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Bums de Last Emperor


Bums (Single)

14 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Bums

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La canción "Bums" del artista Last Emperor ofrece una perspectiva única sobre la vida de los marginados sociales, específicamente los sin techo. Desde su lanzamiento en 2011, el tema ha resonado con muchos al abordar temas de pobreza, desigualdad y lucha diaria por un lugar en la sociedad.

En la primera estrofa, el narrador expresa su deseo de firmar un contrato discográfico mientras describe su vida como un vagabundo que carece de necesidades básicas como comida caliente y un techo sobre su cabeza. A través de versos crudos y realistas, se revela la dura realidad de aquellos que luchan por salir adelante mientras son etiquetados como "bums" por la sociedad.

El coro resuena con un mensaje de solidaridad hacia todos aquellos que comparten esta experiencia, invitando a los oyentes a unirse y hacerse escuchar, independientemente de su situación social. La canción destaca la comunidad entre los marginados y cómo encuentran consuelo y fuerza en su mutua compañía.

En el segundo verso, el narrador desafía a aquellos que menosprecian a los "bums", demostrando su habilidad para crear música significativa y resistir las críticas con orgullo. Se presenta a sí mismo y a sus compañeros como artistas no convencionales que prefieren la autenticidad sobre el glamour superficial.

El último verso incorpora metáforas intrigantes para destacar la diversidad creativa del narrador, al tiempo que insinúa sus propias batallas mentales internas y cómo utiliza la música como medio para liberarse emocionalmente. La canción es una mezcla de desafío social, valentía personal y solidaridad grupal entre aquellos cuyas voces son a menudo silenciadas o ignoradas.

Desde su lanzamiento en 2011, "Bums" ha sido aclamada por explorar temáticas menospreciadas en la cultura popular y brindar una plataforma para aquellos cuyas experiencias rara vez son representadas en la música mainstream. La estructura musical de la canción combina ritmos underground con letras reflexivas e incisivas para crear una pieza única que desafía las convenciones del hip-hop tradicional.

En resumen, "Bums" es mucho más que una simple canción; es un llamado a la acción para reconocer la humanidad detrás de las etiquetas sociales y celebrar la diversidad creativa incluso en los lugares más inesperados. Last Emperor logra capturar no solo el dolor y la lucha de los sin techo sino también su fuerza colectiva para enfrentar cada día con dignidad y determinación.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Verse 1:
It's like one for the microphone two for the camera
Three for deadbeats vagabonds panhandlers
Street scramblers alleyway managers
Substance abusers born losers mic damagers
Everybody screamin' representin' keep it real
But i'm still a worthless bum tryin' to get a record deal
Peep my lingo and every wise word the man speaks
I've been living on the streets and haven't showered for weeks
But time moves forward, there's no looking back
I'm homeless in pursuit of a record contract
I wish my whole crew was paid in full like rakim's
But instead we're malnourished with skeleton-like limbs
Instead of a land cruiser with bbs rims
I got a busted pair of boots, and they're not even tims
See most mc's claim their pockets stay knotted
Puttin' money in the bank, but point blank, i ain't got it
I used to pump chums, for money in lump sums
But now i snatch crumbs with a thousand young bums
I'm the everfresh, what i still possess remains measureless
My brain contains jewels and gems like a treasure chest
Raw deal, no lie, that's the real
And i can't remember the last time i had a hot meal
Society labels me a bum, and that's right
My crew keeps it tight, bums of the world let's unite

This one's for all the neighborhood bums
To all my brothers in the gutters, in the slums
In every city, no matter where you're from
To all my boys, make noise if your bum

Verse 2:
Allow me to explain the mission, the pain infliction
I entertain so listen, my style rocks like jane's addiction
Mc's don't impress me, they know not to test me
We'll be at each other's throats like mr. belvedere and wesley
Especially, when wack rappers open up their mouse traps
They know not to tangle with these bums from the outback
You see you can't miss what you've never had
The life of a bum really isn't half bad
We're never alone, cause bums travel in packs
We combine fine lyrics with underground tracks
We rock the best shows, placin' mc's on stress mode
You can tell a fellow bum from his raggedy dress code
We rock raggedy kicks, and wear raggedy pants
We rock raggedy mics, and sing raggedy jams

(group of bums)
The bums have the right to lay the down the law
The bum train is leavin' from track number four

The bummy engineer is the last emperor
Hard rock like the thing from the fantastic four
While most mc's rhyme about guns and shootin'
I drop science on their domes just like sir isaac newton
Big up to q in brownsville, that never runs
Lift up your fist and shout, long live the bums


Verse 3:
Crack your brew, light your spliff, it doesn't make a dif
Creamy light peanut butter, choosy mothers choose jif
Overlord of the poor, man not a myth
It's the last emperor that you don't want to flex with
I'll place mental lacerations and allesions
On mc's and domestic and foreign legions
I might be flambeau, but read a book of allesions
The emperor switches up styles every season
In the spring, i do my thing, relaxin' and that's it

In the summer, just like a pirate, i attack ships
But winter maybe, my favorite, one of all, but jamal
Is a legend of the fall, just like brad pitt
I'm known to lyrically black shots on behalf of have nots
Lock it down with the sound, equipped with chains and padlocks
No gadgets, no gimmicks, no tricks up my sleeve
And i won't play the superman role like christopher reeve
See you can learn a lot from a dummy
Keep it real, better yet in '98, let's keep it bummy
Bein' broke is no prob, you don't have to rob
But if you're frustrated cause you can't find a job
Have no fear the emperor is here to help ya
Respect to all my bums, i'll catch you back at the shelter

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.



Last emperor

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