Un Texto de Hugh Gonzalez
Letra de Un Texto
# ten billion years ago (astronomical)
# one billion years ago (geological)
# 100 million years ago (biological)
# ten million years ago (primatological)
# one million years ago (paleontological)
# 100 thousand years ago (anthropological)
# ten thousand years ago (archeological)
# one thousand years ago (historical)
# one hundred years ago (cultural)
# ten years ago (personal)
# one year ago (tyrannical)
# one-tenth year ago (demagogical)
Heinz von Foerster did one of these around 1930, to test how evenly major historical events would fill it (not very evenly). And Nigel Calder did a nice 100-page prose version in 1983 called "Timescale: an atlas of the 4th dimension". Choosing a 'NOW' point is problematic (it keeps changing!) but I picked 31Dec 2001 for convenience.
It's precisely divided into 1015 lines covering the Big Bang (NOW minus 10^10.14 years) to 31Dec 2000 (NOW minus 10^0.00, aka one year). If I manage to find one link per line, this will make the page about 100k, which is the maximum Google will index. (This gratifies my desire for 'necessary' web-design: theory. Design rationale:
UPDATE (3-2005): I've added 115 lines of 'negative exponents' that carry the story almost to the end of 2001, tracing the WTC plot and the first year of W's presidency. Abbreviations used:
W = George W Bush BC = Bill Clinton HC = Hillary Clinton
PDB = Presidential Daily Briefing WH = White House
RC = Dick Cheney HAL = Halliburton
ObL = Osama bin Laden aQ = al Qaeda aJ = al Jazeera
muj = mujahideen A'stan = Afghanistan
KSM = Khaleed Sheik Mohammed Bin. = Binalshibh
PNAC = Project for a New American Century Wolf. = Wolfowitz
10.137 = 13,700,000,000 years BC = Big Bang
10.13: release of Cosmic Microwave Background
10.12: first galaxies, of iron-free stars
10.11: quasars with (unexpected) iron , carbon monoxide
10.10 = 12,500,000,000 yrs BC: red galaxies stop forming stars
10.09: big stars explode after fusing H into He-C-O-Mg-Si-S-Fe
10.07: small stars consume H-He leaving C-O as white dwarfs
10.05: daily gamma-ray bursts sterilize vast areas?
10.04: (~3 per galaxy per billion years: cite)
10.03: quasars numerous
10.02: Milky Way captures small galaxy w/retrograde clusters
10.01: universe one-eighth current size?
10.00 = 10,000,000,000 yrs BC
9.99: interstellar gas gradually incorporated by stars
9.98: (gas -> dust -> grit -> lumps)
9.96 = 9,000,000,000 years BC
9.93: Milky Way rotates 5 times per billion years
9.91 = 8,000,000,000 years BC
9.89: star-formation in elliptical galaxies mostly stops
9.86: galaxy-clustering weaker than today
9.85 = 7,000,000,000 years BC
9.83: expanding universe is 1/4 current size
9.80: star-formation in spiral galaxies slows (~1 per millennium)
9.78 = 6,000,000,000 years BC
9.76: several supernovas per century in Milky Way
9.73: interstellar gas from local supernovas begins condensing
9.72: H-C-O-etc form water and simple organic compounds
9.71: angular momentum produces cool?, spinning, flattened disk
9.70 = 5,000,000,000 years BC
9.69: birth of Sun (30% cooler than today: cite)
9.68: condensing interstellar silicon&metals forms planetesimals
9.67: meteorite with purple salt; Martian meteorite
9.66: Earth condenses cold but heated by isotopes; Fe sinks
9.65: Moon created by catastrophic glancing impact
9.64: global ocean; 1st zircon crystals on Earth
9.63: upwelling Si and Al begin forming island-continents
9.62: iron-rich primordial soup reaches modern salinity (Gaia/life?)
9.61 = 4,000,000,000 years BC: universe is half current size
9.60: massive meteorite storm ends ; left-handed serine?
9.59: widespread volcanism releases H2, N2, CO2, CO, SO2, HCl
9.58: Isua graphite from life?; Earth's core 3x as hot as now
9.57: ultraviolet inhibits life by freeing bound nitrogen
9.56: RNA World? ; anaerobic life at hydrothermal vents?
9.55: stromatolites of bluegreen algae trickle O2 into air
9.54: early oxygen precipitates banded iron formations
9.53: giant meteorite impact
9.52: diamonds created in south Africa
9.51: earliest oil ; month only 20-days long?
9.50: short genome with frequent mutations
9.49: Si-Al island-continents form Gondwana
9.48 = 3,000,000,000 years BC
9.47: Antarctic geology formed
9.46: Moon and Mercury cool to geologic inactivity
9.44: greenhouse gases warm Earth to current temps
9.43: CO2 in oceans begins creating limestone
9.42: Earth's core twice as hot as now (faster drift)
9.41: possible bacteria on land
9.40: 1st oxygen-based metabolism
9.39: island-continents form N Amer (Laurentia)
9.37: gold deposits accumulate in S African streambeds
9.36: abundant stromatolites
9.35: oxydised iron 'red beds'
9.34: widespread glaciation (followed by 1.5B yr warm spell)
9.32: spontaneous uranium meltdown in w Africa
9.31: Wopmay mountains in north Canada (long-since eroded)
9.30 = 2,000,000,000 yrs BC: eukaryotes with mitochondria
9.29: atmosphere finally reaches 1% oxygen
9.28: ozone layer blocks destructive ultraviolet
9.27: fossilised bacteria in Gunflint chert near Lake Superior
9.26: continents converge as Columbia?
9.25: meteorites deliver nickel, platinum, chromium?
9.22: continents begin to re-converge as Rhodinia
9.21: sexual reproduction
9.18 = 1,500,000,000 yrs BC: Siberia breaks from w N Amer?
9.17: cilia?
9.16: eukaryote fossils (mainly acritarchs)
9.15: 1st multicellular experiments
9.13: lichens on land
9.10 = 1,250,000,000 yrs BC
9.09: cell specialisation
9.07: gradual cooling as lichens absorb CO2?
9.05: Gondwana (SAmer, Africa) collides with Laurentia (N Amer)
9.04: divergence of animals, plants, and fungi
9.03: 1st coelenterate nervous systems?
9.02: O2 increases after surface rocks reach saturation
9.01: 1st worm-tracks?
9.00 = 1,000,000,000 yrs BC
8.99: continents emerge from ocean?
8.98: ice age?
8.96 = 900,000,000 years BC
8.95: adaptive radiation of acritarchs
8.94: start of 250M yr worldwide Ice Age
8.93: mtn-building in Africa (Zambia) and Asia (Lake Baikal)
8.92: seaweed (multicell algae) in nw Canada
8.91 = 800,000,000 years BC: SPONGE-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR
8.90: vase-shaped protozoans in Grand Canyon
8.89: placozoans; ice age?
8.88: Iapetus Ocean in rift between Laurentia and Gondwana
8.87: oxygen buildup supports more-complex multicell lifeforms
8.86: ctenophores w/nervous systems
8.85 = 700,000,000 years BC
8.84: land plants
8.82: swimming vertebrates diverge from crawling inver'tes?
8.80: acritarchs suffer massive decline
8.79: earliest bilateral symmetry in worm-trails
8.78 = 600,000,000 years BC: Snowball Earth?
8.77: sponges , flatworms; WORM-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR
8.76: Vendian or Ediacardian diversity ; echinoderms
8.75: scavengers and carnivores; most land is desert
8.74: tiny shells (Tommotion) ; SEASQUIRT-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR
8.73: Cambrian explosion of lifeforms ; trilobites
8.71: plants with spores; starfish; snails; crustaceans ; fish?
8.70 = 500,000,000 BC: Ordovician period wide glaciation
8.69: massive meteorite storm
8.68: land plants; giant carnivorous eurypterids
8.67: sea urchins; horseshoe crabs ; sharks diverge
8.66: extinctions; sea level rises, widespread inundation
8.65: Silurian period ; ice age; coral reefs
8.64: mosses; rayfinned fish with jaws and teeth
8.63: millipedes; aquatic scorpions; LUNGFISH-LIKE HUMAN ANCESTOR
8.62: Devonian period ; N Amer and Eur form Laurasia
8.61 = 400,000,000 years BC: sharks; arachnids; horsetails
8.60: possible increase in meteorite impacts
8.59: better ozone shield; 1st trees/forests
8.58: fish with legs
8.57: massive tsunamis (meteorite?); global cooling
8.56: Carboniferous period (coal-producing swamps)
8.55: plants with seeds, conifers
8.54: amphibians; insects; ferns
8.52: all lands join as Pangaea (Appalachian mtns)
8.51: Tethys Sea separates Asia from Africa
8.50: carnivorous pelycosaurs
8.49: mammals diverge from reptiles and birds
8.48 = 300,000,000 years BC: spiders
8.47: reptiles; winged insects incl dragonflies
8.46: Permian period Ural mtns rise as Eurasia forms
8.45: giant cockroaches
8.44: 1st terrestrial herbivores don't chew
8.43: pines and firs; therapsids
8.42: rodentlike 'suminia' 1st chewer on land
8.41: 90% of species die
8.40: Triassic period arid; sea levels very low
8.39: dinosaurs , pterosaurs; crocodiles, turtles; fossilised birthing
8.38: oxygen peaks at 35% ; lystrosaurs; cynodonts
8.37: proto-flowers (bennettitales?) produce oleanane
8.36: croc-like thecodonts split as bird- and lizard-hips (SAmer)
8.35: Pangaea splits at Atlantic (rotation-time of Milky Way)
8.34: lizard-hips split as veggie prosauropods, carnie teratosaurs
8.33: prosauropods on every continent; 1st sauropod
8.32: giant meteorite storm 50% species die in 10k years
8.31: Jurassic period ; birds
8.30 = 200,000,000 yrs BC: botanic Eve's genome doubles
8.28: sea-levels high, land inundated
8.27: ammonites
8.24: bird-hipped veggie stegosaurus everywhere but S Amer
8.23: lizard-hipped veggies brachiosaurus, diplodocus
8.22: seafloor ooze makes oil in North Sea, Mexico
8.21: frogs
8.20: salamanders in China
8.19: giant carnivorous marine reptile
8.18 = 150,000,000 yrs BC: land bridge between N Amer and Eur
8.17: archeopteryx
8.16: dinosaurs evolve more-efficient breathing
8.15: rat-like mammal
8.14: Cretaceous period
8.13: ants ; iguanodons
8.12: flowering plants
8.11: gulls and wading birds
8.10 = 125,000,000 yrs BC
8.09: marsupials and placentals diverge
8.08: opossums
8.07: oak trees
8.06: inland seas split e/w N Amer, Europe from Asia
8.04: triceratops
8.03: placental insectivore in Mongolia
8.02: continents break up; S Amer, Africa, and India are islands
8.01: army ants
8.00 = 100,000,000 yrs BC
7.99: modern orders of mammals diverge
7.98: coccoliths create chalk-beds (eg Dover)
7.97: seafloor ooze creates oil (eg Arabia, Venezuela)
7.96 = 90,000,000 years BC
7.95: global warming?
7.91 = 80,000,000 years BC
7.90: 1st Hawaiian islands
7.87: land bridge between e Asia and w N Amer
7.85 = 70,000,000 years BC
7.84: T rex, velociraptors
7.82: KT extinction event (probably meteorite in Yucatan)
7.81: Paleocene epoch
7.80: seas retreat, icecaps grow
7.79: rodents; carnivorous proto-lions/bears
7.78 = 60,000,000 years BC
7.77: collision of India and Asia will create Himalayas
7.76: methane release? ; CO2 peaks
7.75: cats and dogs diverge
7.74: Eocene epoch
7.73: bats
7.72: daylight moths become butterflies
7.71: sea levels rise, land inundated
7.70 = 50,000,000 BC: oceans cool
7.69: giant birds eat tiny horses
7.68: pig-sized proto-elephants
7.66: whales diverge from hippos
7.65: fossilized mosquito
7.63: eosimians
7.61 = 40,000,000 years BC: rabbits
7.60: temperatures plummet
7.59: Oligocene epoch ; global cooling
7.58: Asian mammals invade Europe as inland seas dry up
7.57: loons, albatrosses, herons, and penguins diverge
7.56: squirrels in N America
7.55: 1st grasses reproduce w/o flowers, resist fire and grazing
7.54: giant meteorite impact in Chesapeake Bay
7.52: glaciation of Antarctica
7.51: S Amer and Australia split from Antarctica
7.50: African monkeys invade S Amer (across ocean?)
7.49: kiwis
7.48 = 30,000,000 years BC: squirrels in Europe
7.47: dolphin brains comparable in size to modern humans'
7.46: ape-like jaws and teeth at Fayum, Egypt
7.45: Japan splits from mainland
7.44: apes and monkeys diverge (lose tails, swing from branches)
7.43: comet hits Egypt
7.41: Miocene epoch sea levels fall
7.40: sex-related Tre2 mutation in primate line
7.39: dodos diverge
7.38: modern whales
7.37: mtn-building in Himalayas, Rockies, Andes
7.36: orbital anomaly extends Antarctica's glaciers
7.34: dryopithecus in Kenya
7.31: 1st deer
7.30 = 20,000,000 yrs BC: 1st Galapagos islands
7.29: 1st antelopes; Africa collides w/Eurasia
7.28: (elephants and apes enter Eurasia from Africa)
7.27: (cats, cattle, giraffes, pigs from Eurasia to Africa)
7.26: dryopithecus proconsul
7.24: Africa's Rift Valley begins to split
7.21: dryopithecus in Germany
7.20: giant lavaflows in Oregon
7.19: Mediterranean re-separates Europe from Africa?
7.18 = 15,000,000 yrs BC: meteorite in Germany
7.17: orangutan-like ramapithecus from Kenya to India
7.15: widespread volcanism
7.10 = 12,500,000 yrs BC
7.04: grazing mammals
7.03: low sea-levels
7.02: short-toothed horses extinct in N Amer
7.01: gorillas in forests of central Africa; orangutans
7.00 = 10,000,000 yrs BC: Alps building
6.99: raccoons cross seas from N to S Amer
6.98: bears invade N Amer from Asia
6.97: sloths reach N Amer from S Amer
6.96 = 9,000,000 years BC
6.91 = 8,000,000 years BC
6.90: possible hominoids in Lufeng, China
6.85 = 7,000,000 years BC: elephants
6.82: sahelanthropus
6.81: hominid tooth at Lukeino, Kenya
6.79: Mediterranean sea evaporates
6.78 = 6,000,000 years BC: horses-etc extinct in N Amer?
6.77: Pliocene epoch ; 1st dogs
6.76: humans diverge from chimps ; Bering Strait opens
6.75: hominid jaw at Lothagam, Kenya
6.74: hominid 'orrorin' ; ardipithecus
6.73: ardipithecus ramidus kadabba walks upright?
6.70 = 5,000,000 BC
6.69: rats reach Australia
6.68: longshot aquatic-ape phase
6.67: hominids move from forest to savanna, lose fur? lose fur?
6.66: two 'chimp' chromosomes fuse into human chr'some #2 (bottleneck?)
6.65: Mediterranean re-floods for good
6.63: Andes mtns rising
6.61 = 4,000,000 years BC: Gulf Stream strengthened
6.60: australopithecus?
6.59: mammoths and elephants in Africa
6.58: (also giraffes, buffalos, rhinos, hyenas, sabre-tooths)
6.57: Congo River splits chimps from future bonobos
6.56: bipedal hominid footprints at Laetoli, Tanzania
6.55: bison, mammoth, deer, sabre-tooths to N Amer from Asia
6.54: camels, horses, and dogs enter Asia from N Amer
6.53: australopithecus ; reduced sexual dimorphism
6.52: 'Lucy' walks using knuckles?
6.51: kenyanthropus?
6.50: selection for throwing-aim?
6.49: N and S Amer species mingle via landbridge
6.48 = 3,000,000 years BC: Ice Age
6.47: omnivorous australopithecus diverges from vegetarian
6.46: australopithecus africanus in S Africa
6.45: human sense of smell dramatically reduced (cooked food?)
6.44: (no-date: sialic acid lost from cell surfaces)
6.43: australopithecus keeps pebble that resembles a face
6.42: hominid tooth-shapes suggest meat-eating
6.41: basalt tools at Hadar, Ethiopia
6.40: australopithecus garhi
6.39: stone tools used to strip meat ; jaws shrink
6.38: Ice Age; (distance to Andromeda galaxy in lightyears)
6.37: sophisticated stone tools (homo habilis)
6.36: hominid teeth at Omo, Kenya
6.35: Galapagos finches diverge from mainland species
6.34: brain asymmetry may imply proto-language use?
6.31: skull 1470 at E Turkana, Kenya (homo cranium)
6.30 = 2,000,000 yrs BC: African droughts
6.29: elephants and hippos butchered
6.28: hominids master fire, cook tubers 1st African diaspora?
6.27: social structures reorganised around hearth (sharing)
6.26: Pleistocene epoch Java man
6.25: possible fire at Hsihoutu, China; 1st bison, sheep, hogs
6.24: 1st homo erectus
6.23: Oldowan tools carried for miles; 12ft round basecamp
6.22: homo ergaster in Eurasia ; 6ft-tall Nariokotome boy
6.21: animal sinews used as cords; skins as rugs, bags, clothes?
6.20: noctural leopards preying on australopithecus (not homo)?
6.19: Karari tools at E Turkana, Kenya; also erectus skull
6.18 = 1,500,000 yrs BC
6.17: Acheulean hand-axes (spread to Korea over next 1.3M yrs)
6.16: fire at Chesowanja, Kenya
6.15: homo w/hand-axes at Sterkfontein, S Africa
6.14: Chesowanja homo eats australopithecines?
6.13: Losokweta tools at Chesowanja (processing lake-plants?)
6.12: australopithecus extinct
6.11: much higher average sea-levels
6.10 = 1,250,000 yrs BC: 14k furless humans (genetic bottleneck)
6.09: brain growing about 1500 neurons per year, on average
6.08: females closer to size of males, bonds more monogamous
6.07: males hunt, females gather and cook?
6.06: homo erectus lice-species becomes isolated in Asia
6.04: African savanna resembles modern ecology
6.03: homo erectus uses bones to catch termites
6.00 = 1,000,000 yrs BC
5.99: widespread volcanism
5.98: Ice Age causes erectus divergence
5.96 = 900,000 years BC
5.95: humans in London
5.94: homo in Spain
5.91 = 800,000 years BC
5.90: brown bears
5.89: last major geomagnetic reversal (Brunhes-Matuyama)
5.88: Acheulean tools in mideast (Ubeidiya); giant meteorite
5.87: homo in Isernia, Italy eats elephant and bison
5.86: hand-axes for processing lake-plants at Kilombe, Kenya
5.85 = 700,000 years BC: warm interglacial
5.84: fire by underground lake at L'Escale, France
5.80: wolves
5.78 = 600,000 years BC
5.76: warm interglacial
5.73: homo diverges in Africa
5.72: 1st llamas
5.71: hominid mandible in Germany
5.70 = 500,000 BC: possible homo in Britain
5.69: Peking man has fire but no hand-axes
5.68: ate elephant, horse, deer, water buffalo, likely cannibalism
5.65: Spanish hunters entrap elephant herd, horses, deer, cattle
5.63: warm interglacial; beach huts in Nice
5.62: extinction of homo erectus
5.61 = 400,000 years BC
5.60: wooden spears in Germany
5.59: systematic baboon-hunting in Olorgesailie, Kenya
5.58: strait of Gibraltar crossed by boat?
5.57: Arago 21 skull in s France
5.55: limit of uranium dating
5.54: ceremonial burial in Spain?
5.52: pre-Acheulian Clacton tools, wooden spear in se England
5.51: high sealevels (warm Hoxnian/Holstein interglacial)
5.50: fire at Terra Armata (s France)
5.48 = 300,000 BC
5.47: fire in cave at Pech de l'Aze, France
5.44: homo sapiens scalped at Bodo, Ethiopia
5.42: post-Acheulean tools at Mesvin, Belgium (incl bone point?)
5.41: deer and gazelle hunted in c Asia (Lakhuti)
5.40: homo sapiens skull at Petraloma, Greece
5.39: fire more-common in Europe
5.38: global warming
5.37: homo sapiens at Bilzingsleben
5.34: Levallois technique for making hand-axes
5.33: high sealevels
5.32: bones burnt for fuel in Hungary
5.31: 'founder' cichlids in Lake Victoria will spawn 200 species
5.30 = 200,000 yrs BC: handaxe w/decorative fossil in England
5.29: neanderthals in Ice Age Europe and Asia
5.28: wooden club at Kalambo Falls, Tanzania
5.27: 1st cave bears, reindeer, goats, modern cattle (aurochs)
5.26: global cooling
5.21: (distance to 1987 supernova in lightyears)
5.20: Acheulean hand-axes still in use near Galilee
5.19: modern skulls at Awash Valley, Ethiopia
5.18 = 150,000 yrs BC: woolly mammoth
5.17: language-related FOXP2 mutation
5.16: Mousterian flint flake-tools replace Acheulean in n France
5.15: Africa cooler and drier
5.14: dogs diverge from wolves?
5.13: homo killed by wooden spear in Tabun, Israel?
5.12: homo sapiens evolve chins (men shaving beards?)
5.11: global warming
5.10 = 125,000 yrs BC
5.09: German elephant pierced by wooden spear
5.08: high sealevels (warm Russ-Wurm interglacial, 10k yrs)
5.06: Ngaloba skull at Laetoli (non-Neanderthal homo sapiens)
5.05: 35k-yr cool wet spell in Europe (temps drop 15 degrees?)
5.04: some hominids venture back into heavy forests
5.03: shaped and colored mammoth's tooth
5.02: ivory plaque in Tata, Hungary
5.01: hunting of mainly-weakened big-game (young, old)
5.00 = 100,000yrs BC: limit of C14 dating
4.99: genetic Eve? ; Little Ice Age
4.98: grave goods (deer head) in Qafzeh Cave burial (Israel)
4.97: microliths fitted to wooden shafts in S Africa
4.96 = 88,000 BC: cannibalism in Yugoslavia
4.94: Sahara more arid than today
4.92: probable intentional burial
4.91 = 78,000 BC
4.87: volcanic winter after Toba (Sumatra) eruption
4.86: geometric scratchings on ochre
4.85 = 68,000 BC: 1st polar bears (in London!)
4.84: body lice diverge from head lice (via clothes)
4.80: homo sapiens displace neanderthals in mideast
4.79: homo reaches Australia?
4.78 = 58,000 BC: brief global warming
4.77: Iraq burial w/medicinal flowers
4.76: neanderthal cave 'altar' in Monte Circeo, Italy
4.75: neanderthal inbreeding
4.74: Shanidar (Iraq) neanderthals bind/flatten babies' heads?
4.73: 20-ft oval of mammoth tusks in Ripiceni-Izvor, Romania
4.72: 1st Australians hunt giant marsupials to extinction
4.71: multicolored bodypaint
4.70 = 48,000 BC: population spurt (African diaspora?)
4.69: neanderthal cemetery in La Ferrassie, France
4.68: burial w/goat-horns in Teshik Tash, Russia
4.67: bone whistle in Haua Fteah, Libya; bone points in Hungary
4.66: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Ursula' in N Greece
4.65: mideast middens show more hares (vs turtles) being eaten
4.64: Aterian toolkit across Sahara incl points w/tangs
4.63: beads as body-ornaments
4.62: Cro-Magnons in Europe; blade toolkit in n Africa
4.61 = 38,000 BC: Russians wear furs
4.60: modern humans mate with Neanderthals
4.59: 10k-yr thaw in Ice Age
4.57: blade-style toolkit in Europe
4.56: star chart?
4.53: hunter-gatherers in tribes of ~40 worldwide
4.52: Chatelperronian 'knife' in sw France
4.50: Asians invade Europe?
4.49: cave paintings at Chauvet Pont d'Arc
4.48 = 28,000 BC: Dyuktai culture in Siberia
4.47: (distance to center of Milky Way in lightyears)
4.46: last Neanderthals? ; flutes and whistles in Eurasia
4.45: possible humans at El Cedral, Mexico
4.44: woven cloth? ; obsidian, flint traded long-distance
4.43: ceramic 'Venus' in Czech Republic
4.42: Gravettian toolkit across Eur; shells traded long-distance
4.41: axe-adzes in New Guinea; tailored clothes near Moscow
4.40: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Xenia' in Caucasus
4.39: cremation in Lake Mungo, Australia
4.38: tribes specialise in hunting particular species
4.37: Los Angeles man in California?
4.36: hut of mammoth-bones in Mezhirich, Russia
4.35: artifacts at Predmost, Czech Republic
4.34: Siberians make stone fireplaces, fat-burning lamps
4.33: Solutrean tools in France and Spain (laurel-leaf points)
4.32: megafauna survive in Australia; Koonalda Cave paintings
4.31: probable hearth at Tlapacoya, Mexico; bow and arrow
4.30 = 18,000 yrs BC: low sealevels (no English Channel)
4.29: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Helena' in S France
4.28: possible humans at Flea Cave, Peru
4.27: large stone tools generally replaced by microliths
4.26: tents, sewing, bone needles w/eyes
4.25: ivory head in Brassempouy, France
4.24: trepanned skulls? ; star chart?
4.23: cave paintings at Lascaux
4.22: daughters-of-Eve 'Velda' in N Spain, 'Tara' in Italy
4.21: pre-Clovis points at Meadowcroft, Pennsylvania
4.20: Magdalenian toolkit in w Europe (fine bone carving)
4.19: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Katrine' in N Italy
4.18 = 13,000 yrs BC: humans in Alaska and Peru
4.17: grinding stones and sickles in Egypt
4.16: polished stone tools in New Guinea
4.15: fishhooks, harpoons, spear-throwers (compound tool)
4.14: cemetery at Jebel Sahaba, Egypt w/many violent deaths
4.13: Bering Strait finally submerges landbridge
4.12: 72 reindeer butchered at Meiendorf, Germany
4.11: wooden artifacts in Monte Verde, Chile
4.10 = 10,500 yrs BC: Holocene epoch
4.09: hypothetical root language 'Nostratic'
4.08: Natufian culture in mideast incl village at Ain Mallaha
4.07: Clovis people hunt Amer mammoth-etc to extinction?
4.06: dramatic global warming ends Ice Age; Vela supernova
4.05: arrows in Ahrensburg, Germany; pillars of Gobekli Tepe
4.04: engraved slate plaques in Gonnersdorf, Germany
4.03: European extinctions (mammoth, woolly rhino)
4.02: wheat and barley domesticated (1st beer?)
4.01: hypothetical daughter-of-Eve 'Jasmine' in Syria
4.00 = 8000 BC: goats domesticated
3.99: fire-drills and woven crafts at Guitarrero Cave, Peru
3.98: fired-clay pottery; navigation of Aegean; Jericho wall
3.97: sheep and pigs domesticated; irrigation in New Guinea
3.96 = 7000 BC: Kennewick man; cattle domesticated; 1st copper
3.95: Jericho culture-change incl skulls w/plaster faces
3.94: 40 erectus-like skeletons at Kow Swamp, Australia
3.93: Lake Agassiz ; discovery of prime numbers?
3.92: humans drive bison into Colorado gully (Olsen-Chubbock)
3.91 = 6000 BC: idyllic Catal Hoyuk
3.90: re-desertification of Sahara
3.89: hypothetical Black Sea flood/salinisation
3.88: developed obsidian-trade in mideast (via donkeys?)
3.87: simple irrigation in Iran, Catal Hoyuk
3.86: dingos in Australia
3.85 = 5000 BC
3.84: trepanned skulls
3.83: stone buildings; cow's milk (lactose tolerance)
3.82: portraits on pottery; increasing copper-trade
3.81: astronomical megalith in Egypt
3.80: proto-Indo-European language
3.79: mutation creates woolly sheep; corncobs in Peru
3.78 = 4000 BC: domestication of horse; painted pottery
3.77: Egypt and Sumer; grain silos at Fayum, Egypt
3.76: circumcision in Egypt ; Little Ice Age
3.75: pipe-and-drum music; metal-working in Thailand
3.74: early writing; copper mines and gold in Balkans
3.73: Oetzi the Iceman
3.72: Newgrange megalith in Ireland; mideast pork-taboo
3.71: wheeled oxcarts; Egyptian canals; 1st arch
3.70 = 3000 BC: Egypt unified; riverboats with sails
3.69: dream interpretation, reading entrails
3.68: oral Gilgamesh epic; Phoenicians
3.67: pyramids, calendar
3.66: bronze; soldering; harps
3.65: papyrus and ink; Ebla; Ur; Amazon monuments
3.64: Sargon's Akkadian empire; Mohenjo-daro has sewers
3.63: antiphonal chants; Egyptian wisdom literature
3.62: Stonehenge ; Lilith ; 1st chariots
3.61 = 2000 BC: ziggurats; Babylonian creation epic
3.60: sailing ships, Minoan palaces
3.59: Sinuhe's autobiography ; habiru bandits
3.58: Phaistos disk ; Code of Hammurabi
3.57: consonantal alphabet in Sinai ; Hyksos
3.56: Rhind mathematical papyrus
3.55: Egyptian Book of the Dead; lutes
3.54: Egyptian gold-glut; Hatshepsut ; glass bottles; incense
3.53: Nippur city-map; Thera erupts?; Ugarit religious texts
3.52: Amarna letters ; Akhenaten's religious heresy
3.51: chanting of Rigveda?; writing tablets ; Little Ice Age
3.50: love poems in Egypt; Sea Peoples, Trojan war?
3.49: I Ching ; pentatonic scale; Bedouins w/camels
3.48 = 1000 BC: mouth-organ in China
3.47 = 950 BC: dark ages in mideast ; purple dye in Tyre
3.46 = 880 BC: Italian iron mines; Ahab weds Jezebel?
3.45 = 820 BC: Upanishads; Carthage founded; cult of Dionysus
3.44 = 750 BC: Homer and Hesiod ; lyres, bards; Amos?
3.43 = 690 BC: uniform coinage; lyric poetry ; Isaiah?
3.42 = 630 BC: Zoroaster; Josiah's book of the law; Sappho
3.41 = 570 BC: Jerusalem razed; Aesop's fables ; Tao-te Ching
3.40 = 510 BC: Buddha enlightened ; Pythagorean math-cult
3.39 = 450 BC: Confucius; Aeschylus ; Aristophanes
3.38 = 400 BC: Peloponnesian war; Socrates dies; Ezra's Torah
3.37 = 340 BC: Plato, Aristotle ; Alexander the Great
3.36 = 290 BC: Epicurus ; Euclid ; crossbow; Septuagint
3.35 = 240 BC: Archimedes ; Hannibal; Great Wall of China
3.34 = 190 BC: Bk of Daniel (idea of messiah, resurrection)
3.33 = 140 BC: Rome conquers Greece, Carthage; expels Jews
3.32 = 90 BC: Antikythera computer ; Dead Sea Scrolls ; tofu
3.31 = 40 BC: Cicero ; Lucretius; Julius Caesar; Virgil
3.30 = 1 AD: Ovid; Jesus ; Claudius ; Bhagavad Gita
3.29 = 50 AD: Paul; Petronius ; Falco ; Pompeii buried
3.28 = 90 AD: Book of Revelation; idea of Anti-Christ; gnosticism
3.27 = 140 AD: zither; Jews expelled from Jerusalem; Ptolemy
3.26 = 180 AD: plague; Marcus Aurelius; Galen; runes
3.25 = 220 AD: Mishnah; Origen ; Diophantus
3.24 = 260 AD: neoplatonism ; Manicheism
3.23 = 300 AD: Constantine's Roman Christianity
3.22 = 340 AD: Arianism; St Anthony ; Julian; Ulfias
3.21 = 380 AD: alchemy?; theory of Trinity; Jerome's latin Bible
3.20 = 420 AD: Augustine; St Patrick ; Jerusalem Talmud
3.19 = 450 AD: Attila, fall of Rome; tantric Buddhism; Slavs
3.18 = 500: Babylonian Talmud ; Arabian Nights; stirrups
3.17 = 530: Boethius ; Justinian; King Arthur; Benedictines
3.16 = 550: Taliesen in Wales; plague in Europe; zero in India
3.15 = 590: Gregorian chant; Viking longboats
3.14 = 620: Mohammed's Koran; Uralic invasion of Finland
3.13 = 650: Arabs conquer Syria-Iraq-Egypt-Persia, burn library?
3.12 = 680: Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem
3.11 = 710: Arabs in Spain and India; Venerable Bede
3.10 = 750: Baghdad is Arab capital; papermaking; Irish whiskey
3.09 = 780: Charlemagne; Gebir's chemistry; Book of Kells
3.08 = 800: Arabs' translation-movement; Vedanta; Machu Picchu
3.07 = 830: Zen (Ch'an) Buddhism; Dublin founded
3.06 = 850: split between Rome and Byzantium; gunpowder?
3.05 = 880: Norwegians settle Iceland
3.04 = 900: Sufism
3.03 = 930: pipe organs; global warming
3.02 = 950: water mills; Jews' controversial Kol Nidre prayer
3.01 = 980: Arabic numerals
3.00 = 1000: Vinland; Beowulf
2.99: Avicenna ; Al-Biruni ; Alhazen; magnetic compass
2.98: Lady Godiva; Lady Murasaki's "Tale of Genji"
2.97: troubadors; Domesday Book (English tax census)
2.96 = 1100: Crusades; Omar Khayyam ; scholasticism
2.95: Abelard castrated for affair with Heloise
2.94: Cistercians; checkers; coal for smelting iron
2.93: Notre Dame's gothic architecture; murder of Becket
2.92: Averroes, Maimonides; Little Ice Age; Genghis Khan
2.91 = 1200: Fibonacci ; Magna Carta; St Francis
2.90: Oxford University, Grosseteste ; sitars
2.89: Inquisition; Frederick II
2.88: Albertus Magnus ; Rumi; Roger Bacon
2.87: Thomas Aquinas ; kabbalah
2.86: Marco Polo; Jews expelled from England & France; Braveheart
2.85 = 1300: Raymond Lully ; Giotto; madrigals; KISS ME
2.84: Dante's Divine Comedy ; Tenochtitlan
2.83: spinning wheel; Ockham's razor
2.82: Petrarch; cannon-warfare
2.81: Black Death; Boccaccio's 'Decameron'
2.80: Wycliffe ; Noh drama; Oresme
2.79: Great Schism in papacy; Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales"
2.78 = 1400: tarot
2.77: Huss burned; Chinese naval conquests
2.76: Kempis' "Imitation of Christ"; Joan of Arc burned
2.75: Nicholas of Cusa ; Leone Battista Alberti
2.74: Gutenberg's printing press
2.73: Francois Villon; Malory's "Morte D'Arthur"
2.72: Botticelli's Birth of Venus
2.71: Columbus; Sikhism; Borgias
2.70 = 1500: Leonardo da Vinci , Michelangelo
2.69: Erasmus; Machiavelli's 'Prince'
2.68: Luther's 95 theses; Little Ice Age; fuckin
2.67: Paracelsus , Rabelais; Mennonites; Jesuits ; Calvin
2.66: Peter Ramus , Durer , Mercator
2.65 = 1550: Vesalius, Copernicus ; Queen Elizabeth
2.64: John Dee , Giambattista della Porta ; Huguenots killed
2.63: Montaigne; Giordano Bruno ; Simon Stevin
2.62: Spanish Armada; Vieta's algebra ; Edict of Nantes
2.61 = 1600: Bruno burned; Shakespeare's Hamlet ; Kepler
2.60: Francis Bacon ; telescope ; Ben Jonson; King James Bible
2.59: Rosicrucians ; Cervantes ; Napier's logarithms
2.58: Pilgrims on Mayflower; John Donne
2.57 = 1625: Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy"
2.56: Galileo's trial ; Jacob Boehme; Descartes 'cogito'
2.55: English Civil War; Taj Mahal; Rembrandt
2.54 = 1650: Herrick's 'Lovers' ; Hobbes ; Quakers
2.53: Boyle ; Royal Society; Vermeer; London plague and fire
2.52: Milton's "Paradise Lost" ; Wilkins' thesaurus
2.51 = 1675: Spinoza's Ethics ; microscope; calculus
2.50: Newton's Principia
2.49: Amish; Locke ; Leibnitz
2.48 = 1700: Newton's Optics
2.47: piano; Berkeley
2.46: Marten's masturbation-taboo ; Freemasons; Bach
2.45: Defoe's "Robinson Crusoe"; South Sea Bubble; Hasidism
2.44 = 1725: Vico's "New Science"; Swift's "Gulliver's Travels"
2.43: looms driven by punched cards; rice-futures exchange
2.42: Linnaeus ; Euler ; Hume; Swedenborg; women novelists
2.41: Voltaire; Saudis adopt Wahhabism; 1st symphonies
2.40 = 1750: Rothschild banking dynasty ; French Encyclopedia
2.39: sextant; chronometer; Sterne's "Tristram Shandy"
2.38: Rousseau's "Social Contact"
2.37: 6000-part automaton
2.36: Watt's steam engine; Shakers; Messier's catalog
2.35 = 1775: Smith's "Wealth of Nations" ; American Revolution
2.34: Shakers; Gibbon's "Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"
2.33: Uranus; mesmerism; Kant ; Mozart; Lavoisier
2.32: Blake's "Marriage of Heaven and Hell"
2.31: French Revolution; Bentham ; Malthus; Rosetta Stone
2.30 = 1800: Laplace ; Louisiana Purchase
2.29: Napoleon proclaimed emperor; Goethe's 'Faust'
2.28: Dalton's atomism; Jane Austen
2.27: Scott's 'Waverly'
2.26: Battle of Waterloo
2.25: Byron ; railroad; electric motor
2.24 = 1825: Beethoven's 9th; photography
2.23: Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin"; Mormons; Robert Owen
2.22: Patrick Matthew's natural selection
2.21: Babbage designs Analytic Engine ; Alamo
2.20: telegraph; Poe; Bolzano ; Baha'i; Neptune; Victoria
2.19: Opium War; Joule; potato famine; Pre-Raphaelites
2.18 = 1851: goldrush; Moby-Dick; Roget's Thesaurus
2.17: Thoreau's Walden; Whitman's Leaves of Grass
2.16: Flaubert's "Mrs Bovary" ; Neanderthal skeletons
2.15: Baudelaire's "Fleurs du Mal"; Darwin; "Great Expectations"
2.14: US Civil War; "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"
2.13: Mendel; Marx's "Das Kapital" ; Suez Canal
2.12: Mendeleev; Chicago fire
2.11: Tolstoy's "Anna Karenin"; Dewey Decimal System
2.10 = 1876: Bell's telephone; Custer's last stand; Swan Lake
2.09: Edison's phonograph, lightbulb; Ibsen's "Doll's House"
2.08: Twain's "Huck Finn"; Krakatoa; Maxim gun; Mikado
2.07: Statue of Liberty; Peirce's electrical logic machine
2.06 = 1889: Kodak; Coke; Jack the Ripper; Nietzsche goes mad
2.05: Wm James' Psychology ; van Gogh dies; Gauguin to Tahiti
2.04: Steinmetz ; Universal Decimal Classification; electron
2.03: trial of Oscar Wilde ; Nobel prizes; Congo genocide
2.02: Dreyfus affair; zionism; Hearst's Spanish-American War
2.01: fauvism; Polti's "36 Dramatic Situations"
2.00 = 1901: Freud's "Interpretation of Dreams"
1.99: Picasso's blue period ; Wright Bros; Bloomsday
1.98: Einstein's miracle-year; Scott Joplin's 'Bethena'; SF quake
1.97: worldlines; cubism; Nijinsky; Model T Ford; Tunguska meteorite
1.96 = 1911: Britannica's 11th edition ; Titanic sinks
1.95: Anti-Defamation League; Proust's "Swann's Way"
1.94: Peace Ship; Panama Canal
1.93: Russian revolutions; Balfour Declaration; killer flu
1.92: prohibition; radio; jazz ; Winnie the Pooh
1.91 = 1921: Torres y Quevedo ; Wittgenstein's Tractatus
1.90: Irish Free State; Joyce's 'Ulysses'
1.89: leaded gas; Bernays' "Crystallizing Public Opinion"
1.88: Scopes 'Monkey Trial'; QM; "The Jazz Singer"; OED; photons
1.87: Fed Radio Commish reallocates spectrum ; Mickey Mouse
1.86: Krishnamurti dissolves religious order ; Wall St crash; Pluto
1.85 = 1931: Basic English ; Gödel ; Gandhi's civil disobedience; neutron
1.84: Hitler made chancellor; FDR's New Deal; faceted indexing
1.83: Communications Act requires serving public interest; Apache dance
1.82: Stalin; 12-step; Marx Bros' "Night at the Opera"; Keynes
1.81: Spanish Civil War; Amelia Earhart lost; "War of the Worlds"
1.80: "Finnegans Wake" ; Billie Holiday's "Strange Fruit"
1.79: Bell's Complex Number Computer ; NBC tv; penicillin
1.78 = Dec1941: "Citizen Kane"; Pearl Harbor
1.77: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ; Hoffman's LSD; Ayn Rand
1.76: Cousteau's aqualung; stored-program cpu-architecture
1.75: Hiroshima; Memex ; RAND ; UN; geodesic dome; W born
1.74 = 1946: gnostic gospels; 'Iron Curtain'; Nuremberg trials
1.73: Indian independence; Israeli independence; UFOs; transistor
1.72: Graves' White Goddess; NATO; 1984; Mao Tse-tung; Nature Boy
1.71: "Guys and Dolls"; Peanuts; "Catcher in the Rye"; Korean war
1.70 = Dec1951: Mad Magazine; Mortimer Adler's Syntopicon
1.69: DNA cracked; Playboy; Scientology; McCarthy hearings
1.68: Stevens' "Of Mere Being" ; Elvis Presley; Disneyland
1.67: Nabokov's "Lolita"; Ginsberg's 'Howl'; Rosa Parks
1.66: JL Austin ; Cat in the Hat; Kerouac's "On the Road"
1.65 = 1957: IGY ; ObL born; Sputnik; ARPA; Hula Hoop
1.64: Barbara O'Brien's "Operators and Things" ; LISP ; Castro
1.63: 'Black Orpheus' ; Ellmann's "James Joyce" ; the Pill
1.62: OPEC; PDP-1
1.61 = 31Dec 1961: Bay of Pigs; Berlin Wall; "Silent Spring"
1.60: Warhol's soup cans; Marilyn dies; missile crisis; ASCII, valium
1.59: MLK "I have a dream"; JFK shot; Dr Strangelove ; Girl from Ipanema
1.58: IBM 360; Furthur; "Hard Day's Night" ; Sam Smith ; Tonkin Gulf
1.57: Dylan gets Beatles high ; Malcolm X shot; Pinter's 'Homecoming'
1.56: Watts riots; Nader's "Unsafe at Any Speed"
1.55: regular expressions
1.54 = 1967: Sgt Pepper's; LBJ hides Israeli warcrimes; Che dies
1.53: Incredible String Band ; Zap Comix; 2001; Barbarella
1.52: Englebart's mouse-demo ; Moonwalk; Woodstock; Laws of Form
1.51: Monty Python; Unix ; Xerox PARC ; Kent State
1.50: "Monday Night Class" ; Jay Forrester's eco-sim
1.49: Altman's "McCabe and Mrs Miller" ; Michael Hurley
1.48 = 1971
1.47: Ms. mag; 1st Rainbow Gathering; Smalltalk ; Pong; Roe-Wade
1.46: Skylab; "American Graffiti" ; Scaife
1.45: D&D ; Rivette's "Celine and Julie Go Boating"
1.44: Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow"; Stone's "Dog Soldiers"
1.43: Nixon resigns; Muhammed Ali reclaims crown; SNL; W's MBA
1.42: Iris Murdoch's "A Word Child" ; East Timor genocide
1.41: Doctorow's 'Ragtime'; Marley's "Natty Dread"; SCTV; W's DUI
1.40 = 1976: Emacs; 6502 chip; Julian Jaynes; "Selfish Gene"
1.39: R.Adler's "Speedboat"; string theory; Mars landing; Apple ]; VisiCalc; Rickie Lee Jones ; FOIA
1.36: "Deer Hunter" ; Jonestown suicides; Sony Walkman; B52s
1.35: Dancing Barefoot; Thatcher; Ayatollah; RC heart attack
1.34: Three Mile Island; Joni's 'Mingus' ; Viz mag; 4AD
1.33: Voyager's Jupiter; Pretenders; "Far Side" comic; Usenet
1.32: Pac-Man ; CNN; Anti-Math ; Iran-Iraq war
1.31: Mt St Helens; Lennon shot; Reagan shot; AIDS; 10k Maniacs
1.30 = Dec1981: IBM PC; MTV; French Minitel; Wharton's 'Dad'
1.29: Kate Bush's "The Dreaming"; ObL joins muj.; CIA funds aQ
1.28: Commodore 64; Sharon's warcrimes in Lb.; Moon's WashTimes
1.27: USA Today; Chimpanzee Politics; liposuction; Beirut bomb
1.26: Girls Just Want To Have Fun; Rumsfeld visits Saddam
1.25: Van Dyke Parks 'Jump!' ; King of Comedy
1.24: Willner/Monk "That's The Way I Feel Now" ; Repo Man
1.23 = 1984: Apple Macintosh ; Cyc project ; RC heart attack
1.22: Bhopal tragedy; Calvin and Hobbes; Mary Coughlan
1.21: "Balance of Power" ; Feynmann's QED; Nintendo; W born again
1.20: 80386 ; the WELL; Challenger explodes; Reagan aids muj.
1.19: Burning Man ; Lynch's Blue Velvet ; Soros/Harken bails out W
1.18 = 31Dec 1986: Chernobyl; Iran-Contra scandal; W drills well w/Enron
1.17: Simpsons debut; Full Metal Jacket ; Greenspan chairs Fed
1.16: Reagan's FCC abandons Fairness Doctrine; US shoots down Iran 665
1.15: HyperCard; Prozac; stock market crash; MP3; crack cocaine
1.14: Bonfire of the Vanities ; Barger's Solace ; Enya; PanAm 103
1.13: Rush Limbaugh goes national; 'They Live'; MST3K; The Onion
1.12: Morris Worm; PixelVision; ObL's aQ; RC heart attack
1.11: Rushdie fatwah; Exxon Valdez; Tiananmen Square; Tetris
1.10 = 01Jul 1989: Will Wright's SimCity; AOL; Baywatch
1.09: US invades Panama; Mary Zimmerman's 'Odyssey'; S&L bailout
1.08: SF earthquake; fall of Berlin Wall; Marta Sebestyen
1.07: Judi Bari victim of anti-environmentalist carbomb
1.06: Twin Peaks; Sinead O'Connor; W dumps Harken stock
1.05: Bly's "Iron John"; Camille Paglia; aQ kills Rabbi Kahane
1.04: "GoodFellas"; Ani DiFranco's Righteous Babe; Harken tanks
1.03: Gulf War; Nirvana; Massive Attack; ObL in Sudan
1.02: gopher; Tom Ray's alife Tierra; Clarence Thomas
1.01: Be computer ; Iceman discovered ; fractal thickets
1.00 = 31Dec 1991: Jellyeye's "Avalanch Ranch" ; FWAKE-L project
0.99 = 9.77: Linux project ; Kate Moss; Enron's Dabhol project
0.98 = 9.55: Whole Internet Guide; Tori Amos; RC warplan
0.97 = 9.33: Chomsky documentary "Manufacturing Consent"
0.96 = 9.12 = 1992: "Finn's Hotel" hoax ; "Reservoir Dogs"
0.95 = 8.91: Moby; Newton PDA; KSM aids WTC bomb; Carlyle Group
0.94 = 8.71: Apr: Waco; Clinton bombs Baghdad; Fermat proved
0.93 = 8.51: aQ aids Black Hawk Down; Vince Foster suicide
0.92 = 8.32: Aug: Mosaic 1.0 ; Andrea Chen ; X-Files
0.91 = 8.13 = 1993: Dec: NAFTA; Hubble fixed; Carmack's Doom
0.90 = 7.94: Bill Bixby haiku ; Rwanda genocide
0.89 = 7.76: OJ murders ; Saudis exile ObL; aQ in Sudan
0.88 = 7.59: Cobain suicide ; TV Nation ; HC's healthcare flop
0.87 = 7.41: Shahak's "Jewish History, Jewish Religion"
0.86 = 7.24: Gingrich's Contract on America; W&Rove Texas gov.
0.85 = 7.08 = 1994: Portishead, trip-hop; aQ tests shoebomb
0.84 = 6.92: Riverdance ; Kobe quake ; Yahoo ; aQ fire in Manila
0.83 = 6.76: Apr: GreenCard spam ; McVeigh ; Pullman HDM
0.82 = 6.61: BC&Gingrich vow cmpgn-finance reform ; Monica WH intern
0.81 = 6.46: Aug: heatwave ; Netscape IPO ; DejaNews ; Alanis
0.80 = 6.31: Sep: eBay ; Unabomb txt ; KSM plans WTC air-attack
0.79 = 6.17: OJ acquitted ; Dogme 95 ; RC CEO of HAL
0.78 = 6.03 = 1995: Dec: Altavista ; Deutch's CIA secrets on AOL
0.77 = 5.89: mad cow ; Deep Blue beats Kasparov ; ValuJet crash
0.76 = 5.75: Apr: Unabomb bust ; Beanie Babies ; Khobar bombing
0.75 = 5.62: Fargo ; Dark Alliance ; TWA 800 ; US weighs Iran war
0.74 = 5.50: Telecom Act allows megamergers ; Atlanta Olympics
0.73 = 5.37: welfare reform ; Spice Girls ; Israel bombs refugees
0.72 = 5.25: Palm Pilot ; WebTV ; Taliban rule A'stan; aJ founded
0.71 = 5.13: Tamagotchis ; USA-jihad by ObL; KSM indicted
0.70 = 5.01 = 1996: Leslie Stahl: "Shouldn't this be expunged?"
0.69 = 4.90: Apple buys NeXT ; AutoDesk's dancing baby
0.68 = 4.79: Madeleine Albright: "We think the price is worth it"
0.67 = 4.68: Tony Blair ; KSM meets ObL but doesn't join aQ
0.66 = 4.57: Lilith Festival tour ; Project for a New American Century
0.65 = 4.47: (distance to Alpha Centauri in lightyears); KSM flees FBI trap
0.64 = 4.37: Ted Turner pledges B to UN ; aQ trains Atta
0.63 = 4.27: Princess Di dies ; Ally McBeal ; Elvis Index
0.62 = 4.17: Julia Butterfly's treesit ; Slashdot ; XML 1.0
0.61 = 4.07 = 1997: Robot Wisdom Weblog
0.60 = 3.98: Drudge breaks Monica Lewinsky scandal
0.59 = 3.89: Bill Gates pied ; HC's "right-wing conspiracy"
0.58 = 3.80: terror groups merge w/aQ; CIA drops ObL kidnap-plot
0.57 = 3.72: Google surfaces ; aQ attacks embassies in Africa
0.56 = 3.63: Internet Movie Database sells out to Amazon
0.55 = 3.55: "Damascus Gate" ; Subgenius X-Day ; iMac
0.54 = 3.47: Clinton bombs Sudan pharmco : HampsterDance
0.53 = 3.39: Starr Report released ; McSweeney's
0.52 = 3.31: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
0.51 = 3.24: Sosa-McGwire homerun derby ; Furbies
0.50 = 3.16: W's baseball-scam ; Pinochet arrested ; UNSCOM out of Iraq
0.49 = 3.09: PDB: ObL plans hijack US aircraft; HAL cooks books
0.48 = 3.02 = 1998: Viagra; PayPal ; KSM&ObL's "planes operation"
0.47 = 2.95: AtHome buys Excite for .7B ; CIA may kill ObL
0.46 = 2.88: Gore "took initiative" for Internet; KSM joins aQ
0.45 = 2.82: Britney ; McLibel verdict ; Kosovo ; ObL not shot
0.44 = 2.75: Columbine ; TiVo ; EverQuest ; NyT smears Wen Ho Lee
0.43 = 2.69: Healtheon buys WebMD for B ; China embassy bombed
0.42 = 2.63: Sony Aibo ; Salon IPO ; TLC's No Scrubs ; ObL not shot
0.41 = 2.57: Archimedes Plutonium retires from dishwashing
0.40 = 2.51: CMGI buys AltaVista for .3B ; JFK Jr dies
0.39 = 2.45: Pokemon ; Napster ; W's compassionate conservatism
0.38 = 2.40: East Timor votes for independence; Waltz #2
0.37 = 2.34: Chicago heatwave ; hjckrs seek US visas
0.36 = 2.29: Epinions.com ; hjckrs train in A'stan
0.35 = 2.24: W executes Karla Faye Tucker ("Don't kill me!")
0.34 = 2.19: Shahak et al's "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel"
0.33 = 2.14: Seattle WTO protests ; Hamburg aQ cell forms
0.32 = 2.09: Mitch Glazier writes artists out of copyright law
0.31 = 2.04: Being John Malkovich ; Topsy Turvy ; 'Millennium' plot
0.30 = 2.00 = 31Dec 1999: Y2K mania ; hjckrs study US culture
0.29 = 1.95: AOL/Time-Warner merger ; aQ meet in Malaysia
0.28 = 1.91: Oprah acquitted of beef-libel ; Hazmi, Mihdhar to LA
0.27 = 1.86: McCain slandered; Hamburg cell trains in Kandahar
0.26 = 1.82: 10Mar: Nasdaq peaks at 5,048.62
0.25 = 1.78: Elian Gonzales hype ; Atta emails US flight schools
0.24 = 1.74: Apr: Will Wright's 'The Sims'
0.23 = 1.70: DIA's Fallis warns of aQ plot
0.22 = 1.66: ArsDigita University
0.21 = 1.62: Atta flies via Prague
0.20 = 1.58: Tiger Woods
0.19 = 1.55: Courtney Love defends Napster
0.18 = 1.51 = 01Jul 2000: RC picks RC for vp
0.17 = 1.48: bipedal robot ; HTML Ulysses
0.16 = 1.45: Civil War sub Hunley raised
0.15 = 1.41: Florida reporter wins suit against Fox (reversed)
0.14 = 1.38: RC dumps HAL stock
0.13 = 1.35: Arafat rejects Camp David peace plan
0.12 = 1.32: PNAC plots catalyzing 'new Pearl Harbor'
0.11 = 1.29: Sharon incites intifada ; Predator flights over A'stan
0.10 = 1.26: Mystikal's 'Danger' ; shorter Finnegans Wake
0.09 = 1.23: presidential 'debates' sponsored by Budweiser
0.08 = 1.20: aQ bombs USS Cole, Fallis resigns in protest
0.07 = 1.17: W's DUI leaked; Nicholson Baker buys news archive
0.06 = 1.15: 51% turnout for contested US election
0.05 = 1.12: "All your base are belong to us"; HAL tanks
0.04 = 1.10: Mossad apt near hjckrs in Fla?; RC heart attack
0.03 = 1.07: along party lines, Supreme Court (!?!) chooses W
0.02 = 1.05: W hunts w/Bandar; Popo erupts ; Nasdaq nears 2500
0.01 = 1.02: Traffic ; Jazz ; Atta pilot license; BC warns W re aQ
0.00 = Dec2000: Pacifica locks out 'Democracy Now'
-0.01 = 09Jan: W chokes on pretzel; Clarke warns W on aQ
-0.02 = 18Jan: Cali. blackouts; BC pardons 140; W inaugurated
-0.03 = 26Jan: Rumsfeld explores military options towards Iraq
-0.04 = 02Feb: Sharon elected; AHA sues W over Reagan papers
-0.05 = 10Feb: Mihdhar in Iran?; RC's energy taskforce
-0.06 = 17Feb: Powell: Saddam has no WMDs; FBI arrests Hanssen
-0.07 = 24Feb: ObL at wedding in A'stan; hjckr's farewell video
-0.08 = 03Mar: W rejects Kyoto protocol
-0.09 = 10Mar: recession officially begins
-0.10 = 17Mar: Sharon visits W at WH
-0.11 = 24Mar: EPA okays arsenic in drinking water
-0.12 = 30Mar: Italy warns W of aQ plot in USA; China spyplane crisis
-0.13 = 05Apr: Moussaoui lessons in OK; Atta NOT in Prague
-0.14 = 12Apr: Enron's Lay prescribes energy policy to RC
-0.15 = 18Apr: briefing: "ObL planning multiple operations"
-0.16 = 23Apr: FAA warns hijack; Wolf. claims Iraq worse than aQ
-0.17 = 29Apr: 12 Saudi 'muscle' hjckrs begin entering USA
-0.18 = 05May: W revives Star Wars; hjckrs get drivers licenses
-0.19 = 10May: Saudi prince Abdullah criticizes W on Israel
-0.20 = 16May: RC's energy policy; CIA briefs Ashcroft on aQ
-0.21 = 21May: M aid to Taliban; Sen. Jeffords defects
-0.22 = 26May: Bin. visits ObL near Kandahar, WH targeted
-0.23 = 31May: Hazmi, Hanjour settle in NJ; Shehhi casing flight
-0.24 = 05Jun: Hanjour's flight lessons in NJ; W signs tax cut
-0.25 = 10Jun: Jarrah flight lessons, casing flight
-0.26 = 14Jun: KSM tells Bin. to have Atta pick date
-0.27 = 19Jun: US offers Saudis automatic visas; hjckr anthrax?
-0.28 = 23Jun: Atta/Hazmi meet; k fund; RC hypes Dabhol
-0.29 = 28Jun: Clarke: v. big attack; Atta cases; Freeh resigns
-0.30 = 02Jul: FBI cans Phoenix proposal to watch flight schools
-0.31 = 06Jul: Atta to Madrid; hjckrs join health clubs
-0.32 = 10Jul: David Letterman cancels Ani DiFranco appearance
-0.33 = 14Jul: Bin. phones KSM; Judicial Watch sues RC
-0.34 = 18Jul: anti-aircraft guard for W at Genoa G8 summit
-0.35 = 22Jul: aQ debates strategy; tax rebates mailed
-0.36 = 26Jul: Jarrah in Dusseldorf; Atta in Newark
-0.37 = 29Jul: Shehri to SF via Boston; W to Texas for month
-0.38 = 02Aug: Atta, Bin. fix teams, argue targets, timing
-0.39 = 05Aug: PDB: "ObL determined to strike in US"
-0.40 = 09Aug: W ends most stem-cell research
-0.41 = 12Aug: hjckrs rendezvous in Vegas; knives purchased
-0.42 = 15Aug: Minnesota FBI arrests Moussaoui; DC FBI stalls
-0.43 = 18Aug: Atta/'Jenny' posts details to Bin. via chatroom
-0.44 = 21Aug: CIA told 2 hjckrs in USA; FBI told Moussaoui aQ
-0.45 = 24Aug: Jarrah buys air charts, GPS unit; W approval 50%
-0.46 = 27Aug: next-to-last Israeli business moves out of WTC
-0.47 = 30Aug: W claims support for Palestinian statehood
-0.48 = 02Sep: gen. alert in aQ camps; DC lessons for Hanjour
-0.49 = 05Sep: Congress back; Atta mails leftover cash to Dubai
-0.50 = 08Sep: Atta's last call to father; Massoud assassinated
-0.51 = 10Sep: W reads "My Pet Goat" with Sarasota 2nd-graders
-0.52 = 13Sep: Congress grants W unlimited war powers
-0.53 = 15Sep: EPA: WTC air no health hazard; Saudis flown home
-0.54 = 18Sep: W wants ObL "dead or alive", orders Iraq plan
-0.55 = 20Sep: Tom Ridge heads Office of Homeland Security
-0.56 = 22Sep: A'stan warplan outlined; W's approval hits 90%
-0.57 = 25Sep: Ken Lay hypes Enron stock to employees
-0.58 = 27Sep: Ari F: "Americans need to watch what they say"
-0.59 = 29Sep:
-0.60 = 01Oct:
-0.61 = 03Oct: anthrax attacks
-0.62 = 05Oct: A'stan gas-pipeline plans reviewed
-0.63 = 07Oct: USA begins bombing A'stan
-0.64 = 09Oct: ObL video; Cokie on oppos: "None that matter"
-0.65 = 11Oct: Get Your War On debuts
-0.66 = 13Oct: Ashcroft memo guts FOIA
-0.67 = 15Oct: aQ anthrax project in Kandahar abandoned
-0.68 = 17Oct:
-0.69 = 18Oct:
-0.70 = 20Oct: 1st US Special Forces on ground in A'stan
-0.71 = 22Oct: media falsely report Atta met w/Iraq in Prague
-0.72 = 23Oct: "USA PATRIOT" Act passed
-0.73 = 25Oct: bin Ladens withdraw from Carlyle Group
-0.74 = 27Oct: Abdul Haq executed in A'stan
-0.75 = 28Oct: Ken Lay begs Don Evans for Enron relief
-0.76 = 30Oct:
-0.77 = 31Oct:
-0.78 = 01Nov: W guts 1978 Presidential Records Act
-0.79 = 03Nov:
-0.80 = 04Nov:
-0.81 = 05Nov: ObL interviewed near Kabul
-0.82 = 07Nov:
-0.83 = 08Nov: Enron reports M quarterly loss
-0.84 = 09Nov: Mazar-e-Sharif falls
-0.85 = 10Nov: aQ retreat to Tora Bora
-0.86 = 12Nov: fall of Kabul
-0.87 = 13Nov: US missiles target aJ in Kabul
-0.88 = 14Nov: HAL wins M contract with Saudis
-0.89 = 15Nov: aQ leader Mohammed Atef killed
-0.90 = 16Nov: Enron admits overstating profits
-0.91 = 17Nov:
-0.92 = 18Nov:
-0.93 = 19Nov:
-0.94 = 20Nov:
-0.95 = 21Nov:
-0.96 = 21Nov:
-0.97 = 22Nov:
-0.98 = 23Nov:
-0.99 = 24Nov:
-1.00 = 25Nov: John Walker Lindh in Mazar-e-Sharif prison riot
Condensed scale:
-1.03 = 27Nov: W shifts Pentagon toward Iraq
-1.10 = 02Dec: Enron bankrupt
-1.13 = 04Dec: 1st Iraq battle plan calls for 400k US troops
-1.14 = 05Dec: ObL still directing troops in Tora Bora
-1.18 = 07Dec: Kandahar falls
-1.27 = 11Dec: 15yo Katie Sierra suspended for antiwar t-shirt
-1.29 = 12Dec: 2nd Iraq battle plan
-1.33 = 14Dec: W withdraws USA from ABM treaty
-1.40 = 16Dec: Tora Bora taken, ObL and Omar escape
-1.44 = 18Dec: No Child Left Behind Act passed by Congress
-1.55 = 21Dec: USA bombs tribal elders on way to inauguration
-1.60 = 22Dec: Karzai inaugurated; shoebomber dud
-1.70 = 24Dec: FBI investigates Barry Reingold for criticizing W
-1.90 = 26Dec: Martha Stewart dumps ImClone stock
-2.00 = 27Dec: 3rd Iraq battle plan calls for 160k ground troops
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Tendencias de esta semana
Ella y Yo (Remix)
Tito Double P
ROSONES ft. Jorsshh
Fuerza Regida
Rick’s Piano
Mac Miller
Te Vas
Summer Spent
Bad Bunny
Khé? ft. Romeo Santos
Rauw Alejandro
Neton Vega
Vaso en colores
Marvin santiago
La Verdad
Ricardo Arjona
Friendly Hallucinations
Mac Miller
Bad Bunny
Ricardo Arjona