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"amigos como tu"-ingles de Isa Tk+


"amigos como tu"-ingles (Single)

11 de diciembre de 2011

I that with you I can occur to know as I am ye that always your you are going to be my friend and that is the best thing so that than these here in my heart and that with you there is much to cross and to enjoy and that we are always going to be together and I want to you to tell that I am not going to you to fail so that your you are my ideal friend the one that soñe to find I say to you: that friendly since your they make the life better, cures wounded are really qe friendly as your they bring joy to us and the sun every day, a light to our friendship. I with you always am magic to ours around you are special, I that you are already part of my life and I want to you to tell that I am not going to you to fail so that your you are my ideal friend, the one that soñe to find and I say to you: that friendly since your they make the life better, cures wounded are really qe friendly as your they bring joy to us and the sun every day, a light to our friendship. that friendly since your they make the life better, they cure wounded are really qe friendly as your they bring joy to us and the sun every day, a light to our friendship. that friendly since your they make the life better, they cure wounded are really qe friendly as your they bring joy to us and the sun every day, a light to our friendship.