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Burn It Up de Janet Jackson



23 de septiembre de 2015

Significado de Burn It Up

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La canción "Burn It Up" de Janet Jackson es un himno al baile y la diversión, combinando elementos de pop, dance y R&B para crear un tema enérgico y contagioso. En esta canción, Janet invita al público a dejarse llevar por la música y disfrutar del momento sin preocuparse por lo que los demás puedan pensar.

La letra de la canción transmite un mensaje de libertad y expresión, animando a las personas a bailar como si nadie estuviera mirando. Janet hace referencia al papel del DJ como el conductor de la fiesta, pidiéndole que suba el volumen y permita que la música sea la protagonista de la noche. La repetición de frases como "Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up" resalta la pasión y el deseo de disfrutar al máximo cada momento.

En el contexto de la historia detrás de la letra, podemos interpretar "Burn It Up" como una celebración del ritmo y la sensualidad en el baile. La colaboración con Missy Elliott añade un toque extra de energía y diversión a la canción, creando una atmósfera festiva y vibrante que invita al movimiento.

Comparado con otras canciones de Janet Jackson, "Burn It Up" se destaca por su prominente presencia rítmica y sus letras pegajosas que incitan a bailar. En cierto modo, esta canción recuerda a los éxitos bailables anteriores de Janet, pero con un giro moderno y fresco que muestra su evolución musical.

Un dato curioso sobre la canción es que fue lanzada como parte del álbum "Unbreakable", mostrando una faceta más madura y segura de Janet Jackson en su carrera musical. A través de temas como "Burn It Up", Janet demuestra su capacidad para seguir reinventándose y mantenerse relevante en la escena musical internacional.

En resumen, "Burn It Up" es una oda al poder liberador de la danza y la música, invitando a las personas a perderse en el ritmo y disfrutar del presente sin inhibiciones. Con ritmos pegajosos e invitaciones entusiastas al baile, esta canción se convierte en un himno para quienes buscan divertirse y celebrar la vida a través del movimiento.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Whooo, I'ma shut this down
Kitty kat, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow
Hit it with the he, to the he to the how
Miss Jackson, oh she wear the crown
Brand new sound, got a brand new style
Coming with the banger like Boom Boom Pow
Wow, ooh, ooh, ooh, child
Janet Jackson come soon the young

I am never gon', gonna go nowhere
We can' bang , got a thing right here
Lately I've been on, on a mission yeah
That I may never get another move, yeah

So tell me what you wanna do? Louder
But don't do nothin' stupid
What is happening in front of you
All it is is love in the booth

When the DJ play this we gon' dance like no one's watching
Hey Mr DJ bump the track and won't you turn it up
I'ma dance all night and I don't care who's out there watching us
Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up

Hurt your body, burn it up more
Burn it up and burn it up more
Hurt your body, burn it up more
That's how I burn it up

Ain't no sittin' down, gotta keep it up
Me and Missy got the whole room jumpin' up (that's right)
It's that motion from the second it drop
We get ahead with the beat is so hot, hot

So tell me what you wanna do? Louder
But don't do nothin' stupid
What is happening in front of you
All it is is love in the booth

When the DJ play this we gon' dance like no one's watching
Hey Mr DJ bump the track and won't you turn it up
I'ma dance all night and I don't care who's out there watching us
Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up
When the DJ play this we gon' dance like no one's watching
Hey Mr DJ bump the track and won't you turn it up
I'ma dance all night and I don't care who's out there watching us
Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up

Hurt your body, burn it up more
Burn it up and burn it up more
Hurt your body, burn it up more
That's how I burn it up

Now this your jam, now do your dance
This that jam, now do your dance
This that jam, now do your dance
This that jam, now do your dance
Make it work, make it work, make it work (work)
Make it work, make it work, make it work (drop)
Make it work, make it work, make it work (come one girls)
Make it work, make it work, make it work (sing this song with me)

Tonight, we gon' go all together
Let me see your hands up high
(Hurt your body, burn it up more)
Wanna come with me and take a ride
(Hurt your body, burn it up more)
Baby this is how I do it
Ah, we feeling good
Ah, we in this place
Ah, now bring that beat back, Mr DJ

When the DJ play this we gon' dance like no one's watching
Hey Mr DJ bump the track and won't you turn it up
I'ma dance all night and I don't care who's out there watching us
Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up
When the DJ play this we gon' dance like no one's watching
Hey Mr DJ bump the track and won't you turn it up
I'ma dance all night and I don't care who's out there watching us
Just give me that fire, I'ma show you how to burn it up

Hurt your body, burn it up more
Burn it up and burn it up more
Hurt your body, burn it up more
That's how I burn it up

Music make you lose control
Music make you lose control
Music make you, music make you
Music make you lose control

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.