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Where Ya At ft. Drake de Future



20 de julio de 2015

Significado de Where Ya At ft. Drake

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La canción "Where Ya At" interpretada por Future y con la colaboración de Drake, forma parte del álbum "DS2". En cuanto al género musical, esta canción abarca los estilos de R&B, hip hop y rap. La letra de la canción se centra en cuestionar la lealtad y la presencia de ciertas personas en momentos difíciles. Future expresa su frustración ante aquellos que no estuvieron presentes cuando más los necesitaba, especialmente durante situaciones complicadas como amenazas o problemas relacionados con su entorno.

A lo largo de la canción, se repite constantemente una serie de preguntas sobre dónde estaban esas personas que ahora pretenden formar parte de su vida. La letra revela un tono desafiante y crítico hacia aquellos individuos que parecen haber aparecido solamente luego del éxito o beneficio personal. Se pueden apreciar referencias a eventos pasados donde hubo traición, mentiras y falta de apoyo por parte de aquellos que ahora buscan estar cerca del protagonista.

En términos emocionales, la canción refleja sentimientos profundos de decepción e indignación hacia aquellos que han demostrado ser desleales o inconstantes. Este tema se puede relacionar con situaciones comunes en las relaciones humanas donde las personas muestran su verdadera cara cuando las circunstancias se tornan difíciles.

Asimismo, la letra también aborda el tema del éxito personal a pesar de las adversidades enfrentadas en el camino. Se destaca el esfuerzo constante para alcanzar metas y objetivos a pesar de la falta de apoyo inicial. Future enfatiza su determinación y perseverancia ante los obstáculos vividos, lo cual le ha permitido llegar a donde está actualmente.

Desde un punto más íntimo, esta canción invita a reflexionar sobre quiénes son realmente importantes en nuestras vidas, cómo responden frente a nuestra vulnerabilidad y si verdaderamente merecen nuestro tiempo y energía. La narrativa ofrece una mirada cruda sobre las relaciones interpersonales y el valor real del apoyo genuino en momentos cruciales.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que fue lanzada la canción, podemos observar cómo temas como la lealtad y el respaldo emocional son universales en todas las sociedades. La música urbana moderna ha adoptado esos conflictos personales como parte integral de sus letras para conectar con audiencias diversas.

En cuanto a la estructura musical de la canción, se destacan ritmos contagiosos propios del hip hop combinados con elementos característicos del R&B contemporáneo. Los instrumentos utilizados incluyen sintetizadores, cajas rítmicas potentes y líneas melódicas atrayentes que complementan perfectamente el mensaje emotivo transmitido por Future.

En resumen, "Where Ya At" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un reflejo artístico de las complejidades emocionales experimentadas en relaciones personales marcadas por altibajos inesperados y desafíos superados. Future nos invita a introspeccionar sobre lo qué realmente importa en nuestra vida mientras nos sumerge en un viaje musical lleno de autenticidad e impacto emocional genuino.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Where your ass was at dog, when niggas wasn’t feed me?
Where your ass was at dog, when bitches didn’t need me?
Where your ass was at dog, when niggas tried to run off?
Where your ass was at dog? You made me pull this gun out
Where your ass was at, dog, you went and switched sides?
Where your ass was at, dog, when niggas was spread lies on you?
Where your ass was at, dog, when the bodies come slide?
Where your ass was at, dog, when I was serving piles?
Where your ass was at, dog, when niggas wasn’t feeding?
Where your ass was at, dog, when bitches didn’t eat?
Where your ass was at, dog, when niggas tried to run off?
Where your ass was at, dog? You made me pull this gun out
Where your ass was at, dog, when I was in the Pyrex?
Where your ass was at, dog, when I was drinking Hi-Tech?
Where your ass was at, dog, came through the projects?
Where your ass at we keep that fully loaded contacts
Had to rent that on the dick ass jocking
Running through the pussy like a nigga going jogging
Fuck a little Louis, put it in a bitch pocket
Put a pic with me on the gram now you popping
Where your ass was at when I was trapping in the stove?
Had to scrub to get where I'm at or sell dope
Jackie Chan moves got game in the choke
Gas rolling up in the blunt, Amaco
12 jumpers came in the spot to open up the dope
Carlo, Bob, Joe gotta young nigga coughing
Janet out the stove and we still raised honest
Blowing on the O ho we call it full onion

Man, where your ass was at when we took the city over?
Where your ass was at when all they ask us, where the hold up?
Where your ass was at when niggas first got the news?
Now your ass around because we’re paying back dues
Where were you? When all the dogs needed help
Lawyers and the commissary ain’t gon’ pay itself
Where your ass was at when we recorded in the bathroom?
Where your ass was at I take attendance like a classroom
Man I ain’t got no choice ‘cause nowadays I swear this shit done changed up for the boy
I’m selfmade, selfish with my women, self employed
I’ll buy the neighbors house if they complain about the noise
Man, where your ass was at, dog, when niggas wouldn’t feed me?
Where your ass was at, dog, when bitches didn’t need me?
Where your ass was at, last winter was the coldest?
Fuck was you at? I had the 6 on my shoulder

Where your ass was at dog, when niggas wasn’t feed me?
Where your ass was at dog, when bitches didn’t need me?
Where your ass was at dog, when niggas tried to run off?
Where your ass was at dog? You made me pull this gun out
60 for a walk thru bitch don’t panic
Had them bitches fall through fucking like a savage
Heard you tryna swell me jacket
Heard that nigga came through squeezing on a ratchet
Heard that nigga came through squeezing on a ratchet
Heard a lot of dogs who will call you a mutt
Where your ass was at dog, when I was in my cup?
The reason I’m here today is cause I never gave up
Where your ass was at, dog, when niggas wasn’t feed me?
Where your ass was at, dog, when bitches didn’t need me?
Where your ass was at, dog, when niggas tried to run off?
Where your ass was at, dog? You made me pull this gun out
Where you ass was at, when I was trapping at the stove?
Had to scrub to get where I was at and sell dope
Janet out the stove and we still raised honest
Blowing on the O ho we call it full onion

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.