Dice la canción

Fat sweaty betty de Insane Clown Posse


Forgotten freshness, & 2

16 de diciembre de 2011

La canción "Fat Sweaty Betty" interpretada por Insane Clown Posse es una pieza musical que destaca por su tono provocativo y humorístico. A través de las letras, los artistas cuentan la historia de dos encuentros con una mujer llamada Betty, a quien describen como obesa y sudorosa en tono burlón y despectivo.

El primer verso, narrado por Violent J, relata cómo se reencuentra con Betty en una tienda de pollo frito luego de años sin verse. La letra describe a Betty como una niña sexy del pasado transformada en una versión obesa y poco atractiva en el presente. A pesar de las críticas hacia su aspecto físico, el narrador termina teniendo un encuentro íntimo con ella, dejando en evidencia un mensaje contradictorio entre el rechazo inicial y la aceptación posterior.

En el segundo verso, Shaggy2Dope continúa describiendo a Betty de manera grosera e insultante, resaltando sus características físicas de forma exagerada y denigrante. A medida que avanza la narrativa, se desenvuelve un giro inesperado cuando se revela que Betty tiene atributos masculinos ocultos, generando sorpresa y desconcierto en el cantante.

A lo largo de la canción, los cantantes utilizan metáforas relacionadas con la comida para referirse a las partes del cuerpo de Betty e incorporan referencias vulgares y explícitas en su lenguaje. El tono irreverente y despectivo hacia Betty refleja un sentido del humor crudo e incorrecto políticamente característico del estilo provocador de Insane Clown Posse.

Además de su contenido controversial, "Fat Sweaty Betty" ha generado polémica por promover estereotipos corporales negativos y perpetuar actitudes misóginas hacia las mujeres obesas. Algunos críticos han señalado que la canción fomenta la gordofobia y contribuye a la objetivación sexual basada en el peso corporal.

Desde el punto de vista musical, la canción se sitúa dentro del género del horrorcore rap, caracterizado por letras explícitas y temáticas violentas o perturbadoras. Insane Clown Posse es conocido por su estilo único que combina elementos del hip hop con influencias del circo y lo macabro.

En resumen,"Fat Sweaty", aunque puede considerarse como una pieza creativa dentro del repertorio artístico de Insane Clown Posse, presenta controversias éticas debido al tratamiento irrespetuoso hacia temas sensibles como el peso corporal y la identidad de género.

¡Recuerda siempre escuchar música sabiamente! ¡Hasta pronto!

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Why dont you go into the next room and start getting undressed?
what's your pleasure?

(1st verse violent j)
fat sweaty betty the bitch ain't nothing new
her moms used to babysat me back when we was two
we'd go to the playground and to the skating rink
and we'd go under the bleachers and she'd let me hit the stank well uh
she moved across town and never came back
until the other day i seen her at the chicken shack
she said her name was betty, i can't believe this shit
the sexy little girl is now a fat sweaty beeitch
she said, "hey, j, tell me how you've been?"
she had a piece of chicken gizzard stuck to her chin
i told her, "hold still," and flicked it off her face and said,
"betty, oh, betty, what you say we leave this place?"
i took her back to the crib and hit it all night
i let my fingers run across the rip of cellulite
eww it was nasty, but i don't let it bother me
she rolled over, fucking knocked the wind out of me
i couldn't breathe, she wouldn't stop, i'm almost dead
i took the lamp, and bust it on her fucking head
we got dressed, i gave her a little kiss goodbye
fat sweaty betty, my fat sweaty pumpkin pie

fat sweaty betty
tell me when you're ready (x2)

(2nd verse- shaggy2dope)
big fat slop of shit people call betty
flabs of fat on her back, her
boogers running down her nose all over her lips
can't tell the difference from her titties to her hips
but fuck all that, 'cuz i wanna see the neden
i had to see the cat, the cheesey cheena cheden
rode my bike to her house, "hey yo, betty lemme in
i'm packing some snack cakes, bitch lemme ;
i can hear her coming down the stairs
she opened up the door in her motherfucking underwears
uugghh shit, fuck that i'm turning back
but no, the door shut, and shes going for the cake snacks
i said, "relax, hoe, i'm here, i'm bu-si-ness
you can have the candy, first you gotta wait a bit
i need a favor, come on, betty, drop them ;
ahh i knew it, betty had balls
oh, no, here comes that ass
>from the top of the dresser with the yokazuna splash
i wish i never came, oh boy do i wish
see fat sweaty betty, the sweaty fat bitch

(violent j)

i know you like spaghetti
i know you like spaghetti
so tell me when you're ready, baby

tell me when you're ready
tell me when you're ready for a cheeseburger, pizza pie, tv dinner, chicken

i gets it all, i gets it all for ya, baby
i work at farmer jack on the dinner floor, baby

i bring it home, i cook it in a microwave
i feeds it to ya, just let me get some stanky skins

'cuz i don't care, i wanna hit the cellulite
i hit the cellulite for a turkey meal delight

'cuz i don't care, you know i'm not afraid to cook
take off your shoes and let me lick your dirty foot

i'll rub you down, i'll rub you down the right way
i hear a buzzer, apple pie's in the microwave

i work at farmer jack, i work at a & p
and yes i do, my heavy baby wanna be with me

ya wanna be with me, ya wanna be with me
ya want some chilli cheese fries in a ???

you gotta wait, wait 'till the time is right
let me count the purple bubbles in your cellulite

you want some burger king, you want some hungry jack
you want some jelly beans, you want a scooby snack

you want some dominoes, you want a milky way
you gotta kick it to the sugar daddy violent j

you want some lucky charms, you want some mashed potatoes
let me hit the skins now and i'll feed you later

because i know, i know you want a lunchable
something crunchable, something munchable

how 'bout some taco bell, how 'bout a pizza slice
how bout some chicken fingers and a bowl of minute rice