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Really Wanna de Keyshia Cole


Really Wanna - Single

8 de abril de 2013

Significado de Really Wanna

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La canción "Really Wanna" interpretada por Keyshia Cole es una expresión profunda de amor y devoción hacia una persona especial. A través de la letra, el cantante expresa su entrega total y la confianza que tiene en su pareja. Las líneas "Love’s such a crazy thing that we all carry, sometimes it goes, and sometimes it stays" reflejan la complejidad del amor y las diferentes etapas que atraviesa una relación. Cole destaca la importancia de encontrar a alguien único en un mundo complicado, resaltando las acciones y gestos cotidianos que demuestran verdadero afecto.

La canción transmite un mensaje de gratitud por tener a alguien quien brinda apoyo incondicional y hace sentir amado. Los versos subrayan la rareza de encontrar a alguien genuino y leal, destacando el valor de un compañero que se preocupa por el bienestar emocional y físico del otro. La letra habla sobre mantener viva la chispa en una relación, valorando los pequeños detalles que hacen especial a ese vínculo.

En cuanto a información adicional, "Really Wanna" es parte del sencillo homónimo lanzado por Keyshia Cole. Su estilo musical combina elementos de R&B, pop y soul, lo que le ha valido reconocimiento en la industria musical. Keyshia Cole es conocida por su potente voz y letras conmovedoras que conectan con sus seguidores a nivel emocional.

La recepción crítica de esta canción ha sido positiva, destacando la emotividad en la interpretación vocal de Cole y la calidad lírica de la composición. Además, "Really Wanna" ha sido elogiada por su capacidad para transmitir sentimientos genuinos sin caer en clichés románticos.

En resumen, "Really Wanna" es una oda al amor verdadero y al compromiso mutuo en una relación. Keyshia Cole logra capturar la esencia del amor apasionado a través de versos sinceros y melodías cautivadoras, creando una pieza musical emocionalmente poderosa que resuena con quienes han experimentado una conexión íntima similar.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

See I knew from the start,
Once I gave you my heart
You would do everything right
So I let down my guard, gave you a chance
Since then you’ve been proving me right
See I know this is real
Cause I’ve been through so much in the past
Yes I know this is true, when it comes to me and you

Love’s such a crazy thing
That we all carry
Sometimes it goes, and sometimes it stays
Hard to get over, so hard to explain
The way that I’m feeling for you

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care
I really, really wanna tell ya
That you’re really special
That it almost seems unsafe

Oh it’s the way that you touch me,
The way that you kiss me,
the way that you love me so bad

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care

Being with you feels so brand new
Bay you’re one of a kind
This day and time, It’s hard to find
A good man to stand by your side
You still open my door, offer your court
When it gets cold outside
You still come to make sure that I made it safe
And you still kiss me good night

Love’s such a crazy thing
That we all carry
Sometimes it goes, and sometimes it stays
Hard to get over, so hard to explain
The way that I’m feeling for you

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care
I really, really wanna tell ya
That you’re really special
That it almost seems unsafe

Oh it’s the way that you touch me
The way that you kiss me
The way that you love me so much

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care

If you feel what I’m saying,
Got love for your man
Say oh, say oh
If you feel what I’m saying
And you got a good man
Say oh, oh

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care
I really, really wanna tell ya
That you’re really sṗecial
That it almost seems unsafe

Oh it’s the way that you touch me
The way that you kiss me
The way that you love me so much

I really, really wanna have you
Really wanna take you, really wanna show you
That I really, really care

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.