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A year spent cold de Name Taken


Hold on

10 de diciembre de 2011

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So cool and sweet, soft to the last curve of your lips
oh does this feel the same? no this can t be cause this feels cheap
once young but now old, my heart was better sold, a heart better
so how did i hold you this long, maybe you were still running and i couldn t see it
i was too in love to notice, what a fool i am and still becoming, well are you laughing?
So now what have we? is this it? is this it?
cheers to farewell and a year spent cold
so far i m obvious is this it? is this it?
praise to goodbyes and to parting souls
So cool and sweet, soft to the last curve of your lips
did you stop listening? this gash has run deep i m in between insanity and hope s edge
So now what have we? is this it? is this it?
cheers to farewell and a year spent cold
so far i m obvious is this it? is this it?
praise to goodbyes and to parting souls
Well i wear this well; i m aware
applaud as you like, beat your wrist twice
a small pain rose to a swell, i can t bear
applaud as you like, beat your wrist twice
I m tired of watching your lips
so tired of watching your lips move past me
is this for keeps?
i m tired or watching your lips
so tired of watching your lips move with out me

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.