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El vendedor (en Inglés) de Mocedades


El vendedor (en Inglés) (Single)

16 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de El vendedor (en Inglés)

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In the plaza empty
anything sold
the seller.
and even though nobody bought
do not shut down
never his voice,
his voice shut not never down.
I am going to put a market
among so many merchants
selling hope
and buy sunrises.
To sell a day
that makes walking
water from the River
that is like a shout
who wants to sell me?
the peace of a sleeping child
the afternoon about my mother
and the time that I am wanting to?
Thou art that has passed,
which has come,
and that will come.
sells remaining tree
in the Grove
the truth,
in the Grove of the truth.
I will give air
the wings which have not flown,
and lips that recall
the mouth not have kissed.
Rise each morning
This Bell
your song
Pregonero llevas
thousand new things
in your pregón
thousand new things in your pregón.
I sell the water in a basket
and the snow at a bonfire
and the shadow of your hair
When endless head.

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.