lydia: {kindly, but insistently} Please, dear, fix it back like it was before.
Frank: I don't know why you can't learn to turn on a simple thing like a toaster! {He exits}
Sue: {Laughing} Thomas Edison.
Lydia: {apologetically} He's really very handy. {she sees broken tree} Oh, did the wind get your tree?
Keller: Yeah, last night.
Lydia: Oh, what a pity.  Annie get in?
Keller: She'll be down soon.  Wait'll you meet her, Sue, she's a knockout.
Sue: I should've been a man. People are always introducing me to beautiful women. {to Joe:} Tell her to
come over later: I imagine she'd like to see what we did with her house.  And thanks. {she exits}
Lydia: Is shee still unhappy, Joe?
Keller: Annie?  I don't suppose she goes around dancing on her toes, but she seems to be over it.
Lydia: She going to get married?  Is there anybody ... ?
Keller: I suppose... say, it's a couple of years already.  She can't mourn a boy forever.
Lydia: It's so strange.  Annie's here and not even married.  And I've got three babies.  I always thought
it'd be the other way around.
Keller: Well, that's what a war does.  I had two sons, now I got one.  It changed all the tallies.  In my day
when you had sons it was an honor.  Today, a doctor could make a million dollars if he could figure out a
way to bring a boy into the world without a trigger finger.
Lydia: You know, I was just reading...
Enter Chris Keller from house, stands in doorway.
Lydia: Hya, Chris.
Frank shouts from offstage.
Frank: Lydia, come in here!  If you want the toaster to work don't plug in the malted mixer.
Lydia: {embarrassed, laughing} Did I?
Frank: And the next time I fix something don't tell me I'm crazy! Now come in here!
Lydia: {to Keller} I'll never hear the end of this one.
Keller: {calling to Frank} So what's the difference?  Instead of toast have a malted!
Lydia: Sh! sh! {she exits, laughing}
Chris watches her off.  He is thirty‐two.  Like his father, solidly built, a listener.  A man capable of
immense affection and loyalty.  He has a cup of coffee in one hand, part of a doughnut in the other.
Keller: You want the paper?
Chris: That's all right, just the book section.   
He bends down and pulls out part of the paper on porch floor.
Keller: You're always reading the book section and you never buy a book.
Chris: {coming down to settee} I like to keep abreast of my ignorance.
He sits on the settee.
Keller: What is that, every week a new book comes out?
Chris: Lots of new books.
Keller:  All different?
Chris: All different.
Keller shakes his head, puts knife down on bench, takes oilstone up to the cabinet.
Keller: Psss! Annie up yet?
Chris: Mother's giving her breakfast in the dining room.
Keller: {looking at the broken tree} See what happened to the tree?
Chris: {without looking up} Yeah.
Keller: What's mother going to say?
Bert runs up from driveway.  He is about eight. He jumps on stool, then on Keller's back.
Bert: You're finally up.
Keller: {swinging him around and putting him down} Ha! Bert's here!  Where's Tommy?  He's got his
father's thermometer again.
Bert: He's taking a reading.
Chris: What!
Bert: But it's only oral.
Keller: Oh, well, there's no harm in oral.  So what's new this morning, Bert?
Bert: Nothin'.  {He goes to the broken tree, walks around it}
Keller: Then you couldn't've made a complete inspection of the block.  In the beginning, when I first
made you a policeman you used to come in every morning with something new.  Now, nothin's ever
Bert: Except some kids from Thirtieth Street.  They started kicking a can down the block, and I made
them go away because you were sleeping.
Keller: Now you're talkin', Bert.  Now you're on the ball.  First thing you know I'm liable to make you a
Bert: {pulling him down by the lapel and whispering in his ear} Can I see the jail now?
Keller: Seein' the jail ain't allowed, Bert.  You know that.
Bert: Aw, I betcha there isn't even a jail. I don't see any bars on the cellar windows.
Keller: Bert, on my word of honor there's a jail in the basement.  I showed you my gun, didn't I?
Bert: But that's a hunting gun.
Keller: That's an arresting gun!
Bert: Then why don't you ever arrest anybody?  Tommy sad another dirty word to Doris yesterday, and
you didn't even demote him.
Keller chuckles and winks at Chris, who is enjoying all this.
Keller: Yeah, that's a dangerous character, that Tommy.  {beckons him closer} What word does he say?
Bert: {backing away quickly in great embarrassment} Oh, I can't say that.
Keller: {grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him back} Well, gimme an idea.
Bert: I can't. It's not a nice word.
Keller: Just whisper it in my ear.  I'll close my eyes.  Maybe I won't even hear it.
Bert, on tiptoe, puts his lips to Keller's ear, then in unbearble embarrassment, steps back.
Bert: I can't, Mr. Keller.
Chris: {laughing} Don't make him do that.
Keller: Okay, Bert.  I take your word.  Now go out, and keep both eyes peeled.
Bert: {interested} For what?
Keller: For what! Bert, the whole neighborhood is depending on you.  A policeman don't ask questions.  
Now peel them eyes!
Bert: {mystified, but willing} Okay. {he runs offstage back of arbor}
Keller: {calling after him} And mum's the word, Bert.
Bert stops and sticks his head through the arbor.
Bert: About what?
Keller: Just in general.  Be v‐e‐r‐y careful.
Bert: {nodding in bewilderment} Okay. {he exits}
Keller: {laughing} I got all the kids crazy!
Chris: One of these days, they'll all come in here and beat your brains out.
Keller: What's she going to say? Maybe we ought to tell her before she sees it.
Chris: She saw it.
Keller: How could she see it?  I was the first one up.  She was still in bed.
Chris: She was out here when it broke.
Keller: When?
Chris: About four this morning. {indicating window above them} I heard it cracking and I woke up and
looked out.  She was standing right there when it cracked.
Keller: What was she doing out here four in the morning?
Chris: I don't know.  When it cracked she ran back into the house and cried in the kitchen.
Keller: Did you talk to her?
Chris: No, I... I figured the best thing was to leave her alone.
Keller: {deeply touched} She cried hard?
Chris: I could hear her right through the floor of my room.
Keller: {after slight pause} What was she doing out here at that hour? {Chris silent.  With an undertone
of anger showing} She's dreaming about him again.  She's walking around at night.
Chris: I guess she is.
Keller: She's getting just like after he died. {slight pause} What's the meaning of that?
Chris: I don't know the meaning of it. {slight pause} But I know one thing, Dad.  We've made a terrible
mistake with Mother.
Keller: What?
Chris: Being dishonest with her.  That kind of thing always pays off, and now it's paying off.
Keller: What do you mean, dishonest?
Chris: You know Larry's not coming back and I know it.  Why do we allow her to go on thinking that we
believe with her?
Keller: What do you want to do, argue with her?
Chris: I don't want to argue with her, but it's time she realized that nobody believes Larry is alive any
more.  {Keller simply moves away, thinking, looking at the ground}  Why shouldn't she dream of him,
walk the nights waiting for him?  Do we contradict her?  Do we say straight out that we have no hope
any more?  That we haven't had any home for years now?
Keller: {frightened at the thought} You can't say that to her.
Chris: We've got to say it to her.
Keller: How're you going to prove it?  Can you prove it?
Chris: For God's sake, three years!  Nobody comes back after three years.  It's insane.
Keller: To you it is, and to me.  But not to her.  You can talk yourself blue in the face, but there's no body
and no grave, so where are you?
Chris: Sit down, Dad.  I want to talk to you.
Keller looks at him searchingly a moment
Keller: The trouble is the Goddam newspapers.  Every month some boy turns up from nowhere, so the
next one is going to be Larry, so...
Chris: All right, all right, listen to me. {slight pause.  Keller sits on settee} You know why I asked Annie
here, don't you?
Keller: {he knows, but} Why?
Chris: You know.
Keller: Well, I got an idea, but... What's the story?
Chris: I'm going to ask her to marry me. {slight pause.  Keller nods}
Keller: Well, that's only your business, Chriss.
Chris: You know it's not only my business.
Keller: What do you want me to do?  You're old enough to know your own mind.
Chris: {asking, annoyed} Then it's all right, I'll go ahead with it?
Keller: Well, you want to be sure Mother isn't going to...
Chris: Then it isn't just my business.
Keller: I'm just sayin' ...
Chris: Sometimes you infuriate me, you know that? Isn't it your business, too, if I tell this to Mother and
she throws a fit about it?  You have such a talent for ignoring things.
Keller: I ignore what I gotta ignore.  The girl is Larry's girl.
Chris: She's not Larry's girl.
Keller: From Mother's point of view he is not dead and you have no right to take his girl. {slight pause}
Now you can go on from there if you know where to go, but I'm tellin' you I don't know where to go.  
See?  I don't know.  Now what can I do for you?
Chris: I don't know why it is, but every time I reach out for something I want, I have to pull back because
other people will suffer.  My whole bloody life, time after time after time.
Keller:  You're a considerate fella, there's nothing wrong in that.
Chris: To hell with that.
Keller: Did you ask Annie yet?
Chris: I wanted to get this settled first.
Keller: How do you know she'll marry you? Maybe she feels the same way Mother does?
Chris: Well, if she does, then that's the end of it.  From her letters I think she's forgotten him.  I'll find
out.  And then we'll thrash it out with Mother?  Right? Dad, don't avoid me.
Keller: The trouble is, you don't see enough women.  You never did.
Chris: So what?  I'm not fast with women.
Keller: I don't see why it has to be Annie.
Chris: Because it is.
Keller: That's a good answer, but it don't answer anything.  You haven't seen her since you went to war.  
It's five years.
Chris: I can't help it.  I know her best.  I was brought up next door to her.  These years when I think of
someone for my wife, I think of Annie.  What do you want, a diagram?
Keller: I don't want a diagram... I...I'm... She thinks he's coming back Chris.  You marry that girl and
you're pronouncing him dead.  Now what's going to happen to mother?  Do you know?  I don't.  {pause}
Chris: All right, then, Dad.
Keller: {thinking Chris has retreated} Give it some more thougth.
Chris: I've given it three years of thought.  I'd hoped that if I waited, Mother would forget Larry and then
we'd have a regular wedding and everything happy.  But if that can't happen here, then I'll have to get
Keller: What the hell is this?
Chris: I'll get out.  I'll get married and live some place else.  Maybe in New York.
Keller: Are you crazy?
Chris: I've been a good son too long, a good sucker.  I'm through with it.
Keller: You've got a business here.  What the hell is this?
Chris: The business! The business doesn't inspire me.
Keller: Must you be inspired?
Chris: Yes.  I like it an hour a day.  If I have to grub for money all day long at least at evening I want it
beautiful.  I want a family, I want some kids, I want to build something that I can give myself to.  Annie is
in the middle of that.  Now ... where to I find it?
Keller: You mean... {goes to him} Tell me something, you mean you'd leave the business?
Chris: Yes. On this I would.
Keller: {after a pause} Well... you don't want to think like that.
Chris: Then help me stay here.
Keller: All right, but... but don't think like that.  Because what the hell did I work for?  That's only for you,
Chris, the whole shootin' match is for you!
Chris: I know that, Dad.  Just you help me stay here.
Keller: {putting a fist up to Chris's jaw} But don't think that way, you hear me?
Chris: I am thinking that way.
Keller: {lowering his hand} I don't understand you, do I?
Chris: No, you don't.  I'm a pretty tough guy.
Keller: Yeah, I can see that.
Mother appears on porch.  She is in her early fifties, a woman of uncontrolled inspirations and an
overwhelming capacity for love.
Mother: Joe?
Chris: {going toward porch} Hello, Mom.
Mother: {indicating house behind her.  To Keller} Did you take a bag from under the sink?
Keller: Yeah, I put it in the pail.
Mother: Well, get it out of the pail.  That's my potatoes.
Chris bursts out laughing.  Goes up into alley.
Keller: {laughing} I thought it was garbage.
Mother:  Will you do me a favor, Joe?  Don't be helpful.
Keller: I can afford another bag of potatoes.
Mother: Minnie scoured that pail in boiling water last night.  It's cleaner than your teeth.
Keller: And I don't understand why, after I worked forty years and I got a maid, why I have to take out
the garbage.
Mother: If you would make up your mind that every back in the kitchen isn't full of garbage you
wouldn't be throwing out my vegetables.  Last time it was the onions.
Chris comes on, hands her bag.
Keller: I don't like garbage in the house.
Mother: Then don't eat. {she goes into the kitchen with bag}
Chris: That settles you for today.
Keller: Yeah, I'm in last place again. I don't know, once upon a time I used to think that when I got
money again I would have a maid and my wife would take it easy.  Now I got money, and I got a maid,
and my wife is workin' for the maid.  {he sits in one of the chairs}
Mother comes out on last line.  She carries a pot of string beans.
Mother: It's her day off, what are you crabbing about?
Chris: {to Mother} Isn't Annie finished eating?
Mother: {looking around preoccupiedly at yard} She'll be right out. {moves} That wid did some job on
this place.  {of the tree} So much for that, thank Got.
Keller: {indicating chair beside him} Sit down, take it easy.
Mother: {pressing her hand to top of her head} I've got such a funny pain on the top of my head.
Chris: Can I get you an aspirin?
Mother picks a few petals off ground, stands there smelling them in her hand, then sprinkles them over
Mother: No more roses.  It's so funny... everything decides to happen at the same time.  This month is is
birthday, his tree blows down, Annie comes.  Everything that happened seems to be coming back.  I was
just down the cellar, and what do I stumble over?  His baseball glove.  I haven't seen it in a century.
Chris: Don't you think Annie looks well?
Mother: Fine.  There's no question about it.  She's a beauty... I still don't know what brought her here.  
Not that I'm not glad to see her, but...
Chris: I just thought we'd all like to see each other again. {mother just looks at him, nodding ever so
slightly, almost as though admitting something} And I wanted to see her myself.
Mother: {as her nods halt, to Keller} The only think is I think her nose got longer.  But I'll always love that
girl.  She's one that didn't jump into bed with somebody else as soon as it happened with her fella.
Keller: {as though that were impossible for Annie} Oh, what're you...
Mother: Never mind.  Most of them didn't waid till the telegrams were opened.  I'm just glad she came,
so you can see I'm not completely out of my mind.  {sits, and rapidly breaks string beans in the pot}
Chris: Just because she isn't married doesn't mean she's been mourning Larry.
Mother: {with an undercurrent of observation} Why then isn't she?
Chris: {a little flustered} Well... it could have been any number of things.
Mother: {directly at him} Like what, for instance?
Chris: {embarrassed, but standing his ground} I don't know.  Whatever it is.  Can I get you an aspirin?
Mother puts her hand to her head.  She gets up and goes aimlessly toward the trees on rising.
Mother: It's not like a headache.
Keller: You don't sleep, that's why.  She's wearing out more bedroom slippers than shoes.
Mother: I had a terrible night. {she stops moving} I never had a night like that.
Chris: {looking at Keller} What was it, Mom? Did you dream?
Mother: More, more than a dream.
Chris: {hesitantly} About Larry?
Mother: I was fast asleep and... {raising her arm over the audience} Remember the way he used to fly
low past the house when he was in training?  When we used to see his face in the cockpit going by?  
That's the way I saw him.  Only high up.  Way, way up, where the clouds are.  He was so real I could
reach out and touch him.  And suddenly he started to fall.  And crying, crying to me...Mom, Mom!  I
could hear him like he was in the room. Mom! ...it was his voice!  If I could touch him I knew I could stop
him, if I could only... {breaks off, allowing her outstretched hand to fall}   I woke up and it was so funny.  
The wind... it was like the roaring of his engine.  I came out here... I must've still been half asleep.  I
could hear that roaring like he was going by.  The tree snapped right in front of me... and I like... came
awake.  {she is looking at tree.  She suddenly realizes something, turns with a reprimanding finger
shaking slightly at Keller.}  See?  We should never have planted that tree.  I said so in the first place.  It
was too soon to plant a tree for him.
Chris: {alarmed} Too soon!
Mother: {angering} We rushed into it. Everybody was in such a hurry to bury him.  I sad not to plant it
yet. {to Keller:} I told you to...!
Chris: Mother, Mother! {she looks into his face} The wind blew it down.  What significance has that got?  
What are you talking about?  Mother, please... Don't go through it all again, will you?  It's no good, it
doesn't accomplish anything.  I've been thinking, y'know? ...maybe we ought to put our minds to
forgetting him?
Mother: that's the third time you've said that this week.
Chris: Because it's not right.  We never took up our lives again.  We're like at a railroad station waiting
for a train that never comes in.
Mother: {pressing the top of her head}  Get me an aspirin, heh?
Chris: Sure, and let's break out of this, heh, Mom?  I thought the four of us might go out to dinner a
couple of nights, maybe go dancing out at the shore.
Mother: Fine. {to Keller} We can do it tonight.
Keller: Swell with me!
Chris: Sure, let's have some fun. {to Mother} You'll start with this aspirin.  {he goes up and into the
house with new spirit.  Her smile vanishes}
Mother: {with an accusing undertone} Why did he invite her here?
Keller: Why does that bother you?
Mother: She's been in New York three and a half years, why all of a sudden...?
Keller: Well, maybe... maybe he just wanted to see her.
Mother: Nobody comes seven hundred miles "just to see".
Keller: What do you mean? He lived next door to the girl all his life, why shouldn't he want to see her
again? {Mother looks at him critically} Don't look at me like that, he didn't tell me any more than he told
Mother: {a warning and a question} He's not going to marry her.
Keller: How do you know he's even thinking about it?
Mother: It's got that about it.
Keller: {sharply watching her reaction} Well? So what?
Mother: {alarmed} What's going on here Joe?
Keller: Now listen, kid...
Mother: {avoiding contact with him} She's not his girl, Joe.  She knows she's not.
Keller: You can't read her mind.
Mother: Then why is she still single?  New York is full of men, why isn't she married? {pause} Probably a
hundred people told her she's foolish, but she's waited.
Keller: How do you know why she waited?
Mother: She knows what I know, that's why.  She's faithful as a rock.  In my worst moments, I think of
her waiting, and I know again that I'm right.
Keller:  Look, it's a nice day. What are we arguing for?
Mother: {warningly} Nobody in this house dast take her faith away, Joe.  Strangers might.  But not his
father, not his brother.
Keller: {exasperated} What do you want me to do? What do you want?
Mother: I want you to act like he's coming back. Both of you.  Don't think I haven't noticed you since
Chris invited her.  I won't stand for any nonsense.
Keller: But, Kate...
Mother: Because if he's not coming back, then I'll kill myself!  Laugh.  Laugh at me. {She points to tree}  
But why did that happen the very night she came back?  She goes to sleep in his room and his memorial
breaks in pieces.  Look at it. Look.  {She sits on bench} Joe...
Keller: Calm yourself.
Mother: Believe with me, Joe.  I can't stand all alone.
Keller: Calm yourself.
Mother: Only last week a man turned up in Detroit, missing longer than Larry. You read it yourself.
Keller: All right, all right, calm yourself.
Mother: You above all have got to believe, you...
Keller: {rising} Why me above all?
Mother: Just don't stop believing.
Keller: What does that mean, me above all?
Bert comes rushing on.
Bert: Mr. Keller! Say, Mr. Keller... {pointing up the driveway} Tommy just said it again!
Keller: {not remembering any of it} Said what? Who?
Bert: The dirty word.
Keller: Oh. Well...
Bert: Gee, aren't you going to arrest him?  I warned him.
Mother: {with suddenness} Stop that, Bert. Go home. {Bert backs up, as she advances} There's no jail
Keller: {as though to say, "Oh‐what‐the‐hell‐let‐him‐believe‐there‐is"} Kate...
Mother: {turning on Keller furiously}  There's no jail here!  I want you to stop that jail business! {he
turns, shamed, but peeved}
Bert: {past her to Keller} He's right across the street.
Mother: Go home, Bert. {Bert turns around and goes up driveway. She is shaken.  Her speech is bitten
off, extremely urgent.} I want you to stop that, Joe.  That whole jail business!
Keller: {alarmed, and therefore angered} Look at you, look at you shaking.
Mother: {trying to control herself, moving about clasping her hands} I can't help it.
Keller: What have I got to hide?  What the hell is the matter with you Kate?
Mother: I didn't say you had anything to hide, I'm just telling you to stop it! Now stop it!  {as Ann and
Chris appear on the porch.  Ann is twenty‐six, gentle but despite herself capable of holding fast to what
she knows. Chris opens door for her}
Ann: Hya, Joe! {She leads off a general laugh that is not self‐conscious because they know one another
too well.  Chriss, bringing Ann down, with an outstretched, chivalric arm} Take a breath of that air, kid.  
You never get air like that in New York.  
Mother: {genuinely overcome with it} Annie, where did you get that dress!
Ann: I couldn't resist. I'm taking it right off before I ruin it. {swings around} How's that for three weeks'
Mother: {to Keller} Isn't she the most ...? {To Ann} It's gorgeous, simply gor...
Chris: {to Mother} No kidding, now, isn't she the prettiest gal you ever saw?
Mother: {caught short by his obvious admiration, she finds herself reaching out for a glass of water and
aspirin in his hand and ...} You gained a little weight, didn't you, darling? {she gulps pill and drinks.}
Ann: It comes and goes.
Keller: Look how nice her legs turned out!
Ann: {as she runs to fence} Boy, the poplars got thick, didn't they? {Keller moves to settee and sits.}
keller: Well, it's three years, Annie.  We're gettin' old, kid.
Mother: How does Mom like New York? {Ann keeps looking through trees}
Ann: {a little hurt} Why'd they take our hammock away?
Keller: Oh, no, it broke.  Couple of years ago.
Mother: What broke? He had one of his light lunches and flopped into it.
Ann:  {laughs and turns back toward Jim's yard} Oh, excuse me!
Jim has come to fence and is looking over it.  He is smoking a cigar.  As she cries out, he comes on
around on stage.
Jim: How do you do? {to Chris} She looks very intelligent!
Chris: Ann, this is Jim ... Doctor Bayliss.
Ann: {shaking Jim's hand} Oh, sure, he writes a lot about you.
Jim: Don't you believe it.  He likes everybody.  In the battalion he was known as Mother McKeller.
Ann: I can believe it.  You know ...? {to Mother} It's so strange seeing him come out of that yard. {to
Chris} I guess I never grew up.  It almost seems that Mom and Pop are in there now.  An you and my
brother are doing algebra, and Larry trying to copy my homework.  Gosh, those dear dead days beyond
Jim: Well, I hope that doesn't meen you want me to move out?
Sue: {calling from offstage} Jim, come in here! Mr. Hubbard is on the phone!
Jim:  I told you I don't want ...
Sue: {commandingly sweet} Please, dear! Please!
Jim: {resigned} All right, Susie.  {trailing off} All right, all right... {to Ann} I've only met you, Ann, but if I
may offer you a piece of advice... When you marry, never, even in your mind, never count your
husband's money.
Sue: {from offstage} Jim?
Jim: At once! {Turns and goes off} At once. {He exits}
Mother: {Ann is looking at her.  She speaks meaningfully} I told her to take up the guitar.  It'd be a
common interest for them. {they laugh} Well, he loves the guitar!
Ann, as though to overcome Mother, becomes suddenly lively, crosses to Keller on settee, sits on his lap.
Ann: Let's eat at the shore tonight! Raise some hell around here, like we used to before Larry went!
Mother: {emotionally} You think of him! You see? {triumphantly} She thinks of him!
Ann: {with an uncomprehending smile} What do you mean, Kate?
Mother: Nothing. Just that you ... remember him, he's in your thoughts.
Ann: That's a funny thing to say ... how could I help remembering him?
Mother: {it is drawing to a head the wrong way for her.  She starts anew. She rises and comes to Ann}
Did you hang up your things?
Ann: Yeah ... {to Chris} Say, you've sure gone in for clothes.  I could hardly find room in the closet.
Mother: No, don't you remember? That's Larry's room.
Ann: You mean ... they're Larry's?
Mother: Didn't you recognize them?
Ann: {slowly rising, a little embarrassed} Well, it never occurred to me that you'd ... I mean the shoes are
all shined.
Mother: Yes, dear.  {slight pause.  Ann can't stop staring at her.  Mother breaks it by speaking with the
relish of gossip, putting her arm around Ann and walking with her} For so long I've been aching for a nice
conversation with you, Annie. Tell me something.
Ann: What?
Mother: I don't know. Something nice.
Chris: {wryly} She means do you go out much?
Mother: Oh, shut up.
Keller: And are any of them serious?
Mother: {laughing, sits in her chair} Why don't you both choke?
Keller: Annie, you can't go into a restaurant with that woman any more. In five minutes thirty nine
strange people are sitting at the table telling her their life storie.
Mother: If I can't ask Annie a personal question ...
Keller: Asking her is all right, but don't beat her over the head.  You're beatin' her, you're beatin' her.  
{they are laughing}
Ann takes pan of beans off the stool, buts them on floor under chair and sits.
Ann: {to Mother} Don't let them bulldoze you.  Ask me anything you like.  What do you want to know,
Kate?  Come on, let's gossip.
Mother: {to Chris and Keller} She's the only one is got any sense.  {to Ann} Your Mother ... She's not
getting a divorce, heh?
Ann: No, she's calmed down about it now.  I think when he gets out they'll probably live together.  In
New York, of course.
Mother: That's fine.  Because your father is still ... I mean he's a decent man after all is said and done.
Ann: I don't care.  She can take him back if she likes.
Mother: And you? You ... {shakes her head negatively} go out much? {slight pause}.
Ann: {delicately} You mean am I still waiting for him?
Mother: Well, no. I don't expect you to wait for him but ...
Ann: {kindly} But that's what you meant, isn't it?
Mother: Well ... yes.
Ann: Well, I'm not, Kate.
Mother: {faintly} You're not?
Ann: Isn't it ridiculous?  You don't really imagine he's ...?
Mother: I know, dear, but don't say it's ridiculous, because the papers were full of it.  I don't know about
New York, but there was half a page about a man missing even longer than Larry, and he turned up in
Chris: {coming to Ann} He couldn't have wanted to come home very badly, Mom.
Mother: Don't be so smart.
Chris: You can have a helluva time in Burma.
Ann: {rises and swings around in back of Chris} So I've heard.
Chris: Mother, I'll bet you money that you're the only woman in the country who after three years is still
Mother: You're sure?
Chris: Yes, I am.
Mother: Well, if you're sure then you're sure. {She turns her head away for an instant} They don't say it
on the radio but I'm sure that in the dark of night they're still waiting for their sons.
Chris: Mother, you're absolutely ...
Mother: {waving him off} Don't be so damned smart! Now stop it!  {slight pause} There are a few things
you don't know.  All of you.  And I'll tell you one of them, Annie.  Deep, deep in your heart you've always
been waiting for him.
Ann: {resolutely} No, Kate.
Mother: {with increasing demand} But deep in your heart, Annie!
Chris: She ought to know, shouldn't she?
Mother: Don't let them tell you what to think.  Listen to your heart.  Only your heart.
Ann: Why does your heart tell you he's alive?
Mother: Because he has to be.
Ann: But why, Kate?
Mother: {going to her} Because certain things have to be, and certain things can never be.  Like the sun
has to rise, it has to be.  That's why there's Got.  Otherwise anything could happen.  But there's God, so
certain things can never happen.  I would know, Annie ... just like the day he {indicates Chris} went into
that terrible battle.  Did he write me?  Was it in the papers?  No, but that morning I couldn't raise my
head off the pillow.  Ask Joe.  Suddenly, I knew.  I knew!  And he was nearly killed that day.  Ann, you
know I'm right!
Ann stands there in silence, then turns trembling, going upstage.
Ann: No, Kate.
Mother: I have to have some tea.
Frank appears, carrying a ladder.
Ann: {taking his hand} Why, Frank, you're loosing your hair.
Keller: He's got responsibility.
Frank: Gee whiz!
Keller: Without Frank the stars wouldn't know when to come out.
Frank: {laughs. To Ann} You look more womanly.  You've matured. You ...
Keller: Take it easy, Frank, you're a married man.
Ann: {as they laugh}  You still haberdashering?
Frank: Why not?  Maybe I too can get to be president.  How's your brother?  Got his degree, I hear.
Ann:  Oh, George has his own office now!
Frank: Don't say! {funereally} And your dad?  Is he ...?
Ann: {abruptly} Fine.  I'll be in to see Lydia.
Frank: {sympathetically} How about it, does Dad expect a parole soon?
Ann: {with growing ill‐ease}  I realy don't know, I ...
Frank:  {staunchly defending her father for her sake}  I mean because I feel, y'know, that if an intelligent
man like your father is put in prison, there ought to be a law that says either you execute him, or let him
go after a year.
Chris: {interrupting} Want a hand with that ladder, Frank?
Frank: {taking cue}  That's all right, I'll ... {picks up ladder}  I'll finish the horoscope tonight, Kate.  
{embarrassed} See you later, Ann, you look wonderful.  {he exits.  They look at Ann}
Ann: {to Chris, as she sits slowly on stool} Haven't they stopped talking about Dad?
Chris: {comes down and sits on arm of chair} Nobody talks about him any more.
Keller: Gone and forgotten, kid.
Ann: Tell me.  Because I don't want to meet anybody on the block if they're going to ...
Chris: I don't want you to worry about it.
Ann: {to Keller} Do they still remember the case, Joe?  Do they talk about you?
Keller: The only one still talks about it is my wife.
Mother: That's because you keep on playing policeman with the kids.  All their parents hear out of you is
jail, jail, jail.
Keller: Actually what happened was that when I got home from the penitentiary the kids get very
interested in me. You know kids.  I was {laughs} like the expert on the jail situation.  And as time passed
they got it confused and ... I ended up a detective.  {laughs}
Mother:  Except that they didn't get it confused.  {to Ann} He hands out police badges from the Post
Toasties boxes.  {they laugh}   
Ann rises and comes to Keller, putting her arm around his shoulder.
Ann:  {wonderously at them, happy} Gosh, it's wonderful to hear you laughing about it.
Chris: Why, what'd you expect?
Ann: The last thing I remember on this block was one word ... "Murderers!"  Remember that, Kate?  Mrs.
Hammond standing in front of our house yelling that word?  She's still around, I suppose?
Mother: They're all still around.
Keller:  Don't listen to her.  Every Saturday night the whole gang is playin' poker in this arbor.  All the
ones who yelled murderer takin' my money now.
Mother: Don't, Joe.  She's a sensitive girl, don't fool her.  {to Ann} They still remember about Dad.  It's
different with him. {indicates Joe} He was exonerated, your father's still there.  That's why I wasn't so
enthusiastic about your coming.  Honestly, I know how sensitive you are and I told Chris, I said...
Keller:  Listen, you do like I did and you'll be all right.  The day I come home, I got out of my car ... but
not in front of the house... on the corner.  You should've been here, Annie, and you too Chris.  You'd'a
seen something.  Everybody know I was getting out that day.  The porches were loaded.  Picture it now.  
None of them believed I was innocent.  The story was, I pulled a fast one getting myself exonerated.  So I
get out of my car, and I walk  down the street.  But very slow.  And with a smile.  The beast!  I was the
beast ... the guy who sold cracked cylinder heads to the Army Air Force ... the guy who made twenty one
P‐40s crash in Australia.  Kid, walkin' down the street that day I was guilty as hell.  Except I wasn't, and
there as a court apper in my pocket to prove I wasn't, and I walked ... past ... the porches.  Result?  
Fourteen months later I had one of the best shops in the state again, a respected man again, bigger than
Chris: (with admiration) Joe McGuts.
Keller:  (now with great force): That's the only way you lick 'em is guts! (To Ann)  The worst thing yoiu
did was to move away from here.  You made it tough for your father when he gets out.  That's why I tell
you, I like to see him move back right on this block.
Mother: (pained) How could they move back?
Keller: It ain't gonna end till they move back!  (to Ann) Till people play cards with him again, and talk
with him, and smile with him ... you play cards with a man you know he can't be a murderer.  And the
next time you write him I like you to tell him just what I said. (Ann simply stares at him)  You hear me?
Ann: (surprised) Don't you hold anything against him?
Keller: Annie, I never believed in crucifying people.
Ann: (mystified) But he was your partner, he dragged you through the mud.
Keller: Well, he ain't my sweetheart, but you gotta forgive, don't you?
Ann: You, either, Kate?  Don't you feel any ...?
Keller: (to Ann) The next ime you write Dad ...
Ann:  I don't write him.
Keller: (struck) Well, every now and then you ...
Ann: (a little shamed, but determined) No, I've never written to him.  Neither has my brother.  (to Chris)
Say, do you feel this way, too?
Chris: He murdered twenty one pilots.
Keller: What the hell kinda talk is that?
Mother: That's not a thing to say about a man.
Ann:  What else can you say?  When they took him away I followed him, went to him every visiting day.  
I was crying all the time.  Until the news came about Larry.  Then I realized.  It's wrong to pity a man like
that.  Father or no father, there's only one way to lookat him.  He knowingly shipped out parts what
would crash an airplane.  And how do you know Larry wasn't one of them?   
Mother:  I was waiting for that.  (going to her) As long as you're here, Annie, I want to ask you never to
say that again.
Ann: You surprise me.  I thought you'd be mad at him.
Mother:  What your father did had nothing to do with Larry.  Nothing.
Ann:  But we can't know that.
Mother: (striving for control) As long as you're here!
Ann: (perplexed) But, Kate...
Mother: Put that out of your head!
Keller: Because...
Mother: (quickly to Keller) That's all, that's enough.  (places her hand on her head) Come inside now,
and have some tea with me. (She turns and goes up steps)
Keller: (to Ann) The one thing you ...
Mother: (sharply) He's not dead, so there's no argument! Now come!
Keller: (angrily) In a minute! (Mother turns and goes into house) Now look, Annie...
Chris:  All right, Dad, forget it.
Keller: No, she dasn't feel that way.  Annie...
Chris: I'm sick of the whole subject, now cut it out.
Keller: You want her to go on like this? (to Ann) Those cylinder heads when into P‐40s only.  What's the
matter with you?  You know Larry never flew a P‐40.
Chris: So who flew those P‐40s, pigs?
Keller: The man was a fool, but don't make a murderer out of him.  You got no sense?  Look what is does
to her!  (to Ann) Listen, you gotta appreciate what was doin' in that shop in the war.  The both of you!  It
was a madhouse.  Every half hour the Major callin' for cylinder heads, they were whippin' us with the
telephone.  The trucks were hauling them away hot, damn near.  I mean just try to see it human, see it
human.  All of a sudden a batch comes out with a crack.  That happens, that's the business.  A fine,
hairline crack.  All right, so...so he's a little man, your father, always scared of loud voices.  What'll the
Major say? Half a day's production shot... What'll I say?  You know what I mean?  Human. (he pauses)  
So he take out his tools and he ... covers over the cracks.  Alright,  that's bad, it's wrong, but that's what
a little man does.  If I could have gone in that day I'd a told him... Junk 'em Steve, we can afford it.  But
alone he was afraid.  But I know he meant no harm.  He believed they'd hold up a hundred percent.  
That's a mistake, but it ain't murder.  You mustn't feel that way about him.  You understand me?  It ain't
Ann: (she regards him a moment) Joe, Let's forget it.
Keller: Annie, the day the news came out about Larry he was in the next cell to mine...Dad.  And he
cried, Annie...he cried half the night.
Ann: (touched) He shoulda cried all night.  (slight pause)
Keller: (almost angered) Annie, I do not understand why you ...!
Chris: (breaking in, with nervous urgency) Are you going to stop it?
Ann: Don't yell at him.  He just wants everybody happy.
Keller: (clasps her around the waist, smiling) That's my sentiments.  Can you stand steak?
Chris: And champagne?
Keller: Now you're operatin'! I'll call Swanson's for a table!  Big time tonight, Annie!
Ann:  Can't scare me.
Keller: (to Chris, pointing at Ann)  I like that girl.  Wrap her up.  (they laugh.  Goes up porch) You got nice
legs, Annie! ...I want to see everybody drunk tonight.  (pointing at Chris) Look at him, he's blushin' (He
exits, laughing, into the house).
Chris: (calling after him) Drink your tea, Casanova. (he turns to Ann) Isn't he a great guy?
Ann: You're the only one I know who loves his parents.
Chris: I know.  It went out of style, didn't it?
Ann: (with a sudden touch of sadness)  It's all right.  It's a good thing.  (She looks about)  You know?  It's
lovely here.  The air is sweet.
Chris: (hopefully) You're not sorry you came?
Ann: Not sorry, no.  But I'm ... not going to stay.
Chris: Why?
Ann: In the first place, your mother as much as told me to go.
Chris: Well...
Ann: You saw that... and then you... You've been kind of...
Chris: What?
Ann: Well... kind of embarrassed ever since I got here.
Chris:  The trouble is I planned on kind of sneaking up on you over a period of a week or so.  But they
take it for granted that we're all set.
Ann:  I know they would.  Your mother anyway.
Chris: How did you know?
Ann: From her point of view, why else would I come?
Chris: Well... would you want to?  (Ann still studies him) I guess you know this is why I asked you to
Ann: I guess this is why I came.
Chris: Ann, I love you.  I love you a great deal.  (finally) I love you.  (Pause. She waits) I have no
imagination .... That's all I know to tell you.  (Ann is waiting, ready) I'm embarrassing you.  I didn't want
to tell it to you here. I wanted some place we'd never been, a place where we'd be brand new to each
other... You feel it's wrong here, don't you?  This yard, this chair?  I want you to be ready for me.  I don't
want to win you away from anything.  
Ann: (putting her arms around him) Oh, Chris, Ive been ready a long, long time.
Chris:  Then he's gone for ever.  You're sure.
Ann:  I almost got married two years ago.
Chris: Why didn't you?
Ann: You started to write me... (slight pause)
Chris: You felt something that far back?
Ann: Every day since.
Chris: Ann, why didn't you let me know?
Ann: I was waiting for you , Chris.  Till then you never wrote. And when you did, what did you say?  You
sure can be ambiguous, you know.
Chris: (looks toward house, then at her, trembling) Give me a kiss, Ann. Give me a ...(they kiss) God, I
kissed you, Annie, I kissed Anni. How long, how long I've been waiting to kiss you!
Ann:  I'll never forgive you. Why did you wait all these years? All Ive done is sit and wonder if I was crazy
for thinking of you.
Chris: Annie, we're going to live now!  I'm going to make you so happy. (He kisses her, but without their
bodies touching)
Ann: (A little embarrassed) Not like that you're not.
Chris: I kissed you...
Ann: Like Larry's brother.  Do it like you, Chris. (He breaks away from her abruptly) What is it, Chris?
Chris: Let's drive some place... I want to be alone with you.
Ann: No... what is it, Chris, your mother?
Chris: No... nothing like that.
Ann: Then what's wrong? Even in your letters, there was something ashamed.
Chris: Yes.  I suppose I have been.  But it's going from me.
Ann: You've got to tell me...
Chris: I don't know how to start. (He takes her hand)
Ann: It wouldn't work this way. (Slight pause)
Chris: (speaks quietly, factually at first) It's all mixed up with so many other things ...You remember,
overseas, I was in command of a company?
Ann: Yeah, sure.
Chris: Well, I lost them.
Ann: How many?
Chris: Just about all.
Ann: Oh, gee!
Chris: It take a little time to toss that off. Because they weren't just men. For instance, one time it'd
been raining several days and this kid came to me, and gave me his last pair of dry socks.  Put them in
my pocket.  That's only a little thing... but... That's the kind of guys I hd.  They didn't die... They killed
themselves for each other.  I mean that exactly.  a little more selfish and they'd've been here today.  And
I got an idea ...watching them go down.  Everything was being destroyed, see, but it seemed to me that
one new thing was made.  A kind of... responsibility.  Man for man.  You understand me?  To show that,
to bring that onto the earth again like some kind of a monument and everyone would feel it standing
there, behind him, and it would make a difference to him. (pause) And then I came home and it was
incredible.  I.... there was no meaning in it here.  The whole thing to them was a kind of a ... bus
accident. I went to work with Dad, and that rat‐race again.  I felt... what you said... ashamed somehow.  
Because nobody was chaged at all.  It seemed to make suckers out of a lot of guys.  I felt wrong to be
alive, to open the bank‐book, to drive the new car, to see the new refrigerator.  I mean you can take
those things out of a war, but when you drive that car you've got to know that it came out of the love a
man can have for a man, you've got to be a little better because of that.  Otherwise what you have is
really loot, and there's blood on it.  I didn't want to take any of it.  And I gues that included you.
Ann: And you still feel that way?
Chris: I want you know, Annie.
Ann: Because you mustn't feel that way any more.  Because you have a right to whatever you have.  
Everything, Chris, understand that? To me, too... And the money, there's nothing wrong in your money.  
Your father put hundereds of planes in the air, you should be proud.  A man should be paid for that...
Chris: Oh Annie, Annie... I'm going to make a fortune for you!
Keller: (offstage) Hello ... Yes. Sure.
Ann: (laughing softly) What'll I do with a fortune? (they kiss. Keller enters from house)
Keller: (thumbing toward house) Hey, Ann, your brother... (They step apart shyly. Keller comes down,
and wryly) What's this, Labor Day?
Chris: (waving him away, knowing the kidding will be endless) All right, all right.
Ann: You shouldn't burst out like that.
Keller: Well, nobody told me it was Labor Day. (looks around) Where's the hot dogs?
Chris: (loving it) All right. You said it once.
Keller: Well, as long as I know it's Labor Day from now on, I'll wear a bell around my neck.
Ann: (affectionately) He's so subtle!
Chris: George Bernard Shaw as an elephant.
Keller: George!  ...Hey, you kissed it out of my head ...your brother's on the phone.
Ann: (surprised) My borother?
Keller: Yeah, George.  Long distance.
Ann:  What's the matter, is anything wrong?
Keller: I don't know, Kate's talking to him. Hurry up, She'll cost him five dollars.
Ann: (takes a steop upstage, then comes down toward Chris) I wonder if we ought to tell your mother
yet?  I mean I'm not very good in an argument.
Chris: We'll wait till tonight.  After dinner. Now don't get tense, just leave it to me.
Keller: What're you telling her?
Chris: Go agead, Ann. (With misgivings, Ann goes up and into house.) We're getting married, Dad. (Keller
nods indecisively) Well, don't you say anything?
Keller: (distracted) I'm glad, Chris, I'm just... George is calling from Columbus.
Chris: Columbus!
Keller: Did Annie tell you he was going to see his father today?
Chris: No, I don't think she knew anything about it.
Keller: (asking uncomfortably) Chris! You... you think you know her pretty good?
Chris: (hurt and apprehensive) What kind of question?
Keller: I'm just wondering. All these years George don't go to see his father.  Suddenly he goes... and she
comes here.
Chris: Well, what about it?
Keller: It's crazy, but it comes to my mind. She don't hold nothin' against me, does she?
Chris: (angry) I don't know what you're talking about.
Keller: (a little more combatively) I'm just talkin'. To his last day in court the man blamed it all on me...
and his is his daughter.  I mean if she was sent here to find out something?
Chris: (angered) Why? What's there to find out?
Ann: (on phone, offstage) Why are you so excited, George? What happened there?
Keller: I mean if they want to open up the case again, for the nuisance value, to hurt us?
Chris: Dad... how could you think that of her?
Ann: (still on the phone) But what did he say to you, for God's sake?
Keller: It couldn't be, heh.  You know.
Chris: Dad, you amaze me...
Keller: (breaking in) All right, forget it forget it. (with great force, moving about) I want a clean start for
you, Chris. I want a new sign over the plant... Christopher Keller, Incorporated.
Chris: (a little uneasily) J. O. Keller is good enough.
Keller: We'll talk about it. I'm going to build you a house, stone, with a driveway from the road. I want
you to spread out, Chris, I want you to use what I made for you. (He is close to him now) I mean, with
joy, Chris, without shame... with joy.
Chris: (touched) I will, Dad.
Keller: (with deep emotion) Say it to me.
Chris: Why?
Keller: Because sometimes I think you're... ashamed of the money.
Chris: No, don't feel that.
Keller: Because it's good money, there's nothing wrong with that money.
Chris: (a little frightened) Dad, you don't have to tell me this.
Keller: (with overriding affection and self‐confidence now.  He grips Chris by the back of the neck, and
with laughter between his determined jaws) Look, Chris, I'll go to work on Mother for you. We'll get her
so drunk tonight we'll all get married. (steps away, with a wide hesture of his arm) There's gonna be a
wedding, kid, like there never was seen! Champagne, tuxedos...!
He breaks off as Ann's voice comes out loud from the house where she is still talking on the phone.
Ann: Simply because when you get excited you don't control yourself... (Mother comes out of house)
Well, what did he tell you for God's sake? (Pause) All right, come then. (Pause) Yes, they'll all be here.
Nobody's running away from you. And try to get hold of yourself, will you? (Pause.) All right, all right.
There is a brief pause as Ann hangs up receiver, then comes out of kitchen.
Chris: Something happen?
Keller: He's coming here?
Ann: On the seven o'clock. He's in Columbus. (To Mother) I told him it would be all right.
Keller: Sure, fine! Your father took sick?
Ann: (mystified) No, George didn't say he was sick.  I... (Shaking it off) I don't know, I suppose it's
something stupid, you know my brother...(She comes to Chris) Let's go for a drive, or something....
Chris: Sure. Give me the keys, Dad.
Mother: Drive through the park. It's beautiful now.
Chris: Come on, Ann. (to them) Be back right away.
Ann: (as she and Chris exit up driveway) See you.
Mother comes down toward Keller, her eyes fixed on him.
Keller: Take your time. (to Mother) What does George want?
Mother: He's been in Columbus since this morning with Steve. He's gotta see Annie right away, he says.
Keller: What for?
Mother: I don't know. (She speaks with warning) He's a lawyer now, Joe. George is a lawyer.  All these
years he never even sent a postcard to Steve. Since he got back from the war, not a postcard.  
Keller: So what?
Mother: (her tension breaking out) Suddenly he takes an airplane from New York to see him.  An
Keller: Well? So?
Mother: (trembling) Why?
Keller: I don't read minds. Do you?
Mother: Why, Joe? What has Steve suddenly got to tell him that he takes an airplane to see him?
Keller: What do I care what Steve's got to tell him?
Mother: You're sure, Joe?
Keller: (frightened, but angry) Yes, I'm sure.
Mother: (sits stiffly in a chair) Be smart now, Joe.  The boy is coming. Be smart.
Keller: (desperately) Once and for all, did you hear what I said? I said I'm sure!
Mother: (nods weakly) All right, Joe.  (he straightens up) Just... be smart.
Keller, in hopeless fury, looks at her, turns around, goes up to porch and into house, slamming screen
door violently behind him. Mother sits in chair downstage, stiffly, staring, seeing.
As twilight falls, that evening.
On the rise, Chris is discovered sawing the broken‐off tree, leaving stump standing alone.  He is dressed
in good pants, white shoes, but without a shirt. He disappears with tree up the alley when Mother
appears on porch. She comes down and stands watching him. She has on a dressing gown, carries a tray
of grape juice drink in a pitcher, and glasses with sprigs of mint in them.
Mother: (Calling up alley) Did you have to put on good pants to do that? (she comes downstage and puts
tray on table in the arbor. Then looks around uneasily, then feels pitcher for coolness.  Chris enters from
alley brushing off his hands) You notice there more light with that thing gone?
Chris: My aren't you dressing?
Mother: It's suffocating upstairs. I made a grape drink for Georgie.  He always liked grape.  Come and
have some.
Chris: (impatiently) Well, come on, get dressed. And what's Dad sleeping so much for? (He goes to table
and pours a glass of juice)
Mother: To his last day in court Steve never gave up the idea that Dad made him do it.  If they're going
to open the case again I won't live through it.
Chris: George is just a damn fool, Mother. How can you take him seriously?
Mother: That family hates us. Maybe even Annie...
Chris: Oh, now, Mother...
Mother: You think just because you like everbody, they like you!
Chris: All right, stop working yourself up.  Just leave everything to me.
Mother: When George goes home tell her to go with him.
Chris: (noncommittally) Don't worry about Annie.
Mother: Steve is her father, too.
Chris: Are you going to cut it out? Now, come.
Mother: (going upstage with him) You don't realize how people can hate, Chris, they can hate so much
they'll tear the world to pieces.
Ann, dressed up, appears on the porch.
Chris: Look! She's dressed already. (As he and Mother mount porch) I've just got to put on a shirt.
Ann: (in a preoccupied way) Are you feeling well, Kate?
Mother: What's the difference, dear.  There are certain people, y'know, the sicker they get, the longer
they live. (She goes into the house)
Chris: You look nice.
Ann: We're going to tell her tonight.
Chris: Absolutely, don't worry about it.
Ann: I wish we could tell her now. I can't stand scheming.  My stomach gets hard.
Chris: It's not scheming, we'll just get her in a better mood.
Mother: (offstage, in the house) Joe, are you going to sleep all day!
Ann: (laughing) The only one who's relaxed is your father.  He's fast asleep.
Chris: I'm relaxed.
Ann: Are you?
Chris: Look. (He holds out his hand and makes it shake.) Let me know when George gets here.
He goes into the house.  Ann moves aimlessly, and then is drawn toward tree stump.  She goes to it,
hesitantly touches broken top in the hush of her thoughts.  Offstage Lydia calls, "Johnny! Come get your
supper!" Sue enters, and halts, seeing Ann.
Sue: Is my husband...?
Ann: (turns, startled) Oh!
Sue: I'm terribly sorry.
Ann: It's all right, I ... I'm jst a little silly about the dark.
Sue: (looks about) It's getting dark.
Ann: Are you looking for your husband?
Sue: As usual.  (laughs tiredly) He spends so much time here, they'll be charging him rent.
Ann: Nobody was dressed so he drove over to the depot to pick up my brother.
Sue: Oh, your brother's in?
Ann: Yeah, they ought to be here any minute now.  Will you have a cold drink?
Sue: I will, thanks.  (Ann goes to table and pours) My husband.  Too hot to drive me to the beach.  Men
are like little boys... for the neighbors they'll always cut the grass.
Ann: People like to do things for the Kellers.  Been that way since I can remember.
Sue: It's amazing.  I gues your brother's coming to give you away, heh?
Ann: (giving her drink) I don't know. I suppose
Sue: You must be all nerved up.
Ann: It's always a problem getting yourself married, isn't it?
Sue: That depends on your shape, of course.  I don't see why you should have had a problem.
Ann: I've had chances...
Sue: I'll bet.  It's romantic... It's very unusual to me, marrying the brother of your sweetheart.
Ann: I don't know.  I think it's mostly that whenever I need somebody to tell me the truth I've always
thought of Chris. When he tells you something you know it's so.  He relaxes me.
Sue: And he's got money.  That's important, you know.
Ann: It wouldn't matter to me.
Sue: You'd be surprised.  It makes all the difference.  I married an intern.  On my salary.  And that was
bad, because as soon as a woman supports a man he owes her something.  You can never owe
somebody without resenting them. (Ann laughs) That's true, you know.
Ann: Underneath, I think the doctor is very devoted.
Sue: Oh, certainly. But it's bad when a man always sees the bars in front of him.  Jim thinks he's in jail all
the time.
Ann: Oh...
Sue: That's why I've been intending to ask you a small favor, Ann.  It's something very important to me.
Ann: Certainly, if I can do it.
Sue: You can.  When you take up housekeeping, try to find a place away from here.
Ann: Are you fooling?
Sue: I'm very serious. My husband is unhappy with Chris around.
Ann: How is that?
Sue: Jim's a successful doctor.  But he's got an idea he'd like to do medical research. Discover things. You
Ann: Well, isn't that good?
Sue: Research pays twenty five dollars a week minus laundering the hair shirt.  You've got to give up
your life to go into it.
Ann: How does Chris...
Sue: (with growing feeling) Chris makes people want to be better that it's possible to be.  He does that
to people.
Ann: Is that bad?
Sue: My husband has a family, dear.  Everytime he has a session with Chris he feels as though he's
compromising by not giving up everyting for research. As though Chris or anybody else isn't
compromising.  It happens with Jim every couple of years. He meets a man and makes a statue out of
Ann: Maybe he's right.  I don't mean that Chris is a statue, but...
Sue: Now darling, you know he's not right.
Ann: I don't agree with you.  Chris...
Sue: Let's face it, dear.  Chris is working with his father, isn't he? He's taking money out of that business
every week in the year.
Ann: What of it?
Sue: You ask me what of it?
Ann: I certainly do.  (She seems about to burst out) You oughtn't cast aspersions like that, I'm surprised
at you.
Sue: You're surprised at me!
Ann: He'd never take five cents out of that plant if there was anything wrong with it.
Sue: You know that.
Ann:  I know it.  I resent everything you've said.
Sue: (moving toward her) You know what I resent, dear?
Ann: Please, I don't want to argue.
Sue: I resent living next to the Holy Family. It makes me look like a bum, you understand?
Ann:  I can't do anything about that.
Sue: Who is he to ruin a man's life?  Everybody knows Joe pulled a fast one to get out of jail.
Ann: That's not true!
Sue: Then why don't you go out and talk to people? Go on, talk to them.  There's not a person on the
block who doesn't know the truth.
Ann: That's a lie.  People come here all the time for cards and...
Sue: So what?  They give him credit for being smart. I do, too, I've got nothing against Joe.  But if Chris
wants people to put on the hair shirt let him take off the broadcloth.  He's driving my husband crazy
with that phony idealism of his and I'm at the end of my rope on it! (Chris enters on porch, wearing shirt
and tie now.  She turns quickly, hearing. With a smile) Hello, darling. How's Mother?
Chris: I thought George came.
Sue: No, it was just us.
Chris: (coming down to them) Susie, do me a favor, heh? Go up to Mother and see if you can calm her.  
She's all worked up.
Sue: She still doesn't know about you two?
Chris: (laughs a little) Well, she senses it, I guess.  You know my mother.
Sue: (going up to porch) Oh, yeah, she's psychic.
Chris: Maybe there's something in the medicine chest.
Sue: I'll give her one of everything.  (on porch) Don't worry about Kate... couple of drinks, dance her
around a little... She'll love Ann.  (To Ann) Because you're the female version of him.  (Chris laughs) Don't
be alarmed, I said version.  (She goes into house)
Chris: Interesting woman, isn't she?
Ann: Yeah, she's very interesting.
Chris: She's a great nurse, you know, she...
Ann: (in tension, but trying to control it) Are you still doing that?
Chris: (sensing something wrong, but still smiling) Doing what?
Ann: As soon as you get to know somebody you find a distinction for them. How do you know she's a
great nurse?
Chris: What's the matter, Ann?
Ann: The woman hates you.  She despises you!
Chris: Hey... What's hit you?
Ann: Gee, Chris...
Chat happened here?
Ann: You never... Why didn't you tell me?
Chris: Tell you what?
Ann: She says they think Joe is guilty.
Chris: What difference does it make what they think?
Ann: I don't care what they think, I just don't understand why you took the trouble to deny it. You said it
was all forgotten.
Chris: I didn't want you to feel there was anything wrong in you coming here, that's all.  I know a lot of
people think my father was guilty, and I assumed there might be some question in your mind.
Ann: But I never once suspected him.
Chris: Nobody says it.
Ann: Chris, I know how much you love him, but it could never...  
Chris: Do you think I could forgive him if he'd done that thing?
Ann: I'm not here out of blue sky, Chris.  I turned my back on my father, if there's anything wrong here
Chris: I know that, Ann.
Ann: George is coming from Dad, and I don't think it's with a blessing.
Chris: He's welcome here. You've got nothing to fear from George.
Ann: Tell me that... just tell me that.
Chris: The man is innocent, Ann.  Remember he was falsely accused once and it put him through hell.  
How would you behave if you were faced with the same thing again? Annie, believe me, there's nothing
wrong for you here, believe me, kid.
Ann: All right, Chris, all right.  (They embrace as Keller appears quietly on the porch. Ann simply studies
Keller: Every time I come out here it looks like Playland! (they break and laugh in embarrassment)
Chris: I thought you were going to shave?
Keller: (sitting on bench) In a minute.  I just woke up, I can't see nothin'.
Ann: You look shaved.
Keller: Oh, no. (massages his jaw) Gotta be extra special tonight. Big night, Annie. So how's it feel to be a
married woman?
Ann: (laughs) I don't know, yet.
Keller: (to Chris) What's the matter, you slippin'? (He takes a little box of apples from under the bench as
they talk)
Chris: The great roue'!
Keller: What is that, roue'?
Chris: It's French.
Keller: Don't talk dirty. (they laugh)
Chris: (to Ann) You ever meet a bigger ignoramus?
Keller: Well, somebody's got to make a living.
Ann: (as they laugh) That's telling him.
Keller: I don't know, everbody's gettin' so Goddam educated in this country there'll be nobody to take
away the garbage. (they laugh) It's gettin' so the only dumb ones left are the bosses.
Ann: You're not so dumn, Joe.
Keller: I know, but you go into our plant, for instance.  I got so many lieutenants, majors and colonels
that I'm ashamed to ask somebody to sweep the floor.  I gotta be careful I'll insult somebody. No kiddin'.
It's a tragedy: you stand on the street today and spit, you're gonna hit a college man.
Chris: Well, don't spit.
Keller: (breaks the apple in half, passing it to Ann and Chris) I mean to say, it's comin' to a pass. (he takes
a breath) I been thinkin', Annie... your brother, George.  I been thinkin' about your brother George.
When he comes I like you to brooch something to him.
Chris: Broach.
Keller: What's the matter with brooch?
Chris: (smiling) It's not English.
Keller: When I when to night school it was brooch.
Ann: (laughing) Well, in day school it's broach.
Keller: Don't surround me, will you? Seriously, Ann... You say he's not well.  George, I been thinkin', why
should be know himself out in New York with that cut‐throat competition, when I got so many friends
here... I'm very friendly with some big lawyers in town.  I could set George up here.
Ann: That's awfully nice of you, Joe.
Keller: No, kid, it ain't nice of me. I want you to understand me.  I'm thinking of Chris. (slight pause)
See... this is what I mean. You get older, you want to feel that you... accomplished something.  My only
accomplishment is my son.  I ain't brainy. That's all I accomplished. Now, a year, eighteen months, your
father'll be a free man.  Who is he going to come to, Annie? His baby.  You. He'll come, old, mad, into
your house.
Ann: That can't matter any more, Joe.
Keller: I don't what that to come between us. (gestures between Chris and himself)
Ann: I can only tell you that that could never happen.
Keller: You're in love now, Annie, but believe me, I'm older than you and I know... a daughter is a
daughter, and a father is a father.  And it could happen. (he pauses) I like you and George to go to him in
prison and tell him... "Dad, Joe wants to bring you into the business when you get out."
Ann: (surprised, even shocked) You'd have him as a partner?
Keller: No, no partner. A good job. (pause.  He sees she is shocked, a little mystified. He gets up, speaks
more nervously) I want him to know that when he gets out he's got a place waitin' for him.  It'll take his
bitterness away. To know you got a place...
Ann: Joe, you owe him nothing.
Keller: I owe him a good kick in the teeth, but he's your father.
Chris: Then kick him in the teeth! I don't want him in the plant, so that's that! You understand? And
besides, don't talk about him like that.  People misunderstand you!
Keller: And I don't understand why she has to crucify the man.
Chris: Well, it's her father if she feels...
Keller: No, no.
Chris: (almost angrily) What's it to you? Why...?
Keller: (a commanding outburst in high nervousness) A father is a father! (as though the outburst had
revealed him, he looks about, wanting to retract it. His hand goes to his cheek.) I better... I better shave.
(He turns and a smile is on his face, to Ann) I didn't mean to yell at you, Annie.
Ann: Let's forget the whole thing, Joe.
Keller: Right. (to Chris) She's likeable.
Chris: (a little peaved at the man's stupidity) Shave, will you?
Keller: Right again.
As he turns to porch Lydia comes hurrying from her house.
Lydia: I forgot all about it. (Seeing Chris and Ann) Hya. (To Joe) I promised to fix Kate's hair for tonight.
Did she comb it yet?
Keller: Always a smile, hey, Lidia?
Lydia: Sure, why not?
Keller: (going up on porch): Come on up and comb my Katie's hair.  (Lydia goes up on porch) She's got a
big night, make her beautiful.
Lydia: I will.
Keller: (holds door open for her and she goes into kitchen.  To Chris and Ann) Hey, that could be a song.
(He sings softly) Come on up and comb my Katie's hair... Oh, come up and comb my Katie's hair.... Oh,
com on up, 'cause she's my lady fair.... (To Ann) how's that for one year of night school? (he continues
singing as he goes into kitchen) Oh, come on up, come on up, and comb my lady's hair....
Jim Bayliss rounds corner of driveway, walking rapidly.  Jim crosses to Chris, motions him and pulls him
down excitedly.  Keller stands just inside kitchen door, watching them.
Chris: What's the matter?  Where is he?
Jim: Where's your mother?
Chris: Upstairs, dressing.
Ann: (crossing to them rapidly) What happened to George?
Jim: I asked him to wait in the car. Listen to me now. Can you take some advice? (they wait) Don't bring
him in here.
Ann: Why?
Jim: Kate is in bad shape, you can't explode this in front of her.
Ann: Explode what?
Jim: You know why he's here, don't try to kit it away.  There's blood in his eye; drive him somewhere and
talk to him alone.
Ann turns to go up drive, takes a couble of steps, sees Keller, and stops.  He goes quietly on into house.
Chris: (shaken, and therefore angered) Don't be an old lady.
Jim: He's come to take her home.  What does that mean?  (to Ann) You know what that means.  Fight it
out with him some place else.  
Ann: (comes back down toward Chris) I'll drive... him somewhere.
Chris: (goes to her) No.
Jim: Will you stop being an idiot?
Chris: Nobody's afraid of him here.  Cut that out!
He starts for driveway, but is brought up short by George, who enters there.  George is Chris's age, but a
paler man, now on the edge of his self‐restraint.  He speaks quietly, as though afraid to find himself
screaming.  An instant's hesitation and Chris steps up to him, hand extended, smiling.
Chris: Helluva way to do;  what're you sitting out there for?
George: Doctor said your mother isn't well, I...
Chris: So what?  She'd want to see you, wouldn't she? We've been waiting for you all afternoon.  (He
puts his hand on George's arm, but George pulls away, coming across toward Ann).
Ann: (touching his collar) This is filthy, didn't you bring another shirt?
George breaks away from her, and moves down, examining the yard. Door opens, and he turns rapidly,
thinking it is Kate, but it's Sue.  She looks at him; he turns away and moves to fence. He looks over it at
his former home. Sue comes downstage.
Sue: (annoyed) How about the beach, Jim?
Jim: Oh, it's too hot to drive.
Sue: How'd you get to the station... Zeppelin?
Chris: This is Mrs. Bayliss, George.  (Calling, as George pays no attention, staring  at house) George!
(George turns) Mrs. Bayliss.
Sue: How do you do.
George: (removing his hat) You're the people who bought our house, aren't you?
Sue: That's right.  Come and see what we did with it before you leave.
George: (walks down and waay from her) I liked it the way it was.
Sue: (after a brief pause) He's frank, isn't he?
Jim: (pulling her off) See you later... Take it easy, fella.  (they exit)
Chris: (calling after them) Thanks for driving him! (Turning to George) How about some grape juice?  
Mother made it especially for you.
George: (with forced appreciation) Good old Kate, remembered my grape juice.
Chris: You drank enough of it in this house. HOw've you been, George?  ...Sit down.
George: (keeps moving) It take me a minute. (looking around) It seems inpossible.
Chris: What?
George: I'm back here.
Chris: Say, youve gotten a little nervous, haven't you?
George: Yeah, toward the end of the day.  What're you, big executive now?
Chris: Just kind of medium.  How's the law?
George: I don't know.  When I was studying in the hospital is seemed sensible, but outside there doesn't
seem to be much of a law.  The trees got thick, didn't they? (points to stump) What's that?  
Chris: Blew down last night.  We had it there for Larry.  You know.
George: Why, afraid you'll forget him?
Chris: (starts for George) What kind of remark is that?
Ann: (breaking in, putting a restraining hand of Chris) When did you start wearing a hat?
George: (discovers hat in his hand) Today. From now on I decided to look like a lawyer, anyway. (He hold
is up to her) Don't you recognize it?
Ann: Why? Where...?
George: Your father's... He asked me to wear it.
Ann: How is he?
George: He got smaller.
Ann: Smaller?
George: Yeah, little.  (holds our his hand to measure) He's a little man. That's what happens to suckers,
you know.  It's good I want to him in time... another year there'd be nothing left but his smell.
Chris: What's the matter, George, what's the trouble?
George: The trouble?  The trouble is when you make suckers out of people once, you shouldn't try to do
it twice.
Chris: What does that mean?
George: (to Ann) You're not married yet, are you?
Ann: George, will you sit down and stop...?
George: Are you married yet?
Ann: No, I'm not married yet.
George: You're not going to marry him.
Ann: Why am I not going to marry him?
George: Because his father destroyed your family.
Chris: Now look, George...
George: Cut it short, Chris. Tell her to come home with me.  Let's not argue, you know what I've got to
Chris: George, you don't want to be the voice of God, do you?
George: I'm...
Chris: That's been your trouble all your life, George, you dive into things. What kind of statement is that
to make? You're a big boy now.
George: I'm a big boy now.
Chris: Don't come bulling in here.  If you've got something to say, be civilized about it.
George: Don't civilize me!
Ann: Shhh!
Chris: (ready to hit him) Are you going to talk like a grown man or aren't you?
Ann: (quickly, to forestall an outburst) Sit down, dear. Don't be angry, what's the matter? (He allows her
to seat him, looking at her) Now what happened? You kissed me when I left, now you...
George: (breathlessly) My life turned upside down since then. I couldn't go back to work when you left.  
I wanted to go to Dad and tell him you were going to be married. It seemed impossible not to tell him.
He loved you so much. (He pauses) Annie... we did a terrible thing.  We can never be forgiven. Not even
to send him a card at Christmas.  I didn't see him once since I got home from the war! Annie, you don't
know what was done to that man.  You don't know what happened.
Ann: (afraid) Of course I know.
George: You can't know, you wouldn't be here. Dad came to work that day. The night foreman came to
him and showed him the cylinder heads... they were coming out of the process with defects.  There was
something wrong with the process. So Dad went directly to the phone and called here and told Joe to
come down right away.  But the morning passed. No sign of Joe.  So Dad called again.  By this time he
had over a hundred defectives.  The Army was screaming for stuff and Dad didn't have anything to ship.  
So Joe told him... on the phone he told him to weld, cover up the cracks in any way he could, and ship
them out.
Chris: Are you through now?
George: (surging back at him) I'm not through now! (Back to Ann) Dad was afraid. He wanted Joe there if
he was going to do it.  But Joe can't come down... He's sick. Sick! He suddenly gets the flu! Suddenly! But
he promised to take responsibility.  Do you understand what I'm saying? On the telephone you can't
have responsibility! In a court you can always deny a phone call and that's exactly what he did. They
know he was a liar the first time, but in the appeal they believed the rotten lie and now Joe is a big shot
and your father is the patsy. (He gets up) Now what're you going to do? Eat his food, sleep in his bed?
Answer me. What're you going to do?
Chris: What are you going to do, George?
George: He's too smart for me, I can't prove a phone call.
Chris: Then how dare you come in heare whith that rot?
Ann: George, the court...
George: The court didn't know your father! But you know him. You know in your heart Joe did it.
Chris: (whirling him around) Lower your voice or I'll throw you out of here!
George: She knows.  She knows.
Chris: (to Ann) Get him out of here, Ann. Get him out of here.
Ann: George, I know everything you've said. Dad told me that whole thing in court, and they...
George: (almost a scream) The court did not know him, Annie!  
Ann: Shhh! ...But he'll say anything, George.  You know how quick he can lie.
George: (turning to Chris, with deliberation) I'll ask you something, and look me in the eye when you
answer me.
Chris: I'll look you in the eye.
George: You know your father...
Chris:  I know him well.
George: And he's the kind of boss to let a hundred and twenty one cylinder heads be repaired and
shipped out of his shop without even knowing it?
Chris: He's that kind of boss.
George: And that's the same Joe Keller who never left his shop without first going aroiund to see that all
the lights were out.
Chris: (with growing anger) The same Joe Keller.
George: The same man who knows how many minutes a day his workers spend in the toilet.
Chris: The same man.
George: Any my father, that frightened mouse who'd never buy a shirt without somebody along... That
man would do such a thing on his own?
Chris: On his own. And because he's a frightened mouse this is another thing he'd do... Throw the blame
on somebody else in court but it didn't work, but with a fool like you it works!
Ann: (deeply shaken) Don't talk like that!
Chris: (sits facing George)  Tell me, George. What happened? The court record was good enough for you
all these years, why isn't it good now?  Why did you believe it all these years?
George: (after a slight pause) Because you believed it... That's the truth, Chris. I believed everything,
because I thought you did. But today I heard it from his mouth. From his mouth it's altogether different
than the record. Anyone who knows him, and knows your father, will believe it from his mouth.  Your
Dad took everything we have. I can't beat that. But she's one item he's not going to grab.  (He turns to
Ann) Get your things. Everything they have is covered with blood.  You're not the kind of girl who can
live with that. Get your things.
Chris: Ann... You're not going to believe that, are you?
Ann: (goes to him) You know it's not true, don't you?
George: How can he tell you? It's his father. (To Chris) None of these things ever even cross your mind?
Chris: Yes, they crossed my mind. Anything can cross your mind!
George: He knows, Annie. He knows!
Chris: The voice of God!
George: Then why isn't your name on the business? Explain that to her!
Chris: What the hell has that got to do with... ?
George: Annie, why isn't his hame on it?
Chris: Even when I don't own it!
George: Who're you kidding? Who gets it when he dies? (To Ann) Open your eyes, you know the both of
them, isn't that the first thing they'd do, the way they love each other? ...J. O. Keller and Son? (Pause.
Ann looks from him to Chris) I'll settle it. Do you want to settle it, or are you afraid to?
Chris: What do you mean?
George: Let me go up and talk to your father. In ten minutes you'll have the answer. Or are you afraid of
the answer?
Chris: I'm not afraid of the answer. I know the answer. But my mother isn't well and I don't want a fight
here now.
George: Let me go to him.
Chris: You're not going to start a fight here now.
George: (To Ann) What more do you want! (There is a sound of footsteps in the house).
Ann: (turns her head suddenly toward house) Someone's coming.
Chris: (to George, quietly) You won't say anything now.
Ann: You'll go soon.  I'll call a cab.
George: You're coming with me.
Ann: And don't mention marriage, because we haven't told her yet.
George: You're coming with me.
Ann: You understand? Don't... George, you're not going to start anything now! (She hears footsteps)
Mother enters on porch. She is dressed almost formally. Her hair is fixed. They are all turned toward her.
On seeing George she raises both hands, comes down toward him.
Mother: Georgie, Georgie.
George: (he has always liked her) Hello, Kate.
Mother: (cups his face in her hands) They made an old man out of you. (Touches his hair) Look, you're
George: (her pity, open and unabashed, reaches into him, and he smiles sadly) I know, I...
Mother: I told you when you went away, don't try for medals.
George: (laughs, tiredly) I didn't try, Kate. They made it very easy for me.
Mother: (actually angry) Go on. You're all alike. (To Ann) Look at him, why did you say he's fine? He
looks like a ghost.
George: (relishing her solicitude) I feel alright.
Mother: I'm sick to look at you. What's the matter with your mother, why don't she feed you?
Ann: He just hasn't any appetite.
Mother: If he ate in my house he'd have an appetite. (to Ann) I pity your husband! (To George) Sit down.
I'll make you a sandwich.
George: (sits with an embarrassed laugh) I'm really not hungry.
Mother: Honest to God, it breaks my heart to see what happened to all the children. How we worked
and planned for you, and you end up no better than us.
George: (with deep feeling for her) You... you haven't changed at all, you know that, Kate?
Mother: None of us changed, Georgie. We all love you. Joe was just talking about the day you were born
and the water got shut off. People were carrying basins from a block away... A stranger would have
thought the whole block was on fire! (they laugh. She sees the juice. To Ann) Why didn't you give him
some juice!
Ann: (defensively) I offered it to him.
Mother: (scoffingly) You offered it to him! (thrusting glass into George's hand) Give it to him! (To
George, who is laughing) And now you're going to sit here and drink some juice... and look like
George: (sitting) Kate, I feel hungry already.
Chris: (proudly) She could turn Mahatma Ghandi into a heavyweight!
Mother: (to Chris, with great energy) Listen, to hell with the restaurant! I got a ham in the icebox, and
frozen strawberries, and avocados, and...
Ann: Swell, I'll help you!
George: The train leaves at eight thirty, Ann.
Mother: (to Ann) You're leaving?
Chris: No, Mother, she's not...
Ann: (breaking through it, going to George) You hardly got here. Give yourself a chance to get
acquainted again.
Chris: Sure, you don't even know us anymore.
Mother: Well, Chris, if they can't stay, I don't...
Chris: No, it's just a question of George, Mother, he planned on...
George: (gets up politely, nicely, for Kate's sake) Now wait a minute, Chris...
Chris: (smiling and full of command, cutting him off) If you want to go, I'll drive you to the station now,
but if you're staying, no arguments while you're here.
Mother: (at last confessing the tension) Why should he argue? (she goes to him. With desperation and
compassion, stroking his hair) Georgie and us have no argument. How could we have an argument,
Georgie? We all got hit by the same lightning, how can you...? Did you see what happened to Larry's
tree, Georgie? (She has taken his arm, and unwillingly he moves across the stage with her.) Imagine?
While I was dreaming of him in the middle of the night, the wind came along and...
Lydia enters on porch. As soon as she sees him:
Lydia: Hey, Georgie! Georgie! Georgie! Georgie! Georgie! (She comes down to him eagerly. She has a
flowered hat in her hand, which Kate takes from her as she goes to George)
George: (As they shake hands eagerly, warmly) Hello, Laughy. What'd you do, grow?
Lydia: I'm a big girl now.
Mother: Look what he can do to a hat!
Ann: (to Lydia, admiring the hat) Did you make that?
Mother: In ten minutes! (she puts it on)
Lydia: (fixing it on her head) I only rearranged it.
George: You still make your own clothes?
Chris: (of Mother) Ain't she classy! All she needs now is a Russian wolfhound.
Mother: (Moving her head) It feels like somebody is sitting on my head.
Ann: No, it's beautiful, Kate.
Mother: (kisses Lydia. To George) She's a genius! You should've married her. (they laugh) This one can
feed you!
Lydia: (strangely embarrassed) Oh, stop that, Kate.
George: (to Lydia) Didn't I hear you had a baby?
Mother: YOu don't hear so good.  She's got three babies.
George: (a little hurt by it. To Lydia) No kidding, three?
Lydia: Yeah, it was one, two, three... Youve been away a long time, Georgie.
George: I'm beginning to realize.
Mother: (to Chris and George) The trouble with you kids is you think to much.
Lydia: Well, we think, too.
Mother: Yes, but not all the time.
George: (With almost obvious envy) They never took Frank, heh?
Lydia: (a little apologetically) No, he was always one year ahead of the draft.
Mother: It's amazing. When they were calling boys twenty seven Frank was twenty eight, when they
made it twenty eight, he was just twenty nine. That's why he took up astrology.  It's all in when you
were born, it just goes to show.
Chris: What does it go to show?
Mother: (to Chris) Don't be so intelligent. Some superstitions are very nice! (To Lydia) Did he finish
Larry's horoscope?
Lydia: I'll ask him now, I'm going in. (to George, a little sadly, almost embarrassed) Would you like to see
my babies? Come on.
George: I don't think so, Lydia.
Lydia: (Understanding) All right.  Good luck to you, George.
George: Thanks.  And to you... And Frank. (She smiles at him, turns and goes off to her house. George
stands staring after her).
Lydia: (as she runs off) Oh, Frank!
Mother: (Reading his thoughts) She got pretty, heh?
George: (sadly) Very pretty.
Mother: (as a reprimand) She's beautiful, you damned fool!
George: (looks around longingly, and softly, with a catch in his throat) She makes it seem so nice around
Mother: (shaking her finger at him) Look what happened to you because you wouldn't listen to me! I
told you to marry that girl and stay out of the war!
George: (laughs at himself) She used to laugh too much.
Mother: And you din't laugh enough. While you were getting mad about Fascism Frank was getting into
her bed.
George: (to Chris) He won the war, Frank.
Chris: All the battles.
Mother: (in pursuit of this mood) The day they started the draft, Georgie, I told you you loved that girl.
Chris: (laughs) And truer love hath no man!
Mother: I'm smarter than any of you.
George: (laughing) She's wonderful.
Mother: And now you're going to listen to me, George. You had big principles, Eagle Scouts the three of
you. So now I got a tree, and this one (indicating Chris) when the weather gets bad he can't stand on his
feet. And that big dope (pointing to Lydia's house) next door who never reads anything but Andy Gump
has three children and his house paid off. Stop being a philosopher, and look after yourself.  Like Joe was
just saying... You move back here, he'll help you get set, and I'll find you a girl and put a smile on your
George: Joe? Joe wants me here?
Ann: (eagerly) He asked me to tell you, and I think it's a good idea.
Mother: Certainly. Why must you make believe you hate us? Is that another principle? ...That you have
to hate us? You don't hate us, George, I know you, you can't fool me, I diapered you. (Suddenly, to Ann)
You remember Mr. Marcy's daughter?
Ann: (laughing, to George) She's got you hooked already! (George laughs, is excited)
Mother: You look her over, George.  You'll see she's the most beautiful...
Chris: She's got warts, George.
Mother: (to Chris) She hasn't got warts! (To George) So the girl has a little beauty mark on her chin...
Chris: And two on her nose.
Mother: You remember.  Her father's the retired police inspector.
Chris: Seargent George.
Mother: He's a very kind man!
Chris: He looks like a gorilla.
Mother: (to George) He never shot anybody.
They all burst out laughing as Keller appears in the doorway. George rises abruptly and stares at Keller,
who comes rapidly down to him.
Keller: (the laughter stops. With strained joviality) Well! Look who's here! (Extending his hand) Georgie,
good to see ya.
George: (shaking hands. Somberly) How're you, Joe?
Keller: So‐so. Gettin' old. You comin' out to dinner with us?
George: No, got to be back in New York.
Ann: I'll call a cab for you. (She goes up into the house)
Keller: Too bad you can't stay, George. Sit down. (To mother) He looks fine.
Mother: He looks terrible.
Keller: That's what I said, you look terrible, George. (They laugh) I wear the pants and she beats me with
the belt.
George: I saw your factory on the way from the station. It looks like General Motors.
Keller: I wish it was General Motors, but it ain't. Sit down, George. Sit down. (Takes cigar out of his
pocket) So you finally went to see your father, I hear?
George: Yes, this morning. What kind of stuff do you make now?
Keller: oh, little of everything. Pressure cookers, an assembly for washing machines. Got a nice, flexible
plant now. So how'd you find Dad? Feel alright?
George: (searching Keller, speaking indecisively) No, he's not well, Joe.
Keller: (lighting his cigar) Not his heart again, is it?
George: It's everything, Joe. It's his soul.
Keller: (blowing out smoke) Uh huh....
Chris: How about seeing what they did with your house?
Keller: Leave him be.
George: (to Chris, indicating Keller) I'd like to talk to him.
Keller: Sure, he just got here. That's the way they do, George. A little man makes a mistake and they
hang him by his thumbs. The big ones become ambassadors.  I wish you'd‐a told me you were going to
see Dad.
George: (studying him) I didn't know you were interested.
Keller: In a way, I am. I would like him to know, George, that as far as I'm concerned, any time he wants,
he's got a place with me. I would like him to know that.
George: He hates your guts, Joe. Don't you know that?
Keller: I imagined it. But that can change, too.
Mother: Steve was never like that.
George: He's like that now. He'd like to take every man who made money in the war and put him up
against a wall.
Chris: He'll need a lot of bullets.
George: And he'd better not get any.
Keller: that's a sad thing to hear.
George: (with bitterness dominant) Why? What's you expect him to think of you?
Keller: (the force of his nature rising, but under control) I'm sad to see he hasn't changed. As long as I
know him, twenty five years, the man never learned how to take the blame. You know that, George.
George: (he does) Well, I...
Keller: But you do know it. Because the way you come in here you don't look like you remember it. I
mean in nineteen thirty seven when we had the shop on Flood Street. And he damn near blew us all up
with that heater he left burning for two days without water. He wouldn't admit that was his fault, either.
I had to fire a mechanic to save his face. You remember that.
George: Yes, but...
Keller: I'm just mentioning it, George. Because this is just another one of a lot of things. Like when he
gave Frank that money to invest in oil stock.
George: (distressed) I know that, I...
Keller: (driving in, but restrained) But it's good to remember those things, kid. The way he cursed Frank
because the stock went down. Was that Frank's fault? To listen to him Frank was a swindler. And all the
man did was to give him a bad tip.   
George: (gets up, moves away) I know those things...
Keller: Then remember them, remember them.  (Ann comes out of house) There are certain men in the
world who rather see everybody hung before they'll take blame. You understand me, George?
They stand facing each other, George trying to judge him.
Ann: (coming downstage) The cab's on its way. Would you like to wash?
Mother: (with the thrust of hope) Why must he go? Make the midnight, George.
Keller: Sure, you'll have dinner with us!
Ann: How about it? Why not? We're eating at the lake, we could have a swell time.
A long pause, as George looks at Ann, Chris, Keller, then back to her.
George: All right.
Mother: now you're talking.
Chris: I've got a shirt that'll go right with that suit.
George: Is Lydia...? I mean, Frank and Lydia coming?
Mother: I'll get you a date that'll make her look like a... (she starts upstage)
George: (laughing) No, I don't want a date.
Chris: I know somebody just for you! Charlotte Tanner! (he starts for the house)
Keller: Call Charlotte, that's right.
Mother: Sure, call her up. (Chris goes into house)
Ann: You go up and pick out a shirt and tie.
George: (stops, looks aroiund at them and the place) I never felt at home anywhere but here. I feel so...
(he nearly laughs, and turns away from them) Kate, you look so young, you know? You didn't change at
all. It ... rings an old bell. (turns to Keller) You too, Joe, you're amazingly the same. The whole
atmosphere is.
Keller: Say, I ain't got time to get sick.
Mother: He hasn't been laid up in fifteen years.
Keller: Except my flu during the war.
Mother: Huhh?
Keller: Well, sure... (To George) I mean except for that flu. (George stands perfectly still) Well, it slipped
my mind, don't look at me that way. He wanted to go to the shop but he couldn't lift himself off the bed.
I thought he had pneumonia.
George: Why did you say he's never....?
Keller: I know how you feel, kid, I'll never forgive myself. If I could've gone in that day I'd never allwo
Dad to touch those heads.
George: She said you've never been sick.
Mother: I said he was sick, George.
George: (going to Ann) Ann, didn't you hear her say...?
George: Id remember pneumonia. Especially if I got it just the day my partner was going to patch up
cylinder heads... What happened that day, Joe?
Frank enters briskly from driveway, holding Larry's horoscope in his hand. He comes to Kate.
Frank: Kate! Kate!
Mother: Frank, did you see George?
Frank: (extending his hand) Lydia told me, I'm glad to... you'll have to pardon me. (pulling mother over)
I've got something amazing for you, Kate, I finished Larry's horoscope.
Mother: You'd be interested in this, George. It's wonderful the way he can understand the...
Chris: (entering from house) George, the girl's on the phone...
Mother: (desperately) He finished Larry's horoscope!
Chris: Frank, can't you pick a better time than this?
Frank: The greatest men who ever lived believed in the stars!
Chris: Stop filling her head with that junk!
Frank: Is it junk to feel that there's a greater power than ourselves? I've studied the stars of his life! I
won't argue with you, I'm telling you. Somewhere in this world your brother is alive!
Mother: (instantly to Chris) Why isn't it possible?
Chris: Because its insane.
Frank: Just a minute now. I'll tell you something and you can do as you please. Just let me say it. He was
supposed to have died on November twenty fifth. But November twenty fifth was his favorite day.
That's known, that's known, Chris!
Mother: Why isn't it possible, why isn't it possible, Chris!
George: (to Ann) Don't you understand what she's saying? She just told you to go. What are you waiting
for now?
Chris: Nobody can tell her to go. (A car horn is heard)
Mother: (to Frank) Thank you, darling, for your trouble. Will you tell him to wait, Frank?
Frank: (as he goes) Sure thing.
Mother: (calling out) They'll be right out, driver!
George: You heard her say it, he's never been sick!
Mother: He misunderstood me, Chris! (Chris, looks at her, struck)
George: (to Ann) He simply told your father to kill pilots, and covered himself in bed!
Chris: You'd better answer him, Annie. Answer him.
Mother: I packed your bag, darling.
Chris: What?
Mother: I packed your bag. All you've got to do is close it.
Ann: I'm not closing anything. He asked me here and I'm staying till he tells me to go. (To George) Till
Chris tells me!
Chris: That's all! How get out of here, George!
Mother: (to Chris) But if that's how he feels...
Chris: That's all, nothing more till Christ comes, about the case or Larry as long as I'm here! (to George)
Now get out of here, George!
George: (to Ann) You tell me. I want to hear you tell me.
Ann: Go, George!
They disappear up the driveway, Ann saying, "Don't take it that way, Georgie! Please don't take it that
Chris: (turning to his mother) What do you mean you packed her bag? How dare you pack her bag?
Mother: Chris...
Chris: How dare you pack her bag?  
Mother: She doesn't belong here.
Chris: Then I don't belong here.
Mother: She's Larry's girl.
Chris: And I'm his brother and he's dead, and I'm marrying his girl
Mother: Never, never in this world!
Keller: You lost your mind?
Mother: You have nothing to say!
Keller: (cruelly) I got plenty to say. Three and a half years you  been talking like a maniac...
Mother smashes him across the face.
Mother: Nothing. You have nothing to say. Now I say. He's coming back, and everybody has got to wait.
Chris: Mother, Mother...
Mother: Wait, wait...
Chris: How long? How long?
Mother: (rolling out of her) Till he comes. Forever and ever till he comes!
Chris: (as an ultimatum) Mother, I'm going ahead with it.
Mother: Chris, I've never said no to you in my life, now I say no!
Chris: You'll never let him go till I do it.
Mother: I'll never let him go and you'll never let him go!
Chris: I've let him go. I've let him go a long...
Mother: (with no less force, but turning from him) Then let your father go. (pause. Chris stands
Keller: She's out of her mind.
Mother: Altogether! (To Chris, but not facing them) Your brother's alive, darling, because if he's dead,
your father killed him. Do you understand me now? As long as you live, that boy is alive. God does not
let a son be killed by his father. Now you see, don't you? Now you see. (Beyond control, she hurries up
and into the house)
Keller: (Chris has not moved. He speaks insinuatingly, questioningly) She's out of her mind.
Chris: (in a broken whisper) Then... you did it?
Keller: (with the beginning of plea in his voice) He never flew a P‐40...
Chris: (struck. Deadly) But the others.
Keller: (insistently) She's out of her mind. (he takes a step toward Chris, pleadingly.)
Chris: (unyielding) Dad... you did it?
Keller: He never flew a P‐40, what's the matter with you?
Chris: (still asking, and saying) Then you did it. To the others.
Both hold their voices down.
Keller: (afraid of him, his deadly insistence) What's the matter with you? What the hell is the matter
with you?
Chris: (quietly, incredibly) How could you do that? how?
Keller: What's the matter with you!
Chris: Dad... Dad, you killed twenty one men!
Keller: What, killed
Chris: You killed them, you murdered them.
Keller: (as though throwing his whole nature open before Chris) how could I kill anybody?
Chris: Dad! Dad!
Keller: (trying to hush him) I didn't kill anybody!
Chris: then explain it to me. What did you do? Explain it to me or I'll tear you to pieces!
Keller: (horrified at his overwhelming fury) Don't, Chris, don't...
Chris: I want to know what you did, now what did you do? You had a hundred and twenty cracked
engine heads, how what did you do?  
Keller: If your going to hang me then I...
Chris: I'm listening. God almighty, I'm listening!
Keller: (their movements are those of subtle pursuit and escape. Keller keeps a step out of Chris's range
as he talks: You're a boy, what could I do! I'm in business, a man is in business. A hundred and twenty
cracked, you're out of business. You got a process, the process don't work you're out of business. You
don't know how to operate, your stuff is no good, they close you up, they tear up your contracts.  What
the hell's it to them? You lay forty years into a business and they knock you out in five minutes, what
could I do, let them take forty years, let them take my life away? (his voice cracking) I never though
they'd install them. I swear to Got. I thought they'd stop 'em before anybody took off.
Chris: Then why'd you ship them out?
Keller: By the time they could spot them I thought I'd have the process going again, and I could show
them they needed me and they'd let it go by. But weeks passed and I got no kick‐back, so I was going to
tell them.
Chris: Then why didn't you tell them?
Keller: it was too late. The paper, it was all over the front page, twenty one went down, it was too late.
They came with handcuffs into the shop, what could I do? (He sits on bench) Chris... Chris, I did it for
you, it was a chance and I took it for you. I'm sixty one years old, when would I have another chance to
make something for you? Sixty one years old you don't get another chance, do ya?
Chris: You even knew that they wouldn't hold up in the air.
Keller: I didn't say that.
Chris: But you were going to warn them not to use them....
Keller: But that doesn't mean...
Chris: It means you knew they'd crash.
Keller: It don't mean that.
Chris: Then you thought they'd crash.
Keller: I was afraid maybe...
Chris: You were afraid maybe! God in heaven, what kind of a man are you? Kids were hanging in the air
by those heads. You knew that!
Keller: For you, a business for you!
Chris: (with burning fury) For me! Where do you live, where have you come from? For me! ...I was dying
every day and you were killing my boys and you did it for me? What the hell do you think I was thinking
of, the Goddam business? Is that as far as your mind can see, the business? What is that, the world of
business? What the hell do you mean, you did it for me? Don't you have a country? Don't you live in the
world? What the hell are you? You're not even an animal, no animal kills his own, what are you? What
must I do to you? I ought to tear the tongue out of your mouth, what must I do? (With his fist he pounds
down upon his father's shoulder. He stumbles away, covering his face as he weeps) What must I do,
Jesus God, what must I do?
Keller: Chris... My Chris...
Two o'clock the following morning, Mother is discovered on the rise, rocking ceaselessly in a chair,
staring at her thoughts.  It is an intense, slight, sort of rocking. A light shows from upstairs bedroom,
lower floor windows being dark. The moon is strong and casts its bluish light.
Presently Jim, dressed in jacked and hat, appears, and seeing her, goes up beside her.
Jim: Any news?
Mother: No news.
Jim: (gently) You can't sit up all night, dear, why don't you go to bed?
Mother: I'm waiting for Chris. Don't worry about me, Jim, I'm perfectly all right.
Jim: But it's almost two o'clock.
Mother: I can't sleep. (slight pause) You had an emergency?
Jim: (tiredly) Somebody had a headache and thought he was dying. (slight pause) Half of my patients are
quite mad. Nobody realizes how many people are walking loose, and they're cracked as coconuts.
Money. Money‐money‐money‐money. You say it long enough it doesn't mean anything. (She smiles,
makes a silent laugh) Oh, how I'd love to be around when that happens!
Mother: (shaking her head) You're so childish, Jim! Sometimes you are.
Jim: (looks at her a moment) Kate. (Pause) What happened?
Mother: I told you. He had an argument with Joe. Then he got in the car and drove away.
Jim: What kind of an argument?
Mother: An argument, Joe... He was crying like a child, before.
Jim: They argued about Ann?
Mother: (after slight hesitation) No, not Ann. Imagine? (Indicates lighted window above) She hasn't
come out of that room since he left. All night in that room.
Jim: (looks up at window, then at her): What'd Joe do, tell him?
Mother: (stops rocking) Tell him what?
Jim: Don't be afraid, Kate, I know. I've always known.
Mother: How?
Jim: It occurred to me a long time ago.
Mother: I always had the feeling that in the back of his head, Chris... almost knew. I didn't think it would
be such a shock.
Jim: (gets up) Chris would never know how to live with a thing like that. It takes a certain talent... for
lying. You have it, and I do. But not him.
Mother: What do you mean... He's not coming back?
Jim: Oh, no, he'll come back. We all come back, Kate. These private little revolutions always die. The
compromise is always made. In a peculiar way. Frank is right... every man does have a star. The star of
one's honesty. And you spend your life groping for it, but once it's out it never lights again. I don't think
he went very far. He probably just wanted to be alone to watch his star go out.
Mother: Just as long as he comes back.
Jim: I wish he wouldn't, Kate. One year I simply took off, went to New Orleans; for two months I lived on
bananas and milk, and studied a certain disease. And then she came, and she cried. And I went back
home with her. And now I live in the usual darkness; I can't find myself; it's hard sometimes to
remember the kind of man I wanted to be. I'm a good husband; Chris is a good son... He'll come back.
Keller comes out on porch in dressing gown and slippers. He goes upstage...To alley. Jim goes to him.
Jim: I have the feeling he's in the park. I'll look for him. Put her to bed, Joe; this is no good for what she's
got. (Jim exits up driveway)
Keller: (coming down) What does he want here?
Mother: His friend is not home.
Keller: (comes down to her. His voice is husky) I don't like him mixing in so much.
Mother: It's too late, Joe. He knows.
Keller: (apprehensively) How does he know?
Mother: He guessed it a long time ago.
Keller: I don't like that.
Mother: (laughs dangerously, quietly into the line) What you don't like.
Keller: Yeah, what I don't like.
Mother. You can't bull yourself through this one, Joe, you better be smart now. This thing...this thing is
not over yet.
Keller: (indicating lighted window above)And what is she doing up there? She don't come out of the
Mother: I don't know, what is she doing? Sit down, stop bing mad. You want to live? You better figure
out your life.
Keller: She don't know, does she?
Mother: Don't ask me, Joe.
Keller: (almost an outburst) Then who do I ask? But I don't think she'll do anything about it.
Mother: You're asking me again.
Keller: I'm askin' you. What am I, a stranger? I thought I had a family here. What happened to my
Mother: You've got a family. I'm simply telling you that I have to strength to think any more.
Keller: You have no strength. The minute there's trouble you have no strength.
Mother: Joe, you're doing the same thing again. All your live whenever there's trouble you yell at me
and you thing that settles it.
Keller: Then what do I do? Tell me, talk to me, what do I do?
Mother: Joe... I've been thinking this way. If he comes back...
Keller: What do you mean "if"? He's comin' back!
Mother: I think if you sit him down and you... explain yourself. I mean you ought to make it clear to him
that you know you did a terrible thing. (Not looking into his eyes) I mean if he saw that you realize what
you did. You see?
Keller: What ice does that cut?
Mother: (a litle fearfully) I mean if you told him that you want to pay for what you did.
Keller: (sensing... quietly) How can I pay?
Mother: Tell him... You're willing to go to prison. (pause)
Keller: (struck, amazed) I'm willing to...?
Mother: (quickly) You wouldn't go, he wouldn't aks you to go. But if you told him you wanted to, if he
could feel that you wanted to pay, maybe he would forgive you.
Keller: He would forgive me! For what?
Mother: Joe, you know what I mean.
Keller: I don't know what you mean! You wanted money, so I made money. What must I be forgiven?
You wanted money, didn't you?
Mother: I didn't want it that way.
Keller: I didn't want it that way, either! What difference is it what you want? I spoiled the both of you. I
should've put him out when he was ten like I was put out, and make him earn his keep. Then he'd know
how a buck is made in this world. Forgiven! I could live on a quarter a day myself, but I got a family so I...
Mother: Joe, Joe... It don't excuse it that you did it for the family.
Keller: It's got to excuse it!
Mother: There's something bigger than the family to him.
Keller: Nothin' is bigger!
Mother: There is to him.
Keller: There's nothing he could do that I wouldn't forgive. Because he's my son. Because I'm his father
and he's my son.
Mother: Joe, I tell you...
Keller: Nothin's bigger than that. And you're going to tell him, you understand? I'm his father and he's
my son, and if there's something bigger than that I'll put a bullet in my head!
Mother: You stop that!
Keller: You heard me. Now you know what to tell him. (Pause. He moves from her. Halts) But he
wouldn't put me away though... He wouldn't do that... Would he?
Mother: He loved you, Joe, you broke his heart.
Keller: But to put me away...
Mother: I don't know. I'm beginning to thing we don't really know him. They say in the war he was such
a killer. Here he was always afraid of mice. I don't know him. I don't know what he'll do.
Keller: Goddam, If Larry was alive he wouldn't act like this. He understood the way the world is made.
He listened to me. To him the world had a forty foot front, it ended at the building line. This one,
everything bothers him. You make a deal, overcharge two cents, and his hair falls out. He don't
understand money. Too easy, it came too easy. Yes, sir. Larry. That was a boy we lost. Larry. Larry. (He
slumps on chair in front of her) What am I gonna do, Kate?
Mother: Joe, Joe, please... you'll be alright, nothing is going to happen.
Keller: (desperately, lost) For you, Kate, for both of you, that's all I ever lived for....
Mother: I know, darling, I know. (Ann enters from the house. They say nothing, waiting for her  to speak)
Ann: Why do you stay up? I'll tell you when he comes.
Keller: (rises, goes to her) You didn't eat supper, did you? (to mother) Why don't you make her
Mother: Sure, I'll...
Ann: Never mind, Kate, I'm all right. (they are unable to speak to each other) There's something I want
to tell you. (She starts, then halts) I'm not going to do anyting about it.
Mother: She's a good girl! (To Keller) You see? She's a ...
Ann: I'll do nothing about Joe, but you're going to do something for me. (Directly to Mother) You made
Chris feel guilty with me. I'd like you to tell him that Larry is dead and that you know it. You understand
me? I'm not going out of here alone. There's no life for me that way. I want you to set him free. And
then I promise you, everything will end, and we'll go away, and that's all.
Keller: You'll do that. You'll tell him.
Ann: I know what I'm asking, Kate. You had two sons. But you've only got one now.
Keller: You'll tell him.
Ann: And you've got to say it to him so he knows you mean it.
Mother: My dear, if the boy was dead, it wouldn't depend on my words to make Chris know it...
Thenight he gets into your bed, his heart will dry up. Because he knows and you know. To his dying day
he'll wait for his brother! No, my dear, no such thing. You're going in the morning, and you're going
alone. That's your life, that's your lonely life. (she goes to porch, and starts in)
Ann: Larry is dead, Kate.
Mother: (she stops) Don't speak to me.
Ann: I said he's dead. I know! He crashed off the coast of China November twenty fifth! His engine didn't
fail him. But he died. I know...
Mother: How did he die? You're lying to me. If you know, how did he die?
Ann: I loved him. You know I loved him. Would I have looked at anyone else if I wasn't sure? That's
enough for you.
Mother: (moving on her) What's enough for me? What're you talking about? (She grasps Ann's wrists)
Ann: You're hurting my wrists.
Mother: What are you talking about! (Pause. She stares at Ann a moment, then turns and goes to Keller)
Ann: Joe, go in the house.
Keller: Why should I...
Ann: Please go.
Keller: Lemme know when he comes. (Keller goes into house)
Mother: (as she sees Ann taking a letter from her pocket) What's that?
Ann: Sit down. (Mother moves left to chair, but does not sit) First you've got to understand. When I
came, I didn't have any idea that Joe... I had nothing against him or you. I came to get married. I hoped...
So I didn't bring this to hurt you. I thought I'd show it to you only if there was no other way to settle
Larry in your mind.
Mother: Larry? (snatches letter from Ann's hand)
Ann: He wrote to me just before he... (mother opens and begins to read letter) I'm not trying to hurt
you, Kate. You're making me do this, now remember you're... Remember. I've been so lonely, Kate... I
can't leave here alone again. (a long low moan comes from Mother's throat as she reads) You made me
show it to you. You wouldn't believe me. I told you a hundred times, why wouldn't you believe me!
Mother: Oh, my God.....
Ann: (with pity and fear) Kate, please, please...
Mother: My God, my God...
Ann: Kate, dear, I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry.
Chris enters from the driveway. He seems exhausted.
Ann: Where were you? ... You're all perspired. (mother doesn't move) where were you?
Chris: Just drove around a little. I thought you'd be gone.
Ann: Where do I go? I have nowhere to go.
Chris: (to Mother) Where's Dad?
Ann: Inside lying down.
Chris: Sit down, both of you. I'll say what there is to say.
Mother: I didn't hear the car...
Chris: I left it in the garage.
Mother: Jim is out looking for you.
Chris: Mother... I'm going away. There are a couple of firms in Cleveland, I think I can get a place. I mean,
I'm going way for good. (To Ann alone) I know what you're thinking, Annie. It's true. I'm yellow. I was
made yellow in this house because I suspected my father and I did nothing about it, but if I know that
night when I came home what I know now, he'd be in the district attorney's office by this time, and I'd
have brought him there. Now if I look at him, all I'm able to do is cry.
Mother: What are you talking about? What else can you do?
Chris: I could jail him! I could jail him, if I were human any more. But I'm like everybody else now. I'm
practical now. You made me practical.
Mother: But you have to be.
Chris: The cats in that alley are practical, the bums who ran away when we were fighting were practical.
Only the dead ones weren't practical. But now I'm practical, and I spit on myself. I'm going away. I'm
going now.
Ann: (going up to him) I'm coming with you.
Chris: No, Ann.
Ann: Chris, I don't ask you to do anyting about Joe.
Chris: You do, you do.
Ann: I swear I never will.
Chris: in your heart you always will.
Ann: Then do what you have to do!
Chris: Do what? What is there to do? I've looked all night for a reason to make him suffer.
Ann: There's reason, there's reason!
Chris: What? Do I raise the dead when I put him behind bars? Then what'll I do it for? We used to shoot
a man who acted like a dog, but honor was real there, you were protecting something. But here? This is
the land of the great big dogs, you don't love a man here, you eat him! That's the principle; the only one
we live by... it just happened to kill a few people this time, that's all. The world's that way, how can I
take it out on him? What sense does that make? This is a zoo, a zoo!
Ann: (to Mother) You know what he's got to do! Tell him!
Mother: Let him go.
Ann: I won't let him go. You'll tell him what he's got to do...
Mother: Annie!
Ann: Then I will!
Keller enters from house. Chris sees him, goes down near arbor.
Keller: What's the matter with you? I want to talk to you!
Chris: (pulling violently away from him) Don't do that, Dad. I'm going to hurt you if you do that. There's
nothing to say so say it quick.
Keller: Exactly what's the matter? what's the matter? you got too much money? Is that what bothers
Chris: (with an edge of sarcasm) It bothers me.
Keller: If you can't get used to it, then throw it away. You hear me? Take every cent and give it to
charity, throw it in the sewer. Does that settle it? In the sewer, that's all. You think I'm kidding? I'm
tellin' you to do it, if it's dirty then burn it. It's your money, that's not my money. I'm a dead man, I'm an
old dean man, nothing's mine. Well, talk to me! What do you want to do.
Chris: It's not what I want to do. It's what you want to do.
Keller: What should I do? (Chris is silent) Jail? You want me to go to jail? If you want me to go, say so! Is
that where I belong? Then tell me so! (Slight pause) What's the matter, whay can't you tell me?
(Furiously) You say everyting else to me, say that! (Slight pause) I'll tell you why you can't say it. Because
you know I don't belong there. Because you know! (with growing emphasis and passion, and a persistent
tone of desperation) Who worked for nothin' in that war? When they ship a gun or a truck outa Detroid
before they got their price? Is that clean? It's dollars and cents, nickels and dimes; war and peace, it's
nickels and dimes, what's clean? Half the Goddam country is gotta go if I go! That's why you can't tell
Chris: That's exactly why.
Keller: Then... Why am I bad?
Chris: I know you're no worse than most men but I thought you were better. I never saw you as a man. I
saw you as my father. (Almost breaking) I can't look at you this way, I can't look at myself!
He turns away, unable to face Keller. Ann goes quickly to Mother, takes letter from her and starts for
Chris. Mother instantly rushes to intercept her.
Mother: Give me that!
Ann: He's going to read it! (She thrusts letter into Chris's hand) Larry. He wrote it to me the day he died.
Keller: Larry!
Mother: Chris, it's not for you. (he starts to read) Joe... go away...
Keller: (mystified, frightened) Why'd she say, Larry, what...?
Mother: (desparately pushes him toward alley, glancing at Chris) Go to the street, Joe, go to the street!
(she comes down beside Keller) Don't, Chris... (pleading with her whole soul) Don't tell him.
Chris: (quietly) Three and one half years... talking, talking. Now you tell me what you must do... Thisis
how he died, now tell me where you belong.
Keller: (pleading) Chris, a man can't be a Jesus in this world!
Chris: I know all about the world. I know the whole crap story. Now listen to this, and tell me what a
man's got to be! (Reads:) "My dear Ann: ...", you listening? He wrote this the day he died. Listen, don't
cry.... Listen! "My Dear Ann: it is impossible to put down the things I feel. But I've got to tell you
something. Yesterday they flew in a load of papers from the States and I read about Dad and your father
being convicted. I can't express myself. I can't tell you how I feel... I can't bear to live any more. Last
night I circled the base for twenty minutes before I could bring myself in. How could he have done that?
Every day three or four men never come back and he sits back there doing 'business'.... I don't know
how to tell you what I feel.... I can't face anybody... I'm going out on a mission in a few minutes. They'll
probably report me as missing.  If they do, I want you to know that you mustn't wait for me. I tell you,
Ann, if I had him there now I could kill him..." (Keller grabbs the letter from Chris's hand and reads it.
After a long pause) Now blame the world. Do you understand that letter?
Keller: (speaking almost inaudibly) I think I do. Get the car. I'll put on my jacket. (he turns and starts
slowly for the house. Mother rushes to intercept him)
Mother: Why are you going? You'll sleep, why are you going?
Keller: I can't sleep here. I'll feel better if I go.
Mother: You're so foolish. Larry was your son too, wasn't he? You know he'd never tell you to do this.
Keller: (looking at letter in his hand) Then what is this if it isn't telling me? Sure, he was my son. But I
think to him they were all my sons. And I guess they were, I guess they were. I'll be right down. (exits
into house)
Mother: (to Chris, with determination) You're not going to take him!
Chris: I'm taking him.
Mother: It's up to you, if you tell him to stay he'll stay. Go and tell him!
Chris: Nobody could stop him now.
Mother: You'll stop him! How long will he live in prison? Are you trying to kill him?
Chris: (holding out letter) I thought you read this!
Mother: (of Larry, the letter) The war is over! Didn't you hear? It's over!
Chris: Then what was Larry to you? A stone that fell into the water? It's not enough for him to be sorry.
Larry didn't kill himself to make you and Dad sorry.
Mother: What more can we be!
Chris: You can be better! Once and for all you can know there's a universe of people outside and you're
responsible to it, and unless you know that, you threw away your son because that's why he died.
A shot is heard in the house. They stand frozen for a brief second. Chris starts for porch, pauses at step,
turns to Ann.
Chris: Find Jim! (He goes on into the house and Ann runs up driveway. Mother stands alone, transfixed.
Mother: (softly, almost moaning) Joe... Joe... Joe... Joe... (Chris comes out of house, down to Mother's
Chris: (almost crying) Mother, I didn't mean to...
Mother: Don't dear. Don't take it on yourself. Forget now. Live.
Chris stirs as if to answer. Shhh.... She puts his arms down gently and moves toward porch. Shhh... As
she reaches porch steps she begins sobbing.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.