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Mission de Lupe Fiasco



14 de mayo de 2014

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La canción "Mission" interpretada por Lupe Fiasco es una poderosa oda a la lucha contra el cáncer, destacando historias reales de valentía y esperanza de personas que han enfrentado esta enfermedad de manera sobresaliente. La letra comienza con relatos de varios sobrevivientes, incluidos Charlie Wilson, Greg, Michael, Bernadette, Angela, Ann Marie, Kourtney y Kathy Phillips, quienes comparten brevemente sus experiencias en la batalla contra diferentes tipos de cáncer. Estos testimonios personales añaden una capa emocional profunda a la canción y sirven como un homenaje a su coraje.

Lupe Fiasco utiliza metáforas y descripciones vívidas para transmitir el mensaje de resistencia y determinación ante la adversidad. Hace referencia a la fuerza interior que impulsa a estas personas a seguir luchando, incluso cuando las probabilidades parecen estar en su contra. La letra destaca la idea de renacer después del sufrimiento y superar obstáculos aparentemente insuperables.

El ritmo hip hop y rap combinado con elementos de R&B otorgan a la canción un tono enérgico y motivador. La participación de varios sobrevivientes narrando sus historias aumenta la autenticidad y el impacto emocional de la pista. Lupe Fiasco logra capturar tanto el dolor como el triunfo en cada verso, celebrando la vida y desafiando cualquier pronóstico sombrío.

La canción "Mission" fue lanzada en 2014 como parte del álbum del mismo nombre. Su contenido emotivo y estimulante ha resonado entre aquellos que han enfrentado o conocen a alguien que ha batallado contra el cáncer. El impacto cultural de esta canción radica en su capacidad para inspirar esperanza, fortaleza e empatía hacia aquellos que luchan contra esta enfermedad devastadora.

En resumen, "Mission" es una reflexión poderosa sobre la resiliencia humana frente a la enfermedad, transmitida a través de relatos personales genuinos y un mensaje positivo de superación. Lupe Fiasco logra crear una obra musical conmovedora que honra el espíritu indomable de aquellos que enfrentan desafíos extraordinarios con valentía y determinación.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

(Charlie Wilson): What's up,
This is Charlie Wilson,
A.k.a. your uncle Charlie.
I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2008.
Still fighting; not a winner, not a loser.
I'm gonna win the battle. That's right, cancer free
(Greg): What's up, this is Greg
And I beat kidney cancer. True story
(Michael): My names Michael,
I'm a lung cancer survivor four years in remission
(Bernadette): My names Bernadette
And I beat stage 1 breast cancer
(Angela): I'm Angela, I'm 50 years old,
And I've been through 9 surgeries in 3 years.
Fuck you cancer.
You may have taken my breasts and uterus,
But you can never take my heart
(Ann): My names Ann Marie,
And I'm living with stage 4 lung cancer
(Kourtney): My names Kourtney and I beat thyroid cancer

(Kathy): This is Kathy Phillips
And I beat the living shit out of breast cancer.
Cancer definitely picked the wrong bitch to mess with.
Fuck you cancer! I'm a survivor baby!
(Charles): Hey my name is Charles Porter,
And I had stage 4 Hodgkin's lymphoma.
I went through a year of strenuous chemo,
Then I had a bone marrow transplant
Where they gave me salvage chemo,
And 5 days twice a day,
Full body radiation to basically bring
My immune system down to nothing.
I literally died to stay alive umm...
Come April I'll be in my 3rd year remission
And it was a team effort.
All the friends and family I had came together
And uhh... I had to keep that mental strong,
But umm.. We got through it uhh...
Some fallen soldiers went as I fought uhh...
But they'll always be heroes. Peace!

If I had a dollar for every time they counted me out
And my back was up against the wall
I could have died but I came out fighting, fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting, fighting

Yeah, with a breast full of lungs she ain't no pun
She gonna ride on it like a chopper in a trunk
Pink ribbon women she gonna live forever
Even though the doctor say she only get a month
Said it's my life and you only get it once
These flowers smell too damn good to be living in the funk
So I finna get it in and I finna get a crunk and I finna get the living (a-a-ah)
On remission from the jump
Breast cancer can't hold me back
That's the answer when they told me that
It can knock me down but I'm gonna be back
Strong, down for whatever exceptional
And I don't know how to quit
And I never said never you can have that hair
Cause real talk bitch
I think I look better let's do it (do it)

Fighter, with everything inside ya
Reportin' live from Death Row
Drop the charges see the lifer
Cell phones and your lighters
Need you to put them up higher
So many candles on her birthday cake
Might set that thing on fire, hey

If I had a dollar for every time they counted me out
And my back was up against the wall
I could have died but I came out fighting, fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting, fighting

Yeah, seven years old with stage four
This what champions were made for
Only so much fun raises pain for
So I guess the rest is all on me
That will to live against what's out here
Killin kids' well kiss my ass it ain't killin' me
Got things to paint
Got places to go
I Got things to see
Wanna see my moma grow up
Hold up, hold up
Wanna see my daddy grow up
Hold up, hold up
I'm bald headed and brave hearted, I'm small
But I'm a hundred feet tall, try to stop me
Biopsy after biopsy
Chemo, but I'm a king though
I shake everything off me
Lymphoma can't hold me back
It can knock me down but I'm gonna be back
Throw some SpongeBob in my Hot Wheels track
I'm a made man, made wishes
I ain't scared, I ain't flinching
Sorry momma but I gotta say it
But where I'm from they don't make bitches
Let's do it

If I had a dollar for every time they counted me out
And my back was up against the wall
I could have died but I came out fighting, fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting, fighting

Went undiagnosed and untreated
When they finally found it told em
It too far along and he couldn't beat it
But he couldn't see it
Miss me with that dead talk
Miss me my legs walk
And my heart beats and my wife witness
So fuck cancer my life with me
And if I died it'd die with me let's do it

Fighter, with everything inside ya
Reportin' live from Death Row
Drop the charges see the lifer
Cell phones and your lighters
Need you to put them up higher
So many candles on her birthday cake
Might set that thing on fire, hey

Might set that thing on fire, yeah
Yeah we might set that thing on fire, yeah
Yeah we might set that thing on fire
Set that thing on fire, set that thing on fire, yeah
If I had a dollar for every time they counted me out
And my back was up against the wall
I could have died but I came out fighting
Could have died but I came out fighting

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.