Dice la canción

Flip the script de Gangstarr


Flip the script (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Flip the script" es interpretada por el legendario dúo Gangstarr, compuesto por Guru y DJ Premier. Esta pieza musical forma parte de su repertorio caracterizado por el rap consciente y la maestría en la producción de beats. Aunque no se especifica a qué álbum pertenece esta canción, se puede inferir que sigue la línea de sus trabajos anteriores en cuanto a calidad lírica y musical.

En términos de género, "Flip the script" se ubica dentro del hip-hop, un estilo con profunda raíces en la poesía urbana y la cultura afroamericana. Esta canción en particular destaca por su flujo rápido y técnicamente hábil por parte de Guru, quien despliega su capacidad para rimar con maestría sobre los beats magistrales producidos por DJ Premier.

Al profundizar en el significado de la letra, podemos observar que "Flip the script" es una declaración de superioridad y habilidad en el mundo del rap. Guru se posiciona como un experto indiscutible dentro de la escena, desafiando a aquellos que pretenden competir al afirmar que no están a su altura. Utiliza metáforas como "sending a wave of shocking volts" para representar su impacto abrumador en los oyentes con sus letras afiladas.

El tema principal gira en torno a la autenticidad y destreza artística. Guru critica a los raperos falsos que carecen de originalidad y talento real, haciéndoles saber que no están a la altura de su nivel. Emplea ironía al mencionar situaciones cotidianas como barrer o buscar pantuflas para ilustrar cómo estos imitadores deben someterse ante su supremacía en el micrófono.

La comparación entre los MCs genuinos y los impostores se hace evidente a lo largo de la canción. Guru subraya la importancia de pagar las cuotas necesarias dentro del género para merecer respeto y reconocimiento legítimo. Su dominio del lenguaje y ritmo demuestra por qué él es considerado una leyenda del hip-hop.

A lo largo de "Flip the script", Gangstarr demuestra una vez más su habilidad para crear versos contundentes cargados de crítica social e ingenio lírico. La combinación única entre las letras perspicaces de Guru y las prodigiosas producciones de Premier hacen que esta canción sea un testimonio duradero del legado artístico del dúo.

En conclusión, "Flip the script" es mucho más que una simple canción rap; es un himno al poder creativo auténtico y al dominio artístico inigualable encarnado por Gangstarr. A través de sus letras ingeniosas y beats contagiosos, este dúo transmite un mensaje poderoso sobre el arte verdadero del hip-hop y establece un estándar inquebrantable para aquellos que aspiran alcanzar ese nivel de excelencia.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Brave is the knave who steps up to be slayed
by the one who forgave him for his first mistakes
he'd best behave or i'ma send him a wave
of some shocking volts he doesn't know what he's talkin about
he's kickin a bunch of crap so i'll be the judge of that
the boy lacks artistry but still he tries hard to be
an entertainer but instead he's a waste of
my time and your time so i'll kick the pure rhymes
whenever you're looking for rap that's exceptional
and credible, straight to the g's you better go
cause gangstarr's known to be prone to be
masters of streetwise poetry and turntable wizardry
but still be a cold day in hell when you hear that
guru or premier ever tell suckers get sales
but they fail in the long run that kid who went gold yo
that was the wrong one but tonight the spotlight is all on me
i'm the guru, of the g-a-n-g
taking out scrubs cause they rub me the wrong way
and i'll say, that they've still got a long way to go
to show they can flow like a real pro
so gimme that loot catch the boot from my steel toe
i'm changing the scenery as i make em uncomfortable
cause most mc's ain't really got no pull
watch me stifle em quick with the gift and the wit
make em quit all that riff as i flip the script
fool listen, i know that you've been missing
all this and so my rhymes are gonna gleem and glisten
like a gem, and if you are the fake mc type
i'll shine so bright i'll be blinding your eyesight
your capabilities fall short so i'ma treat you like a dwarf
on a basketball court still you try to rap
and even claim you got new styles but
rolling your tongue's been playe dout for a while
and you don't sound fly so why are you doing that?
you had a dope track but you're wack so you ruined that
i couldn't make out what you were saying your diction
is jumbled where as me i'm conveying clear thoughts
to a crowd that's most critical
booty duck rappers like you are just pitiful
i bet you couldn't name more than one pioneer
cause you didn't pay dues and you got on on outta nowhere
but that's ok cause i'm peeping your card
if rap was my house you'd be sweeping the yard
as i recline i'll find more chores to give ya
like moppin the floors or maybe fetchin my slippers
so don't even trip or run off with the lip
cause as soon as you slip you know i'll flip the script
so as i kick a bit flip with script without a skip
butter roll mc's get dissed like this
you'll never got none son because i'll become troublesome
you rap like a simpleton
and i hate scum yo i can easily deflect your threats
cause they're idle my recital will break you down
just a fight til the end cause i can take ten at a time
give em all a fair shot to see if any can rhyme
and even if one is decent, i'll still get props
i'll kick the slick lines til the last one drops
as my powerful skills are unveiled i'm tippin the scales
and weighing much more than your tall tales
stop the exaggeration perpetration observe
and make simple notation
nobody no where no way no how
is taking me out cause i can throw so you know now
can you feel it, i bust raps so lay off
before i steal that so called title that you gave yourself
but you really ain't jack so yo you played yourself
and now you look from a distance as you sweat my tip
you know i'll whip you swift when i flip the script