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Brooklyn kids de Jemini The Gifted One


Brooklyn kids (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "Brooklyn Kids" del artista Jemini the gifted one es un poderoso relato que se sumerge en las duras realidades de la vida en Brooklyn, Nueva York. A través de sus letras, el artista nos lleva a un viaje por las calles de Brooklyn, describiendo la lucha diaria de los jóvenes para sobrevivir en un entorno hostil y peligroso.

El narrador cuenta su historia desde una perspectiva personal, compartiendo sus batallas internas e externas mientras crecía en este tumultuoso vecindario. Desde una edad temprana, se vio envuelto en situaciones comprometidas y peligrosas, lo que lo llevó por caminos turbios y lo expuso al mundo del crimen y la violencia.

La letra de la canción refleja temas como la presión de pertenecer a ciertos grupos sociales para ser aceptado, la lucha por obtener respeto a través de la apariencia exterior y el enfrentamiento con las duras realidades de la vida en las calles de Brooklyn. Se destaca especialmente el impacto del dinero y el status social en estas comunidades, donde la ostentación era una forma de afirmar poder y relevancia.

Jemini the gifted one utiliza metáforas vívidas y crudas descripciones para pintar un cuadro realista de la vida en Brooklyn durante esa época. La referencia a eventos específicos como el año '83 o '84 en la escuela secundaria, así como menciones a marcas como Bally's, louis Vuitton y Fendi, añaden autenticidad a la narrativa y sitúan al oyente directamente en ese contexto cultural.

Además, se hace referencia al ascenso del hip-hop como expresión artística dando voz a las experiencias vividas por estas comunidades marginadas. La capacidad del rap para transmitir historias reales y sinceras permitió que artistas como Jemini the gifted one brindaran una plataforma para visibilizar las realidades cotidianas de quienes habitaban estos entornos urbanos.

La estructura musical de la canción destaca por su energía cruda y su sonido distintivamente neoyorquino. Con ritmos contundentes y sampleos característicos del hip-hop underground, "Brooklyn Kids" evoca esa atmósfera callejera llena de tensión y desafíos constantes.

En resumen, "Brooklyn Kids" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un testimonio impactante sobre las luchas diarias experimentadas por los jóvenes que crecieron en Brooklyn durante esa época. A través de sus letras introspectivas y emotivas, Jemini the gifted one nos invita a reflexionar sobre temas universales como la supervivencia, el desafío constante ante adversidades y la búsqueda incansable de identidad en un entorno hostil. Esta canción representa no solo un retrato fiel de una realidad específica sino también un recordatorio poderoso sobre la fuerza indomable del espíritu humano frente a las circunstancias más adversas.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

One two y'all
Old school y'all

Allow me if you will
To indulge my verbal skill into a scene
About the feeble minded schemes of a teen
I tried to stay alive and i strived
Sometimes i even cried
I was only ten years plus five
gave me stress
My addiction to sess
Led to my first conviction and arrest
Yes yes
The east new york style was like the wild wild west
'cuz if you had to impress
When you dressed in fresh gear
"hey yo, we only rockin' bally's over here"
This year if you ain't got it
You still could be down but play the rear
You come to the section that i'm from
Ry to rock your fresh apparel
And you'll be starin' down the barrel of a gun
Remember '83 and '84 in high school
Come december the jewel was the brooklyn rule
The restroom was off limits to the herbs
Cuz we was shootin' celo from the palms to the curbs
Lady luck be with me, daddy needs a new pair of shoes
But daddy hates to lose so somebody got to get abused
You think you jettin' with my dough, hell no
Nigga you don't know my steelo
We 'bout to take a vote on your sheepskin coat
And your phat gold rope chain
You had to be insane to even get into the game
It's me you need to thank
That you're only gettin' ganked point blank
My homeboy tank got the shank

That's how it was, so this is how it is
You got to keep it real when you deal with them brooklyn kids

The zulus dropped jewels on a school called
Now it's graphics, the gods had crazy mathematics
Chicks uptown wore louis vuitton and fendi
Wasn't friendly but for lunch at
Y'all could get it on
A new mob culture deep like bob marley
The brothas that was large black eyes and eric charley
At riverside they gave dough to any hoe that might want it
If he had the loot you know that he would flaunt it
In those days nobody pledged allegiance to a crew
If it came to you or them best believe it would be you
In two short years brooklyn flipped shit, swithched
A lot of brothas caught the blade 'cuz they snitched
Like the bitch ass niggas that they was because
The brooklyn brothas always keep an eye
On what other brothas does
Security became an impurity, they tried to keep us quiet
Everytime they try it we would riot
We made the front page when we took it to the stage
In a rage on the masses
We all left our classes broke fool in the school
Everybody lost their cool, no more shanks
We had graduated to the tool

That's how it was, so this is how it is
You got to keep it real when you deal with them brooklyn kids

Now everybody talkin' bout the west coast, yeah
They real with the skill but we was packin' toast
In the days long gone, living wrong
Living trife, no life
And the decepticons rollin' through the night
You betta take flight when you see 'em preparing for battle
They roll a hundred deep in the street like cattle
The only thing that slowed 'em down was
And the gave 'em knowledge
A third caught city jobs the others went to college
The last third simply got worse schooling all the young boys
That came behind the ones who came first

That's how it was, so this is how it is
You got to keep it real when you deal with them brooklyn kids

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Jemini the gifted one

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