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Destined to die de Necro


Destined to die (Single)

15 de diciembre de 2011

Significado de Destined to die

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La canción "Destined to die" es una colaboración entre los artistas Captain Carnage y Necro, conocidos por sus letras fuertes y oscuros temas. La pista se sumerge en un mundo siniestro de violencia y muerte, con imágenes gráficas que exploran los horrores de asesinatos y mutilaciones.

La letra de la canción describe escenas grotescas de violencia extrema, con referencias a matanzas, descuartizamientos y canibalismo. Los versos reflejan un sentido retorcido de la realidad donde el narrador disfruta de la brutalidad y el sufrimiento de sus víctimas. Las metáforas sangrientas y explícitas subrayan el tono perturbador de la canción, creando una atmósfera lúgubre.

En esta pieza musical, se aborda la temática del destino trágico que aguarda a quienes cruzan el camino del narrador. La repetición del estribillo "Destined to die kid (destined to die) motherfuckers are just destined to die" refuerza la idea fatalista de que las personas están predestinadas a enfrentar un final violento y mortal bajo el control del narrador implacable.

La canción también hace referencia al ego del narrador, quien se enorgullece de sus acciones despiadadas y no muestra remordimiento por su comportamiento salvaje. Las expresiones crudas y directas transmiten una sensación de poder despiadado e incontrolado, creando una imagen perturbadora del narrador como un ser despiadado e insensible.

Aunque la canción puede resultar chocante para muchos oyentes debido a su contenido violento y explícito, es importante tener en cuenta que forma parte de un género musical conocido por abordar temas tabúes y provocativos. En este sentido, "Destined to die" se inscribe en la tradición del horrorcore rap, que busca impactar al público con su representación gráfica y visceral del lado oscuro de la humanidad.

En resumen, "Destined to die" es una canción intensa y provocativa que explora las profundidades más perturbadoras de la naturaleza humana. A través de sus letras contundentes y su atmósfera sombría, invita a los oyentes a adentrarse en un mundo macabro donde reina la violencia sin límites.

Interpretación del significado de la letra realizada con IA.

This is a captain carnage and necrophiliac duet of death
it's the witchcraft killer

Fillin my fuckin bed with skulls
choppin up bodies until my blade dulls
i don't give a fuck about the people dyin
try to take mines and on your fuckin back, you'll be lyin
then, like a corpse in a dead morgue
i find your fuckin body in prostate park, bitch
i'll have you fuckin hangin like a fuckin killa on a meathook
then your fuckin flesh is getting cooked
roastin, i chop up fuckin poor man is toasted
i suggest that you dont fuckin piss me off
now cunt, my fuckin hollow tips ain't soft
i rip up your rectum, blow out your back
when i body attack, i'm a fuckin maniac
i don't know who the fuckin i am, or where the fuck i'm goin
cause another dead body is what i'm persuin
so i continue to laugh
knowin any given moment, i could join a bloodbath

Destined to die kid (destined to die)
motherfuckers are just destined to die

Again i bloody and shush
when i flush and you mush
down a toilet
i wipe my fuckin "green soylent"
throw down a log, then i make sure you die
there's no escapin new york, even if you fuckin try
i stick my fuckin pick, my jagged blade always slices
get too close, and i kill you with my fuckin knife, kid
i chop a fuck gorilla up, then i poach her
when i reimpulse ya, they fuckin won't know ya
a leg here, an organ over there
your fuckin body parts scattered every fuckin where
so demented, i convict them consequently
kid, i beat the motherfuckin bitch that i tormented
in my dungeon, i'll be fuckin plungin
all types of cunts that this dude's fuckin life functions
i cut and you wind up in my backyard
it's gore, wives should get their fuckin legs cut
violators get smeared with tar and feathers
bitches get slapped up a different type of lettuce
i'm fuckin stingy, i'll be quick to rip the last piece of flesh
i'm lookin forward to seein your death

What the fuck you lookin at you stupid ugly mothafucka
i shoot you like a dog in a heartbeat, then rape
i fuckin eat your brains for lunch
your bones go crunch, as i fuckin much your corpse
cause you wenches though somethin proper but until you stepped up
kid you get swept up
like a dolla, if you fuckin try to holla
i'll be leavin you wit a bloody fuckin colla
mothafucka, i never swallow my pride
i'd rather see you die, than let a mothafucka slide
mothafucks get dissed and clowned
try to get loud, i'll leave you dead with a fuckin cloud
i make abortions
i got a fuckin full clip
and my silencer
makes it more violenter
so mothafucka, don't fuck wit me
cause i'll, be ready to unload my gat until it's empty
i never break a mothafucka at his party
i'd rather see him harder than a mothafuckin bloody gauntlet
and after all the fuckin smoke clears
i'll be on my way to buy a couple of beers
and if your black, you get knocked quick by beastly mallet
i chop up poor punks like salad
i come equipped with the proper utensils
stab at a bitch and then until their bloody blood spills
cause i'm too paranoid to avoid
i massacre, you'll be one dead fuckin passenger
and this is a message from captain carnage, black
and i'm fuckin out like fuckin "kojak"

My crew mad, we'll kill a cocksuckin fag, don't mean to brag
but i'll leave you bloodier than a bitches rag
necro slaughters niggas in my gory quarters
i drink the blood from my orders
i rape that bitch crystal waters
no survivors, you'll slide and sink in fuckin saliva
i killed arnold shwarzanegger then raped maria shleyever
i stick swords in the abdomens of my landlord
leavin him crippled by cast that got shot in his spinal chord
hoistin your fuckin head when you get your ass plugged
electrocute his death when i dropped the radio in the bathtub
you won't persue your mothafuckin nerves
when dinner's served, i'll be eatin fuckin human hors deuvors
i got vaginal fluid on my knife
i'm out like the last nut bobbitt will ever bust to rape his wife

Necrophliac is destined to fuck a corpse

Captain carnage is destined to murda

Du riz is destined to hustle

is destined to mug

Gore too, is destined to mug. die

Letra traducida a Español

Traducción de la letra realizada con IA.