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Childhood years de Gambino Family


Ghetto organized

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Childhood years

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La canción "Childhood Years" interpretada por la familia Gambino es una emotiva narrativa de las experiencias vividas durante la infancia en un entorno de dificultades y desafíos propios de la vida en los barrios marginales. A través de sus letras, se abordan temas como la ausencia paterna, la lucha por sobrevivir en un ambiente hostil y los sacrificios realizados para mantener a la familia a flote. La sinceridad y crudeza con la que se describen estas vivencias dota a la canción de una autenticidad palpable.

La letra de esta canción ofrece un vistazo profundo a los recuerdos dolorosos y las angustias experimentadas por los protagonistas durante su niñez. Las referencias a amigos fallecidos, la presión por generar ingresos para sostener a sus seres queridos y el constante temor al peligro imprimen un tono melancólico y reflexivo a lo largo de toda la composición. Se destaca la intensa carga emocional que acompaña a cada verso, demostrando el peso de las circunstancias adversas en el desarrollo personal.

El componente de admiración hacia figuras paternas ausentes refleja una necesidad profunda de guía y apoyo en un entorno donde la violencia y la incertidumbre parecen dominantes. La incorporación del sentimiento de impotencia ante situaciones límite añade una capa adicional de complejidad emocional, mostrando las cicatrices que deja el paso del tiempo en aquellos que han debido enfrentarse precozmente al mundo adulto.

En cuanto al contexto histórico y comparativo, es interesante resaltar cómo esta canción se inserta dentro del género del gangsta rap, caracterizado por narrar historias crudas sobre violentas realidades urbanas. En este sentido, "Childhood Years" se erige como una pieza representativa dentro de este universo musical, abordando temáticas comunes pero dotándolas con un matiz único gracias a su estilo narrativo particular.

Además, cabe mencionar que las voces colabores presentes en la canción añaden matices emocionales adicionales, reforzando el mensaje central sobre las dificultades atravesadas durante la infancia. La voz sincera y cargada de sentimiento contribuye a transmitir con mayor fuerza las experiencias personales vividas por los intérpretes.

En definitiva, "Childhood Years" emerge como una poderosa reflexión sobre las adversidades superadas durante los primeros años de vida, mostrando cómo estas experiencias forjan carácter y determinación para enfrentar futuros desafíos. La combinación entre letras profundas y melodías emotivas hacen de esta canción una pieza musical resonante que invita a reflexionar sobre la importancia del amor familiar frente a las duras pruebas del destino.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Featuring c murder porsha
Intro: c murder (talking) with porsha singing.
this is a story about my childhood years.
for all my niggas.
for my life as a ghetto child.
. there's so much pain
Verse 1: ????
i remember as a little kid.
growing up. many of my friends didn't make it up to bricks.
punished for the shit that they did it gets so hard to live.
mama cut the same tears livin' in fears.
wondering if their son died or survived.
but mama, i'm cutting the 45.
i die, tell mama don't cry.
dry eyes, ‘cause how i live. i know to smile.
a young misbehaved child, running in the streets wild.
try to make my money, pop.
my eyes are getting slim.
and my life is getting down, and i feeling like death is near.
and i'm hoping that the heaven's here.
i cry, ‘cause the lord knows how m any years i've tried.
but this life's a lie. it ain't not a hope unless a nigga die.
lord why, lord why
Verse 2: ????
my childhood years was kinda rough because my pops weren't there.
i was left to peer. always pay but no one to share.
these hard times, stressin' to sell nickels and dimes.
had to support my family, no one else was puttin' time.
reminiscing about on dead peers troughout the the years.
no more tears, my childhood years with scrilla fifth.
who's the maycliff for all this fucking fight to stop a nigga.
just a price i have to pay, nigga.
my childhood years
Chorus repeated once: c-murder (porsha singing in the background)
my childhood years, got my shit in tears.
it's hella scary.
i'm trapped, and i don't wanna die in a cemetery.
this ghetto ties got me livin' in pain.
lord knows i don't wanna die in vain.
Verse 3: c-murder
my childhood years was spend in cemeteries bearing my peers.
many tears, that i have shaded, for my niggas disappeared.
in a bad year. now with depressed in just memory.
drinking hennessy. to dry away my misery.
trapped since birth, a ghetto child living in curse.
it's getting worse, until i'm covered up in dirt.
the pain it hurts.
that be the reason why my blast first.
‘cause i refuse to be a victim in the black hears.
memories up with child runnin' wild.
i couldn't smile, because my motherfuckin' life was foul.
a troubled child, stressin' from his childhood years.
heavenly father. could you please wipe away my tears.
Verse 4: reginelli
i could remember way back, when a nigga was sick.
i just to watch my brother do some dangerous shit.
staying out all night, mama worrying sick.
wondering if he was dead or just play with a bitch.
but when i saw this wild nigga came up like i did.
when i eat dwellars, when the niggas start to slanging that shit.
i tight up on my hustle. start to paying the bills.
shading tills, ‘cause my brother got locked up for three years.
after that a nigga start to grabbin' the mic.
write rap, on sheet of paper, making solider shit tight.
three years later, my brother came home from jail.
tellin' me he wrote rap, when he was strapped in a cell.
a week later, we was some no limit soliders.
gambino family, for all the readers and rollers.
but you can tell a nigga been shading some tears.
by the way i live.
my childhood years.
Chorus repeated once.
Outro: c-murder (talking) with porsha singing
Childhood years.
shading tears.
for all my dead peers.
hard time strapped in the game.
try to maintain

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Gambino family

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