Hung Up de Hot Chelle Rae
Letra de Hung Up
I'm not usually the type of guy to call twice
And leave a message every time (It's me again)
That's quite alright
And most days I just dust them off like that
Girls text me, you're the only one I text back
Cause you know where the party's at
And I'm like, yeaaah
Everything you heard is true
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
And I'm like, yeaaah
Telling other girls I'm through
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
So big, this thing that we got going on
Riding round downtown where you take the top off, yeah
It turns me on
And I'm like, woah
Girl, how'd you get me hooked like this?
One look, one touch, one kiss, one chick
And then I can't resist
And I'm like, yeah
Everything you heard is true
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
And I'm like, yeah
Telling other girls I'm through
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, o,h oh)
You got the style, you got the flavor
I want you now, I want you later
I'm hung up, so let's get down tonight
Floating around, a couple of gypsies
Shaking it up, we're getting typsy
You show me yours
Cause Imma show you mine
And I'm like, yeah
Everything you heard is true
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
And I'm like, yeah
Telling other girls I'm through
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
And I'm like, yeah
Everything you heard is true
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
And I'm like, yeah
Telling other girls I'm through
Everybody knows I'm hung up on you (oh, oh, oh)
You got the style, you got the flavor
I want you now, I want you later
I'm hung up, so let's get down tonight hung up on you
Traducción de Hung Up
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