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Hidden Bonus Track de Jaden Smith


The Cool Cafe

3 de octubre de 2012

Significado de Hidden Bonus Track

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La canción "Hidden Bonus Track" interpretada por Jaden Smith, extraída del álbum 'The Cool Cafe', se encuentra dentro de los géneros de hip hop, rap y R&B. En esta pista, el artista reflexiona sobre sus experiencias personales y relaciones amorosas pasadas.

En cuanto al significado de la letra, Jaden Smith expresa un profundo arrepentimiento hacia las mujeres con las que ha mantenido relaciones en el pasado. A lo largo de la canción, muestra su vulnerabilidad al admitir sus errores y pedir perdón a cada una de ellas. Smith reconoce que ha cometido errores en esas relaciones y desea redimirse al compartir sus disculpas públicamente a través de su música.

El tema aborda la introspección emocional del artista al confrontar la realidad de sus acciones pasadas. Así mismo, destaca la importancia del perdón y el crecimiento personal. La letra muestra un sentido de responsabilidad por las consecuencias negativas generadas en esas relaciones pasadas y busca cerrar ciclos para seguir adelante.

Además, la repetición del verso "You'll always be my star" resalta un sentimiento de gratitud hacia cada una de las mujeres mencionadas, reconociendo su importancia en la vida del cantante a pesar de los errores cometidos. Esta expresión puede interpretarse como un reconocimiento a la influencia positiva que cada una tuvo en él.

Jaden Smith demuestra sensibilidad e introspección al abordar temas relacionados con el amor, el perdón y el crecimiento personal a través de sus letras en esta canción. Su vulnerabilidad y sincera disculpa añaden profundidad emocional a la pieza musical.

Cabe destacar que este tipo de sinceridad y expresiones personales son recurrentes en varias canciones del artista, agregando coherencia temática a lo largo de su discografía. Esto revela una faceta más íntima y comprometida con sus oyentes, haciendo que su música sea accesible desde una perspectiva emocional más profunda.

En resumen, "Hidden Bonus Track" es una composición honesta y emotiva donde Jaden Smith reflexiona sobre sus errores pasados, pide disculpas sinceramente a cada una de las mujeres involucradas y busca cerrar heridas mientras avanza hacia una mejor versión de sí mismo. El mensaje cargado de emociones e introspección le otorga una fuerza única a la canción.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

To be honest, my conscience giving me caution,
I'm dealing with all this nonsense
To be honest, I'm talking to all my aunts
And they giving me bad responses
Girl, I'm a be honest
They got trickery in their pockets,
They're hearts are blacker than onyx
And girl, let's just be honest
I feel like I'm on narcotics with you,
I feel so erotic
You know I'm a workaholic
If your fingernails are still polished
You're planning to go to college
Then we shouldn't have to worry
That you live your life in a hurry
You drivin out so it's blurry
We fallin down in a flurry
You serious... you go through these periods
When you hang with these eerie kids
It's hilarious
And you call me while you're delirious and tell me
How it's going and they I start to get furious
You go up in your room, play Ciel, light a candle
I play Bella's Lullaby while I cry on the piano
People questioned that I love her
Just know it cuts deeper than what all
Them bracelets cover and that's very true
In this evening undercover
It's just to uncover all the magic
That is happening this summer
And girl, you'll always be my lover
But then a time will come when you'll
Go and find another
But you'll always be my star
(Girl, you'll always be my star)

Man, I remember
(No matter where you are)
(Trust me, you'll always be my star)
Back in...I don't even remember...how old I was
(You'll always be my star)
Trust me, you'll always be my star

I might have been like 8. I had my first girlfriend
I guess we've been messing up ever since
I don't do it on purpose so...
I guess... I don't know what this means

I want somebody
That can touch my body
Who's loving everybody
But is loving nobody but me
And nobody can see
What me and her doing on my spare time
That was our time
It isn't their time

And I'm just happy that it's over
And I'm not the one to look over my shoulder
Keep it moving forward
If I'm looking back I'm gonna try
And she told me that I'm really just a selfish kind of guy
Well I guess she knows me best
But it didn't feel like it when her hands were on my chest
I guess that Costa Rica and Philly was very selfish of me
Well I'm sorry girl, I'm just silly
and I feel hopeless if that's true
Because you know that them really
is a very lonely when you're gone
and we were chilling until we uh... broke up

Know what?
You was there when I woke up
Got emotions that we can soak up
Girl, I can be your soldier
Girl I promise that
And I'll never take that promise back
It wasn't for you I would just counteract
Prince Charming may come one day
And girl I'm fine with that'
But you'll always be my star
You'll always be my star
You'll always be my star
Girl, no matter where you are
Trust me, you'll always be my star
You'll always be my star
You know that
You'll always be my...
Girl you'll always be my star

Cause this room is really starry
This is me telling every girl I've dated, that I'm sorry
Yea it's really starry
This is me telling every girl I've dated, that I'm sorry
Self, girl I'm sorry
Cause This is me telling every girl I've dated, that I'm sorry
Kennedy, I'm sorry
This is me telling all them other girls that I'm just sorry cause
Man, this room is really starry
And I'm sorry
Girl, you know I'm sorry
This room is really starry
Rachel, girl I'm sorry
Man, this room is really starry
And it's time I should say sorry
But it's bright outside
Girl, in here it's really starry
Olivia I'm sorry but this room is so... starry
Girl I'm sorry

Girl, I'm sorry

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.