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Joder Tio de Messiah


Joder Tio - Single

10 de mayo de 2016

Significado de Joder Tio

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La canción "Joder Tio" del artista Messiah, perteneciente al álbum "Joder Tio - Single", es una pieza musical que indaga en temas profundos y oscuros, enfocándose en revelar la verdad detrás de un misterioso Carnival. La letra de la canción comienza con una declaración fuerte y desafiante: "Looks like we're all out of time, brother / Everybody's out of time", lo que establece un tono de urgencia e inevitabilidad.

A lo largo de la canción, se hace referencia a diferentes aspectos relacionados con el Carnival y su impacto en las vidas de las personas. Se habla sobre cómo la magia del Carnival atrae a la gente, incitando preguntas sobre qué es lo que realmente los cautiva. La letra menciona seis Joker Cards, insinuando un secreto en torno a ellos que finalmente será revelado. Se destaca que las pistas han estado presentes todo el tiempo, pero muchos no las han percibido debido a su sutileza.

El tema de la identidad detrás del Dark Carnival y su influencia en los Juggalos se desarrolla a lo largo de la canción. Se plantea una conexión espiritual al mencionar que el Carnival es Dios y que los Juggalos deben encontrarlo. Esto añade una capa más profunda al significado de la canción, explorando temas de fe, devoción y búsqueda espiritual dentro de un contexto único.

El lenguaje utilizado en la letra es directo y crudo, transmitiendo una sensación de desafío y orgullo por ser parte de esta comunidad única. Se resalta el concepto de unidad entre los seguidores del Dark Carnival, reforzando el mensaje de pertenencia y lealtad compartida.

La estructura musical reggaeton brinda un ritmo envolvente que complementa las letras intensas y evocativas de la canción. Los elementos instrumentales utilizados crean una atmósfera única que refuerza el mensaje emocionalmente cargado transmitido por Messiah.

En cuanto al contexto cultural en el que se lanzó la canción, el reggaeton ha sido un género ampliamente popular en América Latina y ha ganado seguidores en todo el mundo debido a su ritmo contagioso y letras pegajosas. "Joder Tio" destaca por abordar temáticas más profundas dentro del género, agregando capas adicionales de significado y ofreciendo una experiencia auditiva más reflexiva para los oyentes.

En resumen, "Joder Tio" es una pieza musical provocativa y desafiante que invita a reflexionar sobre cuestiones existenciales mientras se sumerge en un mundo lleno de misterios y revelaciones. A través de sus letras inquietantes y su estilo musical dinámico, Messiah logra transmitir mensajes poderosos sobre identidad, fe y lealtad dentro del universo del Dark Carnival.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

The Carnival of Carnage
The Ringmaster
The Riddle Box
The Great Milenko
The Amazing Jeckel Brothers
And The Wraith
Looks like we're all out of time, brother
Everybody's out of time
Fuck it, we gots to tell 'em
All secrets will now be told
No more hidden messages
This is it y'all
Time's up
Everything be out right here
No need for the reverse talking
The truth

Now we've been told this Carnival shit has touched on many lives (That's right)
People have fuckin' sworn to us, they too can feel it inside
What is it that draws you in, this magic that compels you? (What it is)
We've been waiting six fuckin' Joker Cards to finally tell you
The messages and hints were there, although most never picked up on 'em (Nah)
We snuck 'em in subliminally with that wicked shit around 'em
We mentioned more and more of this on every Joker's Card
The bottom line, always the same, you ain't have to look hard
We wickedly kick it, inflict it, you get it, get with it and dig we don't preach it flat out
'Cause some ninjas don't wanna get wit ya, they quick to forget ya without the Hatchet and gat out (Yeah)
So we rose the Hatchet, do or die, now Juggalos standing tall
After all six have risen, the end of time will consume us all
It ain't got nothing to do with us (Nope) it ain't Psychopathic Records (Sure thing)
All we're doing is pointing shit out to you, we in this together (I'm saying)
Who's behind the Dark Carnival, the Gatherings and the Hatchet (Skwo)
Who's behind Dark Lotus, the Circus and everybody at it
Who invented Juggalos and Juggalettes and fuckin' Faygo showers
What about that feeling you get when bumping our shit, who's behind the Juggalo powers
This ain't no fucking fan club, it ain't about making a buck (Sure ain't)
Don't buy our fuckin' action figures, bitch, I don't give a fuck
It ain't about Violent J or Shaggy, the Butterfly or Seventeen
When we speak of Shangri-La (What it is) what you think we mean (What? What?)
Truth is we follow God, we've always been behind Him (That's right)
The Carnival is God, and may all Juggalos find Him
May the Juggalos find him, may the Juggalos find him
May the Juggalos find him, he's out there, he's out there

We're not sorry if we tricked you, we don't care what happens now
We're not sorry if we tricked you, we swing our Hatchets and we're proud
We're not sorry if we tricked you, painted faces in the crowd
We're not sorry if we tricked you, the Carnival will carry on

Yeah, He's out there, may the Juggalos find Him
(Psychopathic Records and the Juggalos)
Yeah, He's out there, may the Juggalos find Him
(Psychopathic Records and the Juggalos, join us in Shangri-La)

We're not sorry if we tricked you, the Carnival will carry on
We're not sorry if we tricked you, the Carnival will carry on
We're not sorry if we tricked you, painted faces in the crowd
We're not sorry if we tricked you, our Carnival will carry on

(We hope you find Him) Yeah, He's everywhere
(We hope you find Him) I'm sayin' He's anywhere
(We hope you find Him) Juggalos, He's out there
(We hope you find Him) Yeah, yeah, everywhere
He's out there

Come see the show, big top show
Walk hand in hand with the Dead Carnival
Dead carny carnies, dead Juggalos
Walk hand in hand with the Dead Carnival
He's out there
Juggla, Juggla, fuck with the Juggla
Juggla, Juggla, fuck with the Juggla
Juggla, Juggla, fuck with the Juggla
You can't fuck with the Juggla
May the Juggalos find Him
May the Juggalos find Him
(He's out there) May the Juggalos find Him
May the Juggalos find Him
He's out there, He's out there

We all gon' die
But I'm not gon' fry
Even though most never try
I'm not gon' let this pass me by, no
This is our world, this is our world
This is our world, so get the fuck out
This is our world, this is our world
This is our world, so get the fuck out
We're not sorry if we tricked you, we don't care what happens now
We're not sorry if we tricked you, we swing our Hatchets and we're proud
We're not sorry if we tricked you, painted faces in the crowd
We're not sorry if we tricked you, the Carnival will carry on
Suck my nuts, bitch, fuck you (I know you bitches hate me anyway)
Suck my nuts, bitch, fuck you (You can suck my nuts all day)
Inner City Posse got the dog beats, I-C-P, we got the dog beats
Inner City Posse got the dog beats, I-C-P, we got the dog beats
He's out there
Three ring, a ding a ding ding, people like to point and stare
Three ring, a ding a ding ding, it's the same as everywhere
He's out there
Murder go round, murder go round, how ya gonna fuck with a wicked clown
Murder go round, murder go round, how ya gonna fuck with a wicked clown
He's out there
We don't care what happens now
We swing our Hatchets and we're proud
Painted faces in the crowd
The Carnival will carry on
The Carnival will carry on
Painted faces in the crowd
The Carnival will carry on
The Carnival will carry on

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen
Thank you for joining us
We hope you've enjoyed the Wraith's exhibit of Shangri-La
And soon as you die, this will be yours
Thank you for joining us, thank you God
Hahahaha, always remember to fuck off, thank you
Fuck off, goodbye

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.