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All i really want de Kim Lucas


All i really want (Single)

10 de diciembre de 2011

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La canción "All I Really Want" de Kim Lucas es un compendio emocional que se articula dentro del género musical eurodance, conocido por sus ritmos enérgicos y sintetizadores pegadizos. En esta pieza, la artista da voz a un sentimiento universal: el deseo de reconquistar a una persona amada tras una separación. La lírica está anclada en una temática de súplica y espera, muy presentes en el ámbito del amor no correspondido.

Desde el primer verso, "I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait", la repetición subraya la perseverancia de la protagonista. Ella está dispuesta a esperar infinitamente por la oportunidad de cambiar la mente de su amado y lograr que se quede. Este recurso literario no solo enfatiza su determinación sino también su desespero, reflejando una especia de mantra personal que guía su esperanza.

El coro es directo: "All I really want is one more day to make you change your mind and wanna stay". Aquí se expresa claramente el objetivo principal de la protagonista: obtener ese último día crucial para revertir las decisiones tomadas y recuperar un amor perdido. La simplicidad del lenguaje refuerza la idea central sin perderse en alegorías complicadas; lo cual es típico en canciones eurodance que buscan conectar rápidamente con el oyente dentro de un ambiente festivo y energético.

Las estrofas adicionales ofrecen más profundidad emocional. Líneas como "If I could have another day to make you see I am the one" presentan un lamento lleno de esperanza sobre lo que podría haber sido si tan solo tuviera otra oportunidad para demostrar su amor. El uso recurrente del verbo “to wait” codifica este estado transitorio entre pérdida y esperanza.

A medida que avanza la canción, hay evidentes pinceladas de ironía. Por ejemplo, mientras pide insistentemente "Please stop playin with my heart", ella misma participa en un juego autoimpuesto al seguir esperando alguiente que puede no volver jamás. Esta paradoja añade una capa adicional al entendimiento emocional del personaje; atrapado entre acción y resignación.

Uno podría argumentar que estas repeticiones cíclicas son características inherentes al estilo eurodance; pero también sirven para enfatizar el loop mental al cual la protagonista se ve sometida - una especie de rueda hamster emocional donde las mismas palabras siguen girando sin llegar nunca a su destino deseado.

En cuanto a observaciones personales relacionadas con mi experiencia escuchando esta canción dentro del contexto cultural europeo durante los 90s e inicios2000’s: he notado cómo temáticas similares resuenan bastante bien con públicos jóvenes inmersos igualmente dentro aquel frenesí hedonista aún impregnado por sentimientos genuinos provocados ya sea desde rupturas reales o ficticias relaciones idealizadas bajo luces neón carniceras discotecas locales.

Por último merece destacarse producción detrás letra-instrumentalización—tipicamente incluyen beats acelerados drums electrónicos junto efectos sintetizadores agudos interludios break-down silencios estratégicos nuevamente reencender momentum hincapié causan gran parte éxito joyas pop contemporáneos crossover mainstream dancefloors global fascination layers resonate individuals shared cultural context collective memory driven time nostalgic evocation feelings past framed modern sensibilities

En conclusión teniendo todo anteriormente mencionado entraremos probablemente mayor parte trabajo Kim Lucas representa encapsulación perfecta vibrante atmósfera electrónica encapsulada yuxtaposiciones complejas sencillez lírica pura resonancia comunitaria audiencia fiel entregada ritmos pegadizos relatos intimistas contradictoriamente universales siendo recordatorio recurrente seguimos esperando ansiosos volver encontrar uno mismo aquello efímero eternamente buscado…

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again

If I could have another day
To make you see I am the one
I'll show you love in many ways
For your kiss I wait

But now you push my love away
Leave me cold both night and day
All allone, what can I be
I'll wait all day, I'll wait

I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again
All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again

If I could have another day
To make you see I am the one
I'll show you love in many ways
For your kiss I wait

But now you push my love away
Leave me cold both night and day
All allone, what can I be
I'll wait all day, I'll wait

I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back againAll I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again

If I could have another day
To make you see I am the one
I'll show you love in many ways
For your kiss I wait

But now you push my love away
Leave me cold both night and day
All allone, what can I be
I'll wait all day, I'll wait

I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back againI'll come back again

If I could have another day
To make you see I am the one
I'll show you love in many ways
For your kiss I wait

But now you push my love away
Leave me cold both night and day
All allone, what can I be
I'll wait all day, I'll wait

I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back againI'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait,

I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again
I tried to call you on the phone
Are you there are you all alone
I have to hear your voice again
For your kiss I pray

Whith those you're mad to see
Just how much you mean to me
Please stop playin with my heart
I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back again

All I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back againAll I really want is one more day
To make you change your mind and wanna stay
All you have to do is call is my name
And I'll come back again

I'll come back againI'll come back again

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Kim lucas

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