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Fly away de Looptroop


The struggle continues

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Fly away

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La canción "Fly Away" es interpretada por Looptroop, un grupo de hip-hop sueco conocido por sus letras reflexivas y melódicas. La canción pertenece al álbum "The Struggle Continues", lanzado en el año 2002. Con un género que fusiona elementos de rap y música electrónica, Looptroop ha logrado destacarse en la escena musical sueca y europea.

En cuanto al significado de la letra de "Fly Away", se puede apreciar una profunda introspección sobre las complejidades de la vida en constante movimiento. La canción muestra la perspectiva de un artista que se encuentra constantemente viajando, ya sea en giras o trabajando en nuevos proyectos musicales. A través de versos emotivos, el protagonista expresa su amor por su familia, mencionando a su madre, abuela y hermano, prometiendo mantenerse en contacto a pesar de la distancia física.

La letra refleja los sentimientos encontrados del cantante respecto a sus constantes desplazamientos y separaciones de sus seres queridos. Se destaca el conflicto interno entre el deseo de explorar nuevas oportunidades creativas y el anhelo por estar en casa con aquellos que ama. La canción transmite un mensaje de arrepentimiento por los errores del pasado pero también un firme compromiso para cambiar y mejorar para el futuro.

Además, se menciona una relación amorosa que ha enfrentado obstáculos y distancias geográficas. El cantante reconoce errores cometidos en el pasado y expresa su deseo sincero de reparar la relación, asegurando que esta vez las cosas serán diferentes. Se aprecia un tono melancólico pero esperanzador, donde se busca redimirse ante aquella persona especial.

La metáfora del vuelo presente a lo largo de la canción simboliza tanto la libertad como las limitaciones impuestas por las circunstancias. El salir volando hacia nuevos horizontes puede implicar dejar atrás personas queridas, generando sentimientos encontrados entre emoción y nostalgia.

En comparación con otras obras de Looptroop, "Fly Away" destaca por su tono introspectivo y emocionalmente cargado. A través de sus letras honestas y vulnerables, la canción logra conectar con las experiencias personales del oyente, abordando temas universales como el amor, la pérdida y el crecimiento personal.

En resumen, "Fly Away" es una reflexión profunda sobre los sacrificios necesarios para perseguir nuestros sueños mientras mantenemos vínculos afectivos importantes en nuestra vida. Looptroop logra transmitir esta compleja dualidad entre ambición y apego emocional a través de su música cautivadora e íntima.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

Even when we not on tour i'm sleeping on the floor
always on the road, on the couch, or with some girl i don't know
hear myself say - i gotta go, i gotta leave, we gotta roll
a restless soul, mom i love you, promise i'll give you a call
once we checked out, sound checked, checked in the hotel room
yeah, i know you want that same kind of perfume
off course i'll get it, get my brother on the phone
tell grandma i'll help her with that garden stuff as soon as i'm home
we'll sit down and talk when i'm in västerås
i don't know when, but once i'll get, i'll send you my schedule for shows
i'll call the booking right away, i'm going down to jay in malmoe
meet up with the guys in gothenburg, work on the album
they say, home is where you're heart at, don't know where to start at
got loved ones all over, cross oceans and borders
i mean i love to travel, hate to fly, i want to go, but hate goodbyes
plus it's getting worse - looptroop is on the rise
at times you'd like to press pause, no more ciaos and adios
but i'll be back in bit, now i'm out, business calls

i gotta fly away. gotta catch the train. we gotta catch the plane
but i really can't complain. we gotta fly away. pack my bags today
we gotta ride the wave. see you in a couple of days

i'm sorry for all i'm sorrys that came too late
i'm sorry for the times that i went away
but yo, i'm still here cus my love came to stay
remember that even though the weather is grey today
i know we had some situations and i hate to say
that i don't know the answers and how to erase the pain
close your eyes for the things that led us astray
then open them up towards a straighter way
all i ever wanted was to hear you say my name
capture this second we'll forever stay the same
i take the blame for all my great escapes
There's a high price to pay for travellin´ state to state
i'm gone right now but you won't wait in vain
i'll be back before you know it to put the aches on layaway
don't be afraid i know we'll remain ok
till i'll be back keep in touch through the radio waves

sometimes i fly away, but don't cry babe, cus you know i love you girl and
you know that you're my world. it's just you and me, that's the way we
supposed to be

you flew away like you were scared that i would clip your wings
after five years we haven't kicked it since
but straight up this ain't no pimpin' thing:
you a true queen baby only fit for kings
maybe i couldn't see in the midst of things
now in my chain of life you're the missin' link
just to hear your voice used to lift my chin
and i still feel the taste from when i kissed your skin
i'm looking at your picture wishing we'd click again
next time i be your man through the thick and thin
next time i make sure to get our shit in synch
i promise no more committing wicked sins
i buy you a house with a picket fence
get you everything you could give me twins
no bullshit on tour never hittin' skins
chasin' no groupies with chicken wings
not the type to chain you between bed and kitchen sink
i merely praise the place where your lips begin
your hips begin - i know you're quick to think:
it's pathetic, but i'd be the richest prince
if you once more unzip and let me sip your drink
addicted to your love worse than nicotine
but there's too much pain for me to dig within
so i'm a let the music massage my crippled

and just fly away, into my hideaway
sometimes i lie awake and cry the night away
why you had to fly away?
now you miles away
you took my smile away
why couldn't you have stayed?

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.




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