Dice la canción

Lopan de Grises



29 de julio de 2014

La canción "Lopan" interpretada por Grises, incluida en su álbum "Animal", pertenece al género del pop rock. La letra de la canción expresa la dura realidad de un migrante que se ve obligado a dejar su país y enfrentarse a duras condiciones en el extranjero para poder pagar las deudas y préstamos adquiridos en casa.

El protagonista de la canción vende las joyas de su madre para obtener un pasaporte, pasa meses tratando de obtener una visa y finalmente llega al extranjero con la necesidad imperiosa de pedir préstamos para poder sobrevivir. Las líneas "Llegué aquí dejando a mi madre en tierras agrícolas estériles, dejando mi hogar y llegando en las inundaciones del monzón" ilustran vívidamente el ardoroso sacrificio que implica la migración forzada.

A lo largo de la canción, el narrador revela sus desafíos: ser explotado en trabajos arduos bajo el ardiente sol, sentirse solo entre extraños, mentir sobre su bienestar a su madre para no preocuparla y luchar por enviar dinero a casa mientras sigue endeudado. Las referencias recurrentes a las hermanas nepalesas vendiéndose en Bombay subrayan cómo los inmigrantes son vistos simplemente como commodities o mercancías intercambiables.

La temática principal gira en torno al conflicto emocional del narrador: anhela regresar a casa para celebrar festivales tradicionales con su familia, pero se siente atrapado en un ciclo de endeudamiento y explotación. El sentimiento de desesperanza y resignación se hace patente en versos como "Me rindo mamá me rindo / No pude ganar / Había árboles de dinero aquí / No pude arrancarlos".

La canción destaca la realidad cruda y oscura que muchos trabajadores migrantes enfrentan en países extranjeros, donde sus sueños chocan contra la cruda realidad del trabajo precario, discriminación e incertidumbre sobre su futuro. A través de esta metáfora poética, Grises sumerge al oyente en la complejidad emocional y social detrás de la migración económica forzada.

En cuanto a información adicional sobre la canción, es relevante destacar que "Lopan" destaca por abordar un tema social importante con sensibilidad y profundidad lírica. La autenticidad del relato proviene posiblemente de experiencias personales o entendimiento cercano del impacto humano detrás de la migración económica.

En conclusión, "Lopan" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un llamado emotivo a reflexionar sobre las desigualdades globales, las dificultades enfrentadas por los migrantes y las implicaciones profundas del endeudamiento extremo. Grises logra transmitir esta compleja narrativa con una mezcla única de sinceridad emotiva y claridad poética.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Sold Mom's earrings to make passport
2-3 months went here and there for visa
Finally visa came had to beg for loan
Rugged nose Infront of neighbors and relatives
Mom I'll take all your grief of loan and debts in my heart
I will pay all debts within 5-6 months
Carrying all the dreams I reached somewhere I don't know
Waited in the airport why haven't anyone come to receive me?
After waiting 15 hours I knew the real colours of abroad
I came here leaving my mom in barren farmlands, left home and came in the floods of monsoon
(Nepalse sisters get sold in Bombay, I got sold in Khadi)×2

(Not by choice I came abroad because of my helplessness
I have been pressed in the bank loan
That's why I had to fall in the legs of foreigners
But I've still not paid the loan)×2

Hot as hell, it is not what I expected
For 2-3 months I was kept only within a room
Many people like me were there in the same room
After all that threw me at work in the hot sun
Beacause of the weather my body was sick but I had to work because my body was bought
There was noone who I knew who should I trust?
I used to cry watching at planes fly from the ceiling
I had to work my old mom was at home
I would pay the debts she believed in me
She used to call me asking If I was fine and tell that my friends back there ask her about me
I used to say I'm fine Mom you take care (you're sick take care of your body too)×2

(Not by choice I came abroad because of my helplessness
I have been pressed in the bank loan
That's why I had to fall in the legs of foreigners
But I've still not paid the loan)×2

Friends text me I look healthy and handsome here
But who knows that my body is empty inside
(Our happiness is limited within Facebook posts my friends)×2
I think of my birthplace due to my hardwork here
I still haven't paid debts of my home
Friends from Nepal ask me to send some money
Everybody thinks I've earned a lot here
When I don't get time to reply they think I've gotten proud now
I also want to send mobilephones, watches and shoes to my friends
(How do I send all these when my house is on debt?)×2
I feel scared if my life will end here
If the bank will take away my home and land
Everyday I lie to Mom about my wellbeing
My sister might be waiting for me on festival(festival for brother and sisters love native to Nepal)
My mother would be busy mixing tika for Dashain(a festival where people take blessings and put mixture of vermilion and ricegrains on foreheads from elders, festival native to Nepal)
Thinking that her son would come she might be waiting but forgive me mother I am being sold here in foreign I haven't done mistake but my throat is getting slitted
(Like thousands of other Nepalese I am also dying here in foreign)×2

(I give up mom I give up
I couldn't win
There was tree of money here
I couldn't pluck it)×2
(I couldn't pluck it)×2
I give up mom I give up
I give up mom I give up...




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